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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1975, p. 12

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12 Thé Canadian Statesmaýn., Bowmanville. October 15. 19 1. S S,....FI . FOR CLASSIFIED,'; Tues., 12 nwon CHAIN saw. Phone 263-2940 after 5p.m. 42-1 WE buy and seli everyth'Ing and pay cash. Cali day or nlight 725-9783. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. TWOaluminum storm window f0 fit openings 28" high x531/2" wide. Phone 987-5214. 42-1 USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf RED) clover seeci. Please bring in sample for pricîng. Carnation Flower and Seed, 33 Division St. Phone 623-5577. 40 if Apple row rs Again buying luice apples in large volume bulk at farm, also peelers. Cash payment and prompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 41 6-753--2246 CASH for gold,' silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oaininos, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King We-st, 725-9783.38 tf FREE: Pick up and Del ivery for Protessional Dog Grooming Service. Ail breeds and mixed. Bring him to The Doggy Place, Orono 786-2234' 41 -tf FEMALE Cocker Spaniel, papers, excellent pet. Reason- able. Phone 623-4575 affer 5. 42-1 WANTED good home for young dog, fully.trained, 9 .months, good with chîldren, excellent watch dug, calle- shepherd. Phone 623-4250- 1968 B EAUM 'ONTi, 2 Àr. hard- top, 8 c y1. 'rager mags. $800 as is. Phone 263-2695. 42-1 x '68 PONTIAC Convertible, as s. Phone 623-7342ý 42-1 '701 TOYOTA, 2 door, new b'ody and paint job. Ideal forcond car. $600 as is. Phone 9817-5027, affer 4 o'clock. 42-1 '68 CHEV Impala, 4 door, hardtop. Phone 623-2672 affer' 5. 421lx '68 PONT lAC, 4 door hardtop, power equipped, excellent body.. Phone 263-2302 affer 4:30. 42-1 1974 COUGAR, copper, 23,000 miles, Velour interlor. Askîng $5,000. Phone 623-6057 between 5 and 6p.m. 42-3 '73 TOYOTA Celica, new head, brakes and muffler, 3,500 miles. Asking $3,100. Phone electric heat, cable TV, every- thing inciuded, $250. Smali chu d ren welcomne, no pets. First and last month's rent in advance. Available November 15. 623-7574. 42-1 SMALL store, 71 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 623-2624. 42-2 BED sitting room with kit- chenette and private bath, main floor, central location $85. monthiy, includes ail services. Phone 623-2473. 42-1 THREE bedroom bungelow with carpart. Sunset B lvd., Newcastle. Immediate accu- pancy. $300 per nionth. Phone 728-0301. 42-t FOUR bedroom hause, ir Bawmanvilie. Phone collec 1-705-324-1799. 42-lx A one bedroomn apartment, Newcastle, 5100 monthly, heat included. Phone 668-4940 be- tweenô6and 8p.m. 42-1 VERY spacious one bedroomn apart ment available. $200 oer month, ail bis paid plus free parking and free cabie. Phone' 623-4697. 42-1 CENTRE 'of city, approxi- mately 1,400 sq. feet. Heat andu lights paid. Suitable for store or offices, $375 mônthly' 725-9783. 38-tf BOWMANVILLE -modemn apartment, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonabie, central location. Phone 623-7523. 42-tf FURNISHED ýbedroomns by monfh, week, or day, shower end bath, licenced premises, reasonabie rates. Castle Hotel, Bowmanville 623-7072, 51 ff RESULTS COUNTI. iutpeListing Src, fi G. Bar S. Ranch Horseback riding $3 per hour. Our membership is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stalîs for rent, plenty of roomn. Special riding ring and indlvi- dual corals for your conven- ience. $50 per month. Cail Us Anytime 623-4027 19-tf CHESTNUT gelding, smooth gaited, welI mannered, 141/2' hands, will frade for .cattie. 987-4205. 42-1 EQIJESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARM~A BOA RDI NG instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought '& Sold' A3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 tff s - _ -fWO or fhree bedroom house or bottom f loor apt. in house in Bowmanville area by Dec. 1sf. Couple with 2 children. Do not drink or, smoke. Can supply references. Phone 786-2038 collect. Rent over $250 need not call1. 