Man KiIIed Trying ta Avoid Hitting a Dog9 Win 27.66 0/ /0 Increase in One Yer Boaird Raitifies Agree en11L'-ý1,0 -t ,With Elementacry Toachers, Board of Education members, didn't like it much, but thley voted 9 to 4 last week to adopt a nwcontract with elementary school teachers in the Northum- berland and Newcastle jurisdic- tion. The settlement 'means a 27.66 per cent increase in salari es, plus a cost-of-living aillowance. Ratification by the board came late Thursday night at a special meeting. The pub- lic school teacjlers associa- ftions (the Federation of Wo- men Teachers' Association of Ontario and the Ontario Public School Men Teach- ers" Federation) had al- read appovedthe offer. The trustee who is chairman of the board-teacher salary negotiation committee, Bill Car- man, reported that 75 per cent of the element ary school teaching staff had turned out to vote on, the offer and that the teachers voted 86.7 per cent in'-favor of acceptance. Turn to Page Two) Volume 121 15e Per Copy BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO>. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8, 197.5 24 Pages Number 41 A 19-year-old Oshawa man, one of two killed locally over the weekend in traffic, died Friday at approximately 3:05 p.m. in the above vehicle on Prestonvale Road, south of Highway 2. Newcastle OPP report Michael P. Siavin of 273 Labrador Drive. Oshawa, died when the northbound vehicle crashed into a tree on the east side of the road. Loss of control in avoiding a dog is believed the cause of the fatal mishap. -Photo by Doug Taylor S'cfys Readgig SkiIIls a Ex-Firemain's ProbleminHig'9h School uik cto At curiclumin ecodar Pael nd hewas set up by the task force Saves Purnps Aa ureimmeeting i eodr ae n h and sent to secondarX school Cobourg Thursday, evening, responses to the report by the teachers in the Board's juris- Quick action by former the Northu Mberlan - Adinistrative Council. diction. That questionnaire fireman Walter Hately saved Newcastle Board of Education Questions were posed by drew response that showed the day at Brock's BP Station were presented with a report Board members as the report (Turn to Page Two) on King Street Tuesday at 9:15 of the Reading Task Force- was covered item by item by a .m. the task force, chaired and led EARLY MORNING FIRE Mr. Hately quickly ex- B;USTEDWINDOW at the meeting by M. Halboran Bowmanville firemen tinguished a fire at one of the Early this morning, the of East Northumberland Se-- were called out early this gas pumps when the bumper east window at the front of condary School. morning to a bouse at. 25 of a customer's car caught the Dykstra's iFood Ivarket was broken. So far, how it hap. p eed is a mnstery, Nothing apear-s to have been stolenl, >rock was found at the enbut police are investi- The Administrative, Council responded in writing in Julv to an initial report of the task force submitted to the council on June 16. Varcoe's ttoad North, the home of Clayton Bennett.- Wben they arrived, a burn- ing chesterfield chair was outside -and had set fire to the side of the house. A pump as it was pulling away. The incident did not require the assistance of Bowmanville fire department and police were not called to investigate. 600 Jobs Proposed Indîustriacl Park Pro ject Presented to Council1 Continuing in the recent tradition, Newcastle Council Monday was confroni ed with another development Droposal, an industrial park for Bowmanville. In presenting the proposed 77-acre park lo council, the, developer suggested it would generate some 6G0 new per- manent jobs. The proposed site for this new industrial park is the area south of 401 between Simpson Avenue and Cemetery Road, bounded on the south by the CNR rail line. Rushville Construction pre- dicts the .600 permanent jobs on statistîcs used in various OPENING GAME Whitby Senior Warriors will open their hockey schedule for the year on Tbursday, Oct. 9th, against the tough Barrie Flyers. Game time is 8:30 at Iro- quois Arena. According to reports, Whitby is a much improved teamn over last year and great things are expected of them. Bowman- ville broadloom merchant Peter Vipond is one of their standouts. gàatînig. An~ objectve questionnaire passerby notîced the blaze. s Irrdan ndusrie Askto e ~PIEC'*ESI 1iW e ER sl eJd!: u ;'w;Edu.Î I Wi - - Slictor Richard Lnvekin appeared before Newcastle C,-uncil Monda-, on behalf of ~~inInd,«in Industriesi former DarlinlgtonTwnhp The firm is that, operaeb Mr. Amyiotte for wood recyci- ing. A court action found its operation to be contrary to the Present agricultural zoning of FlRST GAME SUNDAY, Bowmianville's Junior Cs, sponsored by Port Darling- ton Marina and Hotel, will play their opening game against Port Perry this Sun- day at 7:30. On Tuesday, they lost the second exhibition scrap with Frankford 64. Last Wednes- day, tbey played the saine team fin Frankfordand were downed,7-4. The local team has quite a ffew new players and some who have returned after plaýying else- where last year. the property. Mr. Lovekinadvîsed that an appearance before a recent Committee of the Whole meeting had suggested pre- sentation of any ideas to council, he and his client were present to request council to include Indian Industries in the draft official plan. The request is made due to the fact that the Durham Regio nal Planning Alterna- tives show no industry in the Courtice area, and although it would not bring about re-zon- ing of the land it would at least get it included in the official plan. The court action taken aintthe Amyotte firm has sopdits operation for the present time. (Turn to Page Two) Equal Status Given Moble Development by Doug Taylor proposai the saine acceptance Appearing on behaîf of in principle that bas been Howard Payne who bas pro- given the Rice proposal for a posed the Durham Mobile similar development south of Retirement Home Develop- Newcastle village. ment, solicitor Roger Carr Mr. Carr advised that the requested Newcastle Council proposal bas in the past been on Monday that they grant this (Turn to Page Two) Lt.-Gov.,instails New Kiwanis President Kiwanis Lieutenant-Governor of the Pine Ridge Di strict. Dennis Sweeting, was in Bowmanvilîe Monday night to formerly instail DougB arber, right,'as the new President of the Bowmanville Club. Mr. Sweeting, a member of'the, Lindsay Club, has held the office of lieutenant-governor offlicîally for only six days but in that time has visited eight clubs for installations'of officers. He was to attend the Oshawa Club on Tuesday for the saine purpose. GREAT1 GRAB CONTINUES - Thle top story this week has to be the 27.66 per cent increase f'or public school teachers in this area. It probably will be followed shortly by settiements of a comparable percentage rise for secondaryschool teachers, and other staff employees who have not already ratified contracts. The doctors are also seeking a 35 to 50 per cent jump in fees. All we can say is that one of these days, there'll be a sad day of reckoning when we'll all be in an awful mess. We are certainly asking for it! HAPPY THANKSGIVING - This is the last big holiday weekend before Christmas, the time to dlean up ail those leaves, takea look at the storm windows and leaky roofs that need caulking and put the garden in shape for the winter that lies ahead! It's also a time to be thankful for our blessings such as they are, and for most there are many compared with almost, any country in the world where they are in worse condition than we are. So, make the most of it and attend the church of your choice where you will be welcomed. REALLY THANKFUL - There's one chap in the area who is really thankful and he's Doug Moffatt who is now an MPP after two unsuccessful tries. To mark the victory, he's holding an NDP victory party in Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, Oct. lOth from 8 p.m. until the wee hours. Everybody is invited. There'll be music, a cash bar and lots of fun with no entryfee., FIRST AIR COURSE - Aif Brown and his, St. John Ambulance people are planning a First Aid course, starting Tuesday, Oct. l4th at 7 p.m. in the Fire-Court building on Church St. In the past these courses have been most popular and informative. Anyone interested should cal Mr. Brown as soon as possible at 623-5034. LOOKS PROMISING - This morning, reports fromn Ottawa indicate some hope that inside postal workers will accept a 38 per cent increase and avoid a strike. This is about the same as an earlier settlement with letter carriers. The situation will be clearer later in the week, but at the moment it doesn't look too bad. The old age pension and family allowance cheques have already been mailed out just in case. CLOSED MONDAY - Most places of business will be closecd on Monday, including The States- man office, so the staff can make the most of the long weekend. Any