CLR1SSI FI E-D R s ..~.&:......... ........... Bowmanville. SeDtember 24. 1975 DwàEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 'l2 inoon ALLDREAD - Ross and Nancy are ploased ta an- ýunce the arrivai of Stoven ,ss, 5 lbs. 61/4 ozs., Sepfem- ver 16, 1975 at Bowmanviile Motmoial Hospital, a brother fan Karen. 39-1 BYERS - Jim and Barbara are pleased ta announce the bith of their daughter, Jenni- fer Lynn, 8 lbas. il azs. on Septembor l9th, 1975 af Osh- awa Gonoral1 Hospital. A sister for Jeffeny and Julie. Grand- parents are Mn. and Mrs. Murray Byers, Biackstock, ard Mn and Mrs. Clifford SedgwlLk, Norwoad. 39-1 KNAPP-,Bruce and Suzanne are thrilled ta announce the arrivai of their finst baby, Bront Michael, 8 lbs. 51/2 ozs. at Momorial Hospital, Bow- manville on Septemben 12, 1975. Pnoud gnandparents are Mr. and Mns. Alan Wilson, Nestieton and Mn. and Mns. Cliff Knapp, Lotus. 39-1 Mn. and Mrs. Melville Burgess are peasod ta an- nounce the forthcoming man- niage of thoin daughter Susan Kim, ta Randy Allen, son of Mn. and Mrs. William Allen, ail of Bowmanville. The mar- niage will take place Setem - ber 27th, 1975 in Sf. Pau's Church at 4:00 39-1 Announcing the fonthcoming! maniage of Karen Lynn, daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Edward H. Coatham, of Orono ta Harold William, son of Mn. and Mns. Norman Moffatt of Hampton. The wedding will take place in Onono United Chunch con Novemben 7, 1975. 39-IX Garnier - Pearce Mrs. Howard Pearce, New- castle, annaunces the marri- age of hen daughten, Isabel Anita, to Ronald Garnier, son of Mn., and Mrs. Richard Garnier, Australia. The wed- ding took place in Toronto, un (ý 17 - z 'uiae y ar i orne, 125 Scugag St., Bow- manvil le, an Manday, Septem- ber 22, 1975, Sharon Audrey Craig, 'beloved wife. of David M. Craig, dèar mofher of Sherry Lynne and Murray Jason. Resting at the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowman- ville. Funeral arrangements later. 39-1 iVES- At Bowmanviile i -,,pital, Safurday, Sept. 2th, 1i'75, Tryphena Hyiand, aged 84 years, belayed wife of Claude Ives, dear mathen of Verna (Mrs. Lloyd Windover), Buckhorn, Aninie (Mrs. Robert Fowler), Oshawa, Elva (Mrs. Gardon Hapesan), Leaside, Velma (Mrs. Leslie John- stan), Cavan, Jim White, Blackstack, Rupert Graham, Bowmanvilîe, 25 grandchild- ren and, 18 great grandchiid- ren, sister of Adella (Mrs. William Fergusan), Susie (Mrs. Willard Spencer), bath of Oshawa, Larmen Hyiand, Nestîeton, Orma Hyland, Blackstock. Service was held in the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, Tuesday affer- noan. Infrmnent St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Black- stock. 39-1 KOSSATZ - Af Oshawa Hospital, Thursday, Sept. l8th, 1975, Florence Kssatz, aged 75 years, wife of the late Emile Kossatz, dear mot her of Aleta (Mrs. Rad Simpson), Enniskillen, six other daugh- fers and six sons. Rested at the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville. Service was held in Al Saints Anglican Church, Petawawa, Monday, marning. Interment Anglican Cemefery, Petawawa. 3- LEGR ES LEY - At Bowman- ville Hospital, Saturday, Sept. 2th, 1975, Mabel Balfoun, Newcastle, aged 100 years, wife of the late Philip LeGres- ley, dean mother of Reginald, dear grandmafher, of Farn- comb and Balfour, and eighf greaf gnandchildren. Rested at the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville. Service was held in Sf. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, Manday afternaon. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. 