4 The Canadian Statesmnan. Bowmanville, September 10, 1975 Graduate Miss Joyce Elaine Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Allen, Simpson Avenue, received hier ýdiploma in nurs- ing on August th, 1975,' from theNursing Department, Wel- lesley Hospital, Ryerson, Polytechnical Institute, Tor- onto.* She bas accepted a position with Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Kin smen Presîdent James V. Scarrow of Prince Albert, Sask. was elected 55th President of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs today, at the organizations mammoth Con- vention held in St. Jobn's, Newfoundland, August 3th, 1975. Wayne Boddy of Wood- stock, Ontario was elected Vice President. J. W. Scarrow Mr. Scarrow succeeds Mack Skinner of Sydney, Nova Scotia, as President. Scarrow, a 12 year Kinsman veteran has served bis local area as club president for Prince Albert, Deputy Gover- nor for Nortbern Saskatcbe- wan, Governor of Saskatche- wan. As Governor be received all jis organizations three bigbestawards for bis Saskat- cbewan District; a triple crown feat. Mr. Scarrow, a broadcaster, is' Program and Producer Manager of CKBI Radio and Television in Prince Albert. H1e is a Director of tbe P.A. Civic Facilities Association and tbe P.A. Exbibition Board. 1During tbe immediate past 12 mon tbs Scarrow bas served as the Association's Vice President during a year tbat saw Kinsmen Clubs performf over 16 millions of dollars of service work for Canadian Communities. Following his election as National President today, Mr. Scarrow stated tbat during bis year in office the A ssociation would p lace major emphasis on making Canadians aware of tbeir Heritage. Over 1200 Kinsmen Clubs and auxiliary clubs fromn coast f0 coast will participate in special pro- gramns in this, regard f0 coincide with tbe new statut- ory holiday - HERITAGE DAY the fîrst of wbicb is scbeduled for February 16tb, 1976 OPP Report During tbe period 'I Septem- ber 1975 to 7 September 1975 tbe Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle investigated one bundred and thirty-eigbt occurrences of a general nature. Someof these occur- rences wereas follows: There were nine investigations into "Theft" offences, five investi- gations into "Break & Enter" offenices and two investiga- tions into "Wîlful1 Damage" offences. Other -investigations related f0 reports of lost properties, trespassers, and various traffic complaints., Six persons, bave been charged with offences under the Liquor Confrol Act, one person has been cbarged witb "Impaired Driving" and nine persons nave been charged witb offences under the Crim- mnal Code. During the above mentioned period 21 Motor Vebicle Colli- sions occurred in wich 10 persons were injured. As a result of tbese collisions five persons bave been charged witb offences under tbe Higb- way Traffic Acf. InattentiveDriving Drivers! Accident facfs prove tbat many traffîc deatbs and injuries are the result of inattention on the part of tbe drivers concerned .. tbe Ont- ario Provincial Police urges all drivers to watch ouf for moments of inattention wbîle drivîng. . .develop the habit of always giving driving t he f uli attention if requires f or maxi- mum safety. Hitchhiking We recommend that you do not bhtchhike. however, if vou must: Do not' hitchhike alone. Do not wear sugges- tive clofbing. Do not get into tbe back seat of a two-door car. Do not hitcbhike by nigbt. BE selective about the rides >,ou accept. Buked for you with Io ving cure i JANE PARKER, SUICBD BREA% 600/o or 