8 The Canadian Statesman- Bowmanvîlle, September 24, 1975 Section Two P-romoted r Car1Sidges Extra Value-Priced Caulking Ne-eds A, RATCHET-ACTION PISTOL GRIP Seals up the drafts! 81/2 x 2 "barrel 1 29 for cartridge-type compounds. m B K.R. (Ken) Brooks is pro- motedfrom Manager, Relia- bility Assurance in the Quality Control Department, to Direc- tor of Labor Relations, Cen- tral Office staff, Oshawa, and will report to H.C. Toaze, Assistant Director of Person- nel, General Motors of Canada Limited. The announcement was made recently by A.G. Stapleton, Director of Person- nel, and was effective Sept. 1, 1975. Mr. Brooks will be respon- sible for all Labor Relations functions which are beyond the scope of the various plant Labor Relations staff. Coaching Course Sfarts oct. 7 at Durham C""0 g Anyone presently coaching or interested in coaching amateur sp ort is invited to register f or -the National Coaching Development Pro- grain - Level 1 course to be held at Durham College start- ing October 7. The purpose of this course is to provide amateur coaches of ail sports with the opportunity to receive training in the science and art of coaching. The eight week program deals with and introduces the role of, the coach, leadership and communication, sports psychology, motivation, motor learning, growth and development, sorts medi- cine, and principes of athletic conditioning. The program is offered in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture and Recreation - Sports and Fitness Division. Films and notes will be provided each evening in the programn. To register send a $5 cheque (payabie to Durham College) to Durham College, P.O. Box 385, Oshawa, or register in person at the College weekdays, prior to October 3.' Session times are 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., each Tuesday night. For further information, contact: Durham College, Admission Officer, Telephone: 576-0210, ext. 262. Bo:a rd Meetings for contract nego-_ tiations between the Northum- berland-Newcastle Board of Education's teacher salary comrmittee and two commit- tees representing elementary and secondary school teachers resumed last week. The meetings regard con- tracts for the 1,000 teachers in the board's jurisdiction for whom previous agreements expired August 31 and are a continuation of those which came to a haît in June. In both cases, meetings of the Education Board commit- tee were scheduled for 3 p.m. to.discuss their own position prior to meeting wîth the teachers. Previous discussions halted in June when teachers turned downan offer for an almost 26 per cent increase. Each of the groups of teachers is representçd separ- ately in their negotiations for a nv cofitfract with the Board anýany/offer which the Board maes regarding a new con- tract settlement must be voted on by all teachers prior to being accepted. Discussions on the new contract are to include talks on such matters as the right of teachers to strike and the poiinof principals during a strike (as defined by Bill 100) along with the salary and benefît negotiations. use. your Cana dian Tire CREDI T CA RD ~I*aOU1'BULL Wet tick Exceli( Cartridge Caulking Compounds B. ECONOMY PRICED COMPOUND 7For fast temporary repairs. Black, O Grey or White. il fi. oz. E c. AR CHITECTURAL GRADE For wood, metal or masonry. GreyG or white. 102 /3 fluid ounces. e8 inc LJr, '.IPIIIVVL I I IUf< aing Cernen t Ilnt for wet s fc 'e QUART GALLON 139 3149 - --,.i.IL-.lui rL H'JELPS REDUCE HEA TING BILLS S>torm Window Kits Nmail -On Type Plastic with strips, and tacks. 36 x 1441, for 2 windows.$1.29 36 x 288", for 4 windows .$1 .99 Tape-On Type Includes waterproof tape for quick and easy taping of plas- tic to window frame. for one 36 x 72" window for one 36 x 72" window .65 099 DSERVES UP TO 8 ROOMS E. SERVES UP TO 2400 SQ. FI. F. SUITS 4-5 SMAt ROOM HOUSE Drumatic 90-S 1 ih wal-mount Evaporates up to 12 gallons daily. Drum-type pad picks up water from rust-proof reservoir. Model 45S serves 6 rooms $69.95 Tu rbo-Flo No motor, ductwork or drain needed. Effectively works on hot air stream of the f urnace. Plastic tube connects to water supply. Waiot Skuttle Compact evaporator-type furnace humidifier has few moving parts. With fittings and f ive glass-wool evaporator plates. 1 0-plate capacity. Evaporator--, Plates 129 *Pack5 G. Pure glass-wool. Anti-Lime Tablets Pack of 8 .....$2.29 Weatherstripping H. SELF-ADHESIVE FOAM 3/16" X 18-ft. For Lf windows, doors. e ' HEAVY-DUTY FOAM 5/32"X 18-ft. roll. 0.77 i. FELT WEATHERSTRIP For interior seal. -l 1/2"X 18-ft. roll. ekP 5 K. FLEXIBLE COTTON CORE Double-stitched 11i9 fabric backed vinylI LVINYL STRIPPING Tubular type. 17'1. m. GARAGE-DOOR STRIP Angled for better j59 Heating Ductwork Supplies Stove Piping Value-priced pipe and f ittings of heavy-gauge gaI- vanized sheet. Install a 'branch run' from warm air furnace to recreation or Iaundry rooms. 1 . 90AdÎust.'lbow. ..654 6. Str. floor boot..1. 10 Door Seals N. 3-FT. VI NYL Door Sweep Tight seal to bot- tom of wood doors. 1 3/4" wide. BLOCKS DRAFTS TO TA CKLE HEA T BILL S o. WOOD & FOAM 3-Pce. Set 219 Weatherstrips & insulates doors Up to 3 x 7-ft. PDE LUXE 3-Pce. Set 579 Aluminum mold- ing; vinyl inserts. 1 -2'& 2-7'strips. 2. Take-Oif (str. side) 69< 3. Angle Floor Boot.. . .994 7. Hot-Air Deflector Transparent plastic. Adjustfrom 10 "-l6" . ..994 4. 5 x 30" Pipe. Ea..4 .1 .25 8. Floor Diffuser fr.. 1 .25 5. Take-Off (top side). .99e 9, Cloth Ductape .... .1.69 Blue steel pieces easily snap together. For box stoves or small furnaces. l1o 900 Elbow dial dia 11 Blue Stove Pipe dia 8 dia .9 'd Extra Savings! Cash and Carry BONUS COUPONS R.W. ,JOHNSON STORE HOUJRS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:30,a. m. to 6:O00 p. m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9: 00 p.m. ENTERPRISES, LIMITED 10Church Street Phone 623-2518 Bowmanville Service Dept. THREE-SPEED Humidifie Restores moisture level in your home and helps to cut down static electricity caused by dry air. Output 0f upo 10 gallons a day. Humidistat. RefuI indicator light. Pl0t- inch fan. Leakproof 5.8 gallon tank. Handsome Wood- grain finish cabinet. Castors. SAVE $2.OO On A Heaivy Duty Rake Reg. $5.89 NOw~35 SA VE $2.OO On One Gallon Of Perma-FiIi Anti-Freeze With The Coupon From The Catalogue Wrapper OnIy. Re'g. $6.88 NW$ 5 - - -- ---- ----- ---------- - - 7ïmî "Iivpm- il 1 imal LUUU unir vvci-aiitjr Imm 111m'illl'm 1