4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 29, 1975 NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best, __________ with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, were recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mattinson, at Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. Murray P a yne visited Mr. and Mrs. Don r Bower, in Guelph, over the Thanksgiving week-end, and attended the service in St. Aadrew's Presbyterian Church, there. Leaders of our local Brow- nies are: Jean Kimble, Mari- lyn Baker, Maureen Powell. Brownies are: Leslie Gard- ner, Leanne Elliott, Tammy Weatherup, Karen Baker, Sherry Mclnnis, Vicki Kim- ball, Laura Aldridge, Annette Harness, Nicole Thomson, Angela and Maria Barnoski, Kelly Powell, Nadine Staple- ton, Tiffany Rowe, Suzanne and Cheryl Brown, and Terry Trimble. They meet Thursday eve- nings, 6:30 to 8 o'clock, in the Sunday School hall. Congratulations to Gerry Stacey, Grade 6 student in our local school, who was awarded Second Prize ($5), in the Junior Class of the Poster Contest, sponsored by the Ganaraska Region Conserva- tion Authority. Also to Stevea C. Ford, and Evelyn Smith, both Grade 6 students, for Honouraable Mention, in the saine competition.i Af ter several local people had exDressed an interest in forming a winter tennis club, here, as a form o recreation, a meeting was held in the Library room, at Newtonville3 e School, on Monday, Oct. 20: I Le is hoped that the first session will begin, in the school 3 Brec gymnasium, on Sunday, Nov. 2, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. -C This program is operating in: 3 11ec1q conjunction with the Dept. of Recreation, for the Town of Newcastle, and that body, 3vWu"w i along with Principal John Veduis, have been .volved , from the veryv beginning. 3 Gubl Anyone stili interested in joining, should. corne to the school a few minutes prior to the 7:30O.m. starting time, on Nov. 2. l you need with you, for the opening session, is your ambition, and some suitable footwear. Mrs. Acey Farrow and Mrs. Beraice Henderson attended the 5th Anniversary of U.C.W. Rally, at Janetville, Wednesday evening, where Mrs. Floyd Howlett was the special speaker. RO Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams RO were recent visitors with Mr. M Mu and Mrs. Don Adams, and family, at Brampton. attended the Candle Sale, in the Sunday School hall, Thurs- day evening, sponsored by BerniceMiligan's and Mary Jones' units of the U.C.W. The death of Mr. Lloyd Peacock occurred recently, in 3 Suinnybrook Hospital, with funeral service held at theU Ross Funeral Home, Port Hope, with interment in Wel- comne Cemetery. Mr. Peacock pla yed an POWDER important part ia the building of our new church, here, following the fire wbich de- stro ed the old one, â.ii also.,D mad eanddonatd tebauti-'. ful cross, which hangs on the wall, at the rear of the choir lof t. la recognition of his kind-$ ness, he was made on Honor- ary member of our U.C.W. and hie and his wife enter- L tained the members of that 5L afew years'ago. Syptyis expressed to- the remaining family mem- JACK'S, 5 VARIE bers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams were recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry and Mrs. George Fulfit, at Harwood. Two or three more were added to our regular atten- dants, at our Thursday after- 88O noon meetings, sponsored by the Senior Citizen Group. Mr. PKG E Doug Moffatt, M.P.P.,. was Our first speaker, and was introduced b y Mrs. Queenie Cobourg, Stpervîsor of Edu- PINK OR LEMOI catin, and a member of the N Board of Education, la thisET L anx way possible, with