14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 8, 1975 CLRSSIFI.E R Il, s DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFUED Tues., 12 noon aelp W ate EESTATELIMITE1 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 1T8 623-4428 ARE you self motivated and looking for a career that offers unlimited income and qppor- tunities. Meet many interes- ting people. We offer you: excellent commission splits, provide you with clients, give you experienced aid in your career and we are a member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Experi- enced salespersonnel pre- ferred. Cali us now for confidential interview at 623-4428. 40-2 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION FullTime Key Punch Operator Applications will be recei- ved by the undersigned until 1:00 p.m., October 17, 1975, for an experienced Key Punch Operator for the Board Office in Cobourg. Experience with Univac or I BM Data entry devices would be an asset. Apply in writing sfafing ful qualifications and expeience to: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 41-1 There's the excitement of meeting people, travel, new challenges in: Hotel-Motel Operations & Management Day'Course - 6 Months Night Course - 10 Months Brand New Air Conditioned Facilities Student Loans Available JOIN A FAST-GROWING INDUSTRY THAT NEEDS WELL-TRAINED PEOPLE Phone, visit or send coupon today CAREER UMITED 3rd Floor, 55 Queen St. E. Downtown Toronto (416) 363-3721 Name................. Street.................. City.............. Phone ............Age. 41-1 Cosmos Chem lac Ltd. REQUIRES Operator- Technician For Operation and Ana lysis of Distillation Process. Some labor duties. Wages under review. Grade 12 minimum 155 ROSE GLEN ROAD N. PORT HOPE Phone 1-885-6341 41-1 Nurses' Aides PART-TIME EXPERIENCED PHONE: MRS. DENNIS 623-2553 R.N.A.'s and Nursing Aides Required for Nursing Home. PHONE 987-4252 40-2 Northumberland and Durham FARM LABOUR POOL Apple Pickers Wanted for Area Farms Register with: Northumberland and Durham Farm Labour Pool 7A Division St., Bowmanville Phone 623-3880 41-1 Sales Personnel Wanted Unlimited income andaoppor- tunities - Excellent commission splits - We provide you with clients - We give you experienced aid in your career - Meet many interesting people - Experienced sales person. nel preferred Call George Van Dyk, Realtor for confidential interview 41-1 HAIRDRESSER, experienc- ed, part-time or full-time. Please call 623-4901. 41-1 Help W Are you interested in learn- ing a trade with a good future? If vou are 16-18, and willin to learn, we have an opening in the Graphic Arts department. CONTACT: RICK PATTERSON at the Canadian Statesman Office 66 King St. W. 41 tf EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted Phone 623-5455 or 623-4620. 41 ff ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. DAN HOOPER Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 40-tf IF you have a drinking problem please call A.A. 728-1020. 36-tf RON'S FLOOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices, etc. Rug, Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing, Wall Washing CALL Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM REPAIRS TO ALL MA< Harvey Partneî Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 1 Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS L 7 Division St., Bowmanv Ontario. Phone 623-518 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Strm Wind Store Fronts - Float Mir Patterned and Colored Gi and Glazing. WATER Wells bored, 30" Ward's Well Boring. 1 phone 342-2030. Represe tive Harry L Wade. 1 Phone 987-4531. BOOKKEEPING done in home or your office, by hour, daily, weekly or mo ly. Free pick up and deliv reasonable rates, 1-786-2681 4 Mountjoy Backhoe Servic Trenches - Drains Foundations and Septic Ta Dug and Backfilled Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand Ivan Mountjoy Blackstock 986-4737 Lawn &Garden Care Rolling, roto-tilling wit commercial machine. Seec down new lawns or old. cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 Refrigeration AND Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers P ONE BERT SYER Days............. 623-5774 Nights ... ..... ..... 