Statesman. Bowmanville. October 29, 's a CONTINUES ME' s (2 und, 3 PUECE) Chaos. from a selection of bandsome woo worsteds anid flannels feofuring contemporary. 2-button styling in checks, strips or solid colors. Sizes 36 fa 52. MENIS SPOIRICOAT SELECTION iRman's #-tc Vui t 1o ao h soe wt ny sport <oet or hIar. PROM 49.95 PROM 59.93249 ISAVUPT.0........ 2 e9 Ail Mon'y s TOP COATS OVE RCOATS &LEATHER COATS 1 0% Look Forward To .Fal Casually A comfortable, qreat looking outfit tol Tak hrog i your occasions in style.e ga dne safr suit in 100% rolYester. The jacket has ail the right bush countrytouches. Epaulets and four large flap Patch pockets. The matching stocks are f lared and beit looped. Theî outfit, in tan, blue and brown.1 MENIS PgâANTS, SAVE upTo..25% We've pu' together a collection of aur f inest brands of slacks and mode a Fa Il off ering. Ail the labels that have mode us f amou s.Un Fall-rich colors ... checks, plaids, salids. Ail wools, «ool and palyester blends or doubleknit polyester. Handsomne straîght leg or flore leg styles with'belt loops. Corne in and moke your selection now. VALUES TO 24.93 NOW 'MI9.95 VALUES TO .....1 , OFF OFF OSHIAWA CENTRE OPEN WEDS., THURS. & FR1. UNTIL 9.00 126e00 1 om 1 eàè DU vue 9 9