the children, la retura for enjoy- E M iag the use of the Library ALL PURPOSE room, through the kindaess of Picipal John Veldhuis. A FIV E lit vluntary work can often be of great help to pupils, and regular teachers. L EOR (Mrs Fletcher is a. gqod PIC DADC example of this.) AppreciatfnPIC EWR- was expressed to both speak- ers the usual coffee was talten up. "ais coming 1Tiurs- BABY îOi day our speaker will be Nurse N. Lawrey, R. Sc. N. Remem-amm ber ail iaterested adults are P Mrs. G. Walkey, of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mattînson of Mississauga, were supper guests, Saturclay, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best. APPRECIATION DAYSU APPRECIATION DAYS GREAT VALUES ALL WEEK! ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, NOV. i ST, 1975. FRES - 1 PIEES UY 3 PKGS - SA VE 4k JANE PARKER "sa OX-O- UC EHAMBURG BUNS or ebQua'rters WIENER ROLLS ust Quarters cks lb igs let Packag es HROOMS 'l ACTION PRICEDI DE TERG"unENTem ETIES Prepriced JO(ý CHIPS Shop Nom GENT OSES 22-LB BAG $ Cholce Whole or Slit 'SABLE SUPER RSpkg f 3 v and Save a r $ 00 PKGS- OFS FRESH CHICKEN 'e PARTSLEG or BREASI lb P A T SQUARTERS FROZEN FROZEN Chicken Livers lb 49< Chicken Giblets lb 49< ISCHNEIDERS OR MAPLE LEAF SUPER-RIGHT OR TOWN CLUB, SLICED 1-LB Vac Pac I ieners VAC PAC44 Side Bacon sl.7Î8 MAPLE LEAF Sliceàd Bologna 16&oz Vac Pac 92< MAPLE LEAF - 9 VARIETIES Deli Sausage 8-ozpkg 99< BURNS, STORE PACK Beef & Pork Sausages lb 89< TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolis VAc P-Ac lb $1 .19 UNIVERSAL BRAND - RECTANGULAR Pizza Pie 1-b, 9-., pie $1 .8 9 SWIFT PREMIUM, OVEN ROASTING Corned Beef lb $179 SMOKED, COOKÇED, PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders 1b99< FROZEN MEA TS & SEAFOODI HIGHLINER, FROZEN Boston Blue Fillets lb 59< HIGHLINER, FROZEN, IN BATTZR Boston Bluefish 14-oz pkg 79<' ALPINE, FROZEN Beef Steakettes 2-lb pkg $1 * GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE 'Chicken Cutiets lb88 SNYDER, REGULAR CUT, FREN*CH STYLE ~DEELIBEANS GREEHI~OR EWAX DEALUC14-FL-OZ ULME JN.S , 4 .. LIGHT CHUNKS - BYE THE SEA T UN A ACTION PRICEDI F"I S H 6'1-OZ TN PANTRY SHELF, SLICED OR HALVES S 9~ CHOICE 28-FL-OZ TIN59 59 eHACHES59 ~ONTARIO GROWERS HAVE .IUST HARVESTED ONE 0F TH4E LARGEST APPLE CROPS IN HISTORY. THE QUALITY 1 OUTSTANOING, ENJOY SEVERAL VARIETIES NOW AT THE PEAK OF PERFECTION. CANADA FANCY POPULAR ALL PURPOSE MacdNTOSH APPLES 5-lb cello bag 89< BUSHEL$49 CANADA FANCY FINEST EATING VARIETY RED DELICIOUS APPLES 5-lb cello bag 89 BUSHEL'$4.99 Canada Fancy, Excellent For Pies and Sauce--Northern SPY APPLES 5-lb cello bag 8 9< BUSHEL $4.99 CANADA FANCY ALL PuRPOSE CORTLAND APPLES 5-lb cello bag 89 CANADA FANCY OLD TIME FAVOURITE TALMAN SWEET APPLES .5-lb cello bag 8 9< iValues like these.. 64-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL MEXICAN PRIDE, WITH PECTIN ACTION PRICEDI 77< STRAWBERR99<' 99 JAM 24-FL-OZ JAR 2 LB FRERI PLAIN OR FLAVOURS 6-OZ CARTON » 99 IGHT& LIVELY 41s1 00 'l.77 YOGURT [Cod 19-FL-OZ TIN ROMI ELBOW MACARONI, REGULAR OR THIN 3189< SPAG ETTI 2LBPKG59 PKG. OF 24.42.29 INSTANT-PREMIUM BLEND 10-OZ-JAR <Prprlc.d) "$229BOKiRCoFFEEs1,99 A BYUY 3LOA VES -SA VE47e p JANE PARKER, SLICED, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT SANDWICH BRmhEAD _$ 900 24-01 LOAVES ASup.rb Blond, Rich in Braxilianl Coffie I BAGIO> I VALID THROUGH $AT., NOV. 1ST, 1975. E ALSO VALIDONOC BOKAR COFFEE. m â1 51 B- -ME-M-M -M- IA Supeb Blond, Rich in Brazïi@ln Cofftes M 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE- I BAG 13;1 VALIO TIIROUGH SAT., NOV. IST, 1975. 3W ----- - -N -K -COFEE. -R mm mmo moi.. A