6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 15, 1975 the Treasurer's report. Presi- dentMrs. Bert Trim conduet- ed the business. The bazaar is set for Oct. also other business was discussed. A donation for the Blind Society was ready to be sent. Meeting was closed wîth p rayer and lunch was served. The Shiloh Anniver- s ary Service will have guest PortPerry Antiîque S,-how end Sale to be held at the "TOWN4 HALL 1.873" Port Perr*y*Ontario, October l6th f'rom i to 9 p.m. ctober i 7th f ro m il to 9 p.m. Furniture and etc. prior to 1900. Glass and china prior to 1925. Private collection of dolîs and related items will be on display. ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON Wednesday Evenings through October ST EAK SPECIAL One Dinner for $6.99 Second Dinner for Only John McKenzie in the Main Deck Dining Lounge Friday and Saturday Nights "Mr. D. Je" in the ý"Brig"'ý Banquet Hall 9:00 pm. every Friday At a Friday' afternoon Thanksgiving assembly at Knox Christian School, about 450 cans and packages of foodstuffs were collected for distribution to needy families in the area, During the assembly, each class in turn brought their contributions to the front of the stage. Later it was divided in shopping baskets before being delivered to the recipients for Thanksgiving. speaker Rev. Frank Whitely of Sarnia, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Savery were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery, of Oshawa. Miss Norma Hallowell, and Miss- Beulah Hallowell'of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Mr. Jim Hallowell were Sunday dinner guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and family. Mrs. Bernice Stark, Mrs. Clara Souch, Mrs. Annette Savery and Mrs. Margaret Todd were among the ladies who attended the Bus Trip to Collingwood with the Krby ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fair- banks spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr . Gerald. Hallowell and friends from England visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown,, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Anne and Mr. Bill Bickle had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair and child- ren. Tara will be celebratîng her birthday on the lSth. Mr. and Mrs. LlewHallowell accompanied by Miss Norma and Miss Beulah Hallowell were on a recent trip to Algonquin Park and Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim and Merrilee, Bowmanville. On Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luxton and Neil of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Cart- wright, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephenson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair Sat- urday evening for a Miracle Maid Supper. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch were guests at the Weekes- Hannah wedding Sat. evening in Harwood. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Curtis were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Faits and Harvey. Master Jason Van Drunen spent a couple of days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thertell and family, Orono and Mr. Henry Adams, Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests Fully Licensed Premises Marina 623-3501 Hotel 623-4925 Banquet Facilities Available Lake Road Off Liberty St. S. Sponsors of the BOWMANVILLE JR. 'T" HOCKEY CLUB NEXT HOME GAME: Lindsay Vs. Bowmanville Sunday, Oct. 19 - 7:30 p.m. Started Her Photography Coreer Here This photograph was taken by Hannah Maynard who began her photographic career in Bowmanville many years ago. The Victorian type portrait is of Lady Douglas, wife of Sir James Douglas, and was taken in Victoria, B.C. Mrs. Maynard came to Canada in 1852 and first settled here. She is one of many women whose work will be discussed and shown by Ms. Laura Jones at the Bowmanville Library on Thursdày, Oct., l6th at -8-p.m. It is free to the public and is presented by the Photography Gallery in cooperation with the Festival of Women in the Arts to celebrate International Women's Year. The photo is on boan from the Provincial Archives, Victoria, B.C. Can't Understand Why Fines Go to Port Hope by Doug Taylor An Orono resident is some- what cheesed off with the systema of paying fines for traffic violations. Lgrry Pooler bas advised us that he recently received a speeding ticket from the Durham Regional Police with- in the Town of Bowmanville. Mr. Pooler explains that he has discovered that payment of the fine must be made in Port Hope Court offices while fighting it would necesitate an appearance in Bowmanville Court. with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and sons celebrating Thanks- giving and Mrs. Thertell's (Joan) birthday., Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey were recent supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Remi Xanhaverbeke, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee, Cambray were recent week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs., Carl Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch and family were visitons over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanold Souch. In discussing the matter with Police Chief John Jen- kins, Mn. Pooler reports hie leanned Mr. Jenkins is some- what concerned about the system' but can't do much since that's the way it is. In an additional conversa- tion Mr. Pooler had with Durham Regional Chairman Walter Beath hie learned that Mr. Beath was unaware of the situation but on Mn. Poolen's advising him of it hie apparent- ly was disturbed. Undenstandably, tickets issued by Provincial- Police officers might have to paid by areas. However, it is also undenstandable that Mn. Poo- er cant agnee with having to pay his fine in Port -Hope. He objects on the basis it was issued by the Regional Police and there is an office within the