Beaver wants you to make on your own! 10'1 x 7' Spaoemaker Storage Shed ends your garden storage problemns ail yeâr 'round. . Sturdy construction and superb e-ngineering arec- ombîned in this shedi to give you years of maintenance-free se-rviýîe. Assem1b'y is quick ~~ an;d simple with just basic tools. îinside: yéouIl find ï\; \ \! ôvar 440 ou. if of usea-ble s-torage sPace. Floor extrat. Save R09ý 999 ~44. luir Tree >LI the 'h ýZ9nOlîte Pouring Packýaged mn handy-size bags to be poured and Sraked out to desired depth. ldeaî for uïpgrading existing insulation. Sý il Beaver's @ Reg. 2.6c9 3 Cu"L.Ft. Bag Fibels 5 Mini Roil For waIif, floor- anýd celn.Choose 21/2', R-7 ith60 sq. ft. coveraàge or 31/t R- 10 wîit 40 sq. fi. coverage. 4Be I_avers eg, .4 Coveintysie and packaged for easy 150 sq, fi. Coverage or R_ 10 with 105 Sq. fi. Rîgid Foam Insutation Easy t0 hanIde, Inexpens ive to use Works as its own vapour barrier. 4' y 8' x I3/4" thiQk. 99 Beaver's Reg. BAAI ver 1147 (R-10> 2 .90,4