CL IlSI-FIE R lI I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 12, 197T DEAD LINE wi Il1e, FOR CLASSIFIED Tues.,, 12 noon SAITH - Don and Betty (nee -, adie) are pieased to '/Irounce the safe arrivai of fh 1eir aew daughter, bora Nover#ber 4, 1975. A littie sister for Dana, càlled Brandie Dawn, finst grand- daughten for Mn. and Mes. Lewis Rundle, eleveath grand- child for Mn. and Mes. Lloyd Smith. Special thaaks to Dr. C. Murphy, Dr. Hendenson, Dr. Grant and Dr. M. Gll, alsothe nurses at Oshawa Genenal Hospital. 46-1 Mn. aaÏ-d Mes. Wesley Jor- dan, R.R. .2, Newcastle are pleased f0 announce the forth- coming maniage 'of- thein daughten, Ruth, Elizabeth, t0 Harry Thomas, son of Mn. and Mes. Ivan Smith, Kingston. Wedding f0 take place la Newcastle United Chunch on Saturday, Dec. 6th at 4 p.m. 46-1 x Mn. and Mns. Donald K. Thompson, 16 Stike Ave., Bowmanville, Ont., are pleas- 3d to announce the forthcom- ing marniage of their daugh- fer, Valanie Anne, to David Fnederick Ellegett, son of Mn. and Mns. Henry Elegett, 292 Baldwin St., Oshawa, Ont., the' wedding to take place at 3:30 o dock at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowman- ville, Sat., Nov. 29, 1975. 46-1 Mn. and Mes. Arthur Gib- son, R.R. 2, Bowmaaville, wilI hold open house at Maple Grove C.E. Hall on Saturday, Novemben 29th from 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. to celebrate their 6th Wedding Anniversary. Neighbors, fiends and relatives are invited to cail. Best wishes only, please. 4- ADCOCK- Lily Mav. At the Golden Plough Lodge, Co- bourg, on Sun., Nov. 9, 1975, Lily May Burns, fonmerly of Hampton, la her 84th year. Wife of the late Gi ibent Alock, dean mother of Mes. !iam Harrison (Annabeli), ,ort Penny, Harry and Doriald. Rested at the North- cuitt-Elliott-Funeral Home, Bowmranville. Service la the d ('pelor Tuesday atternoon at 1:30 p.m. Interment Hamp- ton Cemeteny. 46-1 BYAM - At Bowmanviile Hospital, Monday, Novemben lth, 1975 Elva Vitue, Tyrgne, aged 74 yeans, beloved wife of Lionel Byam, dean mother of Jo-i (Mes. Douglas Miller), gý-,-ndmother of Debbie and C - n step-mothen of Doreen (1ÀArs. Walter Park), Yvonne (Mes. Peter Murdoch), Clif- tord and Grenville Byam, sister of Ruby (Mes. Arthur Spicer) and Archie Vitue. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviîie. Service on, Thursday at 1:30 p.m. laterment Bethesda Ceme- tery. Donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be appneciated,.46-1 ESSERY- Howard Douglas at Hearst, Ontario on Monday, November 10, 1975. Howard Douglas Essery beloved hus- band Ôf Edith Allia, father of Raymond, Blackstock and Russell, Oshawa, brother 0f Mes. Bella Welch, shawa, Mes. Sebura Thomas, Osh- awa, Mes. Edith Van De Walken, Oshawa, Eldon, Fene- Ion Falls, Wilfred, Oshawa and Kenaeth, Oshawa. la his lth yean. Restiag at the Armstrong Funerai Home, Oshawa with tunenal service in the chapel on Friday, Novemben 14,1975 at 3:00 p.m. laterment Mount Lawn Ceme- tery. Memorial donations f0 the Heant Fund would be appreciated and visitation commencing Thursday noon. 46-1 POLLEY- At Oshawa Hospi- tai, Monday, November lth, 1975, Ruby Milîs, 5 Waverly Road, Bowmanviile, in her Z=1 BROMELL- In loving me- mary of a dear wife and mother, Emma Winona Lux- ton, who passed away Nov. 2,, 1968. SAlways remembered by Howand and family, Debbie, Kim and Lori. 461 HEARD - n Ioving memory of a dean father and grand- fathen, Marwood W. Heard, who passed away Nov. 11, 1969. Dad We wiii neyer forget you, Youn smiling face, The beautiful tlowers, The trees you had in youn ganden, Yau were happiest there, Amid ruses and glads And the hundreds of fîowers Biooming 50 tair. You were happiest there. -Aiways remembered by son Elgin, dlaughten in-law Made- uine and granddaughtens Deb- hie and Wendy. 461x JOHNSTON- Edith May at Hilcnest Manor, Oshawa, on Thuns., 'Novemben th, 1975. Edith May Fenguson of Black- stock, beloved wife of the late John Alexander Johaston. Dean mothen of Fergo (Mrs. Roy Avery) of Tilbury, Keith of Belleville, Neil of Boisse- vain, Man. and the late Arnold Johnston. Loviagly nemem- bered by seven gnandchildren. Dean sister of Edna (Mrs. Millard Fallis) of Oakville. Predeceased by thnee broth- ens, Fosten, Bruce and Roy and three sisters Minnie (Mrs. Sim Sandensoni), Margaret (Mns. Norman Mountjoy> and Annie (Mrs. Eanl Dorrell> in hen 88th yean. Funenail service at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Penny, on Sat., Nov. 8fh, 1975 at 2:00 p.m. Interment Union Ceme- teny, Cadmus. 46-1 LARMER, James Harold - Suddenly on Thurs., Novem- ber 6th, 1975. Harold Larmer of Blackstock, dearly Ioved husband of Florence Avery, dean father of Kenneth of Pankhiil; Allen of Oshawa, Grant & Verna (Mrs. Ernest McMahon) both of Black- stock. Also sunvived by 10 grandchildrea. Dean brother of Edna and Russell Larmen both of Blackstock and Walton. of Havelock. In his 79th yean. Funenal services at the chapel of McDenmott-Panabaker, Port Penny, on Mon.. Nov. 1lOth at 2:00 p.m. Interment Union Cemeteny, Cadmus. 46-1 O'NEILL, Paul- Suddenly at his home on Monday, Nov. lth,,1975, Paul O'Neill of R.R. 2, Pontypool, in his 21sf year. Beloved son of Mn. and Mrs. Stanley O'Neill, dean brother of Gary, Peter, Patricia and Robent. Resting at the North- cutt Eîiott Funenal Home. Funenal service 1:30 o'clock Wednesday atternoon. Crema- tion. 46-1 CARNATION For Al Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 '~ r Snce 1912 ~Fîowers ~ v by JACKMAN ... ...say it best! PHONE 623-3365 nloRtb-,GLtt eLLIOCtt FuerlHome Thoughtfulness -Service -Conc, Z .vice oy u needs -. .. ur first concern. S c that yo tu wl ereîieved fnom worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Servi MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET., BOWMANVILIeE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS PHONE 623-5480 DAY or NIGHT Serving this district for 96 years. z min CALL - la ioving memony of Edna, loved mothen, grand- mother and great grand- mothen, who passed away Novemben 13, 1972. - Even nememnbered with dean thoughts . The Family. 46-1 DAVEY - la loving memony of William Raymond Davey who passed away on Nov. 7, 1957. - Even nemembened by wife andfamily. 46-1 WILBUR - Tneasured mem- oies of a dean husband, Dad and grandpa, Gordon, who passed away, November lSth, 1972. Not just today but every day, la silence we nemember. -Doris and family. M- The famiiy 0f the late Mary E. Lycett extend sincene - thanks to ail the wondenful ftriends and relatives ton floral tributes, charitable donations, cards and expressions of sympathy. 46-1 Many thanks to the doctors and nurses at Memonial Hos- pital during my necent illness and also to friends and relatives who visited me and sent me cards. Lonne Lamb 46-1 x The Newcastle Lionettes thank ail the menchants, businessmen and business- women who 'contributed door prizes f0 their Christmas Belles Fashion Show and la doing s0 helped to make it 'a great success.1 46-1 To my neighbors, tiends and relatives I wish f0 express my appreciation and thanks for cards, flowers, gifts, visits and kind acts while I am in Oshawa Genenal Hospital. To Doctons Brown, Sproull, Row- seli, and Prchal, Capt. Baker and hospital staff. To Rev. Oake and Amachen my special thanks. Helen Hubbs 46-1x Christmas Dance la Kendal Orange Hall, Satunday, No- vemben 22. Sponsored by the Orange Lodge. Music by CoipIes Club Orchestra. Evenyoae welcome. 46-2 Affernoon bingo, Wed., Nov. 19, 1 p.m. 20 regular games, Shane the Wealth, Jackpot $100. Brownsdale Commuai- ty Centre, Golf Course Road, easf of Newcastle. 46-1 Escorted Tours FLORIDA Christmas Cincle Tour Dec. 20 - Jan. 4th 34 Day Fiorida Tour Jan. 29 -Mar. 2 Feb. 26 - Mar. 30 16 Day Fionida Cincle Feb. 7 - Feb. 22 23 Day Florida Circle Mar. 6 - Mar. 28 Mid Tenm Break- Florida Ma r.,19 - Mar. 28 Sunsh ine-Party Tou rs Box 214, Port Hope Telephone 885-2211 44 tf DANCE BOWMANVILLE LEGION HALL 84 Queen Street Sat, November 16 9 p.m. - 1a.m. music BY "SON" >45-2 Dance la Pontypool Com- munity Centre- Safurday, November lth. Music by "The Blue Lites". Admn. $500 couple, nefeshmenfs. 46-1lx U.C.W. Bazaar, Newtonville Sunday School Hall, Sat., Nov.. 15, 2-4 p.m. Tea, aduifs 50 cents, chiIdnen 25 cents. 46-1, CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL request the pleasure of your company at the Thirteenth Annual Com mencement n the 43-tf HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Saturday, November 29th, 1975, 8: 00 p. m. EVERYONE WELCOME 48-1 ern Euchne Party, Kendai Orange Hall, Friday, Nov. 14. u Admission 50 cents. Ladies bring lunch. Time 8:15. 46-1lx THE lstand5th BROWNIES and3rd GUIDE.COMPANY 46-1 PARENTS' COMMITTEE - Treasure Rum mage ice Sa le Friday, Novem ber 21lst 11: 30 a.m. -2 p.m. BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY EVERYONE WELCOME 46-1 46-2 .0. -. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND The Disney World Casserole Luncheon Tuesday, December 2nd, 1975 at 1lp.m. $3.00 per persan. Also, a flower arranging demonstration wiII begiven by VAN BELLE GARDENS 46-3 Friday Night Bible School of Marantha Christian Reformed Church on Cemetery Road, invites anyone interested to a family night on Fnl., Nov. 14, from 7-8:30 p.m. 2 films on the King David will be shown. Admission- Free. Refresh- ments senved. 46-1 x Escorted Tours ce Capades November l5th and 16th Royal Winter Fair (Good Evening Performance tickets available), November 22nd Toronto Shopping Day November 26th Sunshine Party Tours Box 214, Port Hope, Telephone 885-2211 4- INFORMATION CENTRES PROPOSED Darlington Generating Station ORONO TOWN HALL Novem ber 18 and 19 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Novemn ber 21, and 22 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY November 27, 28 and 29 DONEVAN RECREATION CENTRE, OSHAWA December 2,3 and 4 Weekdays 1-5 p.m. - 6-9 p.m. Saturdays noon to 6 p. m. 46-2 Teen dance, November 22nd at the Masonic Hall, Port Perry. Music by Chilco. 4- PMOSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softlbal I JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-fl WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7;45 P.M. RED BARN -,WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, BOWMANVILLE PARISH FAIR Sat., Novem ber l5th Tea Room, Attic Treasures, Bake Table, Plants, Preserves, Delicatessen, Books, Cnafts 45-2 Turkey Shoot, Union Rod and Gun Club of Oshawa, Sun., Nov. 16, 1975, 10 a.mi. - 2 p.m. East on 3rd Line at DX Gas. Cash Prizes. 12 ga. Shotguns only. Rain or shine. 4- * el LADIES' suifs and dresses, size- 16, e xcellent condition, neasonable. Phone 987-5255. 46-lx ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railing[s, nrain carrying systems. Lamne Allia, 1 Prince Street, 623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Ca. 46 lx SAVE ON YOUR Christmas Shopping For Craft émd Hobby Items. FOR 2 DAYS Any Itelhin our Craft Rao, featuring Lewiscraft on Sale ton 10 per cent off regular prices. Carnation Fîower Shop and Seeds 33 Division St., Bowmanville 623-7141 or 623-5577 46-1 NEWLY opened House of Amber, Antique and Gifts, Hampton Village. Parking at rear of large red brick home. Giffs such as afghans, twi- iights, fancy candies, kait toys, antique glass and furni- ture. Something for everyane. Cali Hampton 263-2981. 46-1 COMPRESSORS, genenators, electric matons, gninders, drill presses, heavy duty power toals, etc. Saws sharpened. We, seli, buy and trade. Open Satundays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tt BOYS skates, size 4, goad condition. Phone 623-7230. .46-1 FIRE 'PLACE wood, fuli your trunk, $7.50. George Cawker, 'EIizabethviIle. Phone[ 1-797- 2268.' 46-ix WIRE cages including wooden breeder boxes suitable for rabbits. Phone 263-2730. 46-1 OAT straw, 400 bales, no rain¶ Phone 263-2730. 46-1 WOOD, 32' x 4', willow, boy's bike, one year old. 263-2786. 46-1 POTATOES. Cliftord SwaI- Iow, 623-2721. 461 LLOYD baby carniage, ight blue, excellent condiion. Phone 987-4507. 