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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1975, p. 7

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The post office is asking the public and businesses to begin sealing ail mail or risk the destryedla senior post office spokesman saidta.R.D Mers, director of the service deelopment branch, said that isealed mail without a re- .' "n address that is mailed after July 1, 1976, will be destroed The government is also akn businesses to stop the use of envelopes with open windows, effective next July, he said in an interview. The changes have been planned for about two years now and are necessary because of the use of automated letter-sort- ing equipment. Mr. Myers said the sealing of mail and the ban on onen-windows will be an "absoiute require- ment." Plans are underway for the World Piougbing Match to be held for five days, near Brookiin, and it is oacked full of events for tbe whDle family to enjoy. Startingýý Tuesday. September 23rd wben Pierre Trudeau, Prime 'Minister. opens the fair, it will run until September 28tb. i Tbe Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Ait Mart '75 goes Friday. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 31 - , ovem ber 2nd. Higbly succesÈful in the past, tbis year andher 2,000 square feet bas bée,! added to accommodate exbifitors and visitors. It is wýll worth attending. For înbrmation cali the Gallery. [Items oflInterest Phone 623-3303 j momm EEEEEEEEENUEEEUENEEEEEEENEEEEZZagaK 33~~ïFaithJ ITeaches:I i I Irrelig ious has conquered religion and is the cause of existing chaos amonq sects and denominations. Man must unite and be agreed. At tend Chùurch This Sunday St.John's AnglicanChurch Temperance Street SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21sf 8 a.m. HOLY COMMUNIO .N Il a.m. SPECIAL SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY SERVICE (Nursery during Service) RýV. TOM GRACIE, Rector SUNDAý SCHOOL CLASSES 10:Oa.mà.- Adult, in Upper Roam 10:00 a. m. - Classes for ai l ages, 9 and up il: 00 a.m. - Nur5ery Ba by Ca re, Taddlers and Kindergarten 11:15 a. m. -Primary Dept. a ges 4 to8 SONG A Warm We1lcome for Everyone Church Executive, Wednesday, Sept. 24,7 p.m. Sharp in the Board Roam Officiai Board Meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 24th. at 8o'clock in the Church Hall, Trinity U.C.W. Thainkoffering Tea, Oct. 7th. Junior Choir, Thuirsday, Oct. 2,6:30 p.m. Piaaz will be served at the first get-together. Plan ta take part in choir activities. I. I I flEEKZNEEEE3UZEEEEKUEUEEEEEEEEENNZEEEEEZEEZKKK Winningî tickets drawn in Beamsvll September 4, for Wintario were Series no. 22, ticket no. 52955, and Series no. 28, ticket no. 52955. Tbe next draw is scheduled for Wood- stock, September l8tb. The present lower postai rate for greeting cards wili continue for this Christmas even if the cards may be sealed. Tbe post office is counting on "99 per cent of people who are bonest" not to add more tban five words of greetings to their cards. A. present, unseaied greeting cards can be mailed witb six-cent stamps.Fitcas letters require eight-cent stamps. At present there is no plan to raise the unsealed rate to tbe same level as sealed mail. In tbe United States tbere is only one rate. The annual amateur Inter- national Bowling Tourna- ment, the Bowling Worid Cup, will be held November 25-30 in Manila, Pbilippines. Over 2,200 10 pin bowlers in Canada, competed in elimin4tion Roda= rounds in April and May. Tbe field now narrowed to 16 regionai champions, wili see tbe final round at Sheas Cedarbrae Bowl, Scarbor- ougb, September 20-21. Participation wili be tbe key for Port Hopes Annual Olde Tyme Christmas. Already the committee under tbe direction of Chairman Stu Huston is busy making plans for a bigger and better event. From Sept. 503,Dra Coil il be exbibiting Editions One, a display of the 30 best prints selected from more than 1,700 entries in a recent juried competition sponsored hy tbe Ontario Arts Council. These are ail original f rints, and each one is a imited number edition creat- ed by pulling impressions from stone, wood or li noleum blocks, screens or other mat- eriai selected by the artist. Most are imited to 25 or 30 prints. Tbe award-winning f rnts will be exbibited in the ýurbam Colege foyer. Three teenage Osbawa girls, Sharon Lee Ovendeni, 13, Karen Barbara Hamer, 14, and Laura Bernedette Freake 13, are still reported missing from tbeir homes. If anyone bas any information about tbe missing girls please phone Durham Regional Police. There are an estimated 700 first year students af Durham College on Simcoe Sreet, North, whicb is a new bigb on enroliment figures. Barb Loreno, Osbawa's swimming 45-year old grand- mother bas been waiting tbree weeks for ideal weatber for an assault on Lake Ontario, but tbe crossing will probably be delayed a year, if she doesn't get away this week. Civic Fields, Oshawa, hoptes to bave artificial turf by 1976. That is if city council