news copy that can be sent in early will be appreciated. CONGRATULATIONS - A group of local creditors who were qla td to suffer considerable financial loss when Featherlite Leisure Products Ltd. went broke in Cobourg carlier this year, have won their battle. Headed by printer Ed Haynes who was owed about $8,000, they 'put, up a great fight, with threatened court action, to persuade the parent company giant Mitsubishi, with headquarters in Japan, to pay up the accrued debts. This week-they won and will be paid 100 cents on the dollar. -ice going! other industrial parks. At the conclusion of ffhe presentation, Coun. Ivan Hobbs moved that the pro ject be turned over to the indust- rial committee to study, at their Thursday meeting. (Turn to Paee Two> '75 Parade Theme "Christmas "Christmas Wishes" is the selected theme for the 14th annual Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade, scheduled for Saturday, November, 22 this year. Although Santa and the Christmas season seem some- what far off yet, parade or- Drama Direction Wishes"i ganizers are aiready hard at work on a mountain of details which have to be completed before the event takes place. As a result, the parade committee have open arms for volunteers to come and help make the day a successful one for the youngsters of Bow- manvillç and area. Anyone interested in lending a hand is asked to contact one of the following committee charimen: Floats- Kingsley Van Nest at 623-5791 or Gord Skultety at 623-5788; Bandg - George Stephen at 623-3968; Costumes - Marilyn Cole at 623-5289; Fillers - John Pogue at 623-3269; Horwses - Mîke Lootsma at, 6-2454; and Publicit y cpll Rtosýs Fitchett at Iý2?? 7267,5,> ,- - AddressesJaycee Chapters Interna tiona1lJaycee Vice-President Victor Oso- rio was guest speaker at a meeting last Wednesday evening of Jaycee chapters from Whitby, Oshawa, Peterborough and hosted by the Bowmanville group at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. Y.e urgled members to become more involved. Lawn- Paving "Dead Issue"" The suspected battle over sented a stop work order to- the special meeting of council to the lawn at the Newcastle Board as he believed they did deal with the matter which Village Community Hall being flot have the authority to was that afternoon in the paved for a parking lot, died a conduet such a paving opera- Community Hall.* quick and sulent death at tion. Frank Hoar, on behaîf of the Newcastle Town Council Mon- "The only lawn at the four Newcastle Chamber of Com- day. corners and the board wants merce, presented the meeting As reported last week, to make a parking lot out of with a petition containing 22 paving trucks and equipment it! This 'would b e a very names in favor of the con- were at the site last Tuesday unwise move," Mr. Lyall struction of a parking lot on on orders from the Hall Board stated at the time. the east side of the hall as top ave the lawn area. Mr. Lyall then requeýted proposed by the hall board. Councillor Ken LyaIl pre- Mayor Riekard to caîl a (Turn to Page Two) 140 Participate in Lions Olympathon The Draffia Workshop held an interesting session on Saturday at the Library when the director Alan Raeburn gave some informative in- struction to those attending. The second workshop with Mr. Raeburn will be held Oct. 18th from 1:30 a.m. until 3:30. Blrakces Failed Struck Polo une accident in Bowman- ville during the weekend left the driver uninjured and the vehicle he was operating with $500 damage. The vehicle, a Volkswagen, driven by Steven S. Starkey of 39 Centre St., Bowmanville, is reported to have been west- bound on Roser Crescent about 12:50 a.m. Sunday. Application of the brakes resulted in a brake failure and the vehîcle skidded into a light standard on the west side of the street. Starkey was charged with defective bràkes. Mary Anne Richards,' Dr. Ed Ewert and John Jeffrey check Olympathon passports at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville. Walkers can take their returns to the Toronto DominionBank on Temperance Street until 3 p.m. or to the Lions Centre on Beech Ave. between 4-6 p.m. any day this week. They're off! Perfect weather conditions hielped to ensure a good turnout for the Lions Olympic Walkathon on Saturday. About 140 people from Bowmanville and Newcastle took part, and nearly everyone who walked completed the il mile course - sooner or later. îrîcisueainu ýr1iLIUl riuri ... .........