2The Canadianf Statesman. Bowtnanville, September 24. 1975 TownWaints Region Advice OnLow Cost Ho bU Doug Taylor mended 10 council las Advige on the fcasibility of that the Region be aý ynexpensie ousing being look mbt the plan whi provided in the former Dar- developer dlaims wou ington Township area accord- vide single-family ho' ilig 10 one devloper's plans, is $40,000 and semi-de being requested of the Dur- dwcllings for $35,000. ham Regional Planning De- and Link housingf *partment by Newcastle Coun- proposed in the $30,000 cil.FoIlowing the decîsio Support of the proposal from Planning Advisory Coîr Gatehouse Holdings receivcd 10 close the filew support of Councillor Ann considered the proposa Cowman at a recent meeting mature." Councillor Ci of the Newcastle Planning walked out of the r Advisory Coînmittee.110w- defining the rest( eêver, the committee member- committee as "n sp 'ship overruled Ms. Cowman bunch. " 'and closed its file on the She maintainedi mfalter, support of the firm's pi -Counillor- Cowman recom- aI that ime and repeý KINSMEN KINSMEN SUPER BINGO E' PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Fridacy September 26 7: 30 p. m. $10,500 in Prize Money Big Special Game 4 EARLY BIBDS S 20 REGULAR GAMES - $50. Each Three $150 Games Pot of Gold $800 In 55 Numbers or Less or $300 Consolation Kinsmen Arena Game $300 $2,400 Shoppinî Spree at Minicol; for Full Card oi $1,600 Cash 5 MICRO WAVE OVENS (Toshiba) (1 per line) or $325.00 Cash Win $2,500 Jackpot if won in 52 numbers $1,50 M%1ust Go -$100 Free Lap Card Gan Admission: 50c -KINSMEN oiglf using Pla ist week council lasI week, thal loch ail askedto offer for cheap housing shoul<l hich the not be delayed. ild pro- The state of confusion and )mes for lack of understanding Ihat is ýtached facing the council and the 0. Town planning committee, again is also became apparent later in lasi )range. week's council session. Ms. in of the Cowman havîng voiced hier immittee support of the Gatehouse as, they Holdings plan, also supported al "pre-> a motion of Councillor Ken Cowman Lyall to zone the entire meeting, lakeshore, 401 area from of the Bowmanville to Oshawa, as an spineiess industrial corridor. Mayor Rickard reminded in hier Councillor Cowman that in proposal supporting Mr. Lyall's :ated at motion, she was contradicting bier previous position but Councîllor Cowman, some- what disgusted, with recent planning procedures anyway, I didn't seem overly concernied. Councillor Don Allin indi- cated to counicil that the planning committee had not specifically turned down the Gatehouse plans, but r'ather had set them aside to a future time as the scheme was feit premature at present. Chamber (Continued from Page One) much of it. Committee Chairman Ker ZLyall suggested thiat the taxi S operators be advised of the r objection and requested to -Z avoid a continuation of this ra- practîce. Councillor Don Allin inject- ed the suggestion that counicil should take more assurance - when granting taxi licences, tgthat the firm bas sufficient las parking facilities for its rvebicles. Mayor Rickard suggested that tbe bylaw be examined - first to determine bow it relates to taxi onerations. Mr. Pogue agreed witb tbe - suggestion that councîl might Isgive greater consideration in future when granting tax. ,n licences to assure tbat the company bas sufficient park- ing facilities for its vehicles. 1 The C of C President addec tbat there is no critîcism in mind of taxis using bbc 1parking spaces when pîcking up customers but Ibat parking there for longer pcriods pre- *sents a space shortage pro- blem. Another merchant noted that whcn bbc taxi company granbed Ibeir licence Ibey did have sufficient parkingfacili- tics aI Ihat ime but Ibaltlihey have rclocated since then and do not bave enough parking now. Addiionnl criticîsm of bbc taxi service rclatcd to the appearance of tbe vebicles and drivers and the mechani- cal condition of Ibevehicles., Il was felb by tbe C of C delegation that the condition of some of bbce vebicles appearance wise leaves some- îhing to be dcsired and the mechanical condition of some appears questionable. lb was suggcsted by the delegation Ibal bbc council consider some examination of bbc vehicles bo be carricd out wbethcr by the police or other officials. Councillor Kirk Enbwisle, agrecing wibb bbc delegation's opinion of bbc age and condition of certain taxis, moved that inquiry be made by bbc clerk as to how other communibies control Ibis mal- ter. Clcrk Joe Mcllroy however suggcsted Ibal lb' could be donc, bowever, hc. _elieves tbe town's bylnw would allow action on it by bbc bylaw officer. Witb that, Mr. Entwisle changed bis motion lu inquiry of other municipalities if necessary but to proceed lu check ouI bbc bylaw and take allowable action. Colli sions (Continued from Page One) green signals, the collision forlunately ianding bbc baby on tbc hood of bbc vebicle. Bobh the mother and cbild were taken 10 bospital by ambulance but sustained no