39-1 "F lowers ISay it SBest" ~JNBELLE DAILY Delivery to... Oshawa - Bowmanviîîe Area Phone 623-4441 -~ARNATION / For AIl Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND S'ECIALS THEY'RE HARO TO BEAT Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 GODDARD, Donalda E. - At Henderson General Hospital, Hamilton, on Friday Sept. Sth, 1975. Survived by her husband Eddie Goddard Sr., R.R. 6 Simcae, Ontario. Mather of Lawrence, Cambridge, Andy, Eddie Jr. and Maurice, Osh- awa, Edifh (Mrs. Ivan McKit- frick), Quebec, Helen (Mrs. Paul Mercier), Walsh, Ont., Paulette (Mrs. Keith Sar- geant), Newtonviile. Twa bro- thers, Hanford and Rager and four sisters, Normande, Gis- lie, Jeanne, Jannie of Que- bec, and 14 grandchildren. Services were held at St. Michaei's Church, Walsh, On- tirio on Tuesday, September 9, 1975 at 11: 00 a.m . Interment Walsh United Cemetery. Rev. J. W. P. Graham officiated. 39-1 JACKMAN, Sidney Roy - At his home, on Monday, Sepfem- ber 22nd, 1975, Roy Jackman, of 63 Lamb's Lane, Bowman- ville, in his 86fh year. Husband of the late Lila Cale, dear father of Mrs. J. Living (Ina), Mrs. J. Heard (Eunice) and Ross. Rested at the Norfhcutt Ellioft Funerai Home. Fune- rai service was heid 2 o'clack Wednesday atternoan. Inter- ment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 39-1 McKELVEY, Marlon- At Oshawa Generai Hospital on Thursda y Sept. 18, 1975, Marion McýKelvey, aged 69 of R.R., Orono, Ont. Dear sister 0f John McKelvey. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was heId on Saturday at Lang Memarial Chapel. Interment Orona Ce- metery. 39-1 The family of the late Mrs. Agnes Ann Brash wishes ta thank relatives, fniends and neighbars for their many acts of kindness, expressions of sympafhy, beautiful floral tnibutes and donations ta worfhy causes during their recent bereavement in the Ioss of a dear mother. A special thanks fa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Valiieres, forthe Ioving care of Mother, Master Rod Aluin who added many moments of pleasure fa Mat her's everyday living, alsa special mention ta the twa officers tram the Newcastle O.P.P. Detach- ment for their kind and efficient service during aur fi me ofneed. 39-1 Everett anai Lyda Cryder- man wish fa express their "Many Thanks" ta relatives, f riends, peig hbors and governi- Frent dignifaries iar the many congratulatary messages sent by felegram, letters, cards, gifts and phone cails, on the occasion of their Sth anniver- sary, Sept. 14, 1975. Ail these and the personai visits on Sunday affernoan and evening made "Our Day" a very happy occasion. One thaf will naf be forgotten. Thanks fa John M. James for caming ta take Pictures and fa ail our family, for planning and the many hours spent in prepara- fion; also fa the ladies who helped serve al aur quests.' We would like ta sincereîy thank ail of our family, friends, neighbors for their thaughtfulness and acts of kindness in the loss of aur beIoved" baby girl, Shelley. Also for flowers, cards and, fruit, - while 1 was in the hospital and since coming home. Special thanks fa Dr. H. B. Rundle, Miss Sparrow and nurses on maternity floor and Rev. Oake. Thank you ail. Mariiyn and Bob Flinfoff A sincere thank yau ta aur Cartwright friends for the gifts received at the commun- ify shower. Roy and Linda Bradburny We express a si ncere "thank yau" taoaur wonderful famiiy of seven, twenty-one grand- children, and fwo greaf grand- children who were ail able fa be present at aur fiftieth wedding anniversary. Appre- ciatian is also extended ta aur good neighbors, ail aur friends around the mail route, ta aur sisters and brothers, and ta the Women's Insfitute for the gifts received, ta the U.C.W. for catering, ta Mrs. Bud Walker for decaratinga ur Pingle. We alsa wish fa thank ail1 thase wha donated ta Heant Fund, Cancer