Ti osfr tlhe handyman Table Sawze Cuts sokup to0 ~4" thick. 22» id tabie extnd t 38". MoAt'or availarble et ex tra coat Beves Reg, 244$O7 Rie szingle voltagedcirec drive~~q moo gespoe job S. Oni to:p, Upfrn 1flct~~8 Stand NIny m;ore i-stoire unadvertise Hpials, nI r1sulated for qujieter ýOV AC: 10,000 O-PM, fll eaver's Indlu and Beaiver'S Reg. 33.,95 16-Oz. Mamimer w' rMiane Mire box AI i seel, curv-ed claw Tempered tool steel cutters Good quality woocl hamnmer with comfortable are fully adjustable. Machine rrite box. Gives ýrubbîer grip handie. groundc smooth and taie. accurate 450 and 9 u s eaver's Reg8 tOSvrs9 eg.7.69,9 Ils. S2;7ý922 B&D 71/,z Ciîrculaý-r Saw Burnout proteced motocr and ro01er bearin.g equipped at heavy load points- fýor long lite. Safety apoe for 71/4' and 61/29 blades. fl SM Or Beaver's Reg, 39,9,5 ,J Wood Lathe lincludes 3/1 h.p. router, 2 wrencýhes, straight andcrua ud,14'h sp-eed 2 flute bit and custom flt'ed carrying case. -#761 1. 0 ll8800 59M9 meh- Sanidvik 8-pt. cross cut saw ;S made of thie f inest saw steel. #251.ý 24" LevaiIle 1W [UQ9IQ 003 Lightweigjht aiuminum Heavy gauge steel. Toto bd iid, warp-proof. tray with sooket divider, 3 dust-tight vials. #H1297, Bult-ini padlook hasp. Beaver's Beve 13.pg 659SR .123 'Super-bly enigineered and quality construoted iby Rockwel ever. True and dependable. #46410. Bever'*s 7 9 5B Reg. 95 Beaver's Rieg. 44.8 seaver's 888 Aeg, 11,25