serious injuries. Bond bas been charged witb lailing 10 yield lu a pedestrian. Police say the moîber did not sec bbc car due lu the fact that she was carrying son Timotby. Some :32 minutes inter at 12:50 p.m. on Ontario Street south in front of residence 142, five year old Christopher Rot ni 144 Libcrty Street south ran into the path ni a northbound vehicle. The vehicle involved was a 1968 Camaro owned hy Mur- ray Madill and drivenaI the lime hy Laurie Madili, of 113 Liberty South.1 The RobI youth was taken 10 Bowmanvîlle hospilal hy am- bulance but also not seriously injured. Big Winner (Conbînucd from Page One) bent PC Dr. Charlie MeIlveen lasI Tbursday, wîtb Lberal Kirk Entwislc in third place and Social Crediter Ray Bcncock fourlb. Mr. Moffat joins wilh Mike Breaugb of Oshawa, Dr. Charles Godfrey of Durham West and GiI. Sandeman of Peterborough, ail NDP candidates wbo won. Hon. Bill Newman barely hcld Durham North in bbc face of n slrong effort by former judge Liberal Clare Morrison, wbo bas demanded a recount. Choiîces for (Coninued trom Page One) Street. H1e was advised by the Regional panel 10 assemble bis commnents 10 them on paper and agreed to do so. Newcastle Village Solicitor Richard Lovekin questioned the absence on the maps of Marina areas at Bowmanville and Newcastle and whetber there are separate mappings for the plans of such areas. The panel appeared uncer- tain of the existence of such marina areas and suggcsbed that, altbough they must be pointed out on some map somewbere. il- migbt be a d vîsable to submnit- a map pinpointing their location 10 the Region. Another citizen enquired wbetber this was the only opportunity for public input 10 be made and wbetber the public would again be present- ed witb a draft plan under Stage four of the procedures. Assurance was given hlm tbat tbe Regional Planning Dcpartment when the draft official plan is created, will again meet with the public for final input and objections, before the final plan is submitted 10 the province for approval. Il was of course indicated that the present is the most feasible lime for public comment., The question of planning autbority was raised by New- castle Councillor Kirk Ent- wisle. The councillor nobcd that Bill 162 put planning authority in the bands of the Region. Mr. Entwisle com- mended the Region for the work tbey bave donc witb planning of which "we sec the resuits here tonight". The councillor bowevcr, duc to such other plans as Ibat for the proposedt 407 higbway being prepared by tbe pro- vince, qucstîoned whetbcr tbe Region really bas the authori- ty. A short answer from tbe panel merely suggested that ail planning must ultimately be approvcd by the province anyway, and l aIil is there- fore up 10 the local councils 10 obtain public opinion and forward such conccrns bo the bigber levels. Wbethcr the, planning pro- cedures really bave the public interestat beart was a furîher question which Mr. Michael attempted 10 answer. H1e stated that the planning staff, beîng from outside the area, are totally impartial and as a result are looking for tbe best alternatives for alI affect- cd. H1e also suggested that the elecbed officials arc of the same stand. A second member of the audience however, expressed the opinion that public interest is not being served. The woman adviscd sbe bas work- ed with others in opposition of sucb matters'as the Spadina Expressway and tbe Pieker- ing Airport, ail of wbicb are agninst the publicî'ý interest but going abcad anyw-,ay. Gas Pock-,.et (Continued from Page One) in the village were called at 3:27 pin. and requested assis- tance from the Bowmanville statiuned water tanker at 3:44 p.m. Town of NewcasLe Fire Chief Jim Havrmanreot CUB BOTTLE DRIVE - The wa ste paper market is flooded but there's money in bottles apparently. This Saturday, starting at 9:30 a.m., Cubs will be scouring the town collecting any botties you may have. Please have theni out on the boulevard early. that foamr and dry chemical werec used 10 extinguish the drilling rig white normal firefighting operations were used to extinguish the nearby cahin which became involved in the tire, The explosion is i-eported 10 have caused minor burns 10 unc lace and hack of one female occupant nifte catÀu wlîu was in the batbroora windowv area ni the unit at the momient ut expiosion. Ch i I-ayiiian reported Tuesday mIoriiing that she was stillin' hospitai for probable. release later in the day. Tbc only other reported injury was a cul finger sustaincd by one village firemnan which required stit- elhes at hospital. The firm has apparently been drilling througb the rock sînce Saturday, using the new rig valued aI $150,000, for the first lime. Rcsulting damage lu the rig is estimatcd at $120,000 witb an additional $7,000 10 $10,000 10 bbc motel unit and $20ü00 smoke damage tu other nearby nunits. Flames frorn the burrîing gas, ycilow-orange in color, are reported 10 have shot some 45 feet in tbc air when tbc explosion occurred. The gas pocket