Society, Crip- pied Chiidren School, St. George's Altar Guild, New- castie, and who heiped in any other way. If was ail greatly appreciafed. Sincenely Lloyd and Betty Hancock AL LIN -n loving memory of my dear husband, Clifford Thomas, who passed away September 24, 1971. No yvord can ever say What's feit with-in my heart today. Sa rather than look back in sorrow May 1 offer a thought for everyones tomorrow. Passing can be a tragedy, That fis yau with grief Or it can be a memory with a message that's brief. Cherish the onies you love With each passing day For you know not how suddenly The good Lord may take themn away. -Loving remembered by his wife, Elsie. 39-1 ALLIN- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Clifford, who passed away September 24, 1971. If seems sa strange that those we need And those we love the best Are just the ones God called away And took them Home to rest. But everytime 1 think of Dad, I seem to hear God say, Have faith and trust my promise, You'Il meet again somne day. - Sadly missed by daughter, Dorene, son-in-law, Lloyd, grandchildren, Gary, Randy, and Barbara Ann. 39-1 ALLI N- in iaving Ifemoryaof a dear grandfather and great grandfather, Clifford Thomas, who passed away Sept. 24, 1971. Tho' his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot tauch Sti11 we have sa many memaries, 0f the one we loved s0 much His memory is aur keepsake Wîfhwhich we'll neyer part, God has him in his keeping We have hlm in aur hearts. - Sadly missed by grand- daughter Debbie, husband Racky and great grandsan Ronnie. 39-1 VIRTUE-Loving memary of my dear husband, Ofo L. Virtue, who passed away Oct. lst, 1951. Vts ijust a 1ittie but means a lot Ta say dear Otto 1 hayen't fargof, Yaur lave 1ivesaon in hearf and mi nd, n the one, dear hearf you left behind. - Lavingly remembered by his wite Pearl. 39-1 x ALLIN, Clifford - In laving memory of a dear grandpa pâ father-in-law wha passed afa aon September 24, 1971. This month cames wifh deep > rgr~et ~ It brings back a datè we'll not farget, Yau fel asleep wifhout goodbye, But memories af you will neyer die. -Sa dly rnissed by grand- daughter Carol and daughter- in-law Mary. 39-1 ALLI N -n loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Clifford Allun, wha passed away an Sept. 24, 1971. Somewhere beyond the shadows, Lies a dear father of ours, Whom we laoked upon as a treasure Whom we cherished as divine Fargef you Dad, we neyer will As the years rail on, we miss you still The blow was greaf, the shock severe We liffle thaught the end was near, Only thase who have aost can tell, How sad is parting wifh no farewell, But God up above, Camforts us ta bear the bitter cross He is the anly one who knows Haw heavy was aur loss. Gad taok hlm home, if was His will, But in aur hearts he livefh still. - Sadly missed by daughfer Beverly, son-in-law Gordie and grandchildren. 39-1 x WOOLNER - n loving me- mary of my fat her, Peter, who passed away September 21sf, 1972. Sulent thoughfs of fimes fogether, Hold memories ithat will last forever. -Sadly missed and always remembered by the family. WILSON - In loving memary of a dear husband and father, David A. Wilson, wha passed away Sept. 27, 1966. A little tribute, small and tender, Just ta say, we stili remember. -Wife Ruth and family. s1mi1IM.!~ Dance- St. Joseph's Hall', Saturday, October 4. Music by Ted Koss and the Cavaliers, $4.00 per couple. 