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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville October 1, 1975 .k ..,:.' % - . .................. ....-.e eg 3,e... CLRSIFED.DS REALTORS REAL ýSTLTE LIMITED 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 11-1C iT8 623-4428 ARE you senr motivated and looking for a career that offers unlimited incomre and oppor- tunities. Meet many interes- ting people. We offer you: excellent commission splits, provide you with clients, give you experienced aid in your career and we are a member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Experi- enced saiespersonnel pre- ferred. Cali us now for confidential interview at 623-4428. 40-)J THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications will be recel- ved by the undersigned until 12 noon, October 10, 1975 for the following positions: Temnporary Full Time Key Punch ,Operator Genieral knowledge of office procedure. Experienced in operating IBM 029 and 059 machines. Experience with other Data Processing equip- ment would be an -asset. Accuracy and ability to get along with people essentiai. The position will be in Port Hope, Ontario. Casual Key Punch Operator Experienced operator of an 1lBM029 or a Univac 1701. The position will be in Port Hope, Ontario. It will be, for the School Term. Please apply in, writing stating qualifications, experi- ence, and telephone number M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 40-1 NMursesý'Aides PART.TIME EXPERIENCED PH4ONE: MRS. DENNIS 623-2553 40-2 R.NA.'s 1and Nursing Aides Required for Nursing Home. PHON E 987-4252 40-2 Give yourself a head-star? to a successful career in Medical1 or Dental Office Assisting -Day Course - 6 months -Night Course - 10 Months -Brand new air-conditioned facilities -Classroom and Practical training included -Advisory Counsel by doctors and dentists -Student boans available HOME STUDY COURSE in DENTAL OFFICE ASSISTING NOW AVAILABLE Phone, visit or send coupon today GREER LIMITEDA 3rd Floor, 55 Queen St. E., Downtown Toronto (416) 363-3721 Name .................... Street .................... City............ ,.......... Phone............ Age .. 40-1 PERSON age .6-18 to iearn G raph ic Arts i n Pr inti ng Shop. Contact Don Bishop,. c-o Statesman Offi ce. Ca reta ker Applications wiIl be recei- ved by the undersigned until Thursday, October 2, 1975, for the position of Caretaker, 40 hours per week a? the Bow- manville High School. Good knowledge o? school' caretaking procedures and cieaning methods. Abiîity to work from verbal and written instructions and to get along with people. Reply in writing stating qualifitations, address and felephone number to: M. A, MacLeod,' Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470, COBOUR 40-1 CA R ETA KER wanted for Me- marial Park. Days to com- mence Oct. 5, applications to be received on or before Oct. 3. Apply f0 Advertiser 577 c-o Canadian Statesman, B3ox 190, Bowmanvilhe, Ontario. 39-2 C = *- CASHIER - Sales Clerk, ex- perience with cash preferred, part time. Phone Liberty General Store, 623-7871. 40-1 PART TIME, choose your own hours. Persons to caîl on Fuller Brush customers. No investment. For information phone Pat Wiebe 372-9969 after 4 p.m. or write 416 Waiton St., Cobourg. 37-4x PERSON needed to assis? in ca re of two young children and to do light housework several days weekly, in Solina area. Own transportation preferred. Phone 263-2312. 40-1 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. DAN HOOPER Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 40-tf RON'S FLOOR CARE !ncludes Homes, Offices, etc. Rug, Carpe? and Upholstery Shampooing, Wall Washing CALL Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 40-5x CENTRAL Marine Electro- nics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- tor for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. 