was some f'27 feet down and the problem rcmaining now is gctting bbc drilling equipmenb out wilhout turtber incident. Chief Hayman reports Osh- awa Crane were callcd in Monday to lift the rigging away but an attempt 10 retrieve bbc drilling sections was foiled wbcn evidence oï furtber gas spurted nul. The wcil is now being vented in the hope that it will cleai' in two or ihree days and allow the drilling sections 10 be removed. ther weekend action by bbc Bowmanvillc station sent bbc rescue uni t 10 a Courtice Rond South location wberc a man had become trapped in a well. Exactly hnw the incident happened is nul clear but Mr. Jack Mason remnained unin- 5 FOOT ALUMINUM STEP ' LADDER EA. -3 GARBAGE BAGS 26" x 36" bags with twist-on ties. Sanitary, odorless and noiseless. 20 in a package. At thiîs 10w fail price you can afford to stock t p 110W. PER PKG Made ln Canada tudy, 5 foot step Iadder for use a round the irst'urhome or cottage. Made in Canada. YoâUnve gtteblevela . s-s HARDWAR 95'KING ST. W 623-2 41 Tow n of Newcastle Ward 2 (Bowmanville), FLLA YARDe CLEAN-UP Starting on Monday, September 22nd and continuing until Saturday, October l8th, your accumulation of leaves, hedge trimmings and general yard dlean up material shoulcl be brought to the Bowmanville Works Dept. yard on Liberty St. S. where you can deposit it in ahuge steel box placed there for waste disposai. For your convenienCe the yard will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. The practice of placing of leaves on the roadway must be discontinued, because of the danger they'present to motorists, and secondly, several fires have occurred in the Town sweeper when picking Up leaves. Your co-operation is requested. J. DUNHAM Director Public Works jured in the 3:50 p.m. service Early Tuesday morning firemen were again roused fromn their sleep 10 attend a tire at Wonderland Park on Hlighxvay 2 at Prestonx aie Road. on ar-rivai, Cahin Unit 3 is reported tu have been tound lully involved, the occupant'a Ihoînias Kristensen, fortun- atelv mil home at the lime. Thie 1:21 a.m. blaze destroy- cd [lie cabin owned by Douglas Arthur Roy of Oshawa. Mana- ger of the business is Russel Huffman. Chief Hayman investigated the structure later Tuesday morning along with the En- ergy branch; and Consumers Gas anid the fiîeis believed t>.> have started in the area of a space heater. Loss of the cabin is estim ated at $5,000 10 $6,000. Arena Wciter Continued from Pagýe One) meeting have taken approxi-, mately 4,500 gallons ver day in three trips while the wells should produce some 7,200 gallons per day. Mayor Rickard explained that the water being delivered by the fire- tanker is being concentrated on getting the ice in readiness for the beginning of the season. A further recommendation is to have the water recycled from the system to save on the amount being consumcd. Later in a resumaption of the M arianna invitg ou to viLgf a 9 ckieg 01 lew hbodee hOM14e ug ~ULQQag~ o6 uWQQoR1 Look for JSL Signs Corne, See and Gomnpare Save At Least 11O,()OO by driving a few extra miles $2,000 down to qualified buyers will move you into abuauf fui singie home wit . extra 1-age lots to choose frorn Some lots feature trees and year-round running streams. Priced from: 144,900 Trade-Ins Considered For Information, Cail 705-932-2132 IRWIN, SARGEN4T & LOWES LIMITED W hy S hop- out Of Town?' You Can Buy a 4 -Piece C hesterfield f or only Choice of 3 Colors $29998 Kitchen Suites 7- Piece Set As Low As$198 We Have Just Received a arge Shipment of Swag.,Lamps - Table Lamps Boudoir Lumps Mulder's Furniture 23 King St. EL 623-5515Bo anle morning's commitîce of the whole Mayor Rickard moved thc concurrence vvith the recommendations of the re- port and the installation of a pump 10 recirculate water from the cooling system. Approvalin.i finance com- mitIce was granted 10 pay- mient for drillii-ig operations 10 Faulkner Drilling of Peterbo- rough the amount of $2,815. Approval To îContinued from Page One) ply stated Monday that he wished the rest of counicil has sorted out what it was thev xanted before they referred il to personnel. Councillor Ann Cowman caine up uith the suggestion that the, deparîment should have eight fuli-time firemen instead of the present number. To that Mr. Ilobbs only pointed out the cost factor that would result. Coiineillor Lyall agreed with Ms. Cowman "if we had our druthers." Mr. Hobbs said he could riot see why the matter had been referred back to commit- tee of the whole by Mr. Lyall as nothmng nexw had been learîRed from it. Councillor Don Allun moved that no action be taken and personnel proceed. The mo- tion carri&d. Highway No. 2 King St. e., Oshawa Simcoe St. N., - Oshawa DELOITTE, AS NS&SLLS Charterod Accountaünts OFFICES IN MAJOR CA NADIAN CITIES 0 Bell Canada Building OSIAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Parîners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. <Econ), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 - 839-7764