39-2 Oshawa Nafuralists' Club will meet at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, S ept '2 in the McLaughlin Librýary Auditor- ium. King Baker Oufdoar Education Consultant with the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Educafion will be the guest speaker. Mr. Baker will falk about Edible Wild Plants. Everyane wel- came. 39-1 A meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 25th, at 7 p.m. in an effort ta farm a Sf. John Ambulance Corps here. Ten- tative location is at the Fire Hall, Church St. If interesfed, please phone AIf Brown 623- 5034. No Firsf Aid Certificate is necessary.382 "Garage ta Garref" Sale! on Wednesdlay, Oct. 1 t ram 2 4:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Also Bake Sale and Coffee Time. 38-2 AT HOME Mrs. T. G. Sowden wiII be at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Hughes, 15 William St., Port Hope, to receive her friends, neighbors, and rela- tives en the afternoon of Friday, September 26th, from 2:00- 4:00 p.m., and 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., on the occasion of her 95th birthdlay. Best wishes onîy. 39-1 Escorted Tours Color Tour September 28th Lanark and Perth (Kitten & Shoe Nafuralizer Outiets) October 1sf Buses ta Ice Capades during November Algonquin Park and Gatineau Hilîs October 4th and th Wheeling, W.V. October lth - 13th Quebec City October lth - l3th Colonial Virginia, Norfolk Tour October 18th - 25th Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary November ist and 2nd Sunshine Party Tours Box 214, Port Hope Telephone 885-2211 39-1 CarTwrlgnIT hlgn zcnooi, Blackstock - still time ta register for nighf, schoal classes. For mare information Caîl 1-9864241. 39-1 Newcastje U.C.W. Turkey Supper Sat., Nov. 8, 1975, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. By ticket anly. Aduits $3.50, C iId ren $2.00. Phone Mrs. A. Pearce 987- 4593. 39-1 Garag Sale, Saturday and Sundlaye September 27th and 28th,10a.m.ta4p.m.,8th lune, north side, first house. 39-1 MysTery Color Tour Thurs., Oct. 2nd For Senior Citizens at a Moderate Price. By Popular Request, arranged and escorted by Nance Colmer Telephone 623-3265 39-1 The Bowmanvilîe IUnit ofthie CANADIAN CANCER SOC IETY Annual Meeting Tuesday, September 3th. 8 p.m. Lions Centre Speaker: Hon. R. A. Bell P.C.Q.C. President of Ontario Divison Cancer Society Ref reshments EVERYONE WELCOME 38-2ý MOSTER BINGO New Stanting Tirne THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsoned by Oshawa Mi non Saftbal JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST OSHAWA 21-tf Cub Baffle Drive - Satunday, September 27, cavering the wholo town. Have bottîos neady PLEASE!Will be stant- ing at 9:30 a.m. 39-1lx BINGO NE WCASTL E COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., Sept. 3th Early Bird Games 7:30 Rogular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsorod by NEWCASTLE LIONS 39-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE COUNTRY GOLD Friday - Saturday Septem ber 26-27 Dancing 9-1 39-1 "Raindrops Kept FalIling on my -Head"'ý Last Saturday thoýBowman- ville- and Newcastle- Lions' Walkathon was canceiled due to nain. It has been reschodul- od fan: October 4,1975 Starting at 9:OOa.m. Sponsor Forms aval lable at LANDER HARDWARE. 39-1 Mn. and Mns. Ted We wei came all fri ends and ri fives ta an Open House Satunday, Octoben 4fh,1 fnom 2p.m. -8 p.m.faoview giffs of Patti and David. TRINITY UNITED CHU RCH Beef Dinner Sat., November 1! Sittings: 5 p.m. and 6:30 p. Tickets $3.50. Availablo fnc U.C.W. mem bers or phai Mrs. R. Combes 263-2931 or Mrs. A. G. Harris 623-263 TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE FamniIy Skating at Darlinaton Sports Centre STARi> IUtbUAY, OCTOBER 7, 1975 UNTIL APRIL Cost: $25 per family Registration forms are available at Byam-s General Store Virtue's Garage for thase interested. Membenship wili limited, so don'f delay. ANTIQUE SHOW and SALE Wednesday, October 1 1 p.m. to 10 p.r Thursday, October 2 12 noon to 9 p.r KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 Coiborne Street, W., Oshawa Admission $1.00 Presented by the Kinette Club of 0shavw 1968 2 DOOR CHEVELLE, uncertified, $525. Calil 623-4896 affer five. 39-1 1969 FORD, ¾1 ton, camper packagýe, aufohiafic, power brakes, 2 fne original paint, 2 fuel tanks, radia, new exhausf systom, low miloage, excel- lent condition, certified. Must seil 725-4985. 