623-317 Lander Hardware and ELECTiIC TF SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel L. GILBANK Blackstock, Ont. - 986-4868 -- SERVICES - Buldozing - Backhoeing Sand - Gravel - Aggregates Carbozite Protective Coatings Home Carpentry Rec. Rooms Arborite Fences Floors Repairs of all types. Free Estimate - Tradesmen Commercial - Residential Phone 623-3194 MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGINE Repairs to al makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 i5tt DAYCARE for children of ail ages in my home. Lunch will be provided. Fenced in yard. Lord Elgin school area. 623-5616. 41-1x L. BEERS& SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20 tf LIGHI trucking jobs, chain saw work and roof repairs. Phone 728 2410. 40-2x JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Call 623-2641 33-tf PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTYPOOL 705-277-2261 29-tf NTMESTIC & COMMERCI1AL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING- Phone 623-2176 45-tf CENTRAL Marine Electro- nics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- for for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. 16-tf CUSTOM upholstering, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. Please call collect 1-986-5072. 26-tf 1-Ix Anger Construction Co. Chimney Repairs contact nks ROY ANGER 39-4x C & C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery 41 1 Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 1969 CHEV. Impala, 2 door hardtop, 327 automatic, power steering and power brakes. A-1 condition, 54,000 original miles, $1,395. Certified or nearest cash offer. Phone 1-705-277-2512. 40-2 '73 CHEV Van, 6 standard transmission, top condition. Phone 623-3609. 41-1 1974 CHEV Impala Custom, power brakes, steering, auto- matic, radio, speakers, defog- ger, tinted glass, radial su- spension and tires, bumper guards, 15,000 miles. 723-5407. 40-1 '74 CHEV. Van, 350 automatic, 14,000 miles, good condition, phone 263 8034. 41-1 1968 DODGE Polara 500, good condition, certified. Phone 987-4802. 41-1 1969 MUSTANG, Mach 1, headers, hi h rise, 4 on floor, track bars. hone 987-4346.41-1 1971 TOYOTA Corona Mark Il, 4 speed, radials, mags, AM-FM radio, interior imma- culate, body and mechanics good, Priced for quick sale. Phone 623-2582 weekdays from 8: 30 to4: 30. Home 623-7923.. 41-lx '66 FORD half ton, fair condition. As is. Phone 1-983-9117. 41-lx 1974 G.M.C. Van, :/ ton, V-8, automatic, 9,000 miles. Phone 1-986-5573. 41-1 LARGE farm house on No. 2 Highwa , three acres, Bow- manvil e area. Immediate possession. Phone 1-293-6810. 41- 1 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment, near downtown, fridge and stove. $140 plus hydro. Available October 15. Phone 623-5598. 41-1 FOUR bedroom farm house situated half rhile east of Kirby Store off Kendal road, $250 per month. Available November 1. Call -Brookdale- Kingsway Ltd., Mr. Brand 623-3345. 41-1 SMALL furnished house No- vember 15th to April 15th. Very reasonable to responsi- ble party. Write stating parti- culars to Advertiser 579, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 41-lx NEWLY decorated 2 bed- room, upstairs apartment. $155 monthly includes heat, pay own hydro. Quiet tenants only, references required. Phone 623-4805 after 4. 41-1 BOWMANVILLE - modern apartment, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonable, central location. Phone 623-7532. 41-tf THREE bedroom town house ideal for family living located on a quiet court in Bowman- ville close to schools. $275 a month. Available immediate- ly. Call Marylin Simpson 623-3393, Bowmanville or Toronto 923-9174. W. Frank Real Estate, Realtor. 41-1 CENTRE of city, approxi- mately 1,400 sq. feet. Heat and lights paid. Suitable for store or offices. $375 monthly. 725-9783. 38-tf COMPLETELY furnished apartment, suitable for two. Ail services and TV, $175. No pets. Phone623 2605. 41-lx APARTMENT, two bedroom, stove, fridge, air conditioner, laundry facilities, electric heat, wall to wall carpeting. $225 including utilities. Phone 623-5206after5. 41-1 TWO - one bedroom apart- ments, one available Novem- ber 1 and December 1. Heat included. Phone 623-4387. 41-1 FURNISHED bedroom, cen- trally located, separate en- trance. Phone 623-7402. 41-1 FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week, or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates. Castie Hotel, Bowmanville 623-7072. 