16-tf SAN'RIDGE Sand éw Gravel L. GILBANK Blackstock, Ont. - 986 486 - SERVICES -- Bufldozing - Backhoeing Sand -Gravt,. -AggregatE Carbozîte Protective Coatings PHOTOGRAP1H CoMrmercial - Wedd ortraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOLl 705-277- 2261Y DOMESTIC &COMME REFRIGERATIONt and APPLIANCE SALES & SI Kool Enterpri PHONE 623-322 14 Division SI., Bowmf DARLI NGT( MASONRý Brick, Block,, CHIMNEY & FIREI CHIMNEY CLEAI Phone 623-21 MAPLE GRC SMALL ENGI Repairs f0 ail make Lawn and Garden Equ 579-2001 Homne Carper Rec. Rooms - Fences Repairs of aIl typ Free Estimate - Tra Commercial -- Resi Phone 623-31 JACK BURGE OIL BURNERS- FUR CLEANED PLUMBING REP; PHONE HAMPTI 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX43 - Bowiî BOB BEEF 137 ELGIN STRI Plumfbing -He Pressure System New Work and Rel, Service and Estimé Cali1623-264 CUSTOM uphoistering, eringr-styling, veryi bework guarante years experience. FrE mates. Please call 1-986-5072. DAY care in My location - central. Pie. 623-4294. Anger Construc 1Co. Chimney Reps contact, ROY ANGE LIGHT trucking jobs, saw work and roofr Phone 728-2410. Lawn &Garden Ca re Rolling, roto-tiliing with a commercial machine. Seeding down new lawns or aid. Tree. cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222, tf Refrigeration AN D Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Miik Cooler! PHONE BERT SYER Days.............. 623-5774 Nights............. 623-31,7Z Lander Hardware, and ELECTRIC TF INSTALL AN e FURNACE HUMIDIFIER H EATER AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POL ICY CALL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983.5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 23-t? DYTE"RS & SON S CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types., PHON E 623-2263 NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEI REPAIRS TO ALL MAI Harvey Partrn Orono 983-5206 --Zenith 20-tf NKES 1462( 41 -t resi BiIl's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviile iy Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass dings Sealed Units - Strm Window! Store Fronts - Float Mirrorý Patterned and Coiored Glass and Glazing. 17-t 29-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" file ___ Ward's Well Boring. Tele tCIAL phone 342-2030.- Representa lITS tive Harry L Wade. Tehe ph-p 987-4531. 1/, I VICE es C&CJANITOR SERVICE 26t Carpet -,Upholstery Professiona ly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 fone BOWMANVILLE 45- Il Real Estate Auction, 11C year-oid house in Prince )V F Albert, Ontario (south o? Part mNEPeriy, next tb Sunn Brae ýes of at 3p.m. Lot size 86 x 164, 1800 uipment sq-f. o living space with 16>x 32 swmmingpool, large kitchen, broadloom through- lStt ouf, new wiring, turnace, plumbing, plaster, 3 bed- rooms. Terms 10 per cent ntry down day o? sale, vendor will Arborite arrange f irst mortgage anc Floors wiil hoid second mortgage. For appointment call Mr. ,pes. Jones (vendor) a? 985-8016 subiecf to reserve bid. Myles ,adesmen King, Auctioneer, 725-5751. idential 40-1 194 Safurday, October 11lth 31 -tf Auction sale o? farm ma. chinery, househoid furniturE and antiýues. The property oi ESS the late Char lie Raby, Lot 30, RNACES Con. 2, Hope Twp. 4 miles wesi o? Welcome on Hwy. 2 or7 'AIRS iles northwest of Port Hope. ON 6 tractors - John Deere, 710 diesei-power steering com- plete. M.F. 35 gas wift manure loader. Ferguson 2085 rnanviiie gas M.H. 30. AR John Deere >30-tf gas. Int. WD 6 diesel. 1974 - - John Deere F45 4 ?urrow trip RS beam plough, John Deere 7' ET power mower, 1973 John ET Deere 34 manure spreader. ýat!ng 1974' John -Deere 8' snow ns blower. 