approves, tbe $300,000 or so needed. Durbam College this year is, offering a course designed to belp businessmen run a more: organized business. The, course, manufacturinà organ- ization, wiil be taught using a: game approach. Each even-1 ing, the students will receive immediate results on bow they faired in the "game", by computer. During tbe "game" students make decisions invol- vine manpower, production: plans, material purchases and quality and maintenince ex-; penses. The course bas been offered in tbe daytime pro- gram and is to be offered from 8 to 10 at nigbt, beginning Oct. 9 Information on wben and how to enroîl is available at the college. Black Cherry Sauce (makes 2cups) - 1 can (14 ounces) pitted, black cherries, 1/ cup sugar, 1 tblsp. cornstarcb, 1 tblsp lemon Juice, 2 tbisp). Pontypool Nursery Sehool bas com- Our Midý menced again with Mrs. ChanIlPiOi Jessie Fisk as supervisor. It is defeating held once a week, Wednesday, night AI] i p.m. to 3:15 p.m. There are coaches, presently 15 bilîdren enroiled Ron Van) and Mrs. Fisk states that she great dea can accommodate one more Ladies w( cbild. She also welcomes a six tear volunteer belp from the miotb- Omemee ers, but she would like them to, broughtlI understand that it isn't com- iindividua pulsory for them to attend feating I every week. Omemee, Ail ladies are invited to a two mien Communitv Shower for Miss so, well Marilyn Youngman. It is to be Cathmar beld in the church basement defeated on Wed., Oct. lst - 8 p.m. ets 13-9, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- gamne, B man visited with Linda and home run Brian Fraser and baby Mel- Ron Van issa in Cobourg last week.' Bryce Jir On Sunday morning ten1l heavy hi Sunday School pupils were this serie presented with good atten- Pontyp9o dance pins for last year. They p.m. ie were Alice and John Ander- defeated son, Melissa and Chris Dun- the first ford, Karen, Kim and Dwayne These tw( Medd, Barbara Pleadwell, PontypoO Andy Fischer and Dawn p.m., wlt Bailey. Approximately 30 games ir children attended Sunday four out School on Sunday. Mrs. Fin- BantamS ney reports that she is finding finals ag it very difficuit to find Sunday pool Tykg School teachers. Probably tourilamE some of our readers would be on Satur( interested in helping. If so, Dwayni contact Mrs. Lavern Finney at operated 277-2327. in Toron! Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McKay f'or head and Mrs. Wilard Skuce spenit receivedî a couple of days last week ago at bi visiting with, the Browns in His grar Kingston. Tbey called on Mrs. Curtis,s Rennie in Extendicare and Toronto. found ber remarkably well. Mr. an( We were pleased to see in family last Friday's Toronto Star an Sunday v announicement from the In- New ti surance Bureau of Canada shortlyi that Carl L. Wilcken, a belonginl resident of RHR. 3, Pontypool, The Pc bas been appointed as General Team he Manager of the bureau. Carl is supporter a graduate in Matbematics Ffiday ei from Bowdoin University, reported Brunswick, Maine. H1e and his rather eh wif e, Shirley, came to Canada cosy.aroi in 1961 and with their family music, t! reside on the lst. Conc. of Jim Fi Manvers. Our beartiest con- local toi gratulations to you Carl on very foi your appointment. harveste Congratulations also to two frost' dar of our many local bail teams. We und The Canadian StatesmRn. Bowmanville, September 17. 1975 7 ,' ew dgels again won thie nsbip for tbeir league gMiilbrook on Friday I1 the boys witb their ,Dean Joncas and iWieringen, deserve a al of credit. Pontypool vere also tbe victors in Ti tournament beid in eon Sunday. They back witb tbem $50. & al trophies after de- Bridgenorth 12-1 and éBrowns' 13-4. Our 's teams did not fare 1on Sunday. Tbe rWell Drillers were 1by Yelverton Rock- a very bigb scoring Brent Failis bad a ýn for Pontypool and nWieringen, a triple. Timo was Yelverton's itter. The winner of ls wiii be decided in >1l next Sunday - 2 cbardson Farms was 14-2 by Millbrook in Lgame of the finals. o teams play again in ol, Wednesday, 6:30 it tbe foliowing two i Millbrook. This is a of seven series. Our sare stili in their gainst Cavan. Ponty- kes, lost to Orono in a ient in Bowmanvilie rday. ne McCarrell is being 1on today (Monday) .10 Western Hospital dand facial injuries in an accident a week is home -in Omemee. idmother, Mrs. Cliff spent last week in d Mrs. Jack Fee and of Omemee were visitors in the village.