Supnlenient ut the .adian Statesmian, November 12, 197,1; Keeping mmnd on driving will keep Most of us like to thin that we are caref ul drivers. And, we are, most oif the time. Sorne accidents hap- pen to drivers who are usually quite careful, but wh o may have their atten- tion distracted - even for just a moment. Here is a check ist of some of the miost f re- quently encountered dis- tractions cornpiled. by the Canada Safety Council: e Reaching for. seime- thing in the glove comi- partment while driving. Cure: Have everything ,lîkely, to be n eeded out of glove compartment before starting out, or, pull off the road and stop. a* Trying to read a road map while drîving. Cure: if driving on unfamiliar territory, first find out exactly where you are from street namnes, high- way signis, or other land- marks. Then pull off the road, find the location on your map, and plot out your next move. .* Trying te put on or take off a coat or jacket while driving. Cure: Stop the car, out-of traffic'. How many drivers have been caught with one arm in a coat when a traffic signal turns green? e Trying to locate an object dropped on the car floor. This hazard is especially dangerous to smokers, wýho are aware of fire dangers f rom a f allen cigarette, or aware of damage that can 1e done to c ar seat or cloth- ing. Cure: Stop the car, in the case of a cigarette, as quilckly as safely possible. Neyer try to solve this problem, while the car is. moving. @*1Having clutter or gar- bage on the car floor. Cure: Always carry a gar- bage collector for pop bot- tles, soft drink ceans, or other items that can so Keystone. system cî Starting with July 4, 1776, some pretty good ideas stemmed from the State of Pennsylvania. While hardly as momen- tous as the Declaration of Independence, the Penn- sylvania motor vehicle in- spection law has been hailed by many -traffic saf ety experts as- the best in the nation. Origina1ly established in 1927 as a measure to check headlights, the Pennsyl- vania law was amiendled te' include ail safety compo- nents in 1929. Sînce that time, the Keystone State has complled one of the best safety records in the nation. As one of the first of the 31 states that now have Perîodic Motor Vehicle In- spection (PMVI) programs on their books, Pennsyl- vania's law is effective largely due to: 1. Inspections, con- ducted twice annually, are thioroughi and tough. With 19 items inspected, there is little chlance a car with deferts wilI escape notice. 2. Facilities inspecting cars are numerous enough that thiere is no need for a<motorist 10 wait long for inspection. Somew 15,000 inspection stations are in operation, con)lduct. ing more thian 12,000,000ý examinations a year. Al1so, stationis are coe y uperviscd,massurinmg that personnel conduting ex- driver ont road &A0. F'A cTS easily roll uncler a pedal. * A bug or other insect in the vehicle. This -,one is. prevalent in summer. Cure: Eýither take the bite, or stop the car at the flrst opportunity. Sometimes, driving with windows open can encourage însect to leave - he's probably just as happy to 1e out of your car! e Items on the 'dash. Business papers that can blow away, pencils, cray- ons or pens that can dis- appear down the defroster vents, portable radios or tape players that can f ail, and sîmilar items should -neyer 1e kept on the dash while ,driving. e Storage over the sun visor. Once again, the elas- tic or whatever, secures items can break, causing, distractions,_ or your at- tention- can 1e momientar- ily taken while trying to retrieve an item f rom this position. Cure: For both of these last two items is simple. Just' don't do it. There are other places where items can 12e kept safely. Ystate inspection dlled best, in nation In This Issue In- a free nation, there is an unending debate over the rightsof the individual versus the rights of society as a whole. The statement "I'm free te do anything 1 please" is answcred by the equally valid reply, "As long as you don't do it t0 me, buddy." A current case in point is motor vehicle inspecticu. Thirty-one states have mandatory safety inspection >laws. Ninetcen states have no mandatory safeîy checks. A handful of, governmental units have emissions in- spection statutes. Most states have no such laws. 1Moststate legisiatures recognize the publie right to he protected fromn indivi duals who would operate vehiieles thai are safety hazards. Vet governmental hodies have been slpw Io realize that undermaintaîned cars pollute tiheenviroument and needlessly endanger the health of aIl citizens. This car care section explores the experiences of several areas' inspection programs.,Sperifically, Penn- sylvania's safety inspection, New Jersey's emission checks and California's now abandoned randomi safety and emiissions checks are studied. Read them and draw your own conclusions on inspection. ams are qualified and' equipment used is top quality. In answer to critics from the 19 states without PMVI who doubt compulsory in- spection's value, Pennsyl-, vanla officiais say "surveys prove a sharp decrease in f atalities and property damage in, ail states that have even token inspec- tion programns over figures in states ,wthout such a program." Pennsylvanl-,a inspectors also believe a vehicle pe- riodically inspected gives better service, prevents major repair bis- and earns higher trade-in or resale prