Create new home magie with console color TV THE "COUNTRY 1,00k"- is jntroducedl in this 25-inch diagonal console color TV receiver front Zeniith. Cuntry Englishi in styling, set features Power Sentry protection, 100 --~ lid state chdsbrilliant Chirontiacolor piture tube. Before you choose - stop, look and listen .. . How to eu7,t the besi buy in, electronies equl"ipment Planning to bu3' a con-l If ydur purchase is a adoeaecnue sumr eectonis podut? major one, it is worth a electronies equîpmnent- Here gre some sugges- cail to your local Better tions that will help you be Business Bureau to checkAkmein happy wth your purchase: aeso eir.Tr s s ang CHAS.o Y PR a wealth of product liter- if ternis are used that CHAE.ature avallable In stores. are unfamiliar to you, ask Study your neeçds.' Thînk The induistry, through 10o- what they mean. Remrem- about space you wf,,ll have ca etrUsnsBu brhr iawolnw for the product, wo ï1 acz al Bete mpusies oBu- baer, th sU woenew use it, how much you wat hraus, has me nt on anguaof tat suounds tce spend. hwt ucae nti ayo oa' ons Supplement of The Canadiai,,!-i-sman, Ocober lSth. 1975 7 II S-,3 MI oi tt "rm tc'C lrT lvso * in ceni o pc osl aie.10prcn oi tt Vieir.Tia, i uoai uigsse o ocigi oo-it fin tnn an rgtescnrs.Lre4«dn ispaeF n tuI g anIoecnrl ld ueclradtn otosfridvda * rfrecs Ohrfaue nld ee G adato fIc I easig Iantfnse reierna tl aie ihes rI n Iates I IT IOO ENE.RSE I 4 Diiso Sret- o rin I PHONE 23-32I I ffm m ,M ý u