422x NON-SMOKING older man, permanently employed re- quires light house-keeping room. Can move now of can waif for the right place and will furnish if necessary. Write Advertiser 581, C-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 42-1 x RELlAt5Ltý adulis would like country house to rent. Within commuting distance of Osh- awa, 1-705-292-7121. 36-8x à! FINE QU 'TY MON UM E l'4TY AI D MARK ~RS SE~ TAFFORD 4BROS. LD Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED eox 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whltby 668-3552 bzd Tuesday, October .lst af 1:00 p.m. Annual Faîl Stocker Sale at Lindsav Communitv Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ont. Stocker steers, heiters and calves sold in truckload lots or to your satisfaction. Always a good qualify sale with large quanti- fies for your selection. For consignments or further in- formation contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-5 Saturday evening, Novem- ber lst. Special Twî.light Charolais Stocker Sale at 7:00 p.m. at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ontario. Charolais stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots or to your satisfaction. For consignments or further in- formation contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-7 Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile easf of Enniskillen on Safurday, October 18 at 7 p.m. Large quanfity of furniture with a new fridge and stove and more antiques. Cliff Pethick, autioneer. 42-1 The undersigned autioneer will seli by Public auction for ýhe esfate of the late Ernest Gray his farm implements and furniture., Lot 5 con 6 of Manvers Township, 5 miles east ot Blackstock on Satur- day, October 25 at 1 p.m. AC fractor with loader, John Deere baler, mower, plow, cultivafor, 'hay rake, wagon, scales, other machinery, 64 chev car as is good, 4000 bushels of barley qu. of Hay some straw. Deep freeze, 3( inch E. stove nearly new, nev% dryer, 4 beds, dressers, wash- stands, tables, chairs, buffett, dishes, pofs, pans, somne antiques, other articles. Terms cash, L. Harris clerk, Cliff Pethick auctioneer. 42-2 Auction sale on Saturday October 18, 1:15 p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse, Hwy. 28, Bewdley. Consîsting of chest of drawers, blanket box, rocking chairs, cabinet, tables, chairs, oil lamps, dishes, glassware, toilet set, 12 gauge pump shot gun, tools, picture frames, and, other items still being consîgned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 42-1 Saturday, OctobIer 25th- auc-_ tion sale of livestock and im'plemenfs, The property ot the late Samuel M. Speiran, Lotý 12, Con. 11, Mara Twp. 10 miles east of Orillia or 15 miles north of Beaverton on Hwy. 12 f0 Hwy. 69 to Udney, 11/2 miles north and 1/2 mile west. 39 head of Hereford and Hereford Hols+eini cross cattie, 21 mature Hereford cows wifh 18' calves by side, Hereford bull rising 3 yrs. aid, ap rox. 100 bus. grain, 3,500 bafes of well saved hay, M.F. 35 gas fractor with Sedore manure loader, 1970 M.F. No. 12 baler ,PTO, Cockshutt 7' trail type power mower, M.F. side rake, Ferguson 2 furrow hydr'aulic plough, 3 pt. cultiva- for, double disc, M.H. seed drill, M.H. manure spreader, rubber tired wagon with rack, 22' bale elevator, fable saw, cord wood saw, chain saw, new lumber, elm plank, barn fan, fulli une of machinery, grain cradle, churn, toilet set, wash i ng machinei, other household items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, aucfioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959. 