39-2 '70 FORD van, 6 standard, Lic. E42738, $595. '68 Chev. station wagon, Lic. EBL763, $795. '67 Ford 12 ton, 6 aufomnafic, Lic. C95272, $395. Phono 1-986-5517. 39-1 1973 500 cc KAWASAKI, sec- ond season, 6,500 miles, A-1 condition, new chain sprockef and back tire, $1,200 or besf 0f fer. Phone 987-4266 befone 4:30 p.m. 38-ff 1974 V EGA, autamafic, Zie- barf, low mileago, 8 frack sterea, wili certify. Phono 723-4227. ' 39-1 1968 DODGE Polara 500, gaad condition, cerfifiod. Phone 987-4802. 39-1 1970 SATELLITE 2 di hardfap, 3 speed autôma 383 engine, power brakesi steering, radia, Michelin dials, A-1 condition. Asi $1,800. Phone 723-5906 ai 5: 30 p. m. 1970 MAVERICK, good ccr tion. Cal1 affer 6 p.m. 263-E' ferry rela- on 1975 q the 39-1 ONE sot of 1975 Ben Hogan Producon golf clubs, right hand, custom made, four manths aid, $275 or best offen. Phono 623-3130 on 723-9542 and ask for Bruce. 39-1 120 BASS Accordion, like 00w, caso inciuded, for more infor- mation caîl 623,-5610. 39-1 DUE fa family spiit,. the following items for sale: 1 Harben Craff, 12' aluminumr boat, as new; 1-bnand new Marlin 30-30 rifle, noever used, w-case and sheils; ]-double pickup elecfnic guifar; 1-50 gai. fish aquarium; 1-one yeaný aId purebned chihuahua, maie w-papons. 623-7962. 39-1 BABY Beef, 25 lbs. and up, $1 .00 lb. Phone Onono 983-9485. 39-2 INTERNATIONAL fractor with hydnaulîc blado. Phono Orno 983-9485. 39-2 VIKING 8 hp snowblowen, lange size dog house, Bel & Howell movie camera, pro- lecton and light ban. One pain of binoculans. Ail items like nôw. Phono 263-8448. 39-1 TWO snow tires wifh nims 600-13 fan Dafsun or Toyota, two G.M. 14" wagon rims. One chain 12" sizo, 14' long (new). Two implement fines, nib 800-14 and 640-15 (new) caîl 623-4864. 39-1lx SECONDS in apples and peans, ail yean round, $2.50 bushel. Phono Bill Feddema 263-2074 affer 5 o'clock. No Sunday sales. 39-ff HAY and sfraw. Phono 263- 2655. 39-1lx BN G REY FOR D fracton, $695, 3 pf. Forguson plow and cuifivafon, $200. International 3 funrow plow, $100, 15' set of Otaco flexible harnows, $75. Phono 1-986-5517. 39-1 TWENTY-ONE Inch single stage snawblawor, 5 hanse power. $250 on best affen. Phono 623-7300. 39-1 HOOVER uprighf vacuum with attachmenfs and a G.E. 1floar polishen. Phono 987-4577. 39-1 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, nailings, raýn canrying systemrs, Lamne Aluin, 1 Prince Sf., 623-3871, Supremo Window and Door Ca.39l A. MASON and Risch uprighf piano, a, countentop dishwash- or, picnic fable, big barbecue and ro 1fi sserie and hockey equipment. For more infor- mation. Phono 623-7476 or 723-3558. 39-1 ONE nota tiller with bnand new mator. Phono 623-4139. 39-1 MASSEY 3 point hitch, 3 furnow plaugh and 3 point hitch cultivatan. Phono 623- 5994. 39-1 FIFTY bales of hay, 85 cents pen bale, 263-2568.' 39-1 GOLD Inglis portable dnyon, excellent condition, $100. 623- St 6074. 39-1 ).M. KENMORE ail space heafer, l 200 galion supply tank, all ne fiffings, $150. Phono 623-7703. 34 39-1 8 WINCHESTER 12 gauge 39-1 pump shatgun, excellent con- dition. Besf offer. Phono 987-4243. 39-1 CHINA cabinet, buffet, round coffeo fable, buffet hufch, washstands, wardnobe2dlouble 1976 chest of drawens, trunks, dîning raomtfables, occas- e and ianal chairs, high chairs, crib, Il be carbeds, chrome suifes. 