51-tf Wae 3-tf e2 Cars or Sa 1973 MUSTANG, 302, 8 cyl., automatic, radio, good condi- tion. Phone 623-7403 after 7: 30 p.m. 41-1 GREAT gas saver. 1974 Vega hatchback, yellow with black plaid interior, automatc, ra- dio, white walls with discs. Extras include 2 snow tires, sport striping kit, camping tent. Telephone 1-983 9552 af-, fer six on week nights, anytime on weekend. 41-1 '71 TOYOTA Corona Mark Il Wagon, automatic, radio, re- clining seats, rear window defroster, 43,000 miles. Seli as s $650. Phone 263-8049 after six. 41 Room and board for pen- sioner in central Bowman- ville. Phone 1-786-2216, 41-2x NEW BOWLERS NEEDED BY Canadian Forester s PHONE 623-6782 or 623-3238 40-2 Apple Growers Again buying juice apples in large volume bulk at farm, also peelers. Cash payment and prompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 41 4 Cars, Trucks Tractors, Motorcycies Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf Blie G. Bar S. Ranch Horseback riding $3 per hour. Our membership is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stalls for rent, plenty of room. Special riding ring and indivi- dual corals for your conven- ien'ce. $50 per month. CaliUs Anytime 623-4027 19 tf EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOAR DING instruction in i?4 Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOwMANVILLE 6237336 ff RELIABLE adults would like country house to rent. Within commuting distance of Osh- awa, 1-705-292-7121. 36-8x GARAGE space to work on car. Don 623-3448. 40-2 ONE bedroom apartment in Bowmanville on ground floor, reasonable rent. Write Adver- tiser Box 566, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 35-tf RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Serv ce Oshawa & District Real Estate Board, tf FINEQU LITYR MONUME TSAND MARKERS STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Aucta n ord Brother s A on ments ml eafo of nnskIenan LIMITE D Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552y Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, Oct. 11th at 7 p.m. High cupboard, two brass beds, round oak table, 5 piece settee, love seat, other pieces of antique dishes and funniture. Cliff Pethick, auc tioneer. 41 1 Saturday, Oct. 18th, auction sale of real estate, tractors, machinery, furniture, anti- ques, etc. The property of Melvin Wrig ht, Lot 5, Con. 13, Manvers Township, second farm west of Burns General Store, Janetvilie. Inter. B275 diesel tractor, Inter. W4 Super H.D. loader, excellent condi- tion, J.D. seed drill on rubber, Inter. 17 tooth cultivator, mower, 1974 Chev. 1 ton truck' duel axIe, platform, 5,900 miles (power steering and power brakes), 1965 Inter. 12 ton truck, real good condition, 1959 G.M.C. 2 ton truck, hydraulic platform and racks, (1974 Chev. and 1965 inter, are both certified), 1969 Sno Prince snowmobile, excellent condition, 1967 Polaris snow- mobile, 1970 Snow Jet snow mobile, 2 go-carts, Holstein heifer, due end of October, Guernsey cow, Hereford calf, antique car (1928 Model A Ford Coach), neal goad oigi- nal condition, excellent run ning order, ore Lister 6 horse gas engine, 1 Massey Harris 6 horse gas engine, 2 Model A Ford motors and assortment of antique Model A parts, 1 2 Track Model T snow car. Antiques: buggy, three cut- ters, antique china cabinet, antique telephones, antique chairs, antique rocker, anti- que dressens, kitchen range, coal ail lamp, antique stove, antique trunks, and antique car trunks. Furniture: iron beds, tables, fridge. Also offered for sale subject to reserve bid, farm consisting of 30 acres, good barn, house needs sone repairs, potential building lots, terms 10 per cent down day of sale. Good productive land. Sale Et 12 noon. Terms cash. No rser- ves. Grant Werry, auctioneer, Hampton 263-2603. 41-2 Auction sale, Saturday, Oct. llth, 1:15. Saveon products Warehouse, Hwy. 28, Bewd- ley, consisting of wash bowl set, chairs, tables, iron fire- place, oil iamps, dishes, glassware, TV, refrigerator, space heater, carpets, bed- ding, dress form, bicycles, French doors and other items still being consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer.: 41-1 Thursday, Oct. 16, 12:30 p.