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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1975, p. 14

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14The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville November 12, 1ý975 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFUED Tues,, 12 ýnoon MAINTENANCE E L E CTRIC IAN The successful applicant wil have a recognized apprentice- shioor equiva lent experience. Cu, rent experience in Indust- rial Relaying Control Sys- lems, AC-DC machines, switch gears; etc. is a necessity. Some knowledge of electronics would be an asset. Please apply ta: Personnel Deartment, St. Mary's Cernent Co. by telephoning 1-416-623-3341 (collect) Monday ta Friday, 9 a.m - 5 p.m. 46-1 Produce'Operator or anyone interested in Iearn- ing the Produce Dept. Apply in persan ta Graham's I.G.A., Bowmanville.' 46-tf FULL or -part time, maie or female to service Fuller Brush customers. If you have 10 hours spare time per week, turn this into $50,cash. Choose your own hours. Territories available: Newtonvilie, area, and east side of Darlington township. No investment ne- cessary. For information cal 416-372-9969 or write Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Co- bourg, Ontario. 45-2x WATKI1NS Products since 1868 has immediate openings for dealers in your community, men or women, full or part time, no0 experience neces- sary. Cail PeteMacEachern, Zone Manager at 623-4894. 46-2 CLEANING lady for country homne. One day per week, $30 per day. Phone 623-3753 after 6. 46-1 EXPERIENCED waitress, full timne, at Bowmanville Fish and Chlips. Phone 623-3223. 46-2 H1OUSEKEEPER, central Bowmanville, one aduit, live in or would consider daiiy, and-or nightly. Phone 623-2744. 46-1ix Give yourself a head-start to a successf ul career in, Medcal1or Dental Offiîce Assis ting -Day Course - 6 months -Night Course - 10 Months - rand new air- conditioned faýcilities -Classroom land Practical raining inciuded -Advisory Counisel by doctors, ind depntists -Student b0ans available HOME STUDY COURSE in DENTAL OFFICE ASS iST iNG, NOW AVAILABLE Phone,visit or send coupon taday, TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE School Crossing Guard Required for the crossing at King St. and Division St. in Bowmanville. Duties to com- mence as soon as possible. Apply to: J. M. Mcllroy, Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Telephone 623-3379. 46-1 BABYSITTER in my home, mature older woman prefer- red. Five day week. Phone 623-4009, after 6. 46-1 Billitng Machine Trainee. Business machine courses preferred. Pllease apply to: DARLENE BASTIANELLI, PERSONNEL R. M. Hollingshead Corp., Ltd.. 182 Welington St., Bowma nvi le Phone 623-3353 46-1 MATURE DISHWASHER FULL TIME Maie or Female Dependable and Responsible for Nights. For Appointment Caîl: Mr. J. Bourke FIying Dutchman Motor Inn 623-3373 46-1 Full Time Diningroom Wa itress Experience Necessary For interview and appointment Mr. J. Baurke 623-3373 Part Time Cocktail Waitress cxperience Necessary For interview and appointment Mr. J. Baurke 623-3373 46-1 ANYONE interested in learo- ing ta play guitar or accor- dion. Please phone 623-4153. Free triai lesson avai lable. 46-1 x RI DE week days, Hampton tc Oshawa and return. Workin< hou rs 9-5. Phone 263-2211. FR EEtagood home, long hair kittens, one black and one black with white matkings. Phone 623-4047. 46-1 GIREER 3rd Floar, 55 Queen St.: E. Downtown Toranta (416) 363-3721 For Appintment During Mail Strike CALI COLLECT (416)1363-3721 or (416) 576-9810i GENI, division of Avon. Need Money? Like People? Flexible hours,,good earnings and no investment. You'Il enjoy being n Geni. Contact Mrs: Mcart, 576-4229. 46-ix Maintenance Man Applications wiil be recei- ved by the undersigned until Thursday, November 20, 1975, for the position of mainten- an ce man western area. Knowledge of mechanical and electrical machinery requir- ed, Ablity to service and maintain plumbing and heat- ing equipment, electrical equipment. Must have previ- ous experience in general building and equipment main- tenance. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer,. The Nrthumfberland and Newcastle Baard af Education Box 470, COBOURG, Ontario. K9A4L2 461 Ca reta ker Applications wil[ be recei- ved by the undersigned until Wednesday, November, 26, 1975 for the position of caretaker, 24 hours per week at Maple Grove East Public School. Good knowiedge of schooi caretaking procedures and cleaning methods. Ability to work from verbal and written instructions and to get, along with people. Repiy in writing to: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer The Norhumberland and Newcastle Board ofý Educatian Box 470, COBOURG, Ontaria K9A4L2 46-2 PETOWNER'S SPECIAL FREE: Pick up and Del ivery for Professional Dog Grooming Service. AIl breeds and mixed. Bring him to The Doggy Place Orano 786-2234 41 -tf LAB Retrievers, C.KC. reg- istered, shots and wormed. Phone 623-3132. 45-2x TWO beagle hunting hounds. Phone 723-5817. 46-1 HAVE maie Samoyed. Would like to breed with female German Shepherd. Phone 263- 2064. 46-1 PUREBREDwhite and cham- pagne poodie pups, 5 weeks old. Phone '983-9491 after 5 p.m. 46-1ix LABRADOR Retreiver pups, Field Trial Sto ck C.K.C. registered. Yellows and blacks with ail shots, ready to ý o, 10 weeks old at Xmas. rono 983-5939. 46-1 x Ulm WANTED by responsible young couple, unturnished 3 or 4 bedroomn house, within commuting distancLe of >New- castle. Please cail 623-3172. Stables EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold' RR 3 owmANvILC623-7336 G. Bar S. Ranch Horseback riding $3 per hour. Our me nbership is even cheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stails for rent, plenty of room. Special riding ring and indivi- dual corals for your conven- lence. $50 per month. Cati Us Anytime 623-4027 19-tf HALF Arab mare, two-three quarter Ara1b geldings, 11/2 and 21/2 years. Three quarter Arab f ill1y, 7 months. Cail1728-9830. 46-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and g ilts. Phone 263-2719. 45-2 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE PHONE ORONO 983-5584 44tff F R EE removal of f resh, dead or disabled large animais. There will be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Call Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf ma-s 1<vum and board available, no nidht or shift workers. For information phone 623-3265. 46-1 BOATS and ýtrailers, $35. George Cawker, Elizabeth- ville. Phone 1-797-2268. 46-lx SANTA Claus suit. Phone 623- 2667. 46-1 Auction Sale 'at Pethick's Auction Barni, Haydon, one rfïile, east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, November 15. Large quantity of furniture and things. Sale at 7:00 p.m. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 46-1 Auction sale. Garage equip- ment, used cars. 1969 Ford tow truck. The property of Carveth Motors, King Street East, Newcastle, Ont. Seiling at 12:00 o'clock noon, Satur- day, November 22. One bay lift., one 10-ton floor jack, one 2-ton floor jack, one drill press, one hydraulic press, one I ton chain block, one Sioux valve refacer, one Sioux valve reseater, one Black and, Decker Pinhole grinder, two body iacks, one Puildozer frame straightener, two elec- tric sanders, two paint guns, two air regulators, four floor ,jacks (stands), one tube vulcanizer, one John Bean tire changer, one hunter wheel Sbalancer, one undercoating gun, one alr grease gun, one oul catch, one shop vacuum, one air compressor, one Lincoln electric weider, one set acetylene gauges, one A.C. engine analyzer, one King scope (new),,one grinder and stand,, one battery fast charg- er, one truck impact gun, 3/ drive, one transmission jack, test gauges, one King pin puiler (truck), 3 eiectric drills, one motor change jioist, one truck tire balancer, Truc«k tire changing tools, one pump signal and hose, a pprox. 