1000/o Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat Jane Parker, "Brown 'N Serve," IRegular or Wheat Save 6c Twin Rolis pkg of2 4 9< Jane Parker, "Brown 'N Serve," Plain, Poppy, or Sesame Save 6c French Roils pkg of 1049< JANE PARKER SAVE l0c Chocolate Brownies 15-oz pkg 89< JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST SAVE 4c Coffee Cake 14-oz cake5<y JANE PARKER, JELLY TOPPED SAVE 4c wetRolis pkg of 8 75< DIXIE STEMS OR IPIECES 10-FL-OZ TIN mUSHROOM Creom of Tomato, Mushroom, Chicken 28-fi-oz tin HABonITANT SOU PS Facial Tssue-Green, Lavender, -Pink, White, YeIIow Action Pricecil KleeneX x of 200 sheets 2./si.00 BEAVER SPANUSH Peanuts 8 OZ. PKG.j3/si.Û0 A&P BRAND, CHOUCE QUALITY W hole Beets 14-fl-o,,tin4/1si.00ùoù'" DANNON, CHOCOLATE, TAPIOCA Puddngs4-f-oz tin7/si .00 CONTAINS A RIH BLENDO0F BRAZILIAN COFFEES 80 O'Clock sau6 INSTANT COFFEE O-zjar M Colonial, Peanut Butter Cip (14 oz.), Chocolat, fudge, Assort.d Choc. ChipCookies 1-lb inie bag79<k BOUTIQUE Kleenex Towels 2,roil ack 89< WHITE, YELLOW, PINK Delsey BATHROOM ûelsey TISSUE a our o wn -baker>.! BUY 2 LOAVES-SAVE 1lic 4oI aves 79 O JANE PARKER, ENGLISH Fruit Cake JANE PARKER, VANILLA MACAI Cup Cakes JANE PARKER Cherry Pie JANE PARKER Peach 'Pie SAVE 6c bO, 25-oz cake 89<W ROONSAVE 10c pkg of 6 59< SAVE 4c 22ofull 8-inch pie95 SAVE 10c 22-oz, full 8-inch pie 79<II% JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, OR CINNAMON SAVE 10c Cake Donuts pkg of 1259< pkg of 4 rolis 89< Take your Pick!1 BEEF, CHICKEN,, HORSEPAEAT, LIVER 15-OZ TIN MiASTER DuOG FOODfùu WITH PORK 8-FL-OZ TIN VANm CAMP BEA'NS GRAVES, CHOICE 14-FL-OZ TIN PEAS & (ARROIS FANCY QUALITY 10-FLOZ TIN YOROK FANCY PEAS REGULAR CUT, FRENCH STYLE 10-FL-01 TIN YORK WAX BEANS $ FOR SPER-RIGHT CANADA, GRADE 'A" BEEF BONE ESS Blade, Short Rib or $i8 0 mmE L fltSHOULDER ROAST l1b 18 FRESH DAILY Ground Chuck SCI4NEIDERS BRAND Skillet Strips SELECT QUALITY Sliced Beef Liver ESSEX BRAND, STORE PACKI< Beef & Pork Sausages ESSEX NIAGARA Bologna By The Piece ESSEX BRAND, SLICED Cooked Meats 1-o a POWDER "5-LB Box ACTION PRICEDI SUNLIGHT DETERGEN .8 SRAINED Il JUII» Gerbers Baby Food 4 Vi -.. ar 1< SDyrup 32 fi oz jug $1.29 YORK, WHOLE, FANCY QUALITY Kernel Corn 12-fioz tin 3 9< 100% PURE FROM CONCENTRATE AL - 0 a p ~&j' KL~I1 64-FLOZ7f )RANGE JUICEBOTEf7 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1975. I c PREPRICED Heulth and Beuuty Aids! PEPSODENT, ADIJLT, ASSORTED Toothbrushes each 75< CLAIROL, I4ERBAL, ESSENCE, DRY/NORMAL, OILY Shampoo 8-f-oz btl~ 1 Regular or Mint-Bonus 100ml plus 50% m"rpfree Crest Toothpaste $1. 19' PRODUCE FEATI CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO, LARGE SIZE CABBA GE .Frozen Foods! FROZEN, YORK Cauliflower _2-16bg $1.19 fFROZEN, FANCY FRENCH STYLE G reenm Beans 216 bag 8 9< ALORO, FROZEN, Pizza Pppron inch $ 3 IRES! Iheads 49 CANADA FANCY, ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE WEALTHY vAPPLES 3- pkg 69 HONÉYDEW M»ELuîOS .ach k89< CANADA FANCY, SOUTH4 AFRICAN, SIZE 112'S VALENCIA uORtAN"GES cd., 79< CANADA NO. 1 GRADE OXFORD 'PARK BRAND SESD 2-LB BAG sl.99 'y 4-LB BAG $3.89 Sold only et A&P NEW ZEALAND IMPORTED, FROZEN 168<Lamb Legs .2$18 NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN lb $1 .1 8 Lamb Shoulders lb 88< SCHfiEIDERS BRAND lb 48< Wieners "Red HotS" VAC PAC lb79< FROZEN, RUPERT COD Ib79< Fish & Chips 2 0-oz pkg 9'8< FROZEN, IIIGHLIMER lb 38< Boston OBe Fillets lb 59< CANADA GRADE 'B' FRESH, 2 TO0 3-LB AVER. Pac 79< Boiling FowI 210o3-lb aver. lb 41< y il "%il.. aor