1975 John Deere 5-6 pairs ton wagon, 1975 Lincoln Wel- ates der, 1975 John Deere 14 chain saw, John Deere 14T Baier 41 PTO, 1937 Plymouth car, 33-tf Overland Whippet car, 1973 Chrysier, 4 door Newport Custom car, 16' Surf Master grecov- Boa? 55 hp, Chrysier motor, reason- canopy top, complete, ful une eed, 2 o? tarm machinery. (See sale ,ee esti- bis for complete lis?). Coal collect 26-tf and wood stove, Annex coal and wood stove, gas stove, Kenmiore dishwasher, 2 re- homne. frigerators, Coronada deep ýase call freeze, dining room suite, 36-4x Nordheimer apt. size piano and bench, hall rack, hall tree, ctio10n love seat, 7 piece toile? set, pine table, wash stands, picture frames, stereo, 2 airs record cabinets, Fleetwood color television, ciothes dryer, dishes, glass, china, miens, ER bedding, quantity o? hand 39-4x tools, very large quantity o? furniture and antiques. Terms cancash, no reserve. Machine canSale a? 10:30 a.m. Furniture repairs. Sale at2:00Op.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 40-2x 705-324-9959. 40-2 Saturday, October 4, 1975, 1: 00 p.m. at the Knox Christian School, Scugog Road North, sponsored by Durham Chris- tian High School. Items for sale: baby furniture, mattres- ses and springs, book shelves, skates, bikes and miscel- 'laneous items. Also a bake sale and plants and garden produce for sale. 40-1 Grist Mili Auction Barn Newtonville Fri., Oct. 3rd at 7 p. m. 1970 Moto-ski, 340, excellent condition, fridge, stove, 2 cribs, pantry cupboard, pro- pane space heater, dressers, bed-chesterfield, 2 brass in- strumnents, pine table and cupboard, and many more items. Terms cash. Stapleton Bros., auctioneers. 786-2244. 40-1 lst Bi-Annual Hereford Pro- duction Sale, Tues., Oct. 21st, 1975, 1 p.m. E.D.S.T. at Ormsdale Farm, Brooklin, Ontario. Selling: Choice Anx- iety, Beau Mode, Domino, Superol, Tru Duke, Leonard 25L, Spidel, Vescovi, Circle T. blood mies. Complete 1974 heifer caîf crop; mostly bred; including, show animais; a select number of cows with calves; stationed tested and indexed servîce-agedl bulîs. Owners: Hugh W. Ormiston, Brooklin; Harold R. Forder, Port Perry. 40-2 Tuesday, October 2lst at 1:00 p.m. Annual Faîl Stocker Sale at Lindsay Communitv Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ont. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots or to your satisfaction. Always a good quality sale with large quanti- fies for your selection. For consigniments or further in- formation contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and, Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-5 f Saturday evening, Novem- ber 1sf. Special Twilight Charolais Stocker Sale a? 7:00 p.m. at Lindsay Community S Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ontario. Charolais stocker steers, heiters and 20 calves sold in truckload lots or tf f0 your satistaction. For -consignments or further in- formation contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and Auction- eerReabroOnt. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-7 V Thursday, October 16 th Auc- tion Sale o? livestock, impie- ments and househoid turni- ture. The property o? ýthe late .~Howard McKay, south haif -Lot 6, Con. 4, Ops Township, 2 e'miles south on Hwy. 35 from e-Junction o? Hwys. 7 and 35 at a-Lindsay to the River Road and e-3 miles southwest. 77 head o? SHereford and Shorthorn cat- lie, 30 mature cows with 23 calves by side, 6 bred heifers 2 yrs. oid, 18 heifers and steers, 11/2 yrs. oid, 1970 Int. 434 diesel fractor, power sfeering with 1501 manure loader, Int. 46 baler PTO, Int. No. 30 tractor manure spreader, M. H. No. il side rake, Cockshutt 7' power mower, Int. double disc, M.H. seed drill, Int. 16' cuitivator, 2 Case 3 furrow trail ploughs, Mayrath 36' hay elevator, full uine of machinery, approx. 4500 bales o? 1974 mixed hay, approx. 