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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1975, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadbîn Statesman. Bowmanville, Octoher 1, 1975 Section Two "Worlv-d Understanding" Rotary ~ A unique speaking ability of humor followed by effective remarks confronted the Bow- manville Rotary Club last Thursday as Rev. W., Rainey, Rector of St.John's Anglican Church, Port Hope, a wbimsi- cal Irishman, addressed the club on "World Understand- ing." Rev. Rainey's colloq uial illustrations paralleled by stressing of the strikine needs, botb national and world wide, added great strengtb fto ie theme of his topic. Following, a lengthy intro- duction f0 the club by Rotar- ian Garnet Rickard, Rev. Rainev immi-ediatel.v made bis burnorous nature known by tbanking Mrý. Rickard for the many creçits acknowledged and suggesting tbat he might wisb them fo be written ouf and sent f0 the Bisbop. "We're all basically sel- fish," Rev. Rainey began and feel that we are the centre of the world around which others qhould rotafe. Interjecting a humorous reference, Rev. Rainey indi- cated he feels sorry for the funeral directors as baîf the people are dead if they only bad the sense f0 iay down. Instead they keep walking around just f0 avoid the cost of a funeral. Criticism was offered of "YOU FORGOT THE MONTHLY REPORT?"î Too frequently, an insured Ioss occurs when the insured has failed f0 renew, or has defaulted on the premniumn paymnent, and forfeits the right fo collect insurance. Be sure fo keep your insurance policies in force at ail times, James Insurance Agence LimitE 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. 'JAMES Office 623-44106 Residence 623-5023 (D )eaker's T those wbo might faithfully attend cburcb but neyer smile. 'Wc say we hav e the answer," lhc continued. adding the question of bow the non- smilcrs can Idame those who dont corne. Commeinting on tbe opinion of many tfîat the churcb is always looking for money, Rev. Rainey suggested fliat tbese are likely to be the ones who corne only once a year, and if they hit on a day when funds are being called for, then that's aIl tbey hear. He did however, add the note that "getting moncy ouf of people for missions toda is like looking for boly water in an Orange Lodge." Amonig bis many contribu- lions f0 society, Mr. Rainey is Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Nights of Canada, a relative f0 the Orange Lodge. In addition he, also being decply involved wif h the Sbiiner's organization, is on the slate of the shrine which cati cventually bring bis appoint.menf as Grand Pot en- fate of the Shrine of Canada. A i'cccnt appoinfment bas also been granted Rev. Rainey f0 the advisory council for LIP grant s. Rex. Rainey came to Can- ada in 1955. He first affended thc University of Toronto, then f0 Huron College in London and back to fhe University of London, Eng- landl. Hc bolds membership in the College of Preachers in Wash- ingfon, D.C. and bas been at bis present posf in Port Hope for five ýears. Being an Irisbman, Rev. Raincy made reference (o tbe insettled situation in Ireland foday. 1-e suggested thaf if is not a religions war as if is made ouf to, be, since those witb the guns haven't darken- cd the door of a cburcb in years. Rev. Raincy expressed sym- pafby witb the members of the Britishi Army presently posted in Ircland as fbey just don't know wbo their friends ar'e. Confinuing bis bumorous but point making remarks, ~Rev. Rainey referred to the unresf in the Middle East area of Israel. The probable answer from a young boy on tbe streef in Telaviv regarding Moses' wnuld likely rîîn in the affect that Moses was one of tbe most important men in the world, but stupid. Had he gone soutb instead of nortb "we'd bave the nil instead of the Arabs." Rev. Rainey also suggested that Russia max be maintain- iîîg fiîndly relations witb the U.S. as "thcy know China is on (he other side of the wall." Rev. Rainey repeafed the "on1stanfly reminded facf thaf biuman nature gives everyone 1the rigbftu bdhve food, shelter, clotbing, medicai service, whîcb unforfunately not alI are gctting. "We'rc going f0 bave fo pay some day as a nation and a DX PREMIUM FUEL QIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE, CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial11-668-3381 CALL us DX FUEL OIL TODAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE rDjid You Know? Trentway Bus Lines Limited Have DalyLmousine and Bus Express Service For Further Information and Reservations Cali BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 623-3182 or 885-2568 (Collect) "YOUR GUIDE TO TRAVEL" 47 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE, TRENTWAY BUS UNES LimITED 'heme people, he stated, "if we bave any conscience af al.' He suggested (bat we can't sit on our haunches any longer but bave got f0 get up and look at if if we are going f0 understand fhe world we live inî. Regaî'ding the symbolic figure of "Atlas" with the world on bis shoulders, Rev. Rainey stafed (bat "if God had wanted any one of us fo carry the world on our shoulders be wouldn'f bave made 50 many of us. ' The speaker rerninded (bat we are living in a global village wbicb wifb transporta- tion (bat used to take six xveeks f0 England now taking six bours, is getfing smaller ail the firne. "Even the Newfies ar'e flying," he com- mentcd. Furtbeî' on the Newfie bumor Rev. Rainey explained the Newfie side of the joke as tu why the jukes are su simple. Apparently, if is so the maînlanders cari understand fhem. Rev. Rainey suggested it is fantastic thaf we can meef in such group s as Rotary, pro- vided itf des nof end there. Thîe faulf of alI is (bat we foî'gef (00 quickly (bat we have f0 pay after we play. Thanking fbe speaker, Ro- tai'ian Fred Beaucage added to the puirpose of bis (berne, commenfiig "a sbip in barbor is sale but (bat's not wbat if was built for. BURKETON (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. B. Smith, Oshawa was a î'ecenf visitor with Mrs. E. Carnochan, neigbbors and friends. Mrs. B. Lee and family, Oshawa were callers of Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace and family. Mrs. S. Tabb, Bowmanville (formerly of Burketon), bas been a paftient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital for sur- gery, sbe is progressing favor- ably and will soon be able to be borne. We ahl wish ber the best of healtb. Mr. and Mrs. A. Swain visited relatives in Toronto recenfly. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham of Hay don. Congratulations (o Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers of Nestie- ton wbo celebrated their 5Otb wedding anniversary on Sept. 2Ofb. Mr. and Mrs. Lesîle Taylor attended the event on Safurday evenîng. Stanley Taylor was a Sun- day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. HoId Liane Ites Installation Ceremon les The installation ceremony for the new executive of the Bowmanville Lionelt es was held a ik he Lions Centre on Tuesday, September 16f h. From left: Colleen Lush, Treasurer; Diane Zinn, Direci or: Molly Kent, Secretary; Myrile Marsden, Director;, Marie Moses, President; Zef la Dilling. Director; Greta Brown, Firsi Vice-President; Phyllis Chartran, Direct or; Vera Tomlinson, Second Vice-President; District Governor Ed Leslie and Ev Dunin, Past President. Good old- fashioned savings.le EnfiÏeld lIntended for Last Week) Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Bow- man and Juliet, London, and Mliss Myrtle Tamblyn, Toron- to, were weekend guests, of Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Bowman and attended the Bowman and Best wedding. Bruce and Myrtle rcrnaîned for the week. Sunday dinner guesfs includ- cd, Mr. and M'rs. Harold Weir, London, Mr. and Mrs. Robson Boxxman, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bowman, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grass. Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn, Orono, Mlr. and Mrs. Franklin Tam- blyn, Stoney Creek, anid Mis.' G. MauDougal. Oshawa. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mir. and Mrs. Eric Boxx man (nec Jennifer D. Best) on their marriage. Jimi Smith is attending Guelph University and Jeffery Burns is attending Vterinary College at Cenralia. Our decpest sympatby is extended to Mrs. R. B. Simpson and family and relatives in the sudden pas- sing of her mother, Mrs. F. Kossatz, in the Oshawa Gene- rai Hospital the Funeral was field on Monday at Petewawa. Mi'. and Mrs. Fred Samis and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Griffin and Julie visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmer, South Monoghan and Mr. and Mi's. Frank Larmner, Port Hope. The friends of Mr. Almo Ashton of Michigan was plea- sed with the handwork and display of Mini Building now on display at the Bowmanville Museum. The combination house and store in Enfield is now the Samis Home.' I Miss Coleen Taylor and Mr. J. Hoolekma, Bowmanville. attended a family gatbering au-- her aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnstons, West Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Brid- gett, Bowmanville, Miss Hea- (bei' Suart, Wbitby and Mr.,_ Brent Taylor, Oshawa at Mý and Mrs. Gordon Taylors. YOU MAYLOOK THt WHOU TOWN OVER) BUT ThERE/S NONE To COMPARE, FOR WFR VCF SUCH AS OURS /5 VER>' ER zýi V4Ke,? OSSOHARVEY ORONO 963-5206 ÊSSO HOME HEAT SERVICE BE A + BLOO DONOR_ Business DireCtory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361 2 King St. F., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeepingand Tax Service Business. 623-4597 Residence: 623 7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 22 Waverty Road 623-2896 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King SI,. East Bow m anville Phone 623 4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623 5509 Office Hours: By appoiniment Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvillt f near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telepbone 623 7412 If busy 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FT E RNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D. 75 King St. E., Bowmanvill Office Hoursý Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'til 5 Wednesday -9'til 2 Friday.-9'til 4 Not open Saturda y or Sunda Off ice Phone 623 5790 IGA PINK Liquid Detergent RIPPLE OR PLAIN IGA Potata Chips GLAO PLASTIC ýe K itchen Catchers s c,.F $zASSORTE TYPES 2eF0 OR Tame Creme Rinse 2 0K S REGIJLAR. MENTHOL, LEMON LI 6F0-,, SURF SPRAY SHAvE CREAM 2 PKGS.$ Gillette Foamy QLJIKKI PLASTIC LARGE KS$ Utility Bags 2 25 BUTTERFLAKE 8 .$1 PKGS. Pillsbury Dinner RolsL2 FOR ARNOLO'S t4c OFF LABEL) IME. OR il oz * A FR0 TIN I FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS irge REDOR WHITE CANADA FAN CVGRADE McINT0SH â8 Apples A PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Broccoli B- 9 Raisin. Bread L60? 551 BU RNT ALMONDVI RG IN'IA,.MIL K cHOcOLATE OR ROYAL OARIK CHOCOLATE 2.75 TO Neilson Candy Bars 2 ,,791 BARS FOR FOR$ IST PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. SUNI VA LE N CIA Oranges S[tZ 113 DOZ PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. IE Honey Dews L8 ', Butter Rails 12G 751 cHOcOLATE FUOGE OR CHIP. PEANIJT BUTTER CHIP OR BESTASSORTMENT 14 TO 16 oz Colonial Biscuits P160 79 SUNDAY STORE HOURý, 10:00 o.m. - 5:-00 p.m. MONEY ON QUALITY 2il, 47 ýàe" Mun lwW

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