39-1 Towno Used Furnifure, 19 Tomperanco Sf., Bowman- ville. 39-1 m.Snowmobi les m. ARCTIC CAT and MERCURY (Special Offer) buy now anid save up f0 $150. 10 per cent down holds any Caf or Mercury and you pay va no interest until Jan. 1, 1976 39-1 Davis Marine 617 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario 725-1181 onr P.S.: Huge savings on oeff atic, aven Ski-dao clofhing and and 364 ,king iffer 39-1 )mdi- 8127. 39-1 '68 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 + 2 convertible. Good running condition, $400. Phone 1-786- 2242. 39-1 '73 VEGA, GT, AM-FM storea tape, shag capeting, good condition. Phone 623-7984 attor 4. 382x 1975 PON 1 lAC Catalina Sara.-i station wagon, power equip- ped, 11,000 miles, like new, roof rack, many extras, pni- vate. Phone 983-5210 Orona. 39-1 '75 CHEV. Impala, 4 door, automatic, many extras, aniy 9,000 miles, have new '76 ondened. Asking $4,800. Phone 623-2032 affor 5 p.m. 39 lx TURKEYS Fehykilîed and dnessed tnysfor Thanksgiving. Order Now f rom Ç. Borek, 'I-IAMPTON Phone 263-2297 Oshawa TV- Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Coîored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIR'S Workmanshi p Guaranteed AIl priced to SAV E you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf OS HA WA TRACTOR SALES TRACTORS& EQLIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN EQU 1IP. 3Z EH L® FARM MACHINERY E KUBO3TR COMPACT FARM T RA CTOR S SALES- SERVICE- RENTAILS Phone 728-6901 16-tf AP'PLES for sale. Phono 263-8161. Na Sunday sales. 37-6 AIR condifionens, central and window units. Cail Harvey, Part non. Onono 983-5206 on Zenith 14620. 21-tf, W ATER supply- pools, welîs etc. George Maguine, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-tf SQUASH, ail vaniotios. oumo- kins, funnips, carrafs and diMj.. Norfheast cannier, Highway Y~ and Sauina Rd. Phono 579-1108. - 38-2x PADDY'S Market now haý new funnitune, appliances~ ,T. V. 's and ste ~sadas<~ used fumnitune and appnliances 1Will1 accopt trade-ins. Paddy'4i iManket, Hampton, phone 263f 2241. 33-t4 USEE? Furniture and AppIli-I lances.n Paddy's Marketj WHITE'S I.V. TOWEk, Towers, U HF, VH F Aeiaîs, Rotons & Repairs Apantment & Homoes Pre-Wired Ask About Our -Phone 576-5606 3-0-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts availablo for Most anti-ý, que dlocks, pockot watches, and modern watches and dlocks. Our nepains are done witlh' modern up-ta-date oquiprmenti and qualifiod Swiss tnaineco watchmaten. HOOPERIS JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 4t, Marine HUGE CLEARANCE Starcraft Boats and Mercury Outboards Davis Marine 617 King St. E. Oshiawa, Ontaria 725-1181 Credif Termis Available P.S.: First came, firsf senved, don'f misýs ouf. 3A-4 Garage and Yard OSHAWA SAND A-m4D GRAVEL SUPPLY WASMED SAND - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADIERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 Eat farmn raised domnestic rabbit. Tender, deliclous white meat. Economical No Waste Now aýVailable ai your meat store or supermarket. 30-tf COMPEËS-SORS, generators, eiecfnic matons, gninders, dnil11 presses, heavy dufy power toals, etc. We seli, buy anîd trado. Ace Machineny, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phon. 721-A911 l30tff VE9TABLES for use naw or winfen sfoning. Patatoes, car- rot, squash and turnips. Wili deliver and onders faken. Phone Ted Buffeny, 263-2511. 38-2 WESTINGHOUSE autamnatic washen and elnyen. Matching pain. Top of the mie. White. $150 fan pain. Wonth $900 when new. Phone 623-5603 affen 7. 36-ff WEEKEND SPECIAL 6 Sweetheart Roses $1.49 ' Cash and Carry LARN AT ION Flower Shop 33 Division Street 623-7141 39-1 'emorials let us help you, make the sélection siIMPS ON M EMO'RIALS 49 Lavinia St. Port HoDe, Ont. 416-885-64qq Evýenings Caîl, Mauni Simpson .Buy direct tram Manufac- 'lune- Rutten Granite Ca. Ltd., pias a hugeiselection of fine,, .uality monuments, lange andi mail 1ta fit any need. Came by1 ~r display yard at 73 Ontario ~treet, Pont Hope or telephone 85-5216 for a monument thati ~dunes. 35-tf Senior citizens, 10 per cent off of ail hair-dos, Manday, Tuesday, Wednesday anly. Open 6 day s a week. Thursday and Fr1 day, open evenings (by appointment>. Last ap- point ment Saturday 3:30. Kuf n' Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019. "Ap- pointmenfs not always neces- sary". 38-4 Dr. Antossi's office wiIl be closed tram October 6th ta October 10fh, inclusive. 39-2 Players wanted for Bantam Number 2 Team, ages 13 and 14 in 1975. Phone 623-2000. -29-1 SMAIPLL rFIvML. BEAGLE Black, brown and white Smnall Boý's Pet R EW.R D Phone 1-705-932-5533 39-lx SMALL, maie, sandy-coîored dog aost between Onono and Bawmanvilio, weaning black leathen c( jan. Answers fa "Chester". Phone 623-2003 or 983-9405. 39-1, ORANGEý caf with white on stomach and paws. Answers ta name of "Tomertanq". Lost in Dog Pound area. Phono 623-703.39-1 SMALL female pup, about six- weeks aid, nean Ontario Street School. Phone 623-2650. 39-1 ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe st. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHffRGEX 44-f PROF ESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT Ojý.Y 112 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52-tf' Ear Piercing Service DAN HOOPER Phone 623-5747 For Appointment. M7, 1F you, have a drinking prabîem, please caîl A.A. 728-1020. 6t Popular Piano Playing For beginners or classical1 students wishing f0 play pop music. Adults only. For 39-1 clemonstralotl Phone 623-2697 @mm REGISTERED Hereford bulîs, appîy George Wolfe, Blackstock2%6-4447. 3- FINEQ T LI MOINUIME !,j- s AD MARK ERS' % TAFFORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments. LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 m -*, =-., BOY'S goalie gioves. Phone 623-7844. 39-1 YOUNG collie dog, female, for aur own farm. Phone 987-4586. 39-ix PARTLY wooded lot between Bowmanvillo and Hampton. Phone 623-7083. 39-1lx USED Furnifure and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241. 33-tf GOOD Haistei n spninigon caws and heifers. Phone 263-2284. 38-2 CASH ITfor gald, sîlvor,' coins, guns, docks, jowellry, dishes, funnitune. cracks, uaintin-1s, soalers, appliances. Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf GOOD used furnitune, phonoe Tawne Used Furniture, 623- 4681 fan instant cash and service. 39-- WEË buy and soîll very hng and pay cash. Cali day an nighf 725-9783. Friondly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-ff SILAGE con in field. Phono 725-2613 aften 8:30 pm. .~ e, Apple Growers Again buying juice apples in lange volume buik at fanm, also poolons. Cash paymont and prompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 PRIVAIE guifar Teacner pro- fenabi in Wavoniy Gardons area. Phono 623-4624. 39-1ix TWENTY couples inferested in having fun and feliowship an Thursday oven ings, week- ly, at Ontario Street Schooi, stanfing Sept. 25th. Modern SqGJai-o Dancing i agod healfhy exerciso for aill es befween 18 and 95.- Thisî a world-wide anganizafion,lind àifly-costs- $2 per couple, weekiy,,and $5 fan a yeariy membenship. Why natgive if a tny? Fan information cali 623-5811 or 576-9770. Bawman- ville Bashfuly'Bows Club. 38-2 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WURECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 Imm