42-2 Friday evening, Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. Auction sale of antiques, over 200 articles "Direct ftrom the British Isles" will be held in Victoria Square Community Hall, on the Don Milis Rd., 4 miles norfh of No. 7 Hwy. Pine dia mond panelied book case, oak roll top desk, heavily panelled pine open hutch, pine sideboard, variaus pine wash stands, small pine corner cupboard, pine 'corner cup- board Gothic style, pine fiat ta the wall, diamond panes, set of six Windsor chairs (refin- ished), lots of aCher furnifure, wall dlocks, American O.Gee dlock, schaal house and steeple dlocks, Cranberry ban- quet lamp, Cran berry epergne, Cranberry hanging lamp with white shade, brass hanging lamp, chamber lamp, varlous other iamps, pottery, Iran, copper and pewter, depressian glass, Royal Win- tonleaf dish, Ginger jar, Royal Bayreuth plate, Derby cream and sugar, Ruby glass goblets, Carnival bowl, footed opales- cent bowi, sfaffordshire taby mug, etc. This is only a smal par tion, plan fa attend this sale. Came early, lunch will be availabie, sale wiIl start on time. Terms cash, sale at 6:30 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Ph. (705) 357- 3270. 42-1 The sale of the year, l8th Annual Ail Black Breeder and Feeder Sale, '600 'Head, 500 Feeders, steers and heifers.: 50 breeders, mnosliy cows and bred heifers; 50 commercial cows, bred ta caîf in March and April; and one complete dispersai. Western Roundup: Guest cansignors- Black Eagle, Dustydale and Kel Lara Farms of Manitoba. Saturday, October 18, 12 noon sharp, Peterborough Sales Barn, south of amber light on Hwy. 7. Sale commencing with the Breeding Catf le. Lunch available. Malcolm Bailey, Manager - Phone 985-7583, Uxbridg e Bruce Woodrow and Ross B ailey, Auctioneers. 42-1 Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville Friday, October 17,7 p. m. Seiling the usual household hardware and miscellaneaus items, such as ail lamps, cow-beîls, oid writing desk, creamn cans, set of tour ladder back chairs (good), oid phono- graph, and piano rails. Staple- ton Bras. Auctioneers. Phone 786-2244. 42-1 AUCTION SALE for BEARE BROS. Furniture and Appliances Posfponed until Saturday, Octaber 251h, 9 a.m. Located 3 miles east of highway 48 (Markham Rd.) an Steëles Ave, ta Beare Raad, turn, sauth 1 mile. 42-2 Auction sale for Peter Mur- doch- and his family, 39 Lamb's Lane, Bowmanville, Saturday, October 18. Ail his househoid effects, stove, fridge, beds, dresser, chester- field and, chairs, black and white TV, kitchen suite, cIa- thes dryer and garden tools, dishes, bedding, other arti dles. Sale at 1 p.m. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Clîft Pethick, auctioneer. 41-2 Saturday, Oct. 18 at 10:30 a.m.- complite contents.of "Century Farm & Home" - featuring '1001V' items, in- cluding antique furniture, glass, china, primitives, col- lectors' items, antique ind modemn farmn machinery, gas engines, lumber, misc., etc. The property ot Bliake Coul- tice, located on sidleline 2,. Pickering twp., being south, off Durham Region Rd. 5 (formerly 9th conc.) 4 miles, east of Claremont; or 21/2 miles norfh of Hwy. 7, via Durham Region Rd. 23 (for- merly Pickering-Whitby town- mie) between Brooklin and Brougham, to conc. 8, then west to sideline 2, north. Partial list: pine flatback with paned glass: pine tables: pine washstands: pine postmaster desk: pine candle tables: orig. stencîled Boston rocker with matching armchair (signed): Uxbridge cabinet or gan (or- nate): brass bed: chesfs of drawers: old sideboards: oak kitchen table: carved vict. chairs (orig. horsehair): set of press backs: arrow back chairs: books: jewellery: sealei-s: old botties: bedding: oil lamps: crocks: ginger- bread and 0.G. cdocks: butter bowls: large quantifies of, old woodenware, toleware, and primitives: iron woodstove: iron parlour stoves: toi let set: glass: china: bear frap: aId racing cutter: 3 old gas engines: belîs: lots of modemn tools: John-Deere "A.R." tractor (excellent): McCor- mick baler: Int. 3 furrow nlow: J.