350 baies 1974 second cut. Approx 450 bales oat io straw. FindiaÎy elecfric stove, :e General deep f reeze, refriger- rt afor, 2 chesterfields and e chairs, 2 chrome fables, drop h leat table, wicker rockers, )0 washstand, beds, dressers, x churn, dishes, some antiques, ýe many other items. Terms 1- cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12 noon, machine sale l-atl1:OOp.m., cattie sale a? 2:30 it p.m. Carl Hickson, auctio-' i neer, Reaboro, Ont. 1-705-324- I 9959. 40-2 Saturda y, October l8th, 6 Farm Sol d, Auction Sale o? S ivestock, impiements, somne househoid furniture. The pro- 1 perty o? David Sharpe, Lot 12, - Con. il, Cavan Twp., 1/4. mile west o? Ida or ý10 miles wesf of - Peterborough or 3 miles north e of Hwy. 115 at Millbrook Turn Df and 114. mile west. 86 head of 0,Holstein and Heretord- st Holstein cross cattie, Here- 7 tord bull rising 3 yrs. oid, 26 a.mature grade Holstein cows, 10 14 fresh March to June, 5 fresh 1- June, 5 fresh July, 2 fresh h Aug., ail rebred, 4 Holstein ý5 and Heretord cows tresh April 'e - rebred, 4 Holstein cows due '4 November, 4 Hereford and P Short horn cows with calves by r'side, 16 Holstein heifers 1 fo n 1/2 yrs. old, 5 Holstein steers 11/2 yrs. old, 23 Hereford and V Holstein ca-Ives 2 f0 10 mons. 6 oid, 4 young Ewes, 1 Ram, I-approx. 1200 bales wheat and n oat straw, Universal mofor, r pump and uine for 30 cows, 3 Universai units, 3 De Lavai 3 Separators, 1971 Cockshutt t 1365 diesel tractor, 4 wheei r drive with Industriai manure loader, A-C 302 Baler PTO,. D 1972 New Idea 1 row corn a picker PTO, Cockshuft 7' 1 combine PTO, 1970 Int. 56-2 1 row corn planter (trail>, Allied 36 tooth cultivator 3 pt., Oliver 4-14%strip beamn trail piough, Cockshutt 207 side rake, Cockshuft 280 manure spreader PTO, Cockshuft 350 7' power mower, John Deere seed drill, Turnco grain box wif h roller bearing wagon, 1974 GMC 1/2 ton V-8 truck with racks, 1964 Mercury V-8 3 ton piattorm truck, 1972 Ambas- sador V-8 4 door car. Ail vehicles will be certifîed, full u lne of modern machinery. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale a? 1:00 p.m., cattie sale at 2:30 p.m. Cari Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 1-705-324-9959. Auction sale of f urniture and things at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, 1 mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday even- ing, October 4th. Loads of wonderfui thîngs. Corne and see these basement bargains. Sale time 7:00 p.m. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. 40-1 Kawartha Select Charolais Fail Sale 50 Head Saturday, October 4, 1975 at 1:00 p.m. at Peterborough Livestock sale Arena, Peter- borough. Seliing 2 Full French buils, 3 purebred bulis, 45 purebred and percentage fe- maies, seiected from 19 top herds in 4 different provinces. A real sale of quaiity, that should be attended by anyone starting or improving a Charo- lais herd or anyone requiring an excellent herd sire for either a purebred or commer- cial herd. Catalogues avail- able. Sale managers: Liptay Auctioneers Ltd. RR 1, Bow- manville, Ont. 416-263-2117., 40-1 Saturday, October 4th, auc- tion sale of livestock, impie- ments and furniture. The property of the late Konstan- tine Pantschuk, east hait, Lot 15, Con. 7. Scugog Twp. first farm we, t of Nestieton on Hwy. 7A or 712 miles east of Port Perry. 34 head o? Hereford cattie, 16 mature Hereford cows with 15 calves by side, 1 cow due Nov. 11, 1 open 2 yr. -old heifer, Poili Angus Bull 3 yr. old. A good herd of cattie sho wing size and quality. 1971 Int. 276 gas tractor 1650 hrs. like new, M. H. 30 tractor PTO, 1972 New Holland 273 Baler - super sweep pickup PTO, Int. 3-1's ace bottom -plough, J.F. 29 toothed cultivator, Sedore snow biower 3 pt., 1972 Otaco flexible harrows, Int. C28 Sower mower. Maple Leaf 36' ay elevator new, 6 ton roueér bearing wagon with rack, 1974 post hole digger 3 pt., New Holland tractor manure spreader, 3 pt., 1975 cattie oiier, large quantity of chick- en equipment, 8 new McKee water bowls, 1966 Chev. car - 327 motor - 4 barrel, new tires, 1962 Chev. car-mag wheels, 3 speed transmission, fullilune of modemn farm machinery. Approx. 