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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1975, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 24. 1975 Sectian Two Stop Tus Sign Lot The new provincial1 eg.sla- tion regaraîng traflkc 1h oth directions being required to stop when a school bus is unloading or taking on passen- gers and has its red lights fiashing, has brought a re- quest from the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education. The board -approved a recommendation of its Trans- portation Committee last week to write each- of the municipalities under its juris- diction requesting them to designate specific loading zones by locating signs in front of school areas. Buses unloading or loading students in such signed areas would not operate their flash- ing lights and therefore not require traffîc to stop but rather to only proceed with due caution. The reason behind the recommendation is that load- ing or unloading of school buses at the schools can bring traffic to a hait for lengthy periods if the flashing lights are used and the 'new law thereby imposed and obeyed. The resuit, apparently, has been that in some cases already this year, motorists have been ignoring the flash- ing lights on the buses in such areas. ""WHO'S DOWN THERE!" r à% eo explosive capacity under pre- sent world conditions, and bas " e la y s'placed before the Conference ti 41the most comprehensive set of td i-g on sactuafl otng on teaed This situation brought, an school bus loading zones could September'12, and again, with inquiry from Trustee George be designated. Mr. Lawrence arguing the -Humpnireys wliether any of Generally, the matter con- Canadian cause, the internat- the ioading areas require cerns schools within towns ional gathering adopted the pupils to cross a street after since those unloading at Canadian amendments, cal- disembarking from the bus. country schools can pull onto, ling for, among other items, a Business Administrator AI the school lots and not tie up "beefed-up" international in- McLeod advised Mr. Hum- any traffic. spection system for ail nu- ~hreys and other board mem- Within the Town of New- clear development wbether Es that ail the buses unload castle, such loading zones "for peaceful purposes" or the students on the saine side would be recommended by the flot, and an absolute morator- of the street as the school is board as follows; Bowman- ium on ahl nuclear testing or iocated. ville Senior Elementary on the explosions until sucb inspect- As the Ministry, of Trans- south side of Queen Street - - -- ion procedures, and restrict- portation wil 1 supply the Central Public on the east side ions, are in place. necessary signs, t he board of Elgin Street and Ontario The resolutions now go back made the decision to request Street Public on the West side to each of the 68 governments of the municipalities whether of Ontario Street. for their consideration, and to the U.N. for debate there. Bash fui Bows Have Openings Nousfo For more Square Dancers KirbSchoI Have you heard of the alcoholic drinks are allowed atb S h o Bashful Bows Square Dance any time. The dress for the On a pproval of a motion by Club"? Well this is a club that occasion is simple with the Councîllor Ken Lyall, New- bas been meeting regularly at men wearing I ong-sleevecl castle council Monday voted Ontario Stree t School, in shirts, soft-soled shoes, and to advise the Northumberland Bowmanville, for several -the ladies are in full-skirted and Newcastle Board of Ed- years under the direction of dresses and fiat shoes prefer- ucation that they can foresee Glen and Carolyn Dowson. It rably. Coffee is served during no use to be made by council of is a recreation for aIl ages and the evening.s the Old Kirby Public Sehool. provides a good foirof exercise This clubi very interested The Board had correspond- as well as fun and fellowship. in having more members from ed with councîl regarding the The music is ail on record and this area participating and school which is located on lot is very up-to-date, and the invites anyone who would 27, concession 7 of former instructions are ail given by either like to join or to drop in Clarke Township and the the leader over a microphone and just have a, look at this matter was referred forward so that everyone is involved activity to do 0o n Thursday, learning the saine move Setmbr25 et'Is get in- together. The hours are short - vo ved in this world-wid 8:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. No activity. s â Ouestion Remains Fireman or Deputy? Commttee To Decide by Doug Taylor The matter of hiring a third fuilltime fireman for the Bowmanville Station of the Newcastle Fire Department bas been returned to tbe bands of council