15 cases Seal Beams (ail types), approx. 30 cases oul, approx. 10 case windshieid washer fiuid, approx. 30 new tires (ail stzes>,' approx. 50 new snow ti.res (ail sizes), large quantity Of used tires, large assortment of snowmobile oul, camper fuel, top lube, oul additives, rad chemicais, brake fluid,' ectc., cases of hand cleaner, large assortment of fan beits, heater hoses, windshieid wi- pers, etc., a very large stock of parts including points, piugs, starters, brake shoes, alternators, etc., severai steel storage bins, one 1969 Ford tow truck complete with Holmes wench, approx. 8 or 9 used cars, some certitied, one cash r egisteýr, one addin 'g machine, 3rfling cabinets, 2 desks, one desk chair, office chairs, two display signs. Be sure to attend this sale as ail equipment is in excellent shape. Must be soid. Terms cash. No reserve. Charles Reid, 983-5914, Ciiff Pethick, Auctioneers, Lawrence Har- ris, Clerk. 46-2 125 ACRES of land,, in the Town of Bowmanville, $30 per acre. Phone 623-7538. 44-tf INDOOR boat and trailer storage space. Phone 623-5442. 45-2 FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week, or day, shower a3nd bath, licenced premises, reasonabie rates. Castle Hotel, Bowmanville 623-7072, 51-tf Auction Sale, Saturday, November 15 at 1: 15 p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse, Highway 28, Bewdley. Consist- ing of: apartment sized Heinz- tman piano, draftman's table, chest of drawers, chairs, tables, dishes, glassware, oil lamps, books, boy's bike and other items still being con- signed. Roger Bannister, auc- tioneer. 46-1 Auction Sale 'erist Mill Auction Barn Newtonvil1le, Nov. 15th. Sat. - 12 Noon, Cook stove (good), drop front desk, 9 pc. foulet set, ginger- bread dlock, butter bowl, signed and f lowered crocks, blanket box, oil lamps, dishes, glass, silver pieces, trunks, end tables, corner what-not, 22 rifle, wringer washer, T.V.'s, chests of drawers, new box springs, small chord organ, fridge, stove, aluminum doors, portable T.V. (good), 3M photo copier (good), chesterfield suite, kitchen set (new), box spring and mat- tress (niew>, new dresser, washer-spin dryer (warran- ty), desks, corner cabinet, buffet, china cabinet and table, chain blocks, logging chains, skil saw, 1/2 ton truck cap, Stradivarius viojin. Terms: Cash. Auctioneers: iStapleton Bros. 786-2244. 46-1 d -o aU RABBITS. Phone 263-2940. 46-1 WE buy and seil everything and pay cash. Cail day or night 725-9783. Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,: Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf GZM ûsedfurniture, aiso other articles. Phone the action uine 623-4681. Towne Used Furniture, Bowman- ville. 46-1 CASH tor gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweliry, dishes, iîjrniture. cracks, Paii=s, sealers, appliances. Friendly' Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf Carsi Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyc les Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purnoses SMALL SCRAP METM.ýtS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard -623-5756 Resiclence 623-7112 45-tf Pat Marlerrison 623-41115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Dllie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonville) TAUNTON RD. 1/2 ACRE Ideal for aspiring gardener, pony barn, 3 bedroomn bung- alow, garage. Priced to seli at $47,500. Existing 9 per cen t mortgage. Act fast on this one. PARKWAY CRESCENT Family home, classic spiit level design, finished famiiy roomn with fireplace, spacious living and dining areas, den or 4th bedroom, attached gar- age, paved drive and patio. Excellent v alue at $60,000. DUKE STREET Value packed 3 bedroom brick bungalow, central air condi- tioning, finished basement, paved drive, large rear yard. This 3 year old home is oniy $49,900. with excellent terms. PARKWAY