100 White Leghorn la ying hens, 3000 bales mixed hay, 200 bales second cut hay, 1,400 bales oat and barley straw, 10 ton of Barley, round oak table, refrigerator, desk, dresser, 2 B-W televisions, bar, chairs, tools, marry o!heý Uiems. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12:30 p.m., machine sale at 1:30 p.m., cattie sale at 3:00 p.m . Carl Hîckson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 38-3 Saturday, October 4, start- ing 11:00 a.m., clearing auc- tion of household contents, featuring anitque and period furniture, collectable glass, china, primitives, etc. The property of Jack Mason, Courtice Village (between Oshawa and Bowmanville) on Courtice Rd. South, 3rd house on west side. Partial list: "Minto" wood stove w-warm- ing oven; pine Bonnett chest; Blanket boxes; washstands; 5 Victorian parior chairs; ma- hogany china cabinet; 7 pce. Chippendale dining suite; J & H love seat; smail settee; Jacobean table; oak court cupboard; 4 English press backs; occ. tables and chairs; dressers; bedroom suite; kit- chen set; hanging lamp; Tiffany type table lamp; Min. satin glass G-W-T-W lamp; Min. ou amp; ail lamp; signed Carnival, Wedgewood pitcher, Nippon cups and saucers; Maple Leaf compote Cookie Jar; Depression; Ame- thyst; Delft; Flow Blue; Lustre; Sterling Silvér Vase; brass scales; brass candie- sticks; brass kettie; crocks; 4 pce. toilet set; pictures; old records; clocks; toleware; and other good Bric-A-Brac. Note: Everything has been well'cared for. A good sale. Terms cash. No reserve. Kahn Auction Services 985-8161. 39-2 Wednesday, October lSth, Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Livestock, Implements, Furn- ftume and antiques. The pro- pemty o? Roydan Harvey, south hait, Lot 28, Con. 12, Smith Twp., 1 mile east of Hwy. 507 at Selwyn and 12 mile north or 5 miles north of Laketield to Selwyn, 1 mile east, 12 mile north. 17 head of Holstein and Hereford cross cattle, 7 cows milking, 1 with caif by side, 2 open heiters, 7 calves, 2 Belgium Mares, set o? team harness, approx. 50 iaying pullets, Hay, Straw, Oafs, W4 Int. gas tractar extra good, M.F. No. 3 baler PTO, M.F. 7' trail type power mower, New Holland hay conditianer PTO, M.H. side rake, Int. Heavy duty cultiva- tom, M.H. No. 10 manure spreadem, New Holland 18' hay elevator, roller bearing wagon with rack, 2 grain augers, lumber, splif hardwood, elec- tric incubator, De LavaI separator, 2 Surge units, full uine o? machinery, coal ail lamps, picture trames, 3 piece toile? set, 5 butter cracks, fiat irons, 2 butter prints, ladle, pine drop leaf table, churn, washstand, 2 ice cream makers,, copper baiher, quihts, heirloom bedspread, belis, bedroom suite, large quantity o? furniture and antiques. Terms cash. No Reserve. Sale a? 1:00 p.m. sharo beoinnino with furni- ture. Carl Hickson, auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 1-705-324- 9959. 40-2 Mww 597 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario. Bus. 579-1822 RES. 576-3692 Mr. Everett De Hart, E. De Hart Real Estate Limited is pleased to announce the ap- pointment of Doreen Thomp- son to his sales staff. Doreen Thompson has com- pleted the Government of Ontario Approved Course for Real Estate Agents and has passed the qualifying exami- nations. Doreen was raised in 'Bow- manvilie, and has lived in Oshawa for the past fifteen years and is familiar with the Bowmanviie, Oshawa area, and would like to invite her friends and acquaintances to contact her either at her office at 579-1822 or her residence 576-3692 for any assistance she may offer in the Real Estate field. 