-D. disc: drag har- rows. hay mower: hay rakes: olde tyme ha y loader, corn binder, grain b inder, cutfing box, clover milI, potatoe digger and thresh machine: aid scufflers: aid hand plows: rubber tire wagon: scales: 4 new tarpaulins: scales: cider oress: buzz and rip saws: set of sleighs: aid iran kettles: iron implement seais: pine pump: ladders: lumber: fire- waod: scrap iron: pipîng: steel roofing: new double horse harness: horse collars: and much, much, more. Note: there will be 2 auction rings: (1<( furniture, glass, china, etc. (2) machinery, tools, etc. This is a tremendous auction fea- turing everything from yester- year, ta the present. A collection from generations. Terms cash. No reserve. Quitting farming: Kahn Auc-, tion services - Port Perry, 985-8161. Wednesday, October 22nd- Auction Sale of Machine Shop Equipment. The property of Staples Marine and Machine Shop, 98 QuieernS.,t, Lindsay, Ont. Lathes, steel shaper, drill presses, surface grinder, punch press, hydraulic press, 4 Arc Welders, Forte ¾i H. P. Bandsaw. tapping machine, 2 twin grinders, 2 Milling Ma- chines, Kellog air compressor, Akin 7-14 power hacksaw, 2 sets chain blocks, Fergusan 20-85 tractor and loader, 3 Chev. trucks, very large quantity of small items and hand tools pertaining to Ma- chine Shop Business. Terms Cash. No Reserve as awner is going ouf of Business,. Sale at 11:00 a.m. commencing with hand tools and small items. For details contact Carl Hick- son, Auctioneer, Reaboro, On- tario. 705-3241-99-59. 22-2 Auct ion sale, modemn furni- ture, livestock, machinery. Property of Mr. K. Lynde, R.R. 2, Oshawa, Harmony Rd. N. approximatel y 5 miles north of Taunton Rd. E. or 21/2 miles east of Columbus on Saturday, October 18 at 1 p.m. Coldspot refrigerator, Ken- more stove, G.E. dryer, Vik- ing washer, 21 cu. ft. freezer. 4' piece, chesterfield suite -(21 months aid), Colonial chester- field suile, coffee and end tables, pole lamp, china cabi- net, wicker rocker, bookcase, colonial rocker, schoal desks, magazine rack, '2 piece bed- room suite, bunk beds, single beds, dressing table, 4 chests of drawers, lazyboy chair, swivel rocker, colonial rug 8'6"xll'6", mantle radios, trunks, lawn mower, chrome suite, electrical appliances, antique loveseat (over 100 yr. old), cutter (original condi- tion), 2 calves (lyr. aid), 1 heifer (3 yr. old), 2 pigs, 1 goat, large quantity of chick- ens. Term cash, no reerv. AUCTION SALE: FOR The Regional Municîpality of Durham Whitby, Ontario TO BE HELD AT Ajax Works Dept. - Regional Rd. 4 (Taunton Road) Saturday, October 18, 10:00 ar. Cars, Station Wagons, Police Motorcycles, PickupTrucks, Trucks Cabs and Chassis, Oump Trucks, In?. Suburnan ~l- V.G. Y401 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT- Galeon No. 503 Grader, Tractors, Backhoes and Loaders, Sewer Machine, King Float, Packers, Pumps, 150 CFM Comp., Mott Hammer Knife Mower, etc. Complete lineof OFFICE MACHINES. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY. Viewing Fri. Oct. 17, 1:30 -3:30 p.m. LUNCH ON PREMISES CASH DEPOSIT ON DAY 0F SALE To Save $$$ Plan to Attend - To Buy - To Save Terms: Cash. Approved company - Private Cheques. Full settIement sale day. M. R. Jutzi & Co. Inc. Industrial Liquîdators. Appraisers and Auctioneers Professionals inthe orderly liquidation of Construction, Industrilaland commercial Enterpises. 69 Sydney S., Kitchener.- (519) 743-8221 42-1 Auction sale, private estate property of Mr. W. Stone- bridge, 341 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa, to be held at.Stirte- vanf's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Thurs., October l6th at 6 P.m. Chesterfield suite, 8 piece diningroom suite,, platform rocker, hall seat wifh mirror, cedar chest, radio and record player, pine washstand, studio couch, chest 0f drawers, dressers, two full sized beds, 2 single continental beds, waoden kit- chen table with 4 chairs and matching cupboard, antique pine buffet, washing m achine, chrome suite, coffee and end tables, smoker, mirrors,' iamps, rugs, TV frays, tool box and tools, carving set, hundreds of 'other articles. Terms cash. Sale every Tues day and Ttir;day at 6 p.m. Sales roobm open 12 noon to 2 p..and 7 - 9 p.m. Monday to F-riday. Myles King, auc- tioneer, 725-5751. 