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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1975, p. 13

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PRI 'ATE sale, 3 bedroom briàl bungalow, on quiet, stregt, large lot, 2 bathrooms, family room, fîreplace. 987-4ý46. .42-1 REALTOR 623-2503 BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom hom0e, separate dining, large living room, sewîng room, 2 baths, new roof and furnace, grage and paved drive. Aking $39,900. HORSE FARM- 35 acres, large 4 bedroom home, 10 stail1 barn, implement shed and feeding loft, 2 creeks, one feeding a beautiful trout pond. $135';000. Terms at 10 per cent. ORONO - income property, 3 =priens ail in good repair. Mothy ncome $490. Lot 86' x 170', area for eniargement. Owners very anxious, are movlng away. Make an offer. Asking $63,000. LOT 127' x- 130', big mature trees inciuding evergreens and fruit trees. A good usable building. A building permit i available. Buiiders terms. Only $23,000. 4- Mr. and Mrs. Percy (PQt) Mantie wiil weicome their frlends, 'neighbors, and rela- tives to share with them a social evening on their 50th wedding anniversary, Satur- day, October 25, 1975 from 2-4 p.m. and 8-12 p.m. in St. Pau's Parish Hall, Bethany. Best wishesonly, please. 42-1 PAeT-TIME mature student for outdoor maintenance after schooi and weekends. For' appontment call Mr. Bourke 623-3373, Fl ying Dutchman Motor Inn. 42-1 Liberty Belles Team Standings MacDonald 9499, 13, AI- ldread 9131, 11, Coombes 9013, 10, Roberts 8659, 10, Nickerson 9100, 9, Dadson 8516, 7, Gbson 8662, 7, Pearce 8619, 6, Spear 8501, 6, Bons 8450, 5, Forsey 8485, 3, Partner 8385, 3'. High Single J_eanne Spear 279. High Double Marilyn Pearce 448 (205, 243). Top 'Avera'güs M. Aldread 206, W. Coombes 204, M. Lewis 204, C. Roberts 203, M. MacDonald 20Y. Elsan 202. J. SD)ear 194, D.i oren 193, R. Fice 193, J. Harness 192, M. Pearce 192, B. Jones 191. N-E Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zoet (nee Lori Johnstone) whose manniage was solemnized in the Presby- terian Church on Saturday, October il. The reception foliowed, in Nestieton Com- munity Centre. Friends are pleased that Mr. Walten Lawrence neturn- ed home from Port Perry Hospital on Monday of last week. Mr. Malcolm Emmier- son returned home on Satun- day and Mr. Walter Welts also a pa t ien t in Port Perry 1os ita1 came home on Wd Miss Barbara Welts who is taking a General Arts Course at Waterloo Univensity spent the weekend at home. Mn. and Mrs. Fraser Wilson spent the Thanksgiving week- end visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, in Montreal. Mrs. Richard Davison, Mrs. Grant ThomD)son.. Mrs. Hanry McLaughlin, _ Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mrs. Ben 13-êJong, Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Mns. Joe Wygerde, Mrs. Allan Beacock, Miss Gail Malcolm' of Nestieton Women's Insti- tute attended the seventy-fifth anniversary dinner at Hamp- ton on Wednesday, October 8. Mrs. Sam Cawker, Area Public Relations Officen, was the guest speaker and Miss Gail Malcolm, assisted in the program by singing two solos. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Corner, Pembroke, were Thursday luncheon guests -of Mr. and Mns. Grant Thompson and also called on some friends in Blackstock. Thursday over-night and Friday guests of Mr. Weir Swain were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miller, Oshawa. On Monday, of last week, Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge lef t to spend a couple of weeks with her daughter and son-mn- law, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Morris at Seeley's Bay. Congratulations to Mn. Wm. Armstrong, Port 'Perry, who observed bis ninety-eighth birthday on Friday, October 10. For many years Mr. Armstrong farmed in Cart- wright Township. Much of his rety was sold to Toronto folkfor.-summer bornes. This development was known as Armstrong's Point but to most folk it is now known as Scugog point. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Blackstock, were Sun- day mid-day dinner guests with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Bruce. Congratu- lations to Mrs. McKee as it was also a birthday celebra- tion for her. Mr. Delton Fisher and Scott, West Hill, Mn. and Mrs. Barry Fisher, Leanne and Susan, Blackstock, were Sunday mid- day dinner guests, of Mr. and Mrs.lliton Fishïer, -Caesarea-. Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacKenzie, Claire and Leslie Ann spent the weekend with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. MacKenzie at their cottage in the Haliburton Highlands. On Thanksgiving Monday, STLETON Mr. and Mns. Grahame Fish visit 'd for evening dinner with Mn. ad Mns. Jim Leishman at Reaboro. During the Thanksgiving weekend Mn. and Mrs. Ric- hard Davison were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Davison, Scott and Neil at Bridgenorth. Guests for the holiday with Mn. and Mrs. Balfour Moore were Mn. Vernon Moore, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Dave Robinson, Stroud. 1A number of weekend guests were enjoying the last long weekend at Spingwater Trail- er Park. Altbougb many again may return as long as the weatber remains mild. Water pipes may be drained if frost cornes. However, the contin- uously running creek (winter and summer) can provide water at ail times. On Thursday, October 2, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison were feted to a birtbday dînner at the home of their daugbter and husband, Mn. and Mrs. Carl Elliot, and family at Leaskdaie. This was in honon of Mn. Davison's birthday. Congratulations. Mn. and Mrs. George Bow- ens spent Friday to Sunday of last week with their daugbter and family, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, North Bay. Mn. and Mrs. George Greer, Oshawa were Tuesday afternoon visi- tons with Mn. and Mrs. Bowers. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Bowers, John and Bian, Oshawa.,and Constable Ger-, aid Bowers, Miiibrook, with their parents. ýOn Thursday, Mn. and Mrs. Bowers visited- Mrs. Beatrîce Wren in Oshawa. Miss Florence Fair and Miss Eileen Fair, Richmond Hill attended Harvest Home Service in the Anglican Churcb, Blackstock, on Sun- day morning and wene even- Iig dinner guests of Mn. and Mns. Harry 1V.cLaughlin. Mn. Fred Gordon, -Rose- neatb, spent the Thanksgivîng weekend wîtb bis sister and brothen-in-iaw, Mn. and Mrs. Dave Vivian. On Sunday, Mn. and Mrs. Weyiie McKeown and Mn. and Mns. Lionel McKeown, Cale- don East, were dinnen and suppen guests of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Softball Playoffs, Sunday, Oct. 12, ai Pontypool .Park. A crowd of over two bundred attended the piayoff game when Pontypool won a, 4-1 dlecision in the exciting game of the 2 out of 3 seies against the Nestieton Jets. Botb teams piayed good, defensive bail. Dave Rafuse, the Pontypool pitcher showed good control and aiiowed Nestieton only four bits. Randy McLeod started on the mound for -Nestieton rec-eivfng relief from Rick Campbell in the fif tb inning. Nestieton started the scor- ing in the first inning as Grant McLaughlin singled, stole se- cond base, pnoceded to the third base on a passed bail, came home on a single by Tom Parker. This was the only scoring Nestleton was able to make as the Pontypool Club settled down and allowed no more runs against them. Pontypool began scoring in the bottom of the second inning when they loaded the bases and a double drove in two runis. The other two runs were lone home runs, one in the fourth and one in the fifth innings. Mr. Harvey Malcolm pre- sented the L. S.A. trophy to the winning Pontypool, team. The coach and players of the Nestleton Jets thanked ail the people who supported the team, the spectators who watched us play at home and away and especially to our sosr Malmont Farms, with whshelp our uniforms would flot have been so colonful. Presbvterian On Sunday monning, in the Preshyterian Churcbi, Miss Dorotby Bulmer, Deaconess, chose Thanksgiving as the theme for hier message, read- ing 2nd Corinthians 12:6-10. Paul speaks of his suffering and praises God. The\ choir sand "Now, Tbank we all our God" and the congregation sang hymns from the different countnies anound the world. Miss Bulmer stressed the fact that the givings our chuncb group are helping others to help themselves. United Church In the United Cburch Re- verend Victor Parsons spoke on "The Thankful Heart" reading Philippians 4:4-9 and Luke 17:11-19. This portion in Luke tells the story of the ten lepers who were bealed and only one returned to give tbanks. How true that is today, we fail to appreciate our many biessings and do not than God for