The Canadian Statesman. Rowmanville, November 12. 1q77.r eetiôn Two egiona1cl Saft y 0<fcr xplain Patmrol Functions ro N-N- Soard of Educaltion Two- constables, Tom Homes and Don Anderson, from the Durham Region Police Safety Bureau, were present at the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education, meeting, Oct. 23rd, in Cobourg, 10 promote safety oatrol in the school system. Constable Anderson said that patrnls bad heen conduct- ed in Oshawa since 1934. 'There neyer bas been an .i ident,'" the constable said. Stuqdents were moved' four t <ses dailyacross the streets, 1004,000 imes daiiy. . n the area of M1 schools, ihc police offîcer did not select 'ý5ldren for paîrol work. This is done by the respective iechers.' Ibe officer expl.ained that eblîdren going to and from ,, hiool could be readily "fun- ri ed-' 10 collector streets. T ,o thousand students were oii patrol, identified by orange b Its ($125 each and raincoats $4,65 each). Eacb scbool paid ior such identification from sish lunds. Paîrol children work 90 (I urs a year, and are awxarded bv prizes from the Oshawa Safety Council. One pupîl is selecied each year to go to Carleton University, Ottawa, which was "an educational tbing.' Other awards for wel donc work were typewri- ters and jackets. Supported by the Ontario Motor League, captains of patrols went to camp for special training. Bus and foot patrols were illustrated on the screen, witb the concurrent theme, "we are selling safety." On one street in Oshawa wbere patrol and crossing guards wre active, there were 1,300 cars bus, it took four and one-hlaf minutes to unload; in a smoke bomb test, only 28 seconds was the time to clear the bus. - The officer spoke of th2 need of patrol at the Brown Street Pulic School in Bowmanville, and stressed that awareness of car speed was essential. A car travelling at 30 mpb Was covering 40 feet per second. The car could not stop quickly enough at t00 close a range. "Lt was nio time to put a band out. ,' Wbere patrol is to be considered, a traffic survey is completed at the car dealer- ship as usual. Arrangements will be made to have these forms delivered directly to the ministry of revenue. We are seeking the co-operation of dealers by arranging to return cheques to dealers for pick up by applicants. In tiiose inîstan- ces where the above arrange- ments are inconvenient, 'the ministry will contact the applicant by telephone. Tax Returns and Pa3 ments Returns and payments for retail sales tax, fuel taxes, corporations tax and succes- sion duty may bc delivered to any of the ministry of revenue offices mentioned above, or any other Ontario goverument office if no revenue office is in your municipality. Fa v or Deâmc. 4th passing per hour.' necessary, andu trafic coulità Constable Anderson dis- made. plyda specially made Chairman Creigbton saîd To Stage ornered finger wbich the that bbc Board was "cognizant î-h small child, five 10 eigbt years o saety mesurs,"bb old, could display in the act of Bowmanville area cîted rnm I i h crossing the street. sbould be studied by the six A vote by members of the In one test of 70 cildren in a trustees in that locality. Bowmanville Jaycees last Wednesday rcsulted in favor ofDecember 4bh as bbc date Minr tstryof Revenuefor y Night" to kick off the Christ- mas Shopping Season in downtown Bowmanville. M Ca k e - s Sp' cioaA Christmas Party for the families of Jaycec members is - planned for December 13. Arrangements for ".YOU*'LL PAYr me Clcto THE FULL afmn oetn REPLACEMENT- COST?" ïhere is offen a great differ- once between the depreciated value of a homne or commer- -iaI properfy and its replace. e ntI value ... it can mean thousands of dollars differ- 'nce in a loss situation. Your property can be insured to full replacement value with DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24 KING ST. E, BOX 100 OFFICE -623-4406 RES. 623-5023 I Arthur Meen, Minister of Revenue, announced totlay Ibat the ministry bas set up proceduresto minimize bard- sbp the mail s Lrike may cause people expecling ministry of revenue payments. -We have over 272,000 pensioners expecting their gains cheques by the 151h of November," Mr. Meen said. 