10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 12, 1975 Brings About. Right Resuits, Christian healing is experi- somne kind of mystical purpose enced as human problems are to them.' turned into spiritual oppor- H4e explained ttiat Christian tunities, James M. McGrew, Science "teaches complete C.S., of Boston, told an trust in the power of God and audience in Oshawa, Saturday the present actuality of good. Nov. 8. ýWhen faced "with any "Wben faced with a pro problem for yourself' or bem," Mr. McGrew said, others, question as to whether ",.hoildn't we sec the 'oppor- you're allowing yourself to tunity' involved in the experi- believe in a cause apart from ence -- knowing that there s an God. If you accept God, Spirit, orderly solution wben we turn as cause and man as effect, to God for guidance?"' then you will find the solution A Christian Science lectur- to your problem' er, hie spoke in Durham God, Spirit, is "as powerful College Auditorium at the now as in the time of the invitation of First Church of patriarchs and prophets, and Christ Sçientist, Oshawa. of Jesus and is disciples and Mrs. Berta McConnell, îst apostles," Mr. McGrew con- reader, introduced the lectur- cluded. er. "God is as ready to. answer To Christ Jesus there , were prayer today as H4e was in "no circumstances hdyond Bible times. The age of bealing," Mr. McGrew said spiritual healings is not past." "Every situation presented Mr. McGrew was in busi- to him, whetber it was the ness more than 30 years, deatb of Lazarus or a storm at holding executive positions as sea, bc used as an opportun-t an officer and director of a to prove the absolute control large worldwide manufactur- of God." ing corporation. 14e was Con- T ieletuersaid Jesus "felt troller of The Christian compassion for is fellowman SinePbihn oit and illustrated is knowledge from 1966 to 1973. and confidence of God's pres- , Since 1966 hie bas been in the ence by co, eigter pbi practice of Christian fears. H4e proved the availabil- Science. H-e is curr*ently on an ity of God's'love and of Spirit 's, extensive tour as a member of support. The Christian Science 'Board "We bear mucb' today of of Lecturesbip. varied types of power -- oul power, money power, politicalTa C orn r power. But if we follow Jesus, C example and recognize divine Y, I power, 'God-power, as su- Jli by premeîy practical to meet Jon Manuel, C.G.A. everybuman need, we can Q.- As a licensed mecbanic, I biing about rigbt results."'" must buy ail my own tools. My Noting tbat "Science and employer does not reimburse Healtb witb Key to tbe me tor them. Can I deduct Scriptures," by' Mary -Baker them from my T4 earnings for Eddy, says "Good demands of tax purposes? man every bour, in wicb to A.- This is a common work out the problem of question,-and oplies equally being," hie sai d "As we to employees wbo are electri- respond to this demand, our clans, plumbers and- simîlar problems do indeed become tradesmen. Tbey are not opport unitres.'1 deductible fr om your employ- Cristian Scientists "dont ment earnings. Dont forget, ignore trouble,'ý. Mr. McGrew tbougb, to keep your receipts said, "ýnor do we say its a for annual licence fees and figment of the imagination; or -union 'dues, as tbey are that bad times. must bave deductible. Celebrated First Birthday ender went north of Madoc andc Mr. Floyd Lloyd wentý north of North Brook. Mr. and Mrs. Don Grîffin held a birthday party on Saturday evening for Greg's 2nd birthday. Their guests vfzre Mr. and Mrs. Chester je, Whitby, Mr. and Mis ,orman Lee and family, f!,rnilla, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,, if firi, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Mr. and Mrs. D., W. Iriffin and Julie, Mr. and lt-s. Don Lee and family. Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane wiffi their wedding attendants of 39 years, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Bowmanville, celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary Nov. 6 with canner at the Rock Haven, Peterborough, then on to supper with son Ken and smslviI at Valentia. They were greeted by Ralph and Pat on Élii return home with a beautiful decorated cake, bouquet of roses and gif t of TV tables. Congratu lations Norma and Les. Winners at the Friday night card party were Phyllis Watt, Helen Morton, Pat Simpson and Fred Samis. Activity Night for all public school children is Friday, November 14, in church base- ment under direction of Helen Lavender. The Enfield U.C.W. spon- sored a very successful Vutri- fel Demonstration on Tues- day, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. in the church. Mr. Burkbart and Mr. Bradford deftly sbowed the interested ladies bow to create some very attractive and inexpensive desserts. Two ladies from the audience turned a hand and were allowed to take thpir creations home with rbem. Ail the goodïes made were gîven away by a draw of door tickets. The ladies were serv- ed tîea or coffee ending a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ro-bt Camer- on were Fr1 day evening gus of their son, Mr, andMi Raymond -,Camer on, Fn pool. Saturday evening guesls the Robt. ' amerorn's v wer and Mrs. J. Wood and Donna, Tyrone. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson wcre their niece and neph'-w, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thom paon. Baltimore, Sunday afternoon visitors were Mr. and Trs Trebaack, Whitby - Mr. and Mrs R. Gibson visited with their niece a~nd nephew, Mr. and Mrs-Robt. Speer, Bowmaxille, on Thursdayafternoon. OBITUABY MRfs. ,WINNIFRFD BALLANTINE Following a prolonged iii- ness, INrs. Wnnifred Ballo tin, ded at her resîder'ce, 485 Notmandy St.,. Apt. 102, Osh- awa, Sunday, November 2, The former Wnnifred Pres- ton v:s born Oct. 6, 1890 in LaîtRashîre, England. She bad lied ir, shawa for more than aile na received her 30- itï! 'îebership pin from the Fl ial Canadian ,Legion ra ch 43 Ladies AuxiliarV. 1S-e la -sur-vived by two sons Alfred of Toronto; Hector of Bowrmanvri1e; onie sister, Mrs. Annie Bright of England; four grnelchldreni and five greas grandchildren. TV rs, Ballantine rested at the Armnstrong Fu nera1 Home. Servicev as heid in the chapel 'Iuesday at Il a.m. witb nte'rment in Mount Lawn Cevretery. Rev, Alfred Wool- cock officiated. La dies Aux-Iilary Royal Cars- ad an Legîcri Pranch 43, held a sersv -e at the funeral home î Icdaý% ai 17 p.m. Amanda llaick celebrated her first birthday on Oct ober 25th. are Brian and Cathy Haick of Bowmanville. Proud grandparents a~h C Mrs. Earl Spry, Maple Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris, Odk- î1 : grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Spry, Orono and Mrs- F Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright and family attended the 5tb Wedding Anniversary recep- NFIELI tion andt dance f'or bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wright beld lan p Ps Community Centre, Lindsay, on Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright entertained relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wright to a pot luck dinner, Sunday, Nov. 9, at Enfield Cburcb. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burgess and family, Bowmanville, vis- ited witb Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Susan and Garry, Mrs. Walter Brîd- gett, Bowmanville, attendd thie Ice Capades on Saturdýay. Sympa tby is extended Pti te Slemnon family and relat ives in the passing of Mrs. T. M. Slemon. Miss Bunnie-Wrigbt spent the weekend witb Miss Marian Miller,H îhto Mr. and Mr1:- s. Mrand Ms. Don 1,Vr and Mrs. Don Le .a't o funeral of Mr, -'( -'s h late Mr. Lorne lLth nl Markbam. Mr, Robert Lee, -all spent a week withihg-d parents, Mr. ancVs Vc Lee.- Mr. andlla.l e were Sunday tii at Mr. and Mrs. C.,C '- Mrs G Lvro ttrAd theLukaS tw-c-î Hall.H1er(luhe si~.'a a bridesid Ii ii Two local nm- O tý-Ist week hunting. tL-. L v- SOLID ROCK MAPLE - OPEN STOCK I OBLONG: TABLE, 36"x54"" EXT, DSTO84 I MATES' CHAIRS, CAPTAINS' CHAIRS, 1 l I-FEA I'C H jRound Table on Display in Our Showroom wîndow, 41 efedsto64" Corne In and See this Great Value -?~ at F.A*Kr ampu i 37-41 King St. E. 3 F LOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE 623-7071 ~wrnarlviIIe _________________________ _______________________________________________________________ H CUe, at CuLiwQ-duoQcotîpokatiom atre veiy poùud fo hal cèna a ociatcd oumnW [tQ û'3 jay ctL eak jUt. 7ed 6Detin. e Ic-» Ûu ek ot' blQ uïe 06 qucAf g -, jtouog and WCeQoo(Qb gck( eau Ot SuccffltuQ e ùicgQ~~cw.Lc~u WC ttUýt JOU WIQQ ýU( ~cttOtn uth' THE BISCAYNE Solid State Steren SYStem " AM/FM/FM Stereo radio " Buiht-n B-rack cartnidge tave player/recorder " Garrard 3-speed automatic record changer " Shide-rule vernier tuning " Lghted dal scale " Rotary mode selector for AM, FM, FM Stereo, PhonoTape " Rotary controls for Tone. Balance, Volume " Tape recorder features Automatic Levet Control " Two microphones wth stands " Stereo headphnnes and roltahout stand included " Two speaker enclosures with a 6' and a 3/' speaker in each a AFO (Records flot ,nc/uded) Ad1j THE CUM pERLAND 2 6v SuprSlarcolor TV e 1001/. solid state @ SS1000"M30 tmoduler chassis e Super-Solardolor picture tube - CIJIOR MASTERIm 'one-touch' color control a Solid state AFC I o Rotary preference controls o3-Position Peakng control e Push-push on-off/volume control e Pre-set VHF fine tuning - Solid state VHF/UHF tuners e Lighed channel indicators * 75 ohm cable connection AdmM2 THE CASTILLIAN 26» Color TrV/Stereo Tape Player Combination " 10(r/. solid state " "SS1000 M30 moduler chassis " Super-Solarcolor' pcture tube " COLOR MASTERIm "one touch- color control " Solid state AFC " 3-Position Peaking control " Push-push on-off /volurire control " Pre-set V HF fine tuning, " Lighted channel indicators " Solid state VHF/IJHF tuners " Bui-in -track stereo cartridge tape player/amplifier " Trio 61/2 speakers " Dne 4espeaker,- MODEL 268C683 Complete Line of Quatity P~ e from A(girn Ta ? 20 King St. West 6321 Bowmanvlle's Authorized Adniîrai DEaf3',r "Your Satisfaction Is Our^ Pleasure"