them. Philippians 4 verse 6 - "but in everything by prayers and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God. The choir sang "Thahnk You." Presbyterian Ladies Aid The regulan monthly meet- ing of the Preshytenian Ladies Aid,' Nestieton, was held Oct. 9 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sunday School Room. Mrs. Geo. Heaslip, President, opened the meeting witb a reading "Pumpkins" b y Harry Boyle and welcomed ail present. With Mrs. G., Thomoson, e ianîst, the hymn "Praise im" was sung foiiowd by the Lond's Prayer. Devotional program was in charge of Mrs. S. McNedy, with the theme - "In al things give thanks", teiling of an experience in the war time f rison camp at Ravensbnuck rom the book "The Hiding Place" by Cornie ten Boom. Minutes of Sept. meeting were read by Miss Ruth Proutt, and also the corres- pondence. Plans were made to rememben some friends who had been in hospîtai and aiso a baby congratulation card to be sent to Rev. and Mrs. Morley Mitchell. Ail calendars were reported sold, and Miss D., Bulmer, suggested a trip to Church Wfices, Don Mills in October, and we hope there will be two cars to take the ladies on an educationai visit there. The Roil-call, thoughts, on "Ambulance", in keeping with our Thanksgiving bountiful- ness, was answered by thir- teen-members. The hymn "Where Are the Reapers" and the Mizpah Benediction closed this part of the meeting. A reading was given by Mrs. W. G. Hooey on the oigin of Thanksgiving, followed by a Thanksgiving Story. Mrs. H. Visser read from the Friend- ship Book and Miss D. Buimen spoke on hier work in Nigeria (10 years), where food for, families to exist on, was a very great pnoblemn. On lier return to Toronto, the contrast was veny noticeabie, and the thought of how many tîmes eating was mentioned in the days of Jesus, ministry on earth was noted. "Christ's table circies the wold" con- cluded bier remarks and a song "Let Us Break Bread accident duing the weekend. Mr.. Bell rested at the Armi- strong Fumerai home in Osh- awa and service was heid on Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. L. Carnochan and family, Salem; Mn. and Mns. D. Gatcheil, Brooklin; Mn. J. Trick, Milibrook; with Mrs. C. Carnochan on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. J. Stephenson, Cartwright, with Mn. and Mrs. A. C.. Stephenson. Mn. and Mrs. S. Grant and famîly, Zion, with Mrs. R. Davey on Saturday.. Miss Sue Davey, Bowman- ville, grand-daugbter of Mns. R. Davey is spending a week in Nassau. A most intensting and un- usual adventure story bad ils beginning in our anea last week when Mn. and Mrs. Artemio Mazzanolo, Heda, Claudia, Juliana, Ives, John Paul and Erman left in their convented schooi bus for an extended holiday. They wili be touring Centrai and Southenn United States, Mexico and Centrai Amenica, panticulariy Costa Rico and possibiy their old home at Argentina, South Amenica. On the way thein bus provided ail the comfonts of home. They will be visiting relatives in many stops along their way. Their many friends hope that Ibis congenial famiiy wili retunn to make their home bene agaîn aften this story-book trip. Mrs. Mary Sheen of Toronto was a Thunsday ovennigbt guest of ber daugbter Miss Susan Sheen. Togethen they spent a weekend witb the judge and Mrs. Stanton Hogg at thein country home at Mary Lake, Muskoka. Mn. and Mns. Anson Taylor, Scarbonough, Mns. Caroline Shirk, Willowdaie, -Mn. and Arnold Taylor and Mns. i"ettyjane were Priday even- ing dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Taylor 'celebrating Mrs. An- son Tayior's birtbday Miss Eleanor Wigbt, King- ston and Miss Elaine Wright, Hamilton spent Thanksgivîng weekend with thein parents Mn. and Mns. Walter Wright. Miss Susan Tbompsoni, Kingston was a weekend guesi of ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson. Recentiy the Ridgeway Sen- ior Public School Oshawa heid their fail staff panty at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Neil Bailey in the form of a barbecue cards and dancing. Neil Bailey, Roy Turner, Roy Conden and Bian Hamil- ton enjoyed a weekend witb the Bowmanviiie Lions, at Camp Cleveland near Ennis- more. Mn. and Mns. Roy Brad- burn, Oshawa wene 'Sunday guests of ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Harol dMcLaugblîn, Janis and Kelly. On Monday tbey visited bis parents