38-1 REALTOR 623-2503 NORTH CENTRAL OSHAWA - 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room al beautifully decorated and broadloomed. Finished rec. room, and sewing roomn. New root, wirlng, piumoing and furnace. Like a new home oniy $42,500. BOWMANVILLE 2 semi- detached homes, buy one or both. 2 bathrooms in each. Garages, paved drives, swim- ming pooî. Homes in good repair. Close to schools and shopping. $40,500 each, 83/4 per cent mortgage. ORONO - Income property, 3 apartments, ail in good repair. Good income. 86' x 170' lot, space for enlargemrent. Own- ers moving away. Asking $63,000. Make an offer. OLD COUNTRY CHURCH - Soiid, ideai for many uses and lots of room to build your dream house amid large shade trees. Good value at $23,000- Terms available. 40-1 Peter Kwowal, Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanviile Teiephone 623-2453 REALTOR NICE FAMILY HOME on large lot, four bedrooms, living room, dining room, recreation room, paved drive, close to park, asking $59,900. ONE AND ONE-HALF Storey trame dweiling, plenty of room for the average family, asking $44,500. SMALL,' Older style, insul- brick, south part of town, priced to seil. S EVEN ACRES, with barn and five room dweiling, New- tonville area , $75,000 with terms. WANTED - If you have a house, farm, business or vacant lot for sale, please give us a caîl, as we have buyers for properties 0f various types and locations. Affer hours cail: J. Barton- G. Beech- P. Kowal 623-3098 623-5265 623-5868 S40-1 Year Round Cottage Wiliam's Pain?, Caesarea, $39,900. Home away tram home. 1/4 acre, beautitul treed, choice, hake front ha?, tour bedroams, cenrahhy heaed, huge log firephace, wahk-out ta hake tram hawer level. Phone 1-225-0623 or 986-4386. 39-2 ORONO, Church Street- an town water, new bungalow and split hevel, lot 76'x 166, broadlaom, sliding doors out- side, chimneys for tireplaces. 1-983-5709. 40-2 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 Lot - Fowlers Corners 800 sq. ft. home is aliowed on this excellent 100' x 175' lot on good road which is school bus route. An ideai building-site'at the right price of only $7,500. Cali Elfie Jost. Neat As A Pin 2-storey, 3 bedroomn home. Quality broadloom through- out. Across from scenic park. Attached garage. Asking $56,'900. 93/4 per cent financing. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. Bewmanville Century brick home on beauti- fuliy treed 80 x 148 ft. lot with 2 storey 20 x 50 ft. barn. Paved drive. Attached garage. Excellent value at $55,900. Cali Bill Turansky. 85 Acres Trent River - Health Forces Sale 3 miles to Campbelford. 7 room masonry home, new wiring, furnace and bath, ouf- buildings in top condition. Unexceiied fruit and vegeta- ble garden. Ail for the asking- price of 574,500 with the best terms. CallPat Yeo. Backspiit - Pickering Beautiful 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Finished recroom with stone fireplace and bar. 5 minutes from Go-Train and 401, Price $61,000 with terms. If you are tired of commuting, give me a cail. Christa Winterhelt. Owner Transferred - Must Seil Lovely 3 bedroom brick bun- galow on lot 66 x 145. This 2 year old features hardwood floor, electric heating and the best of loving care priced a? $48,500 with terms. Cail Pat Yeo. Bowmanviiie - Frederick Avenue Area Professionally landscaped lot 60 x 175 with mature trees. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, immaculate and tastef ully decorated. Living and dining roomn broadioomed. New drapes and curtains included. 1immediate possession. Only $57,500. Terms. Cail Phyllis McRobbie. Newtonvilie Rural 10O acres with large bungalow. 3 miles to 401 Hwy. Large garden. Walkout basement, double garage. Asking 584,900. Cail Bill Turansky. Bowmanviîle Special $55i900 side-split with family room. Ultra modemn kitchen, L-shaped living and dining area, open fireplace, finîshed rec room, 16 x 30 swimming pool, attached garage, fully broadloomed. Cali Stan Lock- yer. Bowmanviiie Bungalow, oniy 2 years oid, 3 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, good size lot. Close to ail conveniences, dlean eiectric heat with full clear basement with plenty, of area for games and family room. Asking only $53,700. Check the price and cail Bud Virtue. Lakefront Cottage - Caesarea Neat as a pin describes this tuily remodelled and fur- nished 2-bedroom cottage on 45 x 150 lot on Lake Scugog with safe, sandy beach. Real- istically priced at only $22,000 with $5,000 down. For details cali Elfie Jost. Renovated Starter Home - Newtonvilie 6 roomn older home, 3 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath, some new carpets, new and carefuliy installed insulation on lot 66 x 175, Close to 401 interchange. Asking $36,900 with terms. Cali Pat Yeo. Bowmanviiie Lovely ivy covered 4 bedroom sidesplit on beautifuily land- scaped lot. Famiiy roomn with f irepiace and walkout to yard. Eat-in ýkitchen, attached gar- age. Good area close to shopping. Asking $65,900. Cal Bih ,Turansky. Estate Building Site Raglan - 27 acres on the ridges High scenic land with trout stream, springs and woods along southern area. Asking $72,000. Terms. Cail Stew 623-3911 NEWCASTLE - building lot 55 x 126 facing on Hwy. 2, commercial zoning possibili- ties, asking $20,000 with ternmis. BOWMANVILLE - iust redu- ed, excellent family home, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, attached double garage, rec. room and sauna bath, also 3 room self contained apartment to heip with the payments, vendors wiil hold mortgage, asking $61,500. Cail to inspect today. HAMPTON, beautiful park- like setting with 11/2 storey 3 bedroom brick home, sepa- rate D.R., fireplace and very tastetul decorating scheme, large 98 x 360 foot lot. Vendors anxious, cail to see today. BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, finished base- ment, rec. room, paved drive, and garage, good area close to school, shopping and hospitai, asking $46,500 with terms. 40-1 137 King St. E., BowmanV4ille 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR Country Living, 11/2 acres with pond a nd trout stream run-ning th roug h property, older 3 bedroom home, lovely seclud- ed area, close to town. Asking only $39,900. Gardener's Paradise, 21/2 acres completeiy landscaped property goes with this imma- culate 3 bedroom brick bunga- low walkout basement to garage and breezeway, schooi bus a? door. Brand New, 3 bedroom back- spiit with fireplace in famiiy room, large shady lot, 2 baths, double car garage, buy now and choose your colors. 40-1 tGeorge Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 BOWMANVILLE 11/2 storey é room trame, weii kept home, carpet throu ghout on large landsca ped lot. P riced ai $44,900. See us today for this excellent buy. ORONO AR EA: Large 7room weii built and kept bungalow with 32 x 40 tt. insulated and ohl heated workshop on 3 acres of land. Excellent property for cabinet maker, carpenter or other tradesman. BROOKLIN AREA: Well kept 6 room trame home, rec. room, atfached garage, large above ground swimming pool, 30 x 15 tt. shed on 1 acre lot with fruit trees. Priced at $79,500. OMEMEE AREA overlooking Pidgeon River, 2 acre lots. Priced at $11,000 each. GARDEN HILL area 5 acre lot with pond-site and 2 trout streams. Priced at $18,900. Ca Il: Dick Woudstra - 983-5915 Geo. Blyleven 62i-5558 4V- 1 REALTORS REAL ESTATE LIMITFO 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANViI.. EONTARlu LI C1TFý 623-4428i ORONO COU NTRY HOME - A beautitul side split with 3 baths, large rec. room and attached double garage. Many extras such as walkout f rom master beçlroom to baicony. Cali for further information. 135 ACRES o? land with large modemn barn. Just off Hwy. 35. Open f0 Offers. Asking $110,000. MILLBROOK AREA - Execu- tive type homes on one to three acre lots. Finished famiiyroom with fireplaces. $49,500. with $5,000 down. COLBORNE AREA- Three 50 acre lots - Workable farm land with some trees. Ail perm ifs available. $33,500 each with $15,000 down. NEWCASTLE - 3 bedroom brick bungalow on quiet court. Large backyard with garden area, $54,900. INGROUND SWIMMING POOL - 8 yr. oid 3 bedrom bungalow on 75 x 200 lot. Broadloom in living and dining room. Finished family room with tireplace. $48,500. 40-1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon .... .......... .. PREALO Pat Marjerrisori Ken Nicks Doîlie Davey: 623-4i' 623-405O 786-2256 (Newtonville') STURG3EON LAKE Year round home, 3 bed- rooms, large living room with stone tireplace, 4 piece bath., garage and guest houseO. Large lot wifh 100 ft. trontage on Sturgeon Lake. Ideal sum- mer vacation or year rotrld living. $44,900 terms. r BOWMANVI LLE Imm,aculate bungalow, î block f rom downtown area, large landscaped lot with garage. Cosy living room with fireplace, dining room, '2 spacious bedrooms. This chas- sic older home would be ideal for reired couple or young famiiy, $49,900 full price. MAPLE GROVE 18 Acres, wooded land, Gravel Pi? Road, close to Oshawa or Bowmanville. $3,000 per acre. BOWMAN VIL LE, Custom built brick'bungalow, quiet residential area, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, finished base- ment with f ireplace and extra bedroom. Excellent value at $57,500.z NE WTON VILLE Ranch bungalow on a large hot, tinished basement, good residential area. $54,900. Ter ms. BOWMANVI LLE Custom buiit 3 bedroom house on 12 acre landscaped lot with inground swimming pool, fin- ished basement, good location $59,500. 40-1 BOWMANVILLE, 3 bedroom older semi, one and a hait bafhs, large living Iroom, dining room and kitchen, new wiring, furnace, roof, excel- lent location. Phone 623-2424. 40-1 Newtonville-Starkville Bowling Team Standings Sweet Peppers 7, Cabbage Heads 6, Carrot Tops 6, Celery Hearts 5. High Single: Doris Chrysier 294; High Triple: Cindy CoWle 633. Top 10 Averages Cindy Cowle 210, Marlene Stacey 192, Jean Arnold 191, Karen Carter 189, Olive Hend- erson 180, Dorotby Stark 178, Margi Pollard 177, PeR2y Milison 177, Joyce Stacey 174, Bernice Henderson 173. 1'Legion Ladir'%NG Team Standings ,- Plazek 11-10,831; Partner 5-10,162; Sutcliffe 4-10,087; Sheehan 4-9,880. High Single: Suteliffe 264; High Triple: Bissonette 706, Hîigh Average: Sutcliffe 214. Top 10 Averages Sutcliffe 214, Plazek 204, Sheehan 202,, Whitney 200, Gray 196, Bissonette 194, Simnick 176, Oke 174, Partner 170, Murdoch 169. 1066 Srnlo Bowmanville - $59,900- this bungalow about 1P/2 years old must be inspected, beautifully decorated, large family room with fireplace and bar, nice quiet location. Oshawa City Limits Area immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow with recreatiori room and bar, dishwasher in kitchen, beautiful sundeck across back of house overlook- ing the niceiy landscaped lot 89' x 2 10'. $35,900 - Hampton, 7 rooms, needs modernizing, situateâ on a lot 66' x 165'. Vendor wviIl hold one open mortgage at il per cent. 25 Acre Hobby Farm - brick bungalow about 7 Years olci with stove and dishwasher included, barn about 24' x 36'. Asking $69,900. 31/2 Acres - with 8 roomn home being renovated, $wimming pool and barn about 25' x 40'. 10.6 Acres - with a 3 bedroom bungalow about 5 years old, double garage with workshop; paved road location. Asking $89,900. Vacant Lot- in Hampton 66' x& 205', excellent location. Ask- ing $23,900. $38,900- Bargain, 2 apart'. ments, drapes, stove, airf conditioner, swimming pool, iocated in Hay don. Cail 728- 7328 for 'ail details.ý After hours please caIl: AI Werry- 263-8190 ,Wm. Ratciiffe - 655-4457 Lee Rocchetta ' 723-8707 Ed Varga - 728-6322 Louis Voîf - 728-7068 Rorie O'Boyie - 576-1224 Neis Burshaw - 728-8266 Steve Englert - 28-5581 Alan Giaspeil ;23-7618 . 40-1 :, I ERI UN ES E R isi 21 iiar 'OP st, PL NlIN 171 A~CES sG

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