42-1 Saturda y, Octaber l8th, Farm Sol d, Auction Sale of livestock, implements, some househoid furniture. The pro- perty of David Sharpe, Lot 12, Con. il, Cavan Twp., 1/4 mile west of 1ida or 10 m iles west of Peterborough or 3 mi les north 0f Hwy. 115 at Miiibrook Turn' and 1/4'mile west. 86 head 0f Holstein and Hereford- Holstein cross cattie, Here- fard bull rising 3 yrs. old, 26 mature grade Holstein caws, 14 fresh March taJune, 5fresh June, 5 fresh July, 2 fresh Aug., ail rebred, 4 Holstein and Hereford cows fresh April - rebred, 4 Holstein cows due Navember, 4 Hereford and Short harn cows with caives by side, 16 Holstein heifers 1 f0 11/2 yrs. aid, 5 Holstein steers 11/2 yrs. old, 23 Hereford and Hostein caives 2 to 10 mans. aid, 4 young Ewes, 1 Ramn, approx. 1200 baies wheat and oaf sfraw, Universal motar, pump and uine for 30 caws, 3 Universal unifs, 3 De Lavai Separators, 1971 Cockshuft 1365 diesel tractor, 4 wheel drive with Industrial manure loader, A-C 302 Baier PTO, 1972 New Idea 1 row corn picker PTO, Cockshutt 7' combine PTO, 1970 Int. 56-2 row corn planter (trail), Allied 36 tooth cultivator 3 pt., Oliver 4-14's trip beam frail piough, Cackshutt 207 side rake, Cockshuft 280 manure spreader PTO, Cockshutt 350 7' power mower, Johni Deere seed drill, Turnco grain box with roller bearing 'wagon, 1974 GMC 1/2 ton V-8 truck with racks, 1964 Mercury V-8 3 ton platfrm truck, 1972 Ambas- sador V-8 4 doar car. Ail vehicles wiil be certified, full line of modemn machinery. Terms cash. Na reserve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m., cattie sale af 2:30 p.m. Cari Hi cksan, auctioneer, Reabora, Ont. 1 -705-324-9959. Safurday, Oct. l8th, auct ion sale of real estafe, tractors, machinery, furnifure, anti- ques, etc. The proper1ty 6f Melvin Wright, Lot 5, Con. 13, Manvers Township, second farm west of Burns General Store, Janetville. Inter. B275 diesel tractor, Inter. W4 Super,, H.D. loader, excellent condi- tion, J.D.-seed drill on rubber, Inter. 17-tooth cultîvator, mower. 1974 Chev. 1 ton truck, duel axle, platform, 5,900 miles (power sfeering and power brakes), 1965 Inter. 12 ton truck, real good condition, 1959 G.M. C., 2 tor' truck,, hydraulic plafform and racks, (1974 Chev. and 1965 Inter, are both ce rtified), 1969 Sno Prince snowmobile, excellent condition, 1967 Polaris snow- mobile, 1970 Snow Jet snow- mobile, 2 go-carts, Hostein heifer, due end of October, Guernsev cow, Hereford caît, antique car (1928 Model A Ford Coach), real good origi- nial condition, excellent run- nîng ordcr, one Lister 6 horse gas engine, 1 Massey Harris 6 ýiorse gas engine, 2 Model A Ford motors and assortment of antique Model A parfs, 1/2 Track Model T snow car. Antiques: buggy, three cut- flers, antique china cabinet, antique telephones, antique chairs, antique rocker, anti- que dressers, kitchen range, coal ail lamp, antique stove, antique trunks, and antique car trunks.ý Furniture: iron beds, tables, fridge. Also ottered for sale subject to reservebld, farm consisting of 30 acres, good barn, house needs somne repairs, potential building lots, terms 10 per cent down day of sale. Good productive land., Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash. No reser- ves. Grant Werry, auctioneer, Hampton 263-2603. 41-2 George Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 I3WMANVILLE 112 storey 6 room tframe, well kept home, carpet throughout on large landscaped lot. Priced at $44,900. See us today for this excellent buy. BROOKLIN AREA: Weil kept 6 room trame home, rec. room, attached garage, large above ground swimming pool, 30 x 15 ft. shed on 1 acre !.,t with fruit trees. Priced at $79,500. GARDEN HILL area 5 acre lot with pond-site and 2 trout streams. Priced at $18,900. Cal 1: Dick Woudstra 983-5915 Geo. Blyleven 623-5300 42-1 623-3911 BETHANY - 21/2 acres good potential for future develop- ment, asking $16,000 with builder's terms. NEWCASTLE - building -lot 55 x 126, facing on No. 2 Hwýy., commercial zoning possibi- 1lity, asking $20,00with terms. WHITBY - lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive, garage, 2 baths and large L shaped rec room, good area, asking $55,900. BOWMANVILLE - 11/2 acres zoned light industry with access to service road and creek, has 2 bedroom bunga- low excellent garden solil asking $59,000. 