46-1 WEDDING dress, white vel- vet with detachable train, size 14-15. Phone 263-8863. 46-1 ROCKING chairs, wardrobes, buffet, anti que dresser, fire- place, felephone table, boat seats, TV sets, washing mach- ine, record player, beds, combination TV record pla yer and radio set, baby articles, also other good used furniture. Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 46-1 THREE piece fireplace set. Phone 263-9236. 46-1 N need of anything from Speelman's Book House, Tor- 1onto- books, bibles or records -(Dutch, English or Frisian). Contact Mrs. G. Hartemink. 46-1 DUCKS. Contact G. Hante- mink, R.R. 2, Newcastle, 987-4430. 46-2 WAT-KI1NS Products since 1868 for convenient in-home ser- vice. Please phone Kevin Cu rran at 623-4849. 46-1 TWO tr.actors, International, B275 with loader and super C. Phone 623-5994. 46-1 ELNA sewing machines, ail models available at White Elna Sewing Centre, 33 King St. E., Oshawa, 576-7550. 46-1 HUSQVARNA sewing mach- ines, ail models now availabie at White Elna Sewing Centre, 33 King St. E., Oshawa, 576-7750. 46-1 ONE pair of snow tires mounted on rims, like new, 14", $35. and Gendron' pram excellent condition $30. Phone 623-9236. 46-1 '6-9 SKIDQOO Nordic, 399c..c., rebuit motor, clutch and necoil. Best offer. Phone 623-7313 a fter 4. 46-1 CRIB, pIaypen, change table. Phone 623-4703. 46-1 40" STOVE, A-i condition, floon polisher. Phone 623-2051. 46-1 ONE l.H.C. Cub tractor and equipment and Voikswagon f parts, regular and saow tires, and 300 baies oat stnaw. Phone 263-2649. 46-2 Lakeview Orchard 623-5428 APPLES 11/2 mile east Bowmanvilîe Nô. 2 Hwy. turn right on "Line 1 Road", 3/4 mile south. Satur- day 8-4, Grade,"C" sale for farm production cost. 46-4 POLES Treated Pine (used), 30 foot, cîass 5 & 6. Purchasers res- ponsi ble f or de1i very. Available at ONTARIO HYDRO SERVICE CENTRE Scugog Road - Tel. 623-2561 (Ask for Stockkeeper) 1 46-2 USED snow tires. Darli.ngton Auto Centre, 623-6900. 46-1 CHIPPENDALE table, buffet and five chairs, $400 or best of fer. Cai11623-3526. 1EXCELLENT baled hay and straw. Phone Brooklia 1-655-3326. 46-4 ONE square dining room table, completely refinished, one console ELectrohome 1black and white TV, 24", one -pair 14" rims for G.M. car. ;Ph!one 987-4352. 46-1 1TABLE tennis, play-back, -good condition. Phone 623- 7816. 46-1lx Weekend Special' Mixed Carnations 6 for $1.99 Tuîip Buîbs (most varieties) 50 for $4.50 100 for $8.00 CARNATION Fîower Shop 33 Division Street 623-7141 46-1 INSTALL AN Q FURNACE BO ILE R , so HUMIDIFIER H EATER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLICY CA LL HARVEY PARTNE R Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 23-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Oun repairs are done with modern up-to-date equipment and quaiified Swiss tnaiaed watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tt WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS -TowersIÇH F, VIH- - Aeniaîs, Rotons& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone r~576-5606 SCRAP paper, 50 cents a bundie. Statesman Office, 66 King St. W. 45-tf -APPLES for sale. Joe's On- chard, east of Bawmanville, 14 mile north of No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven days a week. 43-8x APPLES bring own contain- ens. G. Van Londen, 20 Bradshaw St. Phone 623-5114. 45-2 FM-8 track player, made by Automatic radio. Asking $100. Phone 623-2913. 43-tf AUTOMATIC washer and. dnyer. Phone 623-3303, 9 a. m. to 5p.m. 43-tf APPLE WOOD For Your Fireplace Phone 623-6136 Atter 5 43-4 ARCTIC CAT S NOWMO BIL E recognized as the finest snowmobiîle made) THMPriced f rom only $1,495. SEE TE ALL AT: ' DAVIS MARINE (We stock replacement parts and clothing for Ski-doo, Artic Cat and Mercury Snowmobiîes), Drop in and bnowse, we are open evenings,'tii 8 p. m. Saturdays 'tii 5 p.m. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Aduît Helmets ........7.................. ....... $ 9.95 each Economy Goggîes .............................. .99 ea ch Red-ex additive (8 oz. size) ........................ .75 each Drive Beîts to fit Ski-doo ......................... 6.95 each Snowmobile OiI ......... ......... $14.95 case DAVIS MARINE 617 King St. E., Oshawa 725-1181 P.S.: Watch this space for weekîy specia Is. 45-9 OS HAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS c TOSOIL & DIRT FILI. DELIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RE<NT SNOW REMOVAt CALL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY Oshawa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VRF- Coîored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl prlced to SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf SAWDUST or shavings, deli- vered or picked up. Also dry firewood tram $5 up. After 5 phone 728-6852. 44-4 BEEF, choice sides, 85 cents per lb., cut, wrapped and trozen. Ail meat government inspected. Maple View Farm, Bethany (705) 277-2168. 44-4x Eat farmn raised domestic rabbit. Tender, deliClous white meat. Economica I !4o Waste Now available at your meat store or supermarket. 30-tf BOY'S 10 speed glider. $60 or negotiable, 26" trame. Phone 263-2642. 46-1 OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES T RAC TO RS TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT LAWN &GARDEN EQUI P. FARM MACHINERY R KUBOIR1 COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES- SE RVIC E- RENTALS Phone 728-6901 16 tf c FOQUALIY FARM FRESH PRODJCE Tei.416)623-7252 APPLES at our storage, 1/2 mile south of No. 2 Highway on Maple G'rove Rd. 45-2 AIR conditioners, central and window units. Cail Harvey Partner. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 21 -tf PADDY'S Market now ha$ new funniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and aîsq used furniture and appliances'ý WiII accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263,. 2241. 33-tl USED Furnitune and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf GRAIN ted beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leiand Payne, Newton- vil le-phone 786-2512. 4t WATER supply- pools, welis etc. George Maguine, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-tf SEW WHAT ? ? Skirts, di ses, blouses, slacks, anyth tram a pattern. Have thoughf about having sc Christmas presents made. information calil 623-2234. EXPERIENCED haindres! hair sets, perms and hain ln own home. Phone 623-53E RON'S FLOOR CARE lac ludes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooinc Wall Washing CAL L Ron Turcotte- at 623-7966 SKG RENOVATION! Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 Peter Sutherlar Aîuminum Prod Sidlinq-Soffit- Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate ires- ýhi ng you ýom e .For 46-lx ýser, cuts 383. 46-2x CRISPIN R. PEMBERTON-PIGOTT Custom Dowers' Chests, Corner Cabinets, Djy Sinks and Doons, etc., in any wood. PHONE 623-7744 FOR ESTIMATES 46-4 City Wide Door Service Supplý' Steel Doors, Frames and Toi let Partitions Also installations and repairs NO RESIDENCE 623-2625 45-tf WILL babysit la my home. Waverly Gandens anea. 623, 2893., 46-lx WILL do typing in my home. Cali 623-4963., 46-1 x Lawn &Garden Care Rolling, roto-tiîling with a commercial machine. Seeding down new lawns or old. Tree cutting and odd lobs. Phone 987-5222 tt V. BEERS& SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes- Renovating Rec Rooms Repa irs of aIl1 types. P HO N E 623-2263 20 tf Refrigeration AND Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refnigeration - MiIk Coolers P HONE BERT SYER Days .*............. 623-5774 Nights .. *.... 