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale including oak dining room suite (round table and leaves, 6 chairs and buffet), oak hall seat and mirror, tea wagon (excellent), oak wardrobe with full length beveiled mirrors (beautiful condition), color television, chesterfield and chair, occas- ional chairs, 2 rugs 9 x 12, library table, silver silver- ware, antique dishes, crocks, dresser with large oval mir- ror, several chairs, rocker, picture frames, refrigerator, floor lamps, couch, kitchen cabinet, 3 trunks, fruit jars, frigidaire 24" automatic elec_ tric stove (good), many, many other items. This is a fine clean auction. Lunch avail- able. The property of John MacNab, 45 Brock St. E. in Uxbridge. 'Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, auctioneers. 41-1 Tuesday Evening, Oct. 14 7:30 p.m.- Holsteins Kawartha Klassic Holstein Sale, Peterborough Exhibition Grounds, Peterborough, Ont. 50head, registered, full ped- igrees, 35 fresh or springing at sale time. An excellent oppor- funity to buy fail milk and foundation stock, 3 fancy pedigreed bulls nearing ser- vice age. 1 Excellent and several Very Good cows including Grand Champion Cow from Prince Edward C. Show. She is a V.G. "Fury" with high records. Several 1st calf heifers with great poten_ tial. Several calves suitable ror 4-H work in '76, including a "Count Crystan" heiter calf and her V.G. Windy Mont Marquis Roland Dam. Plan to attend this sale. Ail cattle are blood tested. Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale Manager and Auctioneer. 416-852-3524. - 41-1 Saturday,October 11,10a.m. Furnture and Antiques Auction sale including Auto- matic washer and dryer, upright freezer, electric stove, chesterfield and 2 chairs, 9 x 12 broadloom, occasional chairs, oak extension table, 6 dining room chairs, oak china cabinet (curved glass door secretary on one side - good), hall rack, kitchen suite, rock- ing chairs, pictures, coal oil lamps, toilet set, crocks, large qu. of dishes, dash churn, oak buffet, carpenter tools, lawn mower, garden tools, many other antique and useful articles. The property of Mrs. Findlay Thompson in Good- wood (beside park) Sale at 10 a.m.Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson,-Sale Managers and Auctioneers. 416-852-3524. 41-1 Auction sale for the estate of Mildred Downey, 65 Ontario St., Bowmanville, Monday, Thanksgiving Day, October 13th, all her household effects. China cabinet with round glass door, 3 piece chesterfield (blue) lamps, black and white TV (new), washing machine, 5 piece parlor suite, fridge (self- defrosting), radio, beds, dres- sers, washstand, library desk, bedding, 2 sets of fine dishes, other dishes, pots and pans, many antique pieces. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Laurence Harris, clerk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 41 i Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville Fn., Oct.1Oth, 7 pm.H Contents of a Port Hope home, good condition, coal and wood annex, wringer washer and dryer, barrel churn, buffet and china cabi- net, 4 oak chairs, corner what-not, 6 piece parlor s (good), Duncan-Phyfe cofft table (oval), Butternut dr'- leaf table (gate leg), continental bed complete, car pet rocker, occasional and wing-back chairs, 5 piece chrome suite, gingerbread lock (old), country cabinet, wardrobe, old parlor wood stove, iron sap kettle, Carni- val depression dishes, cups and saucers, old phonograph, needle noint foot stool, 30" stove, much more. Auctio- neers: Stapleton Bros. Phone 786-2244. 41-1 Tuesday, October 21st at 1:00 p m. Annual Fall Stocker Sale at Lindsav Communitv Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ont. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in fruckload lots or to your satisfaction. Always a good quality sale with large quanti- ties for your selection. For consignments or further in- formation contact Carl Hick son, Proprietor and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-5 Saturday evening, Novem- ber 1sf. Special Twilight Charolais Stocker Sale at 7:00 p.m. at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ontario. Charolais stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots or f0 your satisfaction. For consignments or further in- formation contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-7 1st Bi-Annual Hereford Pro- duction Sale, Tues., Oct. 21st, 1975, 1 p.m. E.D.S.T. at Ormsdale Farm, Brooklin, Ontario. Selling: Choice Anx- iety, Beau Mode, Domino, Superol, Tru Duke, Leonard 25L, Spidel, Vescovi, Circle T. blood lines. Complete 1974 heifer calf crop; mostly bred; including show animals; a select number of cows with calves; stationed tested and indexed service-aged bulls. Owners: Hugh W. Ormiston, Brooklin; Harold R. Forder, Port Perry. 40-2 Auction sale for Peter Mur- doch and his family, 39 Lamb's Lane,/ Bowmanville, Saturday, October 18. Ail his household effects, stove, fridge, beds, dresser, chester- field and chairs, black and white TV, kitchen suite, clo- thes dryer and garden tools, dishes, bedding, other arti- les. Sale at 1 p.m. Lawrence Haris, clerk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 41-2 Safurday, Oct. 18 at 10:3p a.m. - complefe contents of "Century Farm & Home" featuring 1001" items, in- cluding antique furniture, glass, china, primitives, col- lectors' items, antique and modern farm machinery, gas engines, lumber, misc., etc. The prôperty ot bilaKe uoui- tice, located on sideline 2, Pickering twp., being south, off Durham Region Rd. 5 (formerly 9th conc.) 4 miles east of Claremont; or 21V2 miles north of Hwy. 7, via Durham Region Rd. 23 (for- merly Pickering-Whitby town- uine)bethween Brooklin and Brougham, to conc. 8, then west to sideline 2, noth. Partial list: pine flatback with paned glass: pine tables: pine washstands: pine postmaster desk: pine candle tables: orig. stenciled Boston rocker with matching armchair (signed): Uxbridge cabinet or gan (or-, nate): brass bed: ches f drawers: old sideboards: oak kitchen table: carved vict. chairs (orig. horsehair): setof press backs: arrow back chairs: books: jeweilery: seaiens: old botties: bedding: oue eamps: crocks: ginger- bread and O.G. clocks: butter bowls: large quantifies of old woodenwane, toleware, and primitives: iron woodstove: iron parlour stoves: toilet set: glass: china: bear trap: old nacing cutter: 3 aId gas engines: belis: lots of modern 9ools: John-Deere "A.R." tractor (excellent): McCor- mick baler: Int. 3 furrow olow: J.-D. disc: drag har- rows: hay mower: hay rakes: aide tyme ha yloader, corn binder, grain b inden, cutting box, clover mill, potatoe digger and thresh machine: old scufflers: old hand plows: rubber tire wagon: scales: 4 new tarpaulins: scales: cider oress: buzz and rip saws: set of sleighs: old iron keffies: iron implement sears: pine pump: ladders: lumber: fire- wood: scrap iron: piping: steel roofing: new double horse harness: horse collars: and much, much, more. Note: thene wiIl be 2, auction rings: 0( furnitune, glass, china, etc. (2) machinery, toàls, etc. This is a tremendous auction fea- turing everyfhing f rom yester- year, to the present. A collection from generations. Terms cash. Noa eserve. Quifting farming: Kahn Auc- flan services - Port Perny, 980-8161. 41-2 Monday October 13 Thanks- iving Day Special Auction ale for Beare Bros., Furni- ture and Appliances. Mark- ham R. R. 1, being 3 miles east of Hwy. 48 (Markham Road) on Steeles Ave., to Beare Rd., - turn south 1 mile (watch for signs) -"Cedarwood Country" - near Pickering airport. This is a clôsing out auction sale of over 42 years in business. Furniture, Appliances, Tires, Fridges,hFreezers, Ranges, Dish Washers, Caloun T.V.'s, Chesterfields, Stereos, Kit- chen, Bedroom, Dining Room Suites, just about everything ou can think of for General se, - (see Sales Bills), Dealers in G.E., Westing- house, Inglis, R.C.A., Kauf- man, Krug, Beverley, Edge- wood, - over 40 Dealerships in all, one of the nicer places to ever to deal. Remember New Merchandise, An Auction worthwhile attending - over 4,000 items. This property is being expropiated. Every- thing will be sold with No Reserve. Buy at your own price "BUY AUCT ION" - If ou have never attended a Country Auction Sale, come to this one - a thrill of a life time, 4 auction rings operating at the same time, Term Cash Known Cheques, Sale at 9 a.m. - Dealers Welcome. A. S. Farmer, Don Burd, Earl Gauslin, Frank Burnett, Doug Moore, Auctioneers Norm Faulkner Sales Manager and Auctioneer. 416-640-5691. 41-1 Sat. Oct. lth clearing auction sale for FRET MEATS at Claremont R. R. 3 ' (being 10 miles N.E. of Mankham Hwy. 7 (Phone 416-640-3125) inc uding Slaugh- ter and Store Equipment. roperty expropriated for "New Airport", including Butcher Boy meat saw (11/2 H .Pa sM e a suicer clu ating Sept. 1974 electric hoist, new Benkel meat grinder, freezer, cooler unit ½2 H.P. (6 months aid), Simonsen portable hog dehairer 2 H.P., Thompson splitting saw, cutlery grinder, large rendering ketfle, 2-En.- te rise Sausage stuffer good, S.S. cutting tables, cutting fable hard plastic top, S.S. covered counters, plastic-S.S.- porcelain trays, hooks; knives, steels, scrapper, cleavers, cash register, punch time cdock, office equipment, alsoa Huskey liquid spreader 1,000 gais. perfect condition, new husky P.T.O. pump, W-6 tractor, rototiller, Fond riding lawn mower 42", etc. etc. Note only a few items listed here. This is good equipment, make suretaoattend. Refreshment -- Sale 1 p.m. sharp. Atkinson and Wilson, Sale Mgrs., and Auctioneers. 41 1 quilts, heirloom bedspreadci bells, bedroom suite, large quantity ýof furniture and antiques. Terms cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. sharo. beainnina with furni- fume. Carl Hickson, auction- ee, Reaboro, Ont. 1-705-324- 9959. 40-2 Thursday, October 16th Auc- tion Sale of livestock, imple- ments and household furni- ture. The property of the late Howard McKay, south half Lot 6, Con. 4, Ops Township, 2 miles soufh on Hwy. 35 from Junction of Hwys. 7 and 35 at Lindsay to the River Road and 3 miles southwest. 77 head of Hereford and Shorthorn cat- fle, 30 mature cows with 23 calves by side, 6 bred heifers 2 yrs. old, 18 heifers and steers, 112 yrs. old, 1970 Int. 434 diesel tractor, power steering with 1501 manure loader, nt. 46 baler PTO, Int. No. 30 tractor manure spreader, M.H. No. 11 side rake, Cockshutt 7' power mower, Int. double disc, M.H. seed drill, Int. 16' cultivator, 2 Case 3 furrow trail ploughs, Mayrath 36' hay elevator, full line of machinery, approx. 4500 bales of 1974 mixed hay, approx. 350 bales 1974 second cut. Approx. 450 bales oat straw. Findlay electric stove, General deep freeze, refriger- ator, 2 chesterfields and chairs, 2 chrome tables, drop leaf table, wicker rockers, washstand, beds, dressers, churn, dishes, some antiques, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12 noon, machine sale at l:00p.m., cattie sale at 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctio- neer, Reaboro, Ont. 1 705-324- 9959. 40-2 Saturda y, October 18th, Farm Sol d, Auction Sale of livestock, implements, some household furniture. The pro- perty of David Sharpe, Lot 12, Con. 11, Cavan Twp., 1/4 mile west of Ida or 10 miles west of Peterborough or 3 miles north of Hwy. 115 at Millbrook Turn and 1/4 mile west. 86 head of Holstein and Hereford- Holstein cross cattle, Here- ford bull rising 3 yrs. old, 26 mature grade Holstein cows, l4freshMarch to June,5 fresh June, 5 fresh July, 2 freshi Aug., all rebred, 4 Holstein and Hereford cows fresh April - rebred, 4 Holstein cows due November, 4 Hereford and Shorthori cows with calves by side, 16 Holstein heifers 1 to 112 yrs. old, 5.Holstein steers 12 yrs. old, 23 Hereford and Holstein calves 2 to 10 mons. old, 4 young Ewes, 1 Ram, approx. 1200 bales wheat and oat straw, Universal motor, pump and line for 30 cows, 3 Universal units, 3 De Laval Separators, 1971 Cockshutt 1365 diesel tractor, 4 wheel drive with Industrial manure loader, A-C 302 Baler PTO, 1972 New Idea 1 row corn picker PTO, Cockshutt 7' combine PTO, 1970 Int. 56-2 row corn planter (trail), Allied 36 tooth cultivator3 pt., Oliver 4-14's trip beam trail plough, Cockshutt 207 side rake, Cockshutt 280 manure spreader PTO, Cockshutt 350 7' power mower, John Deere seed drill, Turnco grain box with roller bearing wagon, 1974 GMC 1/2 ton V-8 truck with racks, 1964 Mercury V-8 3 ton platform truck, 1972 Ambas- sador V-8 4 door car. All vehicles will be certified, full line of modern machinery. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m., cattle sale at 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 1-705-324-9959. 40-3 Wednesday, October 22nd Auction Sale of Machine Shop Equipment. The property of Staples Marine and Machine Shop, 98 Queen St., Lindsay, Ont. Lathes, steel shaper, drill presses, surface grinder, punch press, hydraulic press, 4 Arc Welders, Forte /4 H.P. Bandsaw, tapping machine, 2 twin grinders, 2 Milling Ma- chines, Kellog air compressor, Akin 7-14 power hacksaw, 2 sets chain blocks, Ferguson 20-85 tractor and loader, 3 Chev. trucks, very large quantity of small items and hand tools pertaining to Ma- chine Shop Business. Terms Cash. No Reserve as owner is going out of Business. Sale at 11:00 a.m. commencing with hand tools and small items. For details contact Carl Hick son, Auctioneer, Reaboro, On- tario. 705-324-9959. 22-2 Wednesday, October 15th, Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Livestock, implements, Furn- iture and antiques. The pro- perty of Roydan Harvey, south hait, Lot 28, Con. 12, Smith Twp., 1 mile east of Hwy. 507 at Selwyn and 1/2 mile north or 5 miles north of Lakefield to Selwyn, 1 mile east, ½2 mile north. 17 head of Holstein and Hereford cross cattle, 7 cows milking, 1 with calf by side, 2 open heifers, 7 calves, 2 Belgium Mares, set of team harness, approx. 50 iaying pullets, Hay, Straw, Oats, W41int. gastractor extra 9god, MF.trai. tbaler TO mower, New Holland hay conditioner PTO, M.H. side rake, Int. Heavy duty cultiva- for, M.H. No. 10 manure spreader, New Holland 18' hay elevator, roller bearing wagon with rack, 2 grain augers, lumber, split hardwood, elec- fric incubator, De LavaI separator, 2 Surge units, fuill Ime of machinery, coal ail lamps, picture trames, 3 piece foilet set, 5 butter crocks, fiat irons, 2 butter pnnts, ladie, pine drop leaf table, churn, washstand, 2 ice cream makers, copper boiler, Direct Toronto Line923-9174 43-tf ORONO, Church Street, on town water, new bungalow and s p lit level, lot 76 x 166, broadloom, sliding doors out- side, chimneys for fireplaces. 1-983-5709. 40-2 Fish In Your Own Stream and enjoy the rustic atmos- phere of this 10 acre parcel located in the Hampton area. Ideal for summer retreat or snowmobiling in winter. A cottage and some furnishings are already there waiting for you. Aking $44,900. Cal Mary Anne Murphy, Realtor Canada Permanent Trust Company Phone 725-1155 or 728-8791 41-1 Bring an Offer On this 4 bedroom, 2 sh<rey home located in Bowma& ,le, featuring two bathrooms, se- parate dining room, main floor, laundry room and gar- age. Asking $38,900. lmmed- iate possession. Cali Mary AnneA y Canada Permanent Trust Company, Realtor 725-1155 or 728-8791 41-1 G UASH TODÀA FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Auc n a Saturday, October 11th Auction sale of farm ma- chinery, household furn4é and antiques. The propertv the late Charlie Raby,-Lot 31'ý, Con. 2, Hope Twp. 4 miles west of Welcome on Hwy. 2 or 7 miles northwest of Port Hope. 6 tractors - John Deere, 710 diesel-power steering com- piete. M.F. 35 gas with manure loader. Ferguson 2085 gas M.H. 30. AR John Deere gas. Int. WD 6 diesel. 1974 John Deere F45 4 furrow trp beam plough, John Deere 7' power mower, 1973 John Deere 34 manure spreader. 1974 John Deere 8' snow blower. 1975 John Deere 5-6 ton wagon, 1975 Lincoln Wel- der, 1975 John Deere 14 chain saw, John Deere 14T Baler PTO, 1937 Plymouth car, Overland Whippet car, 1973 Chrysler, 4 door Newport Custom car, 16' Surf Master Boat 55 hp, Chrysler motor, canopy top, complete, full line of farm machinery. (See sale bills for complete list). Coal and wood stove, Annex coal and wood stove, gas stove, Kenmore dishwasher, 2 re- frigerators, Coronada deep freeze, dining room suite, Nordheimer apt. size piano and bench, hall rack, hall tree, love seat, 7 piece toilet set, pine table, wash stands, picture frames, stereo, 2 record cabinets, Fleetwood color television, clothes dryer, dishes, glass, china, linens, bedding, quantity of hand tools, very large quantity of furniture and antiques. Terms cash, no reserve. Machine Sale at 10:30 a.m. Furniture Sale at 2:00p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 40-2 Orae "Waverly Gardens" In Bowmanville Built by Marianna Developments Your Guaranteeof Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 $4150 DOWN Features mnclude: Clean Depondabl@ Electric Heat Large family kitchen Finished family room Completely broadoomed 11/ baths Fîreplaces Attechsd garages Fully sodded lots Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Da 10OA.M.to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m Choiceof 2 Deluxe Models to Choose From. MAR IANNA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limited Well known for quality construction and superlor workmanship. m=--ý 11 âmi