personnel commit- tee and committee of tbe whole. The Personnel Committee had considered applications and nmade a selection for the position whicb was recently approved by council. However, due to a member of council questioning the situation, the party selected is reported to have taken perse- nal offence to the matter of qualifications for the job and resigned completely from tbe force botb as fuli-time, and as a volunteer, which he had heen. The offence taken is in respect to comments from Councillor Ken Lyall as to from the Community Services Committee to council session for comment. Mr. Lyall's motion was second ed by Councillor Don Aluin and received a unani- mous vote of approval by councîl witbout furtber com- ment. whether the third 'fuil-time person was merely to bold the rank of a'regular fireman or be an assistant to Chief Hayman relieving hlm on occasion and covering for vacation periods. Councillor Ivan Hobbs advi- sed last week's committee of the whole meeting that the selected man, whomn he con- sidered to be an excellent fireman and a wise choice by the personnel, committee for the position, had taken offence at Mr. Lyall's questioning of bis competence to carry out possible duties as an assistant to the chief. Why offence to sucb a question by Councillor Lyall was taken wben it appeared in 4 he local press is not clear. Ihere seems to be no substan- tial reason for it as Councillor Lyall was not taking shots at the spec"ic partyý and no name was published, but rather trying to pin down the cassfcation for wbich be was hired. Councillor Lyall stated wben council approved the personnel committee recom- mendation that he was of tihe opinion Chief Hayman bad requested one wbo could fi the role of a deputy-chief. At any rate, the matter is back on the floor and Council- lor Lyall bas had the matter referred to the Committee of the Wbole meeting for the purpose of finding out the exact reason wby the third man bas been requested and what specifically bis duties will be before the personnel committee proceed with hir- ing sucb a person. Councillor Lyall also ex- pressed once more bis displea- sure with the manner in wbich the Personnel Committee appears to operate. He sug- gested that they have no termas of reference regarding the' biring and firing of municipal employees. Mr. Lyall suggested that the policy be establisbed whertbv the heads of departments, when tbey believe additional staff are required, contact the chairman of the personnel committee by letter, outlining fully the necessity and qualifi- cations. From that p oint it would then be completely clear in print exactly wbat the com- mittee is looking for Su nset Lodge HagS ,Had Busy-Summer The summer months were a busy time for the residents and staff of Sunset Lodge Nursin g Home. Mem bers of Pine Ridge School and Cold Spring Camp, under the guidance of Sue Jobnston and Don Gikels, visited the Lodge weekly and participated in ail activities with the residents. The Highlight of the sum- mer were the three picnics wbich were enjoyed by ail. On July 16, the first picnic was held at Darlington Pro- vincial Park with 24 residents attending along with staff, drivers and volunteers. The second picnic was on July 30 at the Enniskillen Conservation Area where ail those in attendance held the July birtbday party. Oný Aug. 13, thbe Family Picnic was held at Darlington Provincial Park with 60 people attending. These picnics were fun for ail as games were played, nature walks taken, swim- mers were watched and prizes were given. Delicious meals were served at all picnics and were provided by the kitchen staff at the Lodge. On Family Day, the visitors supplied the des- sert. Wbile at Darlington Park, resiaents and fielpers toured the Log Cabin Museum whicb the park had opened for ou benefit. Lt is greatly appreciated bow so many give of their services to assîst in any way. Nac Gilchrist and Sharon Godn deputy activitieý, W! CAN SAVE YOU) A LOT OF LEGAL T'ENIOEéqÇ'F VOIIUSE T/WF fIA> VCE WA T ORONO 903-si96 Èsso HOME HEAT SERVICE Allan Lawrence Attends If you have furs, expensive jewelery, watches, silver- ware, and cameras, ail such valuable items can be insured under a Personal Articles Floater from the James Insur- ance Agency. Jame5 Insuranco 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANV ILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 Lon don Meeting of MPs On Nuclear Explos ions, Allan Lawrence, Conserva- for experientation with nu- tive MP for Northumberland- clear explosions for peaceful Durhm (ntaro),was he urposes - but this is simply spokesm (ani ondon te g- d erous for any state to land, lastinLweek , ' -proceed with unilaterally at lan, lst eekfor the this stage. This km d of Canadian delegation of