16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 24, 1975 KENDAL, Mrs W.H. Foster, Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. R. Elliott and Arthur Thompson attended the Oshawa Presby- tery meeting held in Newtoni- ville church last Tuesday evening. This is the first time in a long while the Presbytery meeting bas been in Newton- ville, if ever before. The September meeting of Kendal Women's<Jnstitute was held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Foster on Wednesday evening. The meeting was opened by the singing of the Institute Ode followed by repeating the "Mary Stewart collet." Plans were made for the ladies to go to the Ploughing Match on Thurs. Sept. 25th. Tickets and anniversary pens were for sale. The Annivers- ary Supper is to be held on Oct. 8th in Hampton. Each- institute is to contribute one number toward the program following the dinner. The program was in char2e of the Agriculture and Cana- dian Industry c9nvenors. Mrs. Thos. Gasson and Mrs. J. Stapleton. The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Zegers, a member of Orono 'Horticultural Society also leader ot the Junior (iarden Club. The tovic was 'Growing Things'.which proved a very interesting subject. The rol caîl was answered by naming an unusual vegetable in your garden. The lunch was provided by Mrs. T. Stevens and Miss Catherine Stewart. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. A. Low. The Three-in One couples club niet on Wednesday even- ing in Kendal Sunday School room. Mr. Mark Wagar chair- ed the meeting in the absence of the presîdent Mr. Keith Wood. A short business meet- ing was field. The October meeting is to be a masquerade dance in Newtonville Hall on Octoher 25th, The Jack and Jill Club from Bowmanville are being invited. The re- mnainder of the evening was spent in games and lunch. Sympathy is extended to John McKelvey and Catherine Stewart on the passing of Mariori McKelvey'in Oshawa Hospital on Thursday. The funeral serv ice was conducted hy the Rev. B. Long on Saturday afternoon in the Lang Chapel, Orono Ceme- tery. Mrs. R. Elliot and Miss, Bernice Milligan atteilded the District Directors of West Durham Women's Insititute meeting on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. R. Fraser of Solina. Final plans were made for the W. Hospitality booth at the Ploughing Match also the 75th Anniversary of the Women's Insititute Dinner being held on October 8th in fHampton. Mr. nd Ms. eith Wood retuirled homeFrda even- 'ing from a tnp 11)out west. Tïhey were at Prince Albert, Saskat- chewan and other places of interest. They were ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Sarchuck. There was a very pretty wedding in Kendal church Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. when Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walker (nee irene Mercer) were married. The wedding reception wvas hield in New- castle. Rev. Montgomery also hiad a wedding in Kendal at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Gary Thertell held a 'Toy Chest' Demonstration party in her home last Monday evenifig. Mrs. Irene Richardson and Miss Margaret Gray of Peter- borough had lunch on Satur- day with Mrs. R. Elliot. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were held as usual. The choir sang. No meetings are scheduled for the coming week, except the ploughing match which no doubt several will atte.nd I Iioiiiiipirjjii'¶~Titi ~ I i a M.andMs J. Sevenhuy sen, Toronto, were in the village ov.,er the weekend, they brought little Julie Fowler home, she had spent the last . week with them.___ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED,