The Caruiqdian Statesman, Bowmanville. September 24. 1975 7 Brig. 'Gen. Reginald W. Lewis, C D. oficiated at the _ýopening f the exhibition of woks d epicting the exp loits of the Ontario Regiment, R.C.A. C., World War 11, at the Robert Mcbaughlin Gallery, Civic Centre, Oshawa, on tuesday. The regimental aud was lu atteudance. Publication of nine nautical charts for the St. iLawrence River, 'St. Clair River and Lakes Ontario and Michigan was announced today by the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Comn- merce. The charts were up- dated with data obtained from surveys made by the Detroit- based Lake Survey Center of NOAA's National Ocean Sur- vey. St. 'Lawrence River: Chart No. 14767 (LS17) covers the St. Lawrence River from Bartlett Point to Cape Vin- cent, N.Y.; Chart No. 14768 (1S18) covers tbe River from cape Vincent to Allan Otty Shoal, N.Y., and Kingston, Ontario; Chart No. 14772 (LS115), fromn Ironsides Is- land, N Y.. to Binghamn Island, Ont. . and Chart NO. 14774 Aduit Educational Counsellingo Services A FREE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE No Appointment Necessary COU RTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL Tuesda ys, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (S1)f rom Round lsla nd, N.Y., and Gananoque, Ont., to Wolfe Island, Ont. For Lake Ontario: Chart NO. 14815 (LS238) shows Rochester Har- bor, N.Y.. 'on Lake Ontario aud includes part of the Genesee River. Cbart No. 14816 (LS256) portrays Nia- gara Falls to Lake Ontario. Write National Ocean Survey, Distribution Divisions (C44) Riverdale, Md., 20840, for information on obtaining Congratulations to Mrs Sybil Snell wbo celebrated ber 97th birtbday on Saturday at Sunset Lodge, when a party wàs hé-Id to mark the event. The Oshawa Kinette Club are holding an Antique Show and Sale at the Kinsmen Community Centre the first week of October. Why not plan to attend this event? For times and dates see Coming Events. On October 22 the Canada Post Office will issue six new Christmas Stamps 'designed by school children across Canada. The designs were chosen from more than 80,000 entries in a project sponsored by the Canada Post Office. The October 2nd Wintario draw which will take place in Sault Ste. Marie will begin live province-wide television coverage. September 22nd until Octo- ber 3rd the "Peterborough Group of Painters Exhibition" will be' on exhibit at the Brealey Campus, Sir Sandford Fleming, College. Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 10:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 10: 00 to 4:00 p.m. Continuing until September 23 - Exhibit of paintingsand mono-prints by Michael Behuan of Gores Landing at Artspace Gallery on Water Street. The 1975-76 season of the Peterborough Community Concert Association will begin October l4th with the Dubrov- nik Festival Orchestra. Under the leadership of Nikola Debelich, the orchestra is makîng its first tour of America during the 1975-76 season. On November il, duo pianists Veri and Jamanis will be lu Peterborough. Frances Veri and Michael Jamanis lIems Of Interest Phone 623-3303 studied in Fontainbleau, France, with the internation- ally known Robert and Gaby Casadesus. They travel with their two matched Baldwin pianos. The Community Con- cert Plan operates on a non-profit basis and brings a distinguished series of perfor-' mances to nearly 800 cities in the United States and Canada. Each member's annual dues entitie him to attend al concerts for the season and no tickets to individual perf or- mances are sold. Ail money collected as dues is spent on the attractions of the coming season and the local presenta- tion expenses. Three concerts are guaranteed annually. There may be more, depend- ing on the size of membership and the funds available. Mr. and Mrs. McClure from Bushnali, Florida called on Mrs. Nellie Deeley, 20 South- way Dr. ,Mrs. Leslie McGee and Mrs. Clifford Anderson entertained their aunt Mrs. Sybil Snell at a small family party on the occasion of her 97th birthday, Saturday, Sept. 2th. During a recent tour of Britain, by the "Creighton and Allin Travel Service", Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allun and Mrs. Bernice Cole entertained for- mer residents of Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, who live near Chester, England. The Taylors met the touring group, at the hotel in Chester which was the over- night home of the Canadian visitors, and accompanied al on an interesting afternoon drive into nearby Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor wish to send greetings to ail their friends here, and certainly showed the English friendliness met with everywhere. Rev. A. Cress- well, of Oshawa, also with the tour group was happy to meet with two sisters of England and these ladies were also guests at the same time. A five table game on Tuesday Sept. 16, resulted in the following duplicate