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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1975, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmýanville, October 1, 1975 Mà The Newcastle Inde-Pei -~Edtors: JacK and Hazel C Prof. James P. Lovekin and bis son V.R.B. Lovekin'have returned from Romne and bondon where Russel was entered at St. John'S Beau- mont, Old Windsor, the pre- < paratory school for Stony- ~ burst. Russell is the grandson l of Mrs. Garnet Symons and the late C.R. Lovekin. The Editors enjoyed Iast Wednesday atthe World and International Plowing Match in Oshawa. Our first helicop- ter ride was a real thrill. The tent city below surrounded by the beautiful autumn country- side was a colorful panorama. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Lake Jr. (nee Pat Gosleigh) on their recent marriage. Last Wednesday, Septem- ber 24, a bridal presentation was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Barchard in honour of Mrs. Ronald Garnier (nee Isabel ' Pearcei. After a social even- ing of cards, Mrs. Garnier was presented with a sunburst dlock, a set of kitchen tools and a smoker's stand. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Hazel May Munro, Mrs. Bertha Fisher and Mrs. Vera Barchard. Mr. borne Allia, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allin, lef t last week to join is brother Bruce in New Zea- land. Miss Marjorie Clemence ; spent a few days with her niece, Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake and daughters, Kingston. She also visited bier uncle Rev. Roy Rickard, Belleville, who has, been in poor health for some time. Mr., and Mrs. Floyd Coulter and Kevin, Toronto, visited with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. SamPowell, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gor- don, Port Hope, were Friday Dr evening visitors with Mr.,and D Mrs. George Kimbaîl. H. DE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin, the ri Oakville, spent the weekend Medi( with bier brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watt, years3 Whitby, formerly of New- also castle were Sunday visitors Regina with Mr. and Mrs. ben and Lambert. Mr. and Mrs. wan. George Moss and bori-Rose, visited Oshawa, were Sunday dinner 34000 ft guests with the Lamberts. -from F Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Visil, English, Bowmanville, and WaynE Mn. and Mrs. Walter Murphy Jerem, spent the weekend inst Mr. aà Catharines. After-viewing the hurn Niagara Grape and Wine don, ai Festival Parade, they enjoyed Falls, square dancing at St. Barna- Jean F bas Anglican Churcb Hall, St. Morle: Catharines. On Sunday they Mr. visited Mr. and Mrs. McBur- ill and ney, Niagara Falls. were, Mr. and, Mrs. R. Brenton and M. Rickard attended the Lions Miss Ladies Night at Lake Che- Miss mong, Friday nigbt. were M.and Mrs. John Broad- Mr. an foot, Brucefield spent the Cong weekead ith Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 1 Harry Wade. They ail enjoyed raine the Ploughing Match on Fni- marri( day. Churcl Mrs. Marion Richards, Septeî Fenelon Falls, spent the On weekend with ber sîster, Mr. House and Mrs. Don Parker. Mr. ar Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wood- honoui hamns, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. and Mi bes Alldred, Oshawa and Mr. weddi and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake extend Shore have returned from an ulatior enjoyable Western Holiday. weddii They visited relatives at Lake Mrq. Cowichan, Vancouver Island return and an aunt of the Alldred's, bus ta Mrs. Magwood, Chilliwack, Sunc B.C. who wîll be ninety-nine- Mrs. Promoted to Major Teresa Breretin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ý Jong, Newcastle, was recently promoted to .nk of Major. She is presently working as a ical Officer at C.F.B. Toronto in Downsview. young in October. '1hey visited relatives in a, Stougbton, Redvers Rocanville, Saskatcbe- At Rocanville they d'a potasb mine, down feet . Next day tbey flew Regina home. tors with Mr. and Mns. ie Blackburn ,on y's Baptismal Day were id Mrs. Wilbun Black- and thein family, Hay- ad Mr. and Mrs. Len 'Stankville and Miss Perrin and Mr. William ,, Newcastle. and Mrs. Percy Butter- dMargaret, Smith Falls Monday guests of Mr. [rs. William, Stonks. bs