Region located in Oshawa which could just as easily accept the payment, were it not for the anea boundaries. Unfortunately, the area des- ignations apparently limit the Oshawa office to accepting payments only to the west of Courtice. This situation can only leave one wundering if the Province, Regional or County and local levels of government will ever see the light of day and pull together to co-ordinate their area boundaries rather than overlapping them. Many would agree with Mr. Pooler's feelings that a ticket issued by the Regional Police should be payable within the Region andnot elsewhere., 0f course, the fine is payable through the mail so that a personal appearance in Port Hope is not necessary but it is the principle of the thing that matters. If we're going to have Regional Government, and consequently Regional Police, then it's time we pulled together as an area and eliminated such foolishness. Whether Mr. Beath intends to look fut4ter into the matter is flot certain but, if hie does, the outcome is sure to prove interesting. OROt0%NO0 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Steele, Elin and David of Ottawa were Saturday and Sundm uests of Mrs N.S. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barraball-nee Wood - on their 4th Wedding Anniversary last week. Mrs. Zella (Gibson) Middle- ton, age 77, wife of James E. Middleton, passed away on Wed., Oct. 8th, at the Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanvilie after a long illness. Funeral service was from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bownianville on Fri. after- noon. Interment, Orono Ceme- Mar.and Mrs' Harley John- ston of Toronto and Mrs. John Morris spent Thanksgiving Monday with Mrs. Geo. Mor- ton. Mr. Wm. Miller returned to Knox Students Brin g Food for Needy Familles the Oshawa General Hospital last week. Mrs. Evelyn Essery and Mr. Claude Taft from L'Ama- able, near Bancroft, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabeli on Thanksgiving Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Staples have returned' home from a bus tour. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Dexter of Nottingham, England who have spent the past- month visiting their, daughter, Mrs. Jean Mieke and children of Cobb Hlli. Main Street North, and have celebrated their 5th Wedding anniversary since their ar- rivai in Orono. Rev. B.E. Long, baptized two children at the regular morning service in Orono United Church on Thanksgiv- ing Sun. Daniel Newton Cob- bledick son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cobbledick (the for- mer Lynda Louise Peck) and Neil Patrick Haines son of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Dale Haines the former Elaine Florence Taite. Kirby U .C.w. held their Oct. meeting at the church hall on Tuesday. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabail were enter- tained by their children and grandchildren and pres ented with a set of cookwear at the Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaRocca and their three children at Mîners' Bay on the happ occasion of their 4th Weding Anniversary. Also Joe and his wife Marion were both celebrating their birthdays. Orono Senior Citizens enjoyed a bus tour to Collingwood on Wed. of last week. Unit 3, meeting was held at the home of Mrm Couvier, Main Street South on tuesday evening Oct. 8th. Mrs. Geo. Morton was Saturday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton and their week-end house guests Mr. and Mrs. Ken Minion, of ,,Peterborough. 91(ing St. W. 623-5412, THE PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY presents "(egtiwaQ ot (ýlyUo R inthed u4tg OCTOBER 1975 In addition to the exhibition "Comments" opening Oct. 6th, the Gallery invites yqu to attend the following film and lecture programs: OCTOBER 16- "REDISCOVERY" - a slide and lecture program on women in photography with Laura Jones. OCTOBER 20 - FILM NIGHT - Laurette" - the story of a young secretary -"Extensions of the family" -"A Woman's Place" - roles and attitudes -"The Things I cannot change" OCTOBER 24 - "OUR BODIES- OURSELVES" -Open Forum with psychologists Mary Stern and Richard Wackerlin ALL EVENTS BEGIN AT 8 P.M. ALL ARE FREE BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville A New Sound Experience - Reggae Featuring Oct. 6 - >18 THE FAMOUS Jamckie ittoo LP and Recording Artist Direct from Bristol Place Hotel "The Man Who Invented Reggae- Nightly at the Hammond Organ and in additon Saturday Supper Danc1ingý Oct. 11 th and Oct. l8th Dick Valleau Quartet wi th Bobbi Sherron, Vocalist We are FeatuHrng-A NEW MENU at NEW LOW PRICESI Dancing Nitely - Dining Room Opetns Daily from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Entertaiument Nitely from 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY SUPPER DANCING - Dining Room Open from 5:00 p.m. - 10: 00 p.m. - Dancing from 8:00 p.m. Entertainment from 9: 00 p. m. TH E ILiberty st. S. and 401 623-3373 Bowmanvillej CorOSTURANT MON DAY -THURSDAY 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. FR IDAY &SATU RDAY 6 a.m. - 1 a.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Serving Delicious, ChineseFood Take-Out Orders ai Specialty, Full Course Meals In a Home-Like Atmosphere * ENJOY A'RELAX ING MEAL AFTER A DAY 0F SHOPPING STARKVILLE NEWS Last Wednesday evening the U.C.W. Meeting was held in the church. The meeting was opened wîth Take Time to be Holy played by organist Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. Edna Dobson gavd devotional of Prayer. Sec. Mrs. Layng gave last month's meeting reading. Mrs. Carl Todd, Treas. read HAL WALLISS Production of a ( ...anid the. Ladly) * W HELD OVER DIANA ROSS in ý,(Mah ogany" Starring BILLY DEE WILLIAMS m rnE- -7-w t __ HELD OVER Mi BowanvllePet Shop 623-2921 34 King St. W., Bowmanvill e LOW 1 LOWI PRICES r We Do Dog Grooming ELTIK ----------- "