4 The Canarlian Statesman- Bowmianville. October 29. 1975 Section Two Aniother Housin gProposai- On 160 Acresin Newcastle Presented to Town A unique proposai fer tne development of 160 acres of land in the Village of New- castle was presented te Town Council on October 20. In psresenting -thc sehemne, Mr. '.Service of Angelotto Contracting Company, stated that the projeet would provide housing fer approximately 2,400 people in 160 acres of land located north and south of Highway 2 in Newcastle. The develepment would in- corporate, a concept called "zero lot lines"' which Mr. Service described as unusual and innova tive. In, simpl1e terms the idea means ta structures built on the land are not detacbed and that the wall between neighbors in the units would serve as the property line. These buildings would be integrated into an overaîl plan that would in- clude ,townbouses and single family units. By reducing tbe usual setback footages on the front, sides and rear of the buildings, there would be a greater number of smaller lots available for relatîvely inexpensive single family dwellings in the development. Descrihed. as -2 serni- "WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE!"9 It's wise f0 check ail furnace flues and pipes - if clogged or obstructed, or flot properly insulated from burnable sur- faces, they can cause disast- rousfires. It pays to have a professional furnace check each fali for sensible fire prevention. JumEs Ifl5curDflce AgftnâlllgLimited DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24 KING ST. E. BOX 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONT.,N OFFICE 623-1406 îI RES. 623-5023 detached units back to back" Mr. Service noted that tbe buildings would previde suit- able, housing for senior citizens, and that the single storey quadraplex layout would look like a. low-lying ranch bungalow on comple- tien. Eacb, unit would cover 700-750 square feet and pro- vide an alternative te the large, expensive single family bouses now on the market. Mr. Service approacbed Council te request that the zening application for tbe development be processed "to get us on our way." The company bas filed an applica- tion for bhe parcels of land, but bas been unable te proceed until Ceuncil makes an amendment te the current holding policy affecting de- velopment in Newcastle. Coun. Kirk Entwisle pro- posed a motion that tbe planning staff be instructed to present Council with an Counicil amendment to the, Official Plan for Newcastle and the zoning by law after the Plann- ing Advisory Council had, screened the application and held public debate on the matter. The motion carried. Mr. Service bas a meeting with the planners early next week te present his plan in detail. All of the 4 unit buildings in the plan would be set back off the roadway 25 feet and the lots would be 100 feet in depth. A margin of 24 feet between the structures would allow access for driveways. Mr. Service stated that the land could be sold as condo- miniums or leased to tenants if the buildings were purchas- ed by other interests. He added that the develop- ment would bring no change te the commercial centre of the old village of Newcastle. Land bas been set aside in the project for park space and schools. At Council Committee of the Whole meeting, on Oct. 14, Clerk Joe Mcllroy advised counc illors that he bas inform- ed Bowmanville Taxi opera- tors by letter of the bylaws pertaining to their operation. Mr. Mcllroy's action follows a deputation cf the Bowman- ville Chamber of Commerce at the previous committee meeting when complaints about the taxi operation were launched. The complaints concerned the taxis using parking spaces on King Street in thebusiness section, prohibiting customers from using them, and the condition of the taxi units. Mr. Mcllroy explainied that the bylaws do govern the cleanliness of the vehlicles and that he advised them the bylaw officer will be checking on this from time to time. The clerk also reminded that when the licence which can be revoked by council at any time, was granted, an area on Division Street, near, the Castle Hotel, was rented by the operator of the service at that time for the vehlicles. Unfortunatel y,, althou gh granting of the Ilicence requir- ed the vehlicles to be parked in an off street area, the present owner discontinued the rent- inil of the parking space. Under ttaffic bylaw, however, the town may desîg- nate any particular area as a taxi stand and thereby have the vehlicles located at the selected location. Coun. Ann Cowman sug- gested that the taxi operators -be invited te attend a meeting MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381 CALLUS DX FUE1OI TODAY F EL FOR PROMPT, COURTIFOUS Did You Kniow? Trentway Bus Lines Limited Have DaillL*imousine and Air Express Service For Further Information and Reservations Cal BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 623-3182 or 885-8166 (Colîect "YOUR GUIDE TO TRAVEL" 47 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE TrRENTWAY BUS LINES LIMITED Serving Bowmanville