ynda Williams and Candy Storks, Rexdale weekend visitors witb [d Mrs. William Sto rks. iratulations to Mr. and rerry Walton (nee Lor- SDixon) who were ied in Foxboro United -h on Friday evening, nber 25th. Sunday, Sept. 28, Open ewas held at the home of id Mrs. Grant Malley in ir of bis parents' (Mr.. rs. Cecil Malley) fiftietb ing aaniversany. We id our heartiest congrat- ris for their October 3rd ing day. p. Bessie Stephenson bas ned from an enjoyable our to the West Coast. iday dinner guests with -Howard Pearce and Ronald were Mr. andl Mrs. Venn Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Garnier, Mississauga. On Saturday, Sept. 27, Masonic Ladies Night was held at the Newcastle Com-, munity Hall. Dinner was pnepared and served by the Anglican Cbunch Women. Entertainment and dancing completed the evenag. Miss Heather Hoar is now employed with Eaton's, Tononto. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Bnritton, Belleville were Sunday visi- tors with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton. Miss Dale Powell, Sir San- ford Fleming College, Peter- borough was homoe for the weekeànd. Newcastle Lions Club Report On Wednesday, Sept. 24, the Newcastle Lions met in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Community Hall. In the ab- sence of President Edmund Majer, who is still bospital- ized, lst Vice-President Even- ett Jenkins conducted the meeting. Walkathon partici- pants now have until Oct. 4 to get more pledges. Newcastle Horticultunal Society Faîl Show The Faîl Show was held la the Newcas.tle Commuaity Hall on Thursday, September 25. President Vicki besnick welcomed evenyone and was pleased to see so many exhibits. The Presideat had a veny busy week. Monday, at the International Ploughing rident.j Tslephone 987-4201 ivaucii, sne lielped to set up tdfe Ontario Hoticultural Display. On Tuesday, Mrs. ýNar da Hoogkamp and Mrs. Jean Rickard looked af ter the bootb there. On Wednesday, Mrs. borna Crockett and Mrs. Vicki besnick took their tunn l attendance. On Saturday af ter 6, members were asked to help dismantle the display. On Tbunsday aigbt, Mr. and Mrs. Ian McKenzie sbowed slides after which Mrs. Bar- bara Massie and Mrs. borna Crockett served a delicious lunch. The following were prize winnens: 1. Hanvest Time, arrangement on a tray, usîng flowers and fruit or vegetable. 1. Madeleine Buckley, 2. Gwen Gibson, 3. Mary Brett. 2. Faîl Faatasy, dining table arrangement, 1. Jean Goode, 2. Narda Hoogkamp, 3. borna Crockett. 3. Dried, Excitement, ar- rangement of dried matenial, 1. Majory Fneetby, 2. borna -Crockett, 3. Jean Goode. 4. Disb Garden, using living plants, 1. borna Crockett, 2. Berneice. Milligan, 3. Narda Hoogkamp. 5. Collection of Pansies, 1. Madeleine Buckley, 2. Louise Jose, 3. Jean Rickard. uarity' Singers :ntertainment j UCW Meeting Geraniums adFoige .ese i epigorsotig wrson f Jaad ane Swee t-Ch( Mary Brett, 2, Jean Rickard, be at the Community Hall Blackburn, Derek Gregory. 3. borna Crockett. Mondays at 7 p.m. son of Beth and Morris Honey P ov " 7. Memnories, driftwood ar- St. George's Anglican Church manf and Craig Worden, son of U vi e E rangemênt, 1. borna Crockett, 1 News Ramona and James Rickard. - 2. Jean Goode, 3. Mary Brett. At St. George's and St. Rev. Smith's sermon titled At1.-. a4t. 8. An All-Green 'Arrange- Saviour's, Mrs. R. Spry gave a 'Unfortunate Children' was M I I ment, 1. borna Crockett, 2. Synod Report in place of a based on verses of Amos Marjory, Freethy, 3. Jean sermon. At St . Saviour's concerning the rich and the On Tuesday, Septemb Goode. Church Rev. Robert H4ayne poor. Trinity U.C.W. met 9, Herbs for Health, a baptized Meghan Elizabeth On Friday, October 3, at 7 church hall for the collection of named herbs Baker. Altar Flowers at St. p.m., interested adults and meeting. The Presiden fresh fromn the garden. 