AVE. Custom buiid bungalow, -qujiet residential area, family room with f ireplace, four bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot, paved drive. Real value at $57,500. ý46-1 REAL STATE IMTEDJ 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 1T8 623-4428 LUXURY HOMES an 1 f0 212 acre lots. Attacýed garage, broadlooml throug .hout. Ownier financing makes these very easy ta buy with a low down paymerit. Millbrook area. Oniy$49,900.OO. Cali naw for an appoirtment. NE WCASTLE. We have two modemn houses on the ouf- skirts of town on large lots. One is a twa storey with four bedraoms and the other is a three bedroami backsplit with atfached garage. Priced at $55,900.00 and $54,500.00. Cali taday for an appointment ta inspect bath. PONTYPOOL. 135 acres with large new barn. Just /4 mile tramn Hwy. 35. $99,000.00 with ferms. BOWMANVILLE. Make an offer*an this duplex on the main street. Vendars very anxiaus. Good commercial poteritiai. 46-1 iLiJiiiiu 1 EJi a* 576-3333 $52,900 Newcastle - offers this 2-bedroom, brick ranch' style bungalow, large living room and dîning room, kitchen featu r es Provincial cup- boards, a very fine home on a lot 60 x -160 ft. Kathleen Twaites will be pleased to make your appointment. 576- 3313 or 723-2008. Beautiful Treedý Lot Orona surrounds, this 4 bedroom home, wifh 1living room, dining room, great kitchen with built in dishwasher. Walkout from basement f0 patio. Terrific for a family and' only $53,900. 17o view cail1 Kathleen Twa ifes. Immaculate Bowmanville- professionally landscaped, split entrance, nearly new, bungalow. The carpeted fam- îiy room features a stone fireplace, extra bathroom, plus waikouttogarden patio. 3 bedrooms, built in dishwasher in kitchen and sliding glass doors fromn dining room. Pl us, Plus gas Bar- B-Que, and heated pool. Cali Ariene Kay 576-3333 or 725-5030. 1/2 Acre Zion Rd. - surrounds this iovely brick bungalow, with large pavéd driveway, brand new bathroom, new broadloom, water soffener, like new hardwood floors. Tool shed, and something for the sometime farmer- 2 apple trees, and 200 strawberry plants. $53,900. Cali Fred Best 576-3333 or 576-4178. 34 Acre Nash Rd.- future development site in Courtice Beautiful corner lot, new rool on the- 4 bedroom home. Plu! extras. $55,000. Cali Susar Riznik 57.6-3333 or 725-8631. Hastings Village, Retiring -Why not choose this lovely village on Hwy. 45, nearly new 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, broadioomed, floor to ceiling firepiace, beautiful rec room, dishwasher, attached garage. What more for only $41,900. and this includes above ground pool. Cali Ruby lngie- ton 576-3333 or 623-2627. Exquisitely Decarated: Bow- manville- brick bungalow, att. garage, iuxurious carpe- ting, co-ordinated drapes and sheers, bath ensuite, beautiful paneiled rec room and bar, private lot with inground fishpond ,'sto ne Br-BQue, oiniy $56,00.îCli by1 ngie- ton 576-3333 or 623-2627. Prestonvale Rd. Bungalow nestled in country setting on 70 x 264 iot, separate dining roomn features siidingglass doors to sun deck, lots of'cupboards in kitchen, frig., stove, washer and dryer, plaster wails, extra 2-pce. washroom, nicely de- corated throughout. $52,000. Cali Bruce Scarlett 576-3333 or 576-7593. Winterized Cottage - on Sun- rise Beach, Lakeý Scugog. Beautifuliy treed lot. New 30 ft. dock, new plumbing, re- cently painted, ample cup- boards in kitchen, electric' heating, stove, fridge, some furniture, pressure system. Easy access to Trent water- ways. $37,500. Cali Ruby Ingleton 576-3333 or 623-2627. 45-2 "'WaverIy Gardens,' In Bowmanville Built by Marianna Developments Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 9 3/4 % DOWN Features include: Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large famnily kitchen Finished famnily roomn *Completely broadloomed -11/2 baths *Fireplaces -Attached garages -FuIly sodded lots *Completely serviçed Open for Inspection This Weekend and Dai-ly 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. 