Mn. and Mrs. Joe Bnadburn. Miss Marion Bradburn of Toronto was also a weekend guest of ber parents. Sunday guests of Mn. and, Mns. Tennyson Sameils wene Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Sam- elîs, Peterborough, Mn. and Mns. Vincent Archer, 'Bow- manvilie. On Monday, Octoben 6 the SeniorCitizens began anoiben year witb a pot-iuck dinner and the annuai meeting. Thene was a good attendance. S pe- cial guest was Mn. Charles Smith of Pont Penny who enjoyed the aftennoon and visited sevenal of -,bis old friends in the village whîle the' rest cannied on witb the meeting. Election of officens for the coming year produced the following new siate of officens: President, Bert Gib- son, Secretary, Mrs. Ida Sameils, Treasuren. Mrs. Ella Venning. Any new members wili be very welcome.., Winnens ai thé weekly Senior Citizens' Tuesday even- ing card party produced two ties agaîn. Competition is getting keen ai these card parties. First, Bill Chapman, 88; Second, Agnes Prescott, 85; Third, Marge Byford and Dennis Thompson, tied at 80; Fifth, Mns. Retta Hardy and Mrs. Ella Venning tied at 78. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Thompson of Toronto called on Mn. and Mns. Ivan Thompson of Thanksgiving Day. Glad to report that Mn. Marwood MeKee is home fromn Oshawa Hospital. Mn. Gordon Strong and Mr. Hanny VanCamp wbo are both in that bospital are both hoping to be home apin soon. Little Susan Kyte is in Port Penny Hospital and we ail hope sbe'll be home again soon. Better beaitb is wished for these and ail other local people who are on the sick list. 1Thanksgiving Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Debbie were Mn. and Mns. Harold Wright, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Harold McLaugblin Janis and Kelly, Mr., and Mrs. Roy Bradburn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low moent some time in Ottawa visiting their nieces and families there. Mns. B. Armstrong, Tor- onto, Mns. Miller, Peter- boroueh. Mn. R.H. Heasiip,_ Milton wene weekend guests of Mns. Hanry Vancamp. They aiso visited Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow.' Thanksgiving Monday din- ner guests of Mn. and Mrs. David Kyte, Karen and Jason weneMn. and Mrs. Harold Kyte, Mn. and Mns. Robent Kyte, Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Kyte, Sharlene and Timothy, Toronto, Mr. Gordon Paisley, Cnaig and Cathy, Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlîn and Debbie. Mn. Alex Fle tt of Fenelon Failsspent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Ed Harris. On Sunday evening Mn. and Mrs. Harris and Mn. Fiett were evening dinnen guesis of Mn. and Mns. Mahaffy. Sunday guesis of Mr, and Mns. Vernon Asseistine, Colin and Teresa wene Mn. and Mns. Ken Gwilliam, David, Ste- phen, and Pete of Peterbor- Monday evenîng dinner guests of Mn. and Mns. Ed. Rarris were Mn. and Mrs. Joe Flett of Bowmanviile to join Mr. Alex Flett for a fine family gathering. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Assel- stine, Peterborough were Thanksgiving Monday dinner guests of his parents Mn. and Mns. Vennon Asseistine and family. Blackstock 4-H Meetings by Sharon Bailey We opened the meeting witb the 4-H Pledge The roll cal was an important point to rememben in miixing and making bnead. The minutes wene nead by Elizabeth Totb. BLA CKSTOCK The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville- October 15, 1975 13 We learned different shapes for roils and made the cloverleaf braid, fantans, bowknots, parkerhouse, snails and figure eight rolis for our supper. We also made ham- burger stacks, cheese puff, cabbage salad and Dutch mini cakes for supper. Meeting 5 started at 6:00 p m. with everyone present. The Roll Cail was my remarks and impressions of our supper. We discussed the goodiness of bread and the food guide for health, the judging of bread, bread faults and their causes. We are to make a Stipper dish or dessert using breaci as mhe main ingredient. Blackstock Agricultural Society proudly presents the placings of the Grain Corn Field Crop Competition held this summer. Mr. Weslev Yellowlees, judge, remarked that ail theécorn was of extremely high quality and that the differences between the top and bottom placings are not nearly as great as might be expected. Bob De- Jong, 98 points, lDon Frew, 97 points, 'John Bonsma, 96 