42-1 Peter Kowa, Jr. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanviîle Te lephone 623-2453 REALTOR $44,500. 4 Bedroomn home on a large lot. Has separate dining room. Oil furnace. Sun porch. Real good family home. $29,000. 1 Bedroom bungalow with garage and paved drive. Just right for one or two people. Mini Farm. 7 acres wîfh 5 room house, barn, implement shed with garage.,Nice view. Asking $75,000. Terms. $59,900. 4 Bedroom 2 storey home with carport and Rec. room. Located in Kedron. Large lot. 35 Acres. 5 Room ftrame home. Has gravel pif, pond, cedar bush and some workable land. Only $70,000. Terms. ruNKNC OF I 1 SF~II I k? i MARR '~ flIE Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 REA TATE LIM1TED 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 1T8 623-4428 SMALL PRICE on big duplex. Excellent building in great condition, right an King St., Bowmanville. Vendors must seIl. Asking only $39,500. HIDEAWAY on 18 acres. Mostly cleared. Jusf waiting for your hobby ranch. Asking only 533,000. FINE COUNTRY LIVING in brand new 3 bedroam bunga- lows on 1/2 acre lots in Bethany. Separate dining- room, roughed-in fireplace. Excellent financing. Asking $45,900. BETHANY - 4 bedr'oomn 11/2 storey home. Inside restored ta 'original mint condition. Must be seen ta be appreciat- ed. $45,000. Ask for Roy Sf rang or caîl 1-705-944-5549. 42-1 "Waverly Gardens'" In Bowmanville Built by Marianna Developmnents Your Guarantee of Oua lity Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 à%3/4à%f $4, 150 DOWN Features nclude: Clean Dependable Eîectr Ic Heat -Large famnily kîtchen -Finîshed fanilyý roomn Completely broadIfomred -l/ 11baths Fîreplaces -Attached garages -Fully sodded lots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. A LSO 'Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m Choice of 2 Del uxe Models to Choose From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Bult by Division of Veltri & Son Limnited Wel known for qua lity construction and superlor workmanshlp. EXCLUSIVE AQi5NTS W. i~ Bîackstock Area - 2 Acre Country Living Custom-Buiit brick and alumi- num sidesplit with atfached double garage, pillared front, 5 bedrooms. Master with ensuite and waikouf to bal- cany, spacious living-dining room. Eaf-in kitchen, fire- place in beamed family room, iaundry room, central va- cuum, air conditioning, and many more exceptionai fea- tures. Asking $95,000. Cail Eltie Jost. Newcastle - Owner Moved Must seil this 3 bedroom bungalow, oversized lot on fown sewer and water. Many exras included. Asking $52,900. Ask Pat Yeo ta show you this bargain. 20 Acre Building Site - Oshawa Area On paved road. This properfy has a great variety 0f hard wood trees and could make an excellent. location for the Executive home. Asking $60,000 with $25,000 down. For more details cali Tony Klomp- maker. Your offer may do. Bowmanville 4 Bedroom brick bungalow. Finished fv room, new shag carpet in the living room, single car garage, large lot. Best buy in the office. Asking only $44,900. Cali Charlie Reid. B owmanville - Super Serni 3 larger bedrooms. Price of $42,000 includes stove, fridge, washer, dryer. Ver y close ta schaols and 401. Cali Stew -McTavish. Peterborough Area - Investors Opportunity 4 150 Acres Farm of 4tne black loam of which 50 acres is p resently zoned residential. The balance contains an 1833 brick house, barns withhydro and water, everflowing stream, new fences. Priced at $180,000. Good terms. Cail Bill Grady. Orono - Retirement Home 3 bedroom beautiful rede- corated