Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Octohi-r 15, 1, Jaycees Told Participation, and Involvement Essential for Member's Interest by Doug Taylor Being the newest chapter in this area, Bowmanville Jay- cees received commendation -,ecentiy from the interna- onal level during the visit of (.Iùternational ,Vice-President Victor Osorio. Mr. Osorlo addressed a gathering 7of Jaycees from Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whit- by and Peteýrb6oùuh at the Darlington Marina Hotel, flot- ing that.he had heard a great deal about the Bowmanville chapter and that with' "the many things and projections that you have established I have no m~y mindlbat. with the eilthusiasm 1 see here tonight, there is nothing you cannot do if you set your mnd and cdeterminafion f0 doing if." Mr. Osorio then moved into discussion of the manner in whicb those who have become Jaycees first learned about the oganizafion. Thespeke eferred f0 a person living in England for some 25 years and now in Canada, who had neyer heard anything about the Jaycees. Quesfioning a member of bis audience on why the person bad not beard of the Jaycees during those years in Eng- land, Mr. Osorlo received the aisweriro-m-ornre Jaycee Who advised thaf the organi- zat-ion finTh-al-o-unTry nas-a wbole different concept whicb is more of a class distinction. For that reason the person did nof look into the Jaycees in Canada as, f0 bis knowledge, if was on organization some- wbat ouf of his league. An incoming mnember of the Bowmanville club, Harry Mo- roz, who Mr. Osorio inducted lafer in the evening, along witb a female member of the Peterborough chapter, ex- plained that bis knowledge of Jaycees bad been gained, ipressivelyh through- the Fubliwedt in fe Statesman, oilowe by an invitation f0 the club from Jaycee Jim Robin- son. Mr. Osorio sfressed the necessity for present mem- bers of the Jaycees f0 sell the organizafion as one that is willing f0 accept a person's membership provided they can qualify as interested and serious about the opportunity if provides of bettering one's se and becoming a better Personal savings de- posits at the Canadian chartered banks more than doubled f0 $32 billion during the past five years, according to the Canadian Bankers' Association. The average personal savings account at the end of April was $1.559. up from $1.028 five years earlier when deposits totalled $158 billion. The chartered banks are the country's principal savings. institutions through- about 7,000 do- mestie branches and statis- tics reveal their broad appeal to Canadians of average means. The number of indivi- dual accounts with less than $1.000 has declined f0 Co uncîI'.c Burned Out Perm ifs Us( Doug Moffaff, NDP candid- ate in the recent provincial election and the successfully elected MPP for Durbam East, appeared before New- castle Council last week. Mr. Moffatf's appearance was for tbe purpose of requesting counil's indul- gence witb respect f0 the Fred Timms family wbo were burned out of their R.R.2, Bowmanville home, across from Dom's Auto on tbe Baseline Road, August 27. Tbe.request was for council permission to allow Mr. Timms to reside in a trailer on the property wbile the bouse is being rebuilt. Due f0 the fact thaf under the tecbnical working of the town's bylaw, tbe building departmenf did nof feel a leader. Participation and involve- ment were noted by Mr. Osorio as necessary in order -Co--maîtai-nthë-e müebéi-Ï interest and consequenfly bis membersbip. At last year's Jaycee confer- ence a change was made from tbe two category progrpms to a, major emphasis lbeme program. Under this progran Mr. Osorlo explained that the oraiation is concerned with daigwitb problems arounid ibe worId wWeher they be pollution, food, population, raw xnaferial. He stressed tbe desire for local units fo become involved in this type of program. "Tbis is a leaders' organiza- tion," Mr. Osorio stated in suggesting that tbere are not enougb leaders in tbe world today of the type Jaycees, .Às ofber service clubs, produce. 