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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 24, 1975 CLARIV, Y WOODLEY Born in Tyrone, and educat- ed at S.S. 13, Darlington, a lîfe long resident of the area, Clara May Woodley passed away in 'Memnorial Hospital Bowmanville, on Thursday, September 4th,ý 1975, following a short ilhiiess. She was in ber 82nd year. Daughter of the late Rich- ard and Euretta Woodley, she is survived by a brother, Clarence. A member of T rone United Church, she hai resided at Sunset Lodge, Bowmanville for the past five years. Reverend Gilchrist officiat- ed at the funeral service beld on Saturday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Pallbearers were Messrs Ray and Gary Paterson, Ron Rowe, Jim Woodley, Lance Phare and Harold Burgess. Floral tokexns attesting to the esteem in which the deceased was held, were received from U.C.W., Club 50, Tyrone friends and Neigh- hors. Interment was in Bethesda %ýfmetery. NORMAN R. PINGLE A resident of Bowmanville all of bis life, well known and repced,' Norman R. Pingle, agd8,died on Sunday, Sept. 7th, 1975 in Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville, following a year's illness. Born and educated in Bow- manville he was the son of the late 'homas and Frances (Burton) Pingle. Ia December 1918 he married Lola Mary Gray. Retired in 1959, he had worked as a stone mason, brick-layer and plasterer. In his early life he had worked as a butcher for Wesley Cawker, and during the second world war at General Motors. Be was greatly interested in bis garden', and was an adherent of St. Paul's United Church. Surviving are his daughter Betty (Mrs.' Lloyd Hancock), a sister Mrs. Reta Glanville, three brothers Walter and Badenof Bowmanville, How- ard of Toronto, and three grandsons. The funeral was held on Wednesday at the Morris Funeral Chapel with Rever- end E. Schamerhorn officiat- ing. 1 Paîl-Bearers were three grandsons Larry, Paul and Jon Hancock," David Gray, Oscar Pingle and Ernest Spencer. Tributes in his name were received fromn J. Anderson Smith Co. Newcastle, flowers, United Steel Workers Local 2375, bible donations îto Ont- ario Heart Fund, Canadian Cancer, Crippled Children~s Scbool, St. George's Actor Guild, Newcastle. Interment was in Bowman- ville (--neterv. Celebrate .5Oth Wedding Anniversary toast to the Guide Movement- which was responded to by Brown Owl Gettins. Janet Parsons made the toast to the mothers which Mrs. C. Adams answered It was announced that Rangers, Guides and Brown- ies will commence this week with the exception of the lst Brownie Troop which will begin at the Town Hall on October 20. Reports were made for each group by Captain Turner of the Ran- gers, Captain Sheen of the Guides and Brown Owl Hoskin of the lst Brownies, Brown Owl Fisher of the 2nd Brown- ies and Brown Owl Gettins of the 3rd Birownies. Service Stars were present- ed to Captain Turner for, 19 years as leader, Jessie Gun- ter, 7 years, Josie Hamilton for 15 years in the Guide Movement, Shirley Wheeler, 4 years, Tena Wolters, 4 years, Captain Sheen, 15 years in Guiding, Mrs. Guernsey, i. year, Linda Hoskin, il years in Guiding, Shirley Gettins, 9 years, Carol Cooke, 8 years, Mrs. White, 7 years, Frances Fisher, Mrs. Staniland, Mrs. Jordan. Mrs. Wray, 2 years. Mrs. Shaver, 1 year. In an impressive ceremony, Brownies Elizabeth Kelly, and Robynn Ward flew up from Brownies to Guides and were received into Guides by Cap- tain Sheen. Lee Kellogg and Denise Luke walked to guides. The Brownies, Guides and Rangers each conducted clos- ing exercises and the singing of O Canada wîth Lois VanCamp as Pianist conclud- ed another pleasant banquet. Meeting 2-Blackstock 4-H by Sharon Bailey After the opening, we talked about breadmaking tech- niques and the proper storage of baked bread or rolîs. Mrs. Wygerde baked the freezer whole wheat bread and each girl enjoyed a slice of it af ter it was done. The top of the bread got a little too well done but it was delicious anyhow. We divided up into 4 groups and three of the groups made a small loaf of gread while the other made white rolîs. For our home assignment this week the girls are going' to make Basic White Bread. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Ennîskillen were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sameils. Community Shower On Saturday evening a large crowd attended the Commun- ity7 Shower for two recently married couples - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Asselstîne and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradburn. Mr. Merrili VanCamp car- ried out the duties of Master of Ceremonies in his capable manner. The County Kidi presented two musical num- bers in costume after which Kevin Ferguson played a piano solo. Allan Ferguson gave a fine piano solo. Allan Ashton acompanied by Ray, Ashton delighted with tw,ý vocal solos When You Wish Upon a Star and More. Norman Wolfe gave a reading, "My Recipe. " The Kooky Kids delighted the audience with two, bilarious numbers. Mary Lou 'Malcolm ac- companied by Linda Kyte, sang The Twelth of Neyer, Barry VanCamp presented a fine piano solo. errili presented Floyd and Marlene with card table and chairs set and Roy and Linda with a vacuum cleaner. tea wagon and sewing caddy and a purse of money each. Each Bride and groom replied in a fitting manner Lunch and a social' time concluded the pleasant evening. DE A + BLOD DONOR lIl a tuu UIL NMr. and ...mot imprtan Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers celebrated their 50th Anniversary on Sat. Sept. 20 at f as îon ookNestleton Community Centre. f Mrs. Ella Bowers (nee yuI aethis fail is a Ontario, mainly in the Cart- traditional lines. Rich bride, Verna Ferguson. (now souids, plaids or stripes. The Bowers have seven do% 0 00Vine (Helen), Mrs. Arnold trom 9000Williams (Jean), Earl, Bert, from Jerry and Ralph. There are 21 grandchildren and two great grandsons. All four genera- tions were in attendance afternoon and evening. Mrs. Bowers is very active in many affairs and commit- tees in the community. Mr. Bowers was the first sehool bus driver in ,the Cartwright area and he con- tinued driving daily for 27 Sears until he retired from the us routes five years ago. Be bas been the mailman for the - area for the past 32 years. The guests were welcomed at the hall entrance by the ,-i familles of George and Ella. Serving tea were Mrs. Jim Abernethy, Mrs. Clarke Wil- r chrgeliams, Mrs. Margaret Wright, Mrs. Harry Lynch, Mrs. Grant Thompson and Mrs. Bruce Heasl p. The wedding cake served was made by daughters Jean and Helen. A delicious lunch OSHAWA CENTRE ton area was on each tea table. OPEN: WED. THURS. FR1 TIILL 9 Friends and neighbors of the arapresented the happy couple wîth two tri-ligh It lamps, a four-hundred day ~ oshaw centre presents ~aQQ ~i~elai Fashions .... eans 'n' Things COSM ETICS LINGERIE.. Music .......... Furniture ....... Merle .Radio Shack ... Century 21 We. et 4,7ad8pm Thur., Sept. 2, 7 nd 8 p.m. Sot., Sept. 27, 2:00 p.m.< in the Shops Up Top I Mrs. George Bowers with Plaque diock, a neautitul floral ar- An evening of old-time danc- rangement and a gold table- ing played by Harry Lynch on cloth. piano and Ross Morrow on A money tree made by violin was certainly enjoyed Cecile Bowers and Mrs. WaI- by everyone. A very enjoyable ter Park was set up on stage lunch was served by family containing donations sent in and friends in the evening. by many friends, relatives and Guests attended from out of neighbors. A family tree town areas such as:Manitou- plaque made mainly by Mrs. lin Island, North Bay, Cam- Arnold Williams and Dorothy bridge, Hamilton, Sudbury, Chapman was presented to Midland, Victoria Harbour, their piarents on behaîf of their Mississauga, Maynooth Cobo- children and grandchildren.. conk, Norland, Lindsay, Tor- Many other beautiful tri- onto, Pontypool, Janetville, butes were received and Port' Perry, Orono, Bowman- displayed during the after- ville, Tyrone, Enniskillen, noon and evening. Whitby, Omemee, Millbrook, A memorable and certainly Brooklin, Oshawa, Caesarea, enjoyable afternoon of visiting Bobcaygeon. and tea was enjoyed from two Mran.rsBws eiv until five pf.m. M.adMsBwr eev The hall was once more, full ed a phone caîl earlier from of friends,, relatives and the Governor-General congra- family at eight in the evening tulating the couple on their A programme hosted by; happy day. Letters of con- Ralph Bowers consisted of grats. were also received from family entertainment and a other governmental dignitar- reading by Mrsý Sam Cawker. ies. LACKSTOCK. Mrs. Poole of Belleville is continuin to, enjoy ber holi- day with ber son Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asseistine and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp who celebrated their Golden Wed- din2 Anniversary by holding 0 en House at the C.E. Room othe United Church on Sunday afternoon and even- ing. Many, many friends and relatives came to share this happy day with them. Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. George, Bowers of Nestleton who also celebrated their Golden Wedding An- niversary by holding Open Bouse on Saturday. Many from here attended this event. Both of these couples were married the same day, Wed- nesday, September 23, 1925 by the same minister, Rev. J. Griffith who must be congrat- ulated on bis successful knot Tieing. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van- Camp and Valerie hosted a family dinner in honour of bis parents' Golden Wedding An- niversary on Friday evening. Guests were the honoured couple Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp, Cindy, Barry, Leanne, Debbie and Jay, Miss Aileen VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osh- awa, Mrs. Margaret Van- Camp, the Arthur Baileys, Mr. Francis Werry, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van- Camp, Listowell, Mrs. Mary VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp, Mr. Jack VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs. Jean Trewin, Mrs. Osmond Wright, Miss Marie VanCamp, London, Clarke Blakely, Greenbank, Dale VanCamp, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gra- ham attended a reunion of bis Kemptville Agricultural School class held at Napanee on Saturday evening and returned home on Sun day. Brownie, Guide, Ranger Banquet A fine crowd of Brownies, Guides. Rangers and their Mothers attended the annual Mother and Daughter Banquet held on Monda y evening at the Rec Centre. District Commis- sioner Pat Sleep presided over the evenîng in ber usual capable and relaxed manner. She welcomed ail present alter which the Queen was sung, Grace said by Mrs. Victor Parsons and the Toast to the Queen made. Al enjoyed the buffet style dinner ailter which Madame Commissioner voiced ber ap- preciation to the kîtchen help and to the Guides who helped dlean-up. Mrs. G. Kelly proposed the For the October 2 nd drawffWintario announces "Y, I Separate ""Big Pdize numbers Starting with the October 2nd draw, four separate winning numbers wîIl Sbe drawn instead of one. That means Ifour times the fun and excitement every j draw! times as miany pries un addition to the $100.000 top prize, there wiuu be a new $50,000 prize and two new $25.000 prizes and an increase in the smauler cash prizes to over 12,000 Jper draw.* But tickets stay at just $1. times as many chances to win With four winning numbers being S drawn instead of one, every Wintario ~Iticket you buy wiII give you four separate J chances to be a big winner! SBe there! See every draw live a IÏ 10:30 P.M. on the Global Television INetwork and selected Northern stations. (Check your local T.V. listing.) Share in the fun. ~ ,Fur ExamnIoe:* 1 WINNER 0F $100.000. 1 1 2 3 4 51 35 WINNERS 0F 1,0 2 43 52 2885WINNERS OF 1500. 43 251 216WINNERS OF 105. SRIES TICKET NUMBER 10 2 4 6281O 1 WINNER OF $250000. 2468 'Q 35 WINNERS OF 1,000. 4~16 8 0 288 WINNERS OF 100. j-6810 2916 WINNERS OF 25. \TOTAL: 12,960 WINNERS $1,177,000 - *based on 36 seneés 'N. Tickets on sale now! Four times the fun for a buck! O NTARIO LO1TERY CORPORATION HIAVING DIFFICULTY PARENTING? PARENT STUDY GROUP: Sponsored by Durham Region, FamiIy Counselling Service. WHERE? il Lambert Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. WH EN? Thursday Nights - 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., October 2nd to December 4th, 1975. COST: $10.00 includes Book - Handouts - Coffee, etc. LEADERS: Mary Attersley and Robert Morel. CONTACT: Family Counselling Service - Oshawa, - 725-7351, Ext. 293. Health Unit - Bowmanville - 623-2511. 1 1 fun

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