century home on dead end street. Private lot, gar- den. Price oni y $49,900 with terms. CalilCh rista Winter- heit. Bowmanville Estate Sale Move right into this attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Stove, tridge, automatic washer, rugs, new drapes and glass curfains included. Taste- fully decorated. Enchanting 60' x 175' private and profes-' sianally iandscaped yard. Af- tached garage. Asking $57,500. Terms. Cal Phyl lis Mc- Robbie. Bethany Village Attractive 2 storey brick home, double garage, rec. room, separafe dining room, A bedrooms, large kîtchen, for only $49,000. Cali Bill Turan- sky. CAIKI L7U-LLS FRREALTOR Bwavle-Eitn 14 year aid brick bungalow,' /PLEASE ALU FO omnil- xsig9/ comes wifh a dining roomi. PROPTSEVIE.Per Cent First Mortgage wali ta wall fireplace, a' Atter hours:- Most attractive, 4 bedroom tinished rec roam, also arý Gard. Beech 623-5265 Î4KingStanUwman backsplit with famil vraam, extra room ideal for an affiçe' 623-3393 fireplace and 'attached ga- or a 4th bedroam, large- J. Bartan 623-3098 Drc oot îe9397 rage. Your clown paymeni carport, andý a iovely land- P. Kowal Jr. 623-5868 ret rnoLio9397 may do. Asking $53,400. Cali scaped lot, property located jný 42-1 ________________ Tony Klampmaker. Newcast le. Saturday, October 25th, auc- tion sale of furniture, dishes, antiques, etc. The estate of the late Mrs. Gladys McMahon, Bethany, Furniture - dining rooni suite, chesterfield suite,, coffee table, occasional chairs, end tables, Philco Ford colour TV (3 months old), electric heater, two bedroom suites, quantity of bedding, Cold Spot fridge (almost new),' deep f reeze (upright 18 cu. f.), Moffatf electric range, Viking electric range, toasters, dlocks, elec- fric irons, waffle irons, record p layer,,electric lamps, dîshes, antiques - coal ail lamp, crocks, hair receiver, îardin- aire, Nippon candy dish, Nippon oval dish, pressed glass dish, celery dish, many other useful articles. This w irI be an excellent furniture sale and everything is in, perfect condition. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Terms cash, no reserves, Grant Werry, auctioneer. Hampton 263-2603. 42-2 Country Store - North Oshawa Grocery business plus lar~ge volume service station, .,Rn' cludes extra large new ,,livin, qua rters. AIlIon one acre lanid. Askng $210,000. Cali SIe McTavish. Bowmanville Estate Sale Priced to seil is this cosy 3 bedroom brick bnao, 1Nicely decorated. Private 56' x 130' freed lot. meit 1possession. Only $43,900, caP Phyllis McRobbie-. Charming Century Homne On large treed lot in Bowmn Lî- ville with small. barn, __ bedrooms and cherry woc floors. Asking $55,900 wIîýth terms. Cali Tony Klomp- maker. Oshawa C-1 - Commercial zoffip'- Ritsan and 401. 100' x 107'. 'roiy name the business. Asking $100,000. Must be SOM,. CUl Clare McCuliough. Courtice 3 Bedroom brick bungalow aftached gaeage,' 1600 sqi. feet, large rec roomn, irngrounid swimming pool. Lot 105' x 165?. Broadloom. Askings83,000,for; auick sale. Cali h llis Mc- Robbie or Clare McCullough. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER?ï We are Equipped to hanidle your home needs aeiywhere in Canada and U.S.A. Coast teo as ,Real Estate Service- 42-1 Lots and Acreage - EÉxecutive Home Site 22 miles north east of Oshavva. 50 acres high and dry. 45 acres clear, 960 foot frontage. Exce[,r,- lent investment potential mus4 be seen* to be appreciated.> Asking $53,000. Consider aill offers. Cali Clare McCulloughi,' Oshawa, 576-3060. ý13'7 King St. E., bowmanvlt 623-7694 - 1 23-7661 REALTOR Reduced to $58,000 for !ti-s brand new -4 be-droam ba Î_- split, .broadloom and ulit floor fhroughout, double cýar garage, large fireplace, beaÎ-, tituiiy landscaped, Cai now!',, Large Century OId home, just' east of Orono, 6 bedroams and- a large barn and 10 acres of' land, 2 storey brick, for' further information give us,' call Asking Only $58,900 for this'7'

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