ý tenants are moving into the apartment ig to Helen Brown. lntypool Ladies Bal eld a party for their ýrs in the park on evening. Ail attending a god tme. It was a iil vnng, but îreal cund the bonfire witb reats, etc.1 Fajt, another of our àacco growers, was rtunate to get bis compieted before any nage. ierstand that Gordon ýe VanDam Jr. along third party from k bave purcbased 3Garage in Milibrook. [d Mrs. Donald Le- *mer residents in the Advertising helps you compare o oý EMUJG SOIrD EIS ý"WeII Worth Looking For!" cherry) brandy or kirsb (op- tional). Drain cherries. Reserve syrup. Mix sugar and cornstarcb. Add syrup, bring to a boil, cook, stirring until tbick and clear. Remove from heat. Add cherries and lemon juice. Serve warm or cool. For Cherries Jubilee, warm brandy, ignîte, add to sauce. Serve over ice cream. Personal Do you have a son or daughter attending college? Have you been away or bad relatives and friends vîsiting? Why not dial 623-3303 and let us report the occasion in this coiumn. We are pleased to receive items. Courtice Secondary School Commencement wiIl be held Friday evening, October 24th, 1975. Prior to ber marriage to Mr. Dennis Bruce Ashton, of Oshawa, Miss Lynda Skinner was bonored at severai fune- tions. Miscelianeous showers were given by former co- workers at Ajax General Hospital at the horne of Mrs. Murray Balsdon, Bay Ridges, assisted by Mrs. John Keyes, at Mrs. John Smart's home assisted by daughter Mrs. Jim Leslie, at the home of Miss Debbie Thomson, by bridai attendants Mrs.Joe Cook, and Miss Leslie Skinner at Miss Skinner's home and at the home of Mrs. Alister Fulton, assisted by Mesdames Petre, Noonan and Bone. A pantry shelf shower, by Mrs. Orville Ashton, assisted by Mrs. Karen Ashton and Mrs. Lois Worden at whicb a hall mirror was presented'by friends and relatives of the groom. Gifts of linen and paper were present- ed at the horne of Mrs. Larry Ashton. A wedding rehearsal party was beld at the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. Marie Begley, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, Silver Street, attended on the weekend, the wedding of their grandson, Gary, at St. John's Anglican Cburch, Jordon, near St. Catharines. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered by Rever- end Wesley Oake, on Sunday, September l4th, at the morn- ing service in Trinity United Church. when Robert William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petre was received into the fellowsbip of Christ's Church, and Trinity congrega- tion. A number of students from Bowmanviiie are attending Western University, London, and we wish tbemn a successful interesting year. Among those attending are Penny Aimond, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. George Almond, Jennifer Rehder, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rebder, Helen Bridges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bridges, Derek Lobb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lobb, Steven Sylvester, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. Sylvester, Cbris Trebune, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Trebune, and Jackie Hooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper. Miss Heather Ann Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford, Prospect St., and Miss Jo-anne Dilîng,1 daugbt- er of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Diiiing are attending Western University, London. Returning to Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston are Ron Strike, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.A.H. Strike, Mark Eiliott. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Elliott, Don Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradley, Pierce Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilcox, and Mark Siemon, son of Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Semon. Betbany area are now resici- ing in Pontypool. T:ie ý7mpathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano and to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Po meroy on tbe sudden passing of their grandson, Brian - 19 yrs. of aize. Brian Pomerov. son of rThe Bowmaonville Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Rev. D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 a.m. - Sunday Sehool 1: 00 a. m. - Morning Worship 7: 00 p. m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Youth Meeting Wednesday - 7:30 - Bible Study A Friendly Family Church st. PauI's United Church Minster - Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist - GeralId K. Burgess 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon: ,,The Eletion ..." SUNDAY SCHOOL Seniors -9 Yéars and Up -9:45 a.m. Primary and Kindergarten Children wilI attend f irst part of church service with their parents. NUR SERY Parents are invIted ta leave their Pre-schoal chi Idren in aur play and learn nursery while they attend church. Hi-C - (for High School Young People) &You Are Invited to Join One 0f our Choirs Chancel Choir - Thurs., 4:15 p.m. Children 8 - 14 Years Under the leadership of Director Alanah Cales Senior Choir - Thurs., 8:-00 p.m. Under theLeadership of DirecorGera Id Burgess Alex, McGregor Drugs 5 King St. West Phone 623-5792 winb Ja Millbra Foottit's Mr. ai beau, for Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pomeroy (the former Marilyn Cavano) of R.R. 4, Hastings passed away early tbis past week from injuries received-in a car accident last weekend. Our sympatby is extended to al members of the famiiy.

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