Parlia- experimentation must only be mentarians attending th e alfowed to continue when Inter-Parliamentary Union, there is an iron-clad internat- on the subject of nuclear ional organization to prevent weapons. the oroliferation o f any type of Mr. Lawrence, speakin g f or nueclear weapons. Until such a the tri-party Canadian dele- regime is in p lace there should gation, piedged that Canada be a global moratorium on would not use its knowledge nuclear explosions whether and skills in respect of nuclear said to be for peaceful energy for any but peaceful purposes or not. " He criticised purposes. the existing international nu-' lle stated that Canadians clear agency as being "under- would be prepared to pass up staffed, lacking in remedial commercial opportunities for urisdiction, and simply nuclear sales rather than give b rushed aside b y those nations any greater impetus to the who desire to do so". obvious existing trend of proli- Mr. Lawrence laïed a Lration of nuclear weaponry leading part in the ri ng of and explosive devices. "There a resolution at the Spring has been a growing increase in meeting of the IPU in Colom- he efficiency, diversity, ease bo, Sri Lanka, which asked al of manufacture, accessibility, nations to limit their 'develop4, and actual numibers of nulear .n ula xpoiPcýa veaponry" over the last ý30 ingt cey',- y Crs which constituted a real Tc andty. cgtina failure "of governments, ofthe nadan eleg ation t Parliaments, and of the Unit- wth Londo awmeegas t e, d Nations". with r. Lkesarence as it Mr. Lawrence stated onte Nua spomn aing ehalf of the Group made up of ithe unsutp of anin Liberal, N.D.P. and Conserva- Sit own reoting o en- ive poiticians "Lt may be Srigbate ti oen hat there is a continuing need sure that no nation could develop any type of nuclear v p n a 0 fi a h ti 01 a: Yi fî p e( bg LI ti, th MONEY ON QUAI ITY DX PREMIUM ÉUEL OIL FE 1 and STOVE 011 BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial11-668-3381 C ALL US TODAY L FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS Diid Y ou Know? Trentway Bus Lines Limited Have' Daily Limousine und Bus'Express Service For Further Information and Reservations Cali BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 623-3182 or 885-2568 (Collect) "YOUR GUIDE. TO TRAVEL" 47 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE TRENTWAY' 13US UNES LIfvITED Serving Bowm an-ville and Newcastle Area Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South ,Bowmanvj lie Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeplng and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 22 Waverly Road 623-2896 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctoraof Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowma nv ille Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By.appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR 1D.D. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILV1AM KENT D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Otfice Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'til 5 Wednesday-9 'tii2 .-riday -9'tilA4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 HENRY DIDIER - YOUR MR. IGA AT MARKHAM IGA, MARKHAM IGA - MILO, MEDIUM, GUO WHITE OR COLORED Cheddar RNO f Cheese wl G .8 IGA CHOICE RedPitted Cherries IWN 9 BRN F rmu£tN UCfl ENR AT Awake Orange Drink 'TýN Beehive Coin Syrup ELBOW MACARONI OR Romi Spaghetti Kellogg's Special -K- PKG.z. *.05 2-LB. TIN 251~ 69, 2-LB 65 BAG 65 IGA Apple Pie VILLAGE OR ROYAL Viau Biscuits 790 HUMPTY DUMPTY- REGULAR, RIPPLE, SALT& VINYEGAR OR BBQ FLAVORED Potato Chips 8l,8KOZ. 79 hMr.IGAstrademarky FRESHI FRY, ROASr Chicken Legs! or Breasts BURIN'S SWEET PICKLED Cottage Roils 3-LB. AVG. NUTRITIOUS Sliced Beef Liver MRVIUNL SHNEIDER'S PK: 5 OctoberfeSt oausge ~1 .39 M~CQUAIOE-2 PIES PER PKG, i LB. AE TRAY 95 Ma PiesS STEAK ÉCHICKEN OR 8 OZ -v SWIFT'S PREMIUM Wieners TABLERITE Pork Sausage $ 1,35 LB-3 CAMPFIRE, RINOLESS SLICE D L.$j NE WI MAPLE LEAF-6 VARIETIES SideBacn ~ .99 Jumbo Deli Sausge , e FLAVOR CRYSTALS Tang Orange P0LY BAG 0F 4 x 3/2OZ. PKGS. 99, SOUIRREL HOMOGENIZED ORANGE PEKUE UPR"B Il OffIfL E~ Peanut Red Roee SEPT. 21ST T 27TH Buter 3~ ê1 3 5 TePBG OF $2 9 TOWN & COUNTRY ASSORTED FLAVO4S 15Oz HIGHLINER FROZEN HANDLE BAG (26" x 36") 1,5 MIL. Haddock and Btter 1,- .$1.29 Plastic Garbage Bags OF0 9 SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:00 am 5:00 p.m. DX FUEL OILý PRODUCE OF U.S.A. No. 1 GRADE C;alifornia Tosnatoes LB. 9 PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. SUNKIST PRDUCE0F CANADA, 99Z nc CANADA FANCY GRADE B«C Valencia Oranges 13' DZ.U% R2,IDfl DopmRQ Lii cL ri m %J LBS.,, 9Ê% - £ wv 1 2-LB. 29 PKGý

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