p oints, Bob Holiday, 95 points, Be n DeJong 94 points, Richard VanCamp, 93 points, Jim Byers, 92 points, Harvey Graham, 91, points, Ivan Mountjoy, 90, points,George Wolfe 89 points, Brian Gray, 88 points, John Wolters, 87, Ray Suggitt, 86 points>, John Baum- chen 85, John Carnaghan, 84 points, Ralph Larmer 83 points, Harold Swain, 82, points, Walter Wright, 81 points, Lawrence McLaughlin 80 points, Glenn Larmer, 79 points, Tîed at 78 points, Lloyd Wright, Brian Lee, Ken Lee, Don Swaîn, Leroy Traquair, Ted Krockenstoel. Tied at 77 points, Harold Meed, Merrili VanCamp, Roy McLaughlin. ELIZABETH VILLE 1No church services were held because -it was Canton Anniversary services. On Tuesday afternoon the Wo- men's Institute was held at Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew's home. A number attended. The president Mrs. H. Thick- son, presided. The roll cal was, "Namne something mon- ey won't buy." The minutes were read by Mrs. J. Morris, the secretary and approved. We still plan to quilt on Oct. 20. The b:ocks for the appliqued quilt were handed in and will be put together by Mrs. C. Beatty and Mrs. H. Muldrew. Mrs. Ross Beatty and Mrs. H. Thickson are being sent to the convention and Mrs. Thick- son is the voting delegate. A finanicial report and a report on our foster child were read. The short course was discus- sed and we decide not to send any leaders to Maple Grove. Mrs. R. Beatty reported aying for a corsage that the instiut presented to our life member Mrs. T. G. Snowden forher- birthday inSeptember and Mrs. A. cSheppard was to bepnaid for going to Orono for 4-H club leadership studies. The programi was in charge of Mrs. H. Muldrew, on family and Consumer affairs. Mrs. J. Barkwell played the piano. Our speaker was Mr. John Groeneveld on Faîl planting and Metric system. Lunch was served by Mrs. Muldrew's group. We had, several members from Port Hope with US. Mrs. W. Muldrew, Oshawa, is home again. Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuser and girls, and Mrs. H. Thickson spent Saturday at Stayner with Mr. and Mrs. S. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer, Montreal were Home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer had the family on Sunday for a Thanksgiving dinner. Sherwin-iWillis KM Tough toBeot in Quality and Price Super Kem-Tone Latex Fiat Paint Fashion-Right for WalIls and' Ceilings $977Gallon Fashion- Right Kem-Namel Latex Semi-Gloss for 1Interior WaI1Is a nd Woodwork $11. 7Gallon KEM-GLO For Interior Walls and Woodwork Velvet Enamel $1i2* 5 _____1-0 - , )Galion $1 2alon rJLHomeI You ve g«t te belieehH E t triilHarwae>McGregor Hardw"ýareP 95 King St. W. 623-2542 Bowa nvillej Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had company both on Sunday- and Monday for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili, Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa spent most of last week on a trip through the eastern states." Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler had the family on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuser and girls were with Thickson's on Monday for a noon dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J.- Dekoker spent Friday evening with Thicksons. A number in the anea attended the sale at Welcome on Satunday. A-I STEER Sirloin Porterhouse sTrEAK T-Bone -Wing STORE SLICED RINDLESS $189 FRESH LOCAL LARGE SIZE L F-,C CAULIFOWER 0Each TOASTMASTER (Save AO TEléA BISCUIjTS 20c) Y Pkg. TTRSAVE 20 CENTS [AS M AST ERH C A M A N'SO WHITE ICED ICE CREA REAN D ABUTTE Flalors LAE2 ETS LEYU AT RLE S WITH OUR LARGE SELB.CTION 0P MEAT PLATTERS CHESE PLATTERS e READY TO SERVE!!. 73-77 KIJng St. W., Bowmaille Marianna Develop&ements a 9g ie w modee homnee [i the ~UtQQag(-Mt bhQbook 20 tiee6 omit DOWiMitwtQQe 011 '44ghWay l Open House, Saturdays 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Look -for JSL Signs Corne, See and Compare Save At Least 11O,OOO by driving a few extra- miles the gaviiigg elougk to jag 6ON goum gS t k a oam. $2,000 down to qualified buyer s will move you into a beautiful single, home with extra large lots to choose from Some lots feature trees and year-round running streams, -r -iced from: $44, 900 Trade-Ins Considered SFor Information, Cal 705-932-2132 IRWIN, SARGENT& LOWES LIMITED

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