'We are also concerned that cheques are issued promptly to the lwo thousand or so people wbo qualify each week for their first $1,000 instaîl- ment of the home buyers grant and sales lax rebales on the purchase of new cars amount to anoîher 6,000 cheques a week. So, a lot of people are depending on us 10 belp tbem turnish their new homes, and in many cases, meet their normal living expenses. I've told my staff 10 do everytbing possible 10 ensure Ibis money gels t-o bese people. There- fore, we bave set up an alternate delivery, service through ministry of revenue district retail sales tax offices, regional, assessasent offices and branches of the province of Onario savings office.- "lncidentally, tax payments must stili be filed on ime and w.hae made arrangemnentsl, for these remittances, as weil as other ministry mail, 10 be lef t aI any of our offices. I would appreciate co-operation trom the media in passing on (sur plans 10 their listeners and readers." DX PREMIUM FUEL OtL and STOV E QIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381 CALL US DXFU ELOIL1 FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS DidYou Know? Trentway BusLines Limited Ha ve Daly Limousine and Air Express Service F'or Further information and Reservations Cali BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 1CENTRE 623-3182 or 885-8166 (Collect) "YOUR GUIDE TO TRAVEL" 47 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE TRENTWAY Bo S IN S J TE Serving Bowmanville andNwateAa Inquiries Furtber inquiries regarding ihese procedures may be made at local retail sales tax district offices, regional as- sessment offices or any brancb of the province of Ontario savings office. Please consult your local telephone directory for the location of the nearest office. Payments to Individuals Gains. The Ministry ensured that the October cbeques t0 gains pensioners were deli- vered before the mail strike. We are currently finalizing plans for distribution of No vember cheques. Information concerning distribution of these cheques will be released by November 15. Home Buyers Grants Home buyers grant applica- tion forms can be dropped off at any ministry of revenue office. Wben the grant bas been approved, the ministry will- te il recipients by tele- phone where t0 pick up their cheques. New Car Rebates Application forms for retail sales tax rebates on the purchase of new cars will be Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COeGGINS Chartered Accountant Il15 Liberty Street South Bowma nvilIle Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V.SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 623-6868 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanvi le Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D. C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30a.mto9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623 3181 DR. WILLIAM.KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy- 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT_ D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanvillie Office Hours:, CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FT E RNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 Kmg t.' E., Bowmanville Office H urs: Mon., Tues. and Th urs., 9 'fil 5, Wednesday - 9 'tii12 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 EIétt Pr Tem Commîffee Lycili Blames ro Former Council ru b jimubvî iu Nexf Meeting on The first Annual Meeting of -ing a Visual Arts Centre. the Newcastle Visual Arts A financial report was Centre was held Wednesday, presented by former Treasu- October 29, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. in rer Tony Brand. Discussion of court room no. 2 of the pasl programs and various Bowmanville Police and Fire possibilities of expanding this Building. community service ensued. Mrs. Marie Hubbard The prevalent topic was the chaired the meeting and presentation of the concept of presented a short resume Of a Visual Arts Centre 10 the past and planned activities of public and their necessary the Centre. Mrs. Hubbard inlerest and support. slressed the appreciation of Mr. Neil Newton was com- the past Advisory Committee mended for his original con- for ail the assistance and ception of the Visual Arts su pport received from Coun- Centre and for his early cillor Don Alliný, ch4irperson endeavors in establishing the of the Community Services Centre. The Pro Tem Commit- Committee, Mayor Garnet tee expressed the opinion of a Rickard, and Bud Fanning, need for a part-time admini- bead of the Recreation De- strator for the successful partment. operation of the Centre. The Mrs. Hubbard made several responsibilities of such an recommendations for the fu- administrator were also dis- ture of the Centre based on