bridge players earning above - aver- age scores: J. Weekes and W. Clipperton 66.7 per cent, M. James and L. Dippeli 62.5 per cent, B. Gleibs and J.B. Nelson 57.6 per cent, E. Rundie and H.B. Rundie 52.8 per cent.'Games will continue ail winter at the Publie Library on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Ahl bridge players are welcome. Mrs. Aif Bickell, Jean and Two Happy Sis fers Lorne were week end guests at Alexandria, Ont. where they attended the weddizng of Glen Williamson, Mrs. Alf Bickell's grandson of' Toronto. Also attending the wedding were Mrs. Isobeil Johns, Aunt, Mr. Fred Johns, Cousin, of the groom. Miss, Rose Palmer, Miss Donna Blanch of Oshawa and Harold King of Bowman- ville. The couple wîll live in Kingston wbere Mr. and Mrs. GlenWilliamson are attending Queen's University. Miss Inez Symons, Wel- corne, and Mrs. Dorothy Payne, Bowmanville attended a concert at Centennial Hall, London, on Wednesday even- ing last. It was the opeuing concert'in the London Sym- phony Orchestra Series with Mr. Arthur Rowe, Edmonton, as assisting artist. Mr. Rowe is a grandson of the late Rev. Arthur Rowe, who was born in Newtonville. Arthur is a graduate of Western Univer- sity in bondon and for the past year has been studying in England. Following bis pre- sent stay in Canada, Arthur will returu to Europe and represent Canada at the International Chopin Competi- tion in Warsaw, Poland. A number of students from Bowmanville are attendîng the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., and we wish themn a successful year. They are Heather Barrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrie;, Wayne Goombes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Coombes; Kim Jaspers- Fayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henk Fayer; Peter Fried- ricks, son of Mr. -and Mrs. R. Friedricks; (ierryJRobinson, son of Mr.,and Mrs. Harold Robinson and Steve Rowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rowe. Mr. Harley Martyn flew and successfully passed the test for bis private pilot's license with above average marks at Oshawa Flying Club on Satur- day, Sept. 20, 1975. Ladies Monday Night 1-igh Single: N. Evans 290; High Triple: J. Patfield 718; High Average: J. Patfield 216. N. Evans 5, O. Etcher 5, F. Bradley '5, S. Davis 5, C. DeHart 5, J. Allen 5, V. Terry 5, D. Bradley 4, J. Patfield 4, M. Flintoff 4, H. Depew 4, J. Baker 3. N EWTON VILLE In the afternoon Rev. Mont- gomery conducted worship services for tbe residents of Nel-Gor and South Haven Nursing Homes. Each of the minister~s in our area conduct these services in turn on Sunday for the shut-ins. Mrs., F. Gilmer played for the bymn singing at both services and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams also attended the one at South Haven. Af terward ahl called in to see Mrs. M. Walkey and expressed their felipitations for ber birthday on ITuesday. Visitors during tbd weekend witb Mrs. Agnes Builey indlu- ded Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen of Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Bridgenorth, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burley, Rodney, Wendy, and friend of Ennismore. Glad to report Mrs. Bea Jones was able to leave Osbawa Hospital last week and is with ber daughter Mrs. C. Cornish ld Orono. Mr. David Peck came home from Civic Hospital, Peter- borough last Saturday, we are also glad fo bear. LONG SAUT Mr. a!,d Mrs. Gordon Baker attended tbe 25tb wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Markc McMahion, lu the Bow- maiville Centennial Hall,, Bowmanville Saturday even- ing. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rowe and ùiýmily, Mrs. Len Brewster ,'nd family, Bowmanvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephenlsoni and boys,, Newcastle were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hi. Murpby. Miss Ruth Baker spent the weekend witb Miss Susan Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and family, Countv Rd. 57, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gobie and boys, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Sunday dtinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- eyk were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul One-Year OId on Aug. 5f h My name is Travis John Mercer, 1 was one year old on August 5- My dad and mom are Bruce and Dorothy, and I have a sister Jeanette. We al! live in Alliston, Ontario. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunlop of Orono. My great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer of Orono, and Mrs. R. Ilollingsworth of Bowmanville. Vaneyk ani family, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook and GET CASH TODAY Mr. and Mrs. H.C. McClure 'THROUGH STATESMAN were Sunday supper guests of CLASSIFIEDS Miss Grace Smith. CALL 623-3303 aEaEuxZuxEmuxUEEZunENEEEEEExziguEnKKamanEK Attend Church This Sunday Faith Baptist, Church ,Whitby 9:45 A.M. - Sunday School - Ail Ages 11: 00 A.M. - Worship Hour 7: 00 P.M. - Gospel Hour COMPLETE NURSERY CARE ALL SERVICES Messages by, Rev. Wm. Wyrick Cable 6 Evoning Telecast 19:00 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th Gospel Lighthouse will be providing the sDecial music Rev. Ralph Dunn 668-2508 st. PauI's United Church Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 ar. IaGodws Scoundrel" SUNDAY SCHOOL, Seniors - 9Years and Up -9:45 a.m. Primary and Kindergarten'Chiidren will attend first part of church service with their parents. NURSERY Parents are invited to leave their Pre-schooi children in our play and learn nursery whiie they attend church. Be Sure to Visit the Church Tent at the International Plowing Match Al-Anon - Tuesday in Church Hall A.A. - Thursdays - Church Basement Entrance off Silver Street Sunday, September 28th, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 1000a.m. -Adult, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m, - Classes for ail ages, 9and up 11:0a.m. -Nursery Baby Care, Todlers and Kindergarfen 11: 15 a.m. - Primary Dept. aqes 4 fo 8 illa.m.- MISSIONS SUNDAY and SUNDAY SÇHOOL PROMOTION Guest Speaker: A. A. Merkley A Warm Welcome for Everyone JUNIOR CHOIR GET-TOGETHER, Oct. 2, 6:30pm. Ail boys and girls interested in taklng part in Junior Choir activities are welcome. Pizza wiII be served. THANKOFFERING TEA, October 7,2 p.m., Hi-C meet at church Sunday, Sept. 28,4 p.m'. before leaving for wiener roast at Thistie Valley Park. ILBEEF DINNER at Trinity, Nov. lst, Sand 6:30 p.m. a un maux agamENUElEElEm aEKa 4Ee', -mmm e "I don't really neee~ this tree to help me stand up, I was one-year-old ai August 2lst and can stand by myseif." My name is Chad Dennis Van Dam and my pa rents are Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Van Dam Jr. of Pontypool. 1 also have Some nice grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Van Dam Sr. of Pontypool, Mrs. Luella Buck of Millbrook and Mr. Percy Buck of Omemee; anda great, grandmother, Mrs. Frances Fajt of Brantford. Re cre a t10%n Teen's Do-It-Yourself Spirts Programn "Do-It-Yourself Sports Pro- gram" every, Wedncsday evening from,,7:00 to,10:00 p m. Play Voheyball, 3asket- bail, tumbling and other activities. A free, aid easy sports program. Stirts on Wednesay,,,Septemftbr 24tb, 1975 at the Bowmanvlle Higb Scbool.;, Pine Ridge Sclol These programï, are in conjunction witb be Pîne Ridge Scbool and tie Depart- ment of Recrealon. For information regaiding these activities, please ,ontact Mr. Jeffrey Catin, Director of Rec- reation, Pine ROlge Scbool, 623-2582. Theje is NO CHARGE for ne following classes: U-Contol and Radio Control Mode) Club, Sept. 22nd, Monday it 6:00 to 7:00; Scuba Diving lu Pool only) Sept. 22nd, Mnday at 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.; Pnoto Club, Sept., 23rd, Tuesday 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., Fenlng Sept. 23rd, 7:30 to 9:00o pin., Weigbt Training and Fitwss Sept. 26th, Friday, 6: 00 to ' :30 p.m. Ail of these activitils are for Teens fromn ages ]j -years to i7 years old. Mei'~Swi n y ls A ins i and Gym, Cllw Il be coniducted at the PqinçýRidge Scholol fromi 4:30 to 6:9,(P.m. two düays a week. Starts on Monday, September 22nd, 1975. Registration f ee is $1000 per person. Wome's Swim and Gym There will be Ladies' Swim and Gym Class startiug Mon- day, Sept. 22ud from 1: 15 to 2:45 p.m. For more informat- ion caîl Mr. Jeffery Caun at the Piue Ridge Scbool at 623-2582. Registration Fee $500 for 20 sessions. St. Joseph's Bowli*ng Team Standings Gary Conway 18-7656, Joan Gibbs 17-7961, Don Zealand 10-7541, Jean Holroyd 10-7276, Deloras Walkey 9-7714, Bob Brown 9-7482, Cory Elîs 7-7525, Rose Marie Conway 4-7310. High Triple Richard Khlmer 623, Marion Vanstone 618. High Single Tony Horstman 256, Mary Cbisbolm 251. Top 10 over 200 Tony Horstman 256, Mary Chisholm 251, Les Hunt 249, Bob Brown 245, Roy Sandison 240-208, Deloras Walkey 234, Molly Horstman 234, Bill Holroyd 234, Richard Kilmer 228-205, Grace Alward 227. These happy sisters are Kim who turfied five-years-old July 5th and Kris who was two-years- old Sept. 23rd. Their proud parents are George and Kay Moore, grandparents are Harold and E5ileen Moore, Ted and Betty Hutton, great grandparents are Ross Stevens and Margaret Hutton., -Photo by Glen Jackman Celebrafes 1sf Birfhdoy Faith Teaches: Todayrigionsare al variance, enmity and strifeprevail. Each must independentiy investigaie truth wiTfl hisown eyes and his own ears. For further reference 4 ~please consult your Local Library. The Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Rev. D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 a.rn. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7: 00 p.m. - Evening Service Tutesday - 7:30 - Youth Meeting Wednesday - 7:30 - Bible Study A Friendly Family Church