It'sanya Custom Kitchens by Beaver .... Beaver's kitohen specialists wil help you plan your rnew kitchen.i We'll present a plan for yoýur approval showîng exacty what. your new layout wiII look like. In-stalation %-Ai be- quick and with as few incoriveience-s as possibte. Litte "on the job" construction to tie up your kitchen area; no painting odours or aà! day hammering because Hariover Kitc are complEeely assernbled and prefinished inside and out. Corne in today for a free estimnate! Look for more values like these. e C ,-speed, ducted mrodl.f 30" 'wide. Copper or White. Dou)ýble Faucet Chrom,ýe plate, steel grille No JIede sign, Incudes Attractive 'Corona' diesign. Approx, 91/2"X 81/4"X 33:'4". 2 strainers. Approx. 31" Y 18'-. Chrorned body. 8" centres, BrSinkç Package poose nveck faucet, strainer. ~O3O Bavor'sBeaver's 0OlBeaver's 1 Beaver's fBevrs - 3 3 Reg. 37.9,5 se Re-g 11.9ý O Reg, 4,5.95 Re .95 ý9 Reg 36.88 uG U GOSingle 20 -Rg 29' g. f 'ý% .-Qe