1. George's were placed in young people, grade 7 and Up, R. Coombes opened thE Marjory Freethy. memnory of Peggy Wade. are invited to come to make ing with a few words o Vegetables The Anglican Walkathon, in plans for this year's Drop-In- Most Important Gift( 1. Winter Onions, plate of 3, support of Outreach, will Centre Program. and welcomed the larg 1. Herbie Gibson, 2- Rana begin next Saturday at Maran- The Stewards will meet on ber of ladies present. Sinou, 3. Jean Rickard. atha ('hurch Parking Lot and Monday October 6. Mrs. M. Wiseman, le 2. spanish Onions, plate of 3. proceed to St. John's Bow- Unit Two of the U.C.W. will Unit 3, introduced the 1. (.wen Gýibson, 2. Marjory manville and end at St. meetonThursdayat2:30p.m. Charity Singers, a gr Freethy, 3. Herbie Gibson. Saviour's in Orono.. at the home of Mrs. Garnet eight ladies who re 3. Pumpkin (one pie) 1. Reverend and Mrs. Robert Rickard. several vocal numbers Marjorie Freethy. Hayne attended the Rural Newcastle Community were much enjoyed. 4. Squash (Hubbard), 1. Clergy Conference at Stanton Bowling Wiseman thanked the Gwen Gibson, 2. Herbie Gib- House, Sparrow Lake, this Ladies 200 an Over: H. for coming to us. son. week. Couroux 223-266, S. Foster 227, Hymn "Near to the]B ,5. Sus (Pepper),L1 Gwen Under the leadership of D. Forth 201-339-287, B. Major God- was sung accor Gibson, 2. Rana Sinou, 3. Rev. Robert Hayne,1 supported 211, M. Major 220-243, V. by Mrs. Amacher at thE Marjory Freethy. by members of the Royal Witheridge 212, J. Stere 228- Mrs. A. Blair introduc Canadian Legion, Bowman- 222, 1. Brown 215, M.,Wàde daughter Catherine wh Scout Report ville, thé first Decoration DaY 210-244-215, M. Foster 212, M. us an interesting rest Mr. -Oliver Knapp reports service was held at St. Burley 201-226, D. Langstaff that Scouts wereý busy last George's Cemetery, New- 218-220, J. Pollard 209, A. week end, east and north of castle on Sunday afternoon, Langstaff 252, E. Meadows Danford 200, Joey Forg Devil's Elbow, Bethany with September 28. t is hoped that 210-200, B. Petherick 224. Friday Mixed 200 an( Operation Alert. Eigbt Scouts# this will be an annual event. Men's 225 and over: W. J. Holmes 221, M. Burl and their leaders left oný Legion member Douglas Wiaî Fîintoff 229, J. Grabam 229, T. A. Pearce 211, S. Glani Saturday morning, returning ton placed crossmarkers on, Emliley 278, S. Glanville 263, F. Glanville 238, W. S Sunday noon. Mr. Knapp was veterans' graves and tbe F. Stapleton 241, R. Sutcliffe 239, A. Delaat 214, b. unable to attend Saturday as many floral tributes were 233, B. Farrow 260-265-226, J. 233-293-272, R. Burley he brought his father-in-law, grea tly apprecîated. Ogden 225, E. Taylor 273. Embley 228-220, M. Her Mr. Clifford Bruton home Newcastle United Church Thurs. Mixed 200 and over : S. Powell 404, N. Ni( fromn Toronto Hospital that. News C. MacGregor 214-222, W. 223-206. day. September 28 was Baptis- Forget 211, G. Forget 211,R. There is public bow]i Scouting bas again resumed mal Sunday at Newcastle Forget 205, F. Lewis 242, Bob 7:30 Wednesdays and 9, for the faîl, starting M-ny, United Church. Rev. Thomas Foreet 224, B. Forget 216, J. Thursdays. in the general mt, Mrs.1 he meet- on "The of All"" .e num- lader of ie Sweet group of rendered rs wbicb i. Mrs. ie ladies Fleart of npanied he piano. uced ber vho gave mme of 'get 223. id over: xley 211, ville 251, Simpson Pearce 209, T. enry 207, âcholson .îing 5 to hrpiku hrs-ic 9o'clock up your friends' kids aswell as your own at school. FEA TURE ITEMS ON SALE TO OCTOBER l3th Save IPn InsuIationand Conserve Enerqy Too Why rShop %Out ofTown? You Can Buy a 4 - Piece Chesterfield for only Choice of 3 Colors $299,98B Kitchen Suites 7 - Piece Set As Low As $17998 We Have Just Received a Large Shipment of Swag Lamps - Table Lamps Boudloir Lamps Mulder's Furniture 23 King St. E. 623-5515Bomnll Amacher read tbe Scripture, Psalm 119, and followed with prayer. Miss Winnie Cryder- man gave a fine talk on "A way to get the habit of reading tbe Bible"', A poem was read by Mrs. Blair,1 "WonderfJ,,- Words of Love"1 was sung. - ý Mrs. R. Coombes conducted the business. Rev. Oake spoke on International Women's Year. Lt was decided that tbe ladies of the U.C.W. will take charge of -tbe cburch service on Nov. 23rd. Reports were given and roll caîl taken. Mrs. C. Trewin, chairman of Christian and Mîssionary Education, gave a report on our Live Love project, telling us of the work of Miss Jean Bridgman in India. Announcements were made. On the recommendation of Mrs. A. Hilîs it was decided that the fund for the memorial window will close on October 5th. The missionary prayer and Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting.

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