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 993-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf BilI's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviîîe Onfario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Seaîed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts- Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 7t WATER Wells boned, 30" file. Ward's Well Borihg. Tele- phone 342-2030. Represenfa- five Harry L Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 tf I N SULA T I 1N ,blw i n g method wifh rock wool, work- manship quaranteed. Seai- dlaine Insulation, phone 705- 742-0272. Representative Hanry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. -43-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 1263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-tf CUSTOM upholsterng, recov- erng, ne-styling, veny neason- able,. work guaraateed, 20 yeans ex perience.' Free esti- mates . Please cail coilect 1-986-5072. 26-tf C &C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery, Professiona IIy Cîeaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BO WMA N VILL E 3-tf ig DOM ESTI1Ç & COMM ER CI1AL REFRIGÉRATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 45- 24 Division St., Bowmanville - 26-tf DARLI NGTON IS MASONRY Brick, Bîockï,Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING 454 Phone 623-2176 45-tf id i. PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings fs . Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 45-tf 29-tf 65 DODGE 6 for parts, $50. 623-2683. 46-1 ý1972 PONTIAC Catalina, 4- doon hardtop, best offer. 623-5047. 46-1lx '66, ACAD IAN mn good condi- tion. Phone anytime 623-2051. 46-1 '68 OLDS, V-8, 2 door hardtop, power steering, power brakes. Best offen as is. Phone 987-4730. 46-1lx '64 CHEV., 6 cyliader, stand- ard, 4 doon sedan, best otter as is. Phone 987-4730. 46-lx 1972 VOLKSWAGON, excel- lent condition, radio, $1500. Phone 623-4508. 46-1 1974 G.M. TRUCK, 34 ton, ned, and white, customn deluxe, Kheavy duty suspension, excel- lent condition. Phone 786-2089. 46-1 '69 VOLKSWAGON, good con- dition. Cali "Joe" atten 5. 263-2501. 46-1 '75 TOYOTA 1600, 4-door sedan, 8,000 careful miles, radiais, completely vitalized, $3,450, firm on t.a de on langer, wagon. Phone 623-5815, 5 ta 7 p. M. 4 6-1 1975 BUICK Le Sabre, 4-door hardtap, diplomat blue, with 1matching vinyl top wifh cus- tom interior. Power equipped, air condiftioning, etc. Phone 723-6684. 46-1 1970 NOVA, 350, power steer- ing, vinyl top, wheei discs, excellent condition. 623-7765. 46-1 1965 G.M.C. TRUCK, 12 ton, asking $400. Phone 987-4429. (,mtts not picked up yet Beehive Rebekah Penny Sale - 1779- 3287 - 1081- 307. Contact Helen Lamont, 623- 3555. 46-lx ON NOVEMBER 13 Between 9a.m. and Welfare Chequesý For Bowmanvilîe, Newcastle, Orono and surrounding district may be picked up at the Public Health Office, n Bowmanville il Lambert Street Notice to Creditors and Others la the Estafe of WILLIAM HENRY LEE, 0f the Town of -Newcastle, la the Regional Municipaiity of Durham, de- ceased. Ail pensons haviag cdaims against the Estate of William Henry Lee, late of the Town of Newcastle; la the Regional Municipaify of Durham, whu died on or about the lth day of October, 1975, are hereby notified f0 send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 21sf day of Novem- ber, 1975, atter which date the Estafe wiIl be distribufed with, regard oaly ta the dlaims of ,which the undersigned 'shahl then have. notice and, the undersigned wilI not be hiable ta any penson of whose dlaimr they shalinot theni have notice, DATED at Newcastle, this 29fh day of October, 1975. Sarak Kathleen . Zagozewski and Betty Friedrich, Execut- nices, by their solicitor, Mervyn, B. Kelly, 28 King Street West, P.O. Box 159, Bowmanville, Ontario, SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with sfuds Special l0aper cent reduction, on f irst purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45 tt If you have a drinking probiem, please cal A.A. 728-1020. 45-ff The Durham Wamen's Movement wilI stant a Con- sciousness Raising Gnoup la your area. If interesfed or for mare information cali 728- 2111. 46-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Sirmcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44--ff RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing S ;ervice Oshawa & Distit Real Estate Board .......... . .. ...... .... .. .... .... . . ....... .... .... 1 f