1"We need tbe leaders and the leaders are.,bere", he added, leaving tbe gathering wifb this tbougbt "young men, if is in your hands, if is up to you wbat you do witb if' BUY NE W CANADA SAVINGS BOND, New Canada Savings Bonds - one of the best things you can do with your money.. They offer you a great combination of security, incomne and fiexibiiity. They're secure, because Canada Savings -Bonds are backed by ail the resources of Canada. They pay good income, an average annual interest to maturity in 1984 of 9.38%. Each $100 bond begins with $8.75 interest the first year and then pays $9.50 interest for each of the remnaining 8 years. They're flexible, because you can buy Canada Savings Bonds in amnounts fromn $50 to $25000 for cash or on instaiments. And they're cashable anytimne, at their full face value plus earned interest. Join the millions of Canadians who have taken advantage of the security, incomne and flexibility offred by Canada Savings Bonds. They're on sale now, wherever you bank or invest. Buy your new Canada Savings Bonds today. Security e Income e Flexibility The Great Conibiation I1970 717273 74751 71.5 per cent f rom, 78.1 per cent since 1970 althnugbig these stili constitute fthe vast majority. Accounts in the $1.000 to $9.999 cate- gory bave grown f0 25.3 per cent _of ail accounts from 20.2 per cent. Despite this shift. the number of accounts of less than $10.000 has remained relatively stable, repre- senting 96.8 per cent of al accounts compared witb the 1970 figure of _98.3 per cent. There, now are more than 20.5 million individual personal savings accounts at the chartered banks, an increase of about 33 per cent since 1970. This com- pares with a population growth of seven per cent during the same period. The, total number of individual deposit accounts at the banks. including personal savings and other deposit accounts of the public, now exceeds 27.5 million or more than one for every man, woman and child in Canada. Sympathy wîf h Home Ow ne r Emit of Traîler rmtcould be was passed down by Mayor bouse wbiie the Rickard wbo peemed to fear present, council the possibility of the trailer vas needed. Ap- use for such purpose being frailer is con- against the fown's bylaws and bouse under the beîng used after tbe comple- ,ly one bouse is tion of the bouse. a single lot. Coun. Ken Lyall, bowever, f's Liberal party added furtber support f0 the .i the election, situation calling any objection ,ntwisle, support- f0 it "A lot of balogny" and 's position and nofing thaf as the man bas motion that Mr. been burned ouf be "needs a lowed to sfay in break" and "wby doesn't council just say--go, do." as advised that, Coun. Lyail decared tbat if similar case, an council were willing to'let the id been drawn up "booze frailers" be put in .nms would have Orono by the province then the trailer on "bow can we not aliow this. No 4 the reconstruc- one will objecf." .er than February Wîtb that a vote of council approved Mr. Entwisle's oning of council motion. building per issued for the frailer wasr permission 'w parently the sidered as a1 bylaw and on permitted on Mr. Moffatt opponent in Coun. Kirk Er ed tbe MPF infroduced ai Timms be ail the frailer. Council w& based on a s agreementhbi by wbich Tir to vacatet corrijiletion of fion or flot late 2?, 1976. Some caufi( Starting Your Own Business Several monfbs ago, I was million," I sa invited to dinner by my old beamed. friends, George and Elfrieda, A few days ag, wbom 1 had nof seen for a long loud rapping( time. One of the plates that Answering if, I was banded around at the standing there fable contained a rather dour disfraugbt and~ ookig heai of nondescript bat in bier baiid cubes wlihi h my bost told me "It's all youi was eggplant. shrieked. I bacl "Do fry some, " le urged me "First, we goi as I- was about f0 pass the fromn the bank a plate on. I did. If was bland tion." She swuî and tasteless. punctuation. If.i "Oh, nof alone," lie said, neatly cleared "lyou've got f0 have some of Elfrîeda's special dressing on if." He spooned ouf a baîf dozen of the pale lumps for me and then dolloped a watery looking white sauce on top.* They looked like a pile of worn ouf dice resting in liquid detergent. Friendsbip bas ifs limifs buf I decided f0 fry one, anyway. To my astonisbment, if was the Most incredibly deiicious tbing I had ever eaten in my die. "Like if?" bie asked. "IWby, if's marvelous," I said "ufterly marvelous." Elfrieda beamed. Later, over coffee, I asked bow the dressing was made. "Tbaf's a deep dark secret,"; Elfrieda said wîtb a smile. 