and Newcastle Area of counicil and explain the operation. Coun. Ivan Hobbs however did flot feel an invitation is necessary as they have the right to attend anytime they wish. Backing up Coun. Cowman's recommendation, Coun. Lyall advised that as the large delegation from the C of C had launched the complaints it would be to counil's advant- age to invite the taxi operators to a ceuncil meeting, and the idea was approved. Coun. Bruce Tink advised that through discussion with King Street businessmen hie has learned that the parking problem is apparently cured. Wait Woîrd A letter received from Ontario ilydro -requesting a meeting has broughTt a New- castle Council decision to advise hydro they intend to take no such action until word is received from the Province regarding a grant for the municipality to conduct a study of the matter. Coun. Ken Lyall first mnoved that such a meeting be held off until at least t he end of November but then changed the motion being in agreement with his fellow councillors that they should await word on the grant first. Business Directory Accounta ncy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V.SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor cf Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowm anv i le Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, DC. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner cf Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Heurs: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Domrinion Store> Office Heurs: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East. Professional Bldg. Office Heurs: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional BIdg. Bowma nville Office Heurs: CLOSED WEDNESDA> AFTERNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowrnanville Office 1Hou rs: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9'tîiS Wednesday - 9 tii 2 Friday - 9 tii 4 Net open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 Sr. Ctizens Enloy Annual Kinsmen Color Tour A total of 110 local senior citizens enjoyed the annual Kinsmen Color Tour, held this year on Sunday, October 5th. Following a 11/2 hour rural tour of the surrounding area to view the splendid autumn colors, the senior citizens were guests of the Bowmanville Kinettes at the Memorial Park clubhouse for a mid-afternoon lunch.- Photo by MeRobbie Propose So Name Conf Town of Newcastle Rate- payers Association members renewed their determination Oct. 17 night to Pntî thle problem eoftne new 'Town ci Newcastle being confused with the former Village cf Newcastle. The association veted te ask MPP Deug Moffatt to fellow- up on a petition presented by the association in January te former MPP Alex Curruthers. The petitien requests that the name for the new area formed'under develepment ef Durham Regien be changed from the "Town ef New- castle" te the "Area Munici- pality cf Newcastle."' Some 200 names have re- cently been added te the petition which was originally presented with 1,800- signi- tures. Association President John Liptay sees the main preblem being the confusion between the village of Newcastle and the town of Bowmanville. Mr. Liptay'aise stated that residents in Bowmanville have resentment in the loss ef their community's name and most of the names on the petitien came from Bewman- ville citizens. on creation ef the Regien, the name "Town ef New- castle"' was selected by the lution f0 usion provincial gevernment with- eut appreval of the four fermer municipalities which lie within the new boundaries. The pErovi nce apparentl--ý choseth e name on. the basis- that the area between Lake Simcoe and Cobourg was, during the l9th century, knnwn as Newcastle. ADAEQUA TE NEA TIN< /5 YOu EMANDI WERE REA DY 4 WA/T/NG FOR KOUR E,ÇOMMAND Z-#"--' SE RVICE (ASSORTED FLAVORS) AIRWICK LIM'IO, NATURAL LEMON OR ROSE Tender Vitties 50KG.M 79e IHSF0E BANDED PKG, Air Fresheners OZ. 3L 57* Table Syrp IMsA .e offee 16 FL i rhSDrin g REG. REGULAR PKG. .Tale Iris nuchZ.SIZE LLII Scott Disposable DiapersO3 AIJNT JEMIMA BUCKWHEAT, PKGS .BARS UIIVBU PacUak RBTeRMIx K:~%3 Rich 4 FRww ,4 ÇAIPLASTIC SANDWICIS 1BAGS PKG. 0F 50 OR UTI S OR BUTTeRMiUC FR Ga fl Baggîes Alligator Bags PG DIINFECTATry14-FLOZ. $1309 (iy-- PRODUCESprayF.A0 5 ATIN IGA Apple Pie IGA Bran Muffint, 2t-OZ. EA .79e: PKG. OF 49<: PEUit IGA Sugar Donuts59 TACO, 'OR 880m O Hostess Corn Chips 0 M45 8 VARIETES Jacques Candies PK59< HIONLINER FROZEN Cod in Batter FROZEN 1 Farmhouse Apple Pie 14-oz. 89<: EACH1 89e: "e PRODUCE OF U.S.A. Droccoli SIZE 18 BU NCH Outspan Oranges lsl'2ED0z.I7 CANADA FANCY GRADE Mclntosh Apples PRODUCE 0F USA Avocadoes s B, CANADA #1 GRADE Rutabagus PRODUCE 0F USA #1 GRADE Cucumbers 9RLG.B75, 3FoR99e 2 FOR39,e PRICFiS EFFECTIVE WED. TH RU SAT. OCT. 29-NOV. 1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TOLIMIT ÜUANTITIES. 77 KING ST. E,. B O W M A N V I L LÈ1 ,,, SUNDAY STORE HOUEýS 10:00 a.mn. - 5:00 p.m. C lerk Reports. On Taxi Operations, rni tta iý -1-IM L' E, 11 M, L 1 L'
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