234 King - ~, Bowmanv0uue 623-3393 Direct Taronto Line 923-9174 Moving ta Oshawa Tastefuliy decorated 3 bed- room brick bungalow situated on large pool sized lot, in best area of town. Finished rec roam with fireplace, extra bath, drapes and rugs includ- ed. Owners moving and anxi ous to seli. Excellent value at only $54,000. Cali Elfie Jost. Beautiful Rural 10 Acres Rolling land plus trees, pond and stream. Ideal refreat property for summer and winter. 1 hour drive from Toronto. Askin8 $35,000. Terms. Caîl Jan Oudshoorn. Orano Mint condition expresses this 2 yr. oid, 4 bedroom, 2 storey, brick and, aiuminum home. Features are too numerous to mention. Country style living on outskirts of Village. Asking only $53,900. Terms. Cal Bud Virtue. 1/2 Acre Lot Manvers Twp. 132' x 165', high and dry building lot, close f0 Pon.typool Dayi mer station. Only 510,500 with terms. Cali Christa Winterheit. Bethany Village 35 miles to Oshawa. 6 yr. old, 2 storey, 4 bedroom home. Finished rec room, separate dining room, double garage. 100x 150Oft. lot. AI for $49,000. Cali Bill Turansky. Bawmanville-Four Bedroam Sidesplit Two years aid. Dining room, atta ched garage, family room with open firepiace. 93/4 per cent mortgage. Asking $59, 900. Cali Paf Yeo. Century Brick Home - Bowmanville Make an appointment ta see this unique 3 bedroom home situated on a large treed lot right in Bowmanvilie. Asking $55,900. Terms. Cali Tony Klompmaker. Rice Lake Area 65 miles tram Metro. 25 scenic roiling acres overlooking Rice Lake. 2 miles f0 Hwy. 29. Asking 536,500. Calit Bih Tur- ansky. Beautiful Semi-Detached, Bowmanville Located on a quiet street, this 3 bedrooni home is superbly decorated. Paved driveway, kitchen dinette, large living raom. 91/2 per cent mortgage. See this one! Asking $44,900. Cali Charlie Reid. Bowmanville - 8 Room Home Beautifuiiy kept, 4 bedroom aider brick home, close ta downtown area. Original nat. urai trim. Full basement, separate dining room, paved drive. Asking $53,900. Cali Bill Turansky. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Eqppd ta handle your home ned anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. SCoast to Coast Real Estate Service 46-1 705-932-21 32 IMMACULATE 4 bedroom older home on large lot. Low village taxes oniy $240 yearly Acf quickly on this one at on i $34,900 includes ail drapes, etc. VILLAGE building lot 17,000 square feet, fanitastic pano- ramic view, priced at only $13,000. Caîl Eileen Powel, Realfors, Millbrook, (705) 932- 2132. 46-1 5 Acres of vacant land, partially bush, beaufifui roi- liing property, vendar wil11 take back a first mortgage, asking oniy $8,900.00. $28,000.00 Full price for this 3 bedroam cottage, franting on Lake Scugog, front parch and veranda, fuily winterized. Ca-Il now. Century Old 6 bedroom home situated on 10 acres, wall ta wall brick 'firep'lace, fam iiy room, large barnand cottage, suitable for horses or cattie, also pond on property. Cal, now for more details. Would like f0 trade a 4 bedroom backspiit semi, with finished rec. room, for a 3 bedroom bungalow in Bow- manville. Phone623-4632. 46-1 Marianna Developments aci teg Oî inew svodeQ hû'iiý CVtQQagg 06 JUtQQbkooQ 20 MAg thomCPOWMO&Iuipe On' 3dtghwaq l Open Hbuse, Saturdays 1:00 P.M. to, 4:00 P.M. Look for ISL Signs Corne, Seê and Compare <Save At Least 11O,OOO by driving a few extra miles thee0vitigg elough to poqj 5ok gouk 9g9 johaageah. $2,O00 down tLo qualified buyer s will move you into a bea1dltful single home with extra large lots -to choose from Some lots feature trees and year-round running streams. Priced' from: 144,900 Trade-Ins Considered For Information-, Cai 705-932-2132; IRWIN, SARGENT & LOWESJ 623-3393 Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 43-tf

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