'I got the recipe from- my .el grandmotber and I'm nof ift telling anyone. If's the only really fine dish I bave thafn nu one else can make." "But, you could make a frtune witb that," I exclaim- ed. "Wby, any food company in Canada would pay tbou- il , sands for something as fasty as that." "Really?',' she said, in- ferested. I then asked bow if tasted on> arfichokes or brussel sproufs.Im If only works wifb eggplanf, " she said. "There's somefbing in the ebemical or enzyme balance of the ingredients thaf somrebow produces a really exquisite flavour. Wifb any other vegefable, if tastes like oven cleaner." I fold bier nof f0 worry and we spent tbe rest of the evening draft îng a letter f0 several. of tbe major food processing companies offer- îng the recipe for sale f0 the bighesf bidder. A few weeks later, I dropped by f0 see wbaf the response was. Only one food manufac- turer bad replied and bie bad îndicated that all their relishes and dressings were developed from basic sugar formulas thaf were fed info a computer-fogether wifb a list of berbs and spices and wbafever came ouf was wbaf 1fbey put on the market and tbey were flot inferested in anyfbing thaf tasted good. Naturally, she was disap- pointed. I then suggesfed thaf she and bier husband set up a company and sell the product tbemelvetf0the grocery chains. Bofb profesfed that fhey rknew notbing about business but I fold tbem nof f0 worry and we spent the rest of the evening setting up the ®rganization on paper. The name was f0 be Elfrieda's Eggplant Ecstasy and plans were made for George f0 take off work the nexf day and arrange a bank boan for the- purchase of 033LU equipmenf. "You're on your way f0 a u îid. Elfrieda go, there -was a on my door:' found Elfrieda wild-eyed and witb a basebaîl d, ir doîng," sbe -ked Up. ot a $5,000 boan if your sugges- rig, the bat for missed me but 1off a, row of Canadians continue strong savings pattern china figurines from a sheif. "Then the local board of health came in and told up to make a $3,000 worfh of improvements or. they'd charge us." She made another pass with the bat, this time sbivering an expensive lamp into a fhousand pieces. "The Unemployment Insurance Commission- camped on my front stUop while the Canada Pension 'eople were pounding on th@ back, door, both demanding my accounts." A poorly aimed overhand swipe reduced my crystal chandelier to fragments. "Statisties Canada sent me a fruckload of forms to fi out and I had to bire a secretary at $145 a week just to handle the governmIent mail." 'A' une drive to lef f field missed my bead by abouX two feet, catcbing me in the lower nib cage. "The company that refused to buy my recipe is now suing me for $100,000 for stealing their formula, the one they stole from me and then patented after you told me to offer if for sale." A blow direcfed af my clavicle was deflected wben it glanced off a casf iron bust of Beethoven. Unfortunately, the great Lud- wig then landed on my foot. "You've started a night- mare, you nincompoop!1 George bas moved out and t he bailiffs have moved in. I've losf my husband, my house and my sanîty. Ail I have leff is an overwhelming desire f0 attend your funeral." Her final desperate bomlýardment as I hobbled out of the bouse fortunately caused only super- ficial injuries. bafer, at the emergency ward of the hospital, they told me nof f0 worry as they spent the resf of the evening binding up my wounds. ao0, It's time to ask ourselves if ail this government is necessarv. We need a critical examination of al government programsý to weed out duplication and waste. We need a perf or- mance analysis of bureaucrats on the job. We migbt fimd a third of themn are necessary. Bee- fing up the Auditor General's powers and his staff would be a good way t0 start. 0*@*0* W. E. LANQ If you have a hearing problem or if your present hearing aid is in need of adjustment or repair... Call 576-9811 Local 233 in 'Oshawa a'certifled hearing aid audfioligist from EÊaton's in Oshawa will give a complete audiometrie hearing test' and recommend and custom fit the aid that is best suited to your individual needs. There is no charge for this 'Service. Repairs and batteries available for-most-makes and models. You can use your Eaton's Charge Accounit P. G. Deegan Denture Therapy Clinie 33 King St. East, Bowmanville Tel.'623-4473 ~aaa a a a appas - - wwwrr--------- HELP THE BLUN HeIp Themselves When you support the work of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, you support a realisticprogram 'of Rehabilitation, Recreation, Resiclential Care and Sight Conservation. The BowvmanviIIe-West Durham .4m Advisory Committee is conducting its -Blitz Cm ag For Funds On Mo0n d ayOc.2t Give Generously. And GiVe Now The Rural Areus Wiln l Be Canvassed DuringOcktoberà THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND IUW"qw"lquwl