ber cussed. experience as chairperson An election ot oflicers to the bel ore announcing that, ber new Advisory Committee of name would not stand for the Visual Arts Centre follow- re election to the new Advis- ,ed the discussion. New mem- ory Committee. Mrs. Margot bers elected were: Bill Hum- Samuel moved a formal vote ber, Jean deBlois, Gail Reed, of tbanks to Mrs. Hubbard for David Cook, Dr. John Higgin- ber time and dedication in the son, Dorrie Bickle, and initial struggles of establisb- Brenda Johnson. Members Nov, 72 re-elected fromI the pro tem Committee were: Don Staples, Margot Samuel, Eve- lyn McTavisb, Neil- Newton, Eileen Van Nest,, Kingsley Van Nest, Marni Worboy, and Susan James. Mrs, Samuel acled as tem- porary chairperson and set the date for the next meetig as: Wednesday, November 12, 1975, at the Police and Fire Hall, Court Room no. 2 at 8:00 p.m. Execulive positions to the Advisory Committee 10 the Visual Arts Centre will be arrahged. Any persons interested in ihie Arts are urged 10 attend bhis next meeting. Everyone xelcome. For further information:- Susan James 623-5056. Vandals Scratch Car Vandals, wbo it would seem found themselves witb nothing more stirring 10 filI their lime, decided last week 10 take a nail 10 the paint of a Bowmanville resident's car. The result was damage of $300 to the vebicle owned by Rudina Wybenga. Commenting at last week's meeting of the Community Services Committee on the lack of a park site in the Waverly Hilîs subdivision, Coun. Ken Lyall focused blame on the former' town of Bowmanville council. Coun. Lyall suggested that what ruined the situation, to which he sees no adequate solution, was greed on the part of the Bowmanville council for grabbing money in lieu of five per cent of the development area being set aside for parkland. He further suggested that if council at that time bas used the sum of approximately $90,000, whicb was given in lieu of land by the developer, to purchase anotherpark site, the situation might have been feasible. He'cannot however, see at-the increased prices of land today'how the town can obtain an area, certainly not for the same amount. Mayor Rickard rep orted that appeal 10 council by a deputation of citizens from the area, the developer, Caîrion Holdings, when approached did offer to seli the three acre site, slated for townhouses' back to the town for some $600,000. Upset by Coun. Lyall's acusations toward the former Bowmanville Council, ýiom- munity Services Committee Chairman Don Allun defended the decision they made at the time- Coun. Allun insisted that it was not. greed on council's part which led to taking money in lieu of land but rather that il had been a well thought out decision and he personally would take the same stand again on the mat 1er. tVFW IEA TIN& SYSTE/IS WE M4UST LEARN, "THIS OUR BOSS- M A K! S HIS CONCERN'i USOHARVIY PARTMU, ORONO 963-5206~ ~SSO0 HOME HEAT SERVICE Good old«»fashi oned saving Se CHERRY, PEACH, FINEAPPLE, RA'SPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY Berry Box 2 9-FL.$ WITH JOz. JamsJAR Jarn PEC.N 2 FOR IGA CHOICE 48-FL. OZ.q TINS Pure Apple Juice 2 FO DR BALLARD'O ASSORTED FLAVORS 15-U Cat Food 5 FOR FRENCH S ASSORTED VARIETIES ~D BOXES ~ Hamburger Fixin's 2 FOR 1 CINDY --LEMON DR PINK 32-FL OZ, Liquid Detergent 2 BT15 FOR 1 FLAMINGO (PREPRICED i1.191 pO Butter Tarts , 120F GRANNY SPEANUT RUTTER, RASPBERAT, DATE FILLED, FRUIT & HONEY OR OITCI CHOCOLATE R 9-OZ $ PAGS' Voortman Cookies 2 FOR RIPPLE OR PLAIN IGA Potato Chips FIREIING IMAGINATION PATTERN, ASSORTED COLORS, SEAT RESISTANT Stackable Coffee Mugs SYLVANIA FRDSTED (15,25,40, 6, & 100 WATT) Light Bulbs ROSPITALITV Tea Biscuits 26' 2-DZ FOR MUGi FOR 1 2 GS $1 POWDERED Fab Detergent 42-DZ. GIANT SIZE BOX FROZEN, FANCY CRINKIECUT I Carnation French Fries 1 2-LB $1 DELMONTE FANCY CUT Green or Wax Beans'$ FROZEN RIO SUICEIJ Choice Strawberries MON-EY ON QUALITY PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS RED OR WHITEf SIZE Grapeàfruit FOR PRODUCE OF US.A PRODUCE OF U.S.A. #1 GRADE SWEET Cello GreenFO SpOZcFUFORI '.$ Peppers L L PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC 0F S. AFRICA RODUCE 0F CANADA Outspan SIZE ea BNCE Oranges Lttoe FO oz. TUBS % TINS Margarine 2 O SALTED 81ANCHEO OR SPANISH 2KS $ IPSBETDERIZ15-OZ York Peanuts PKG.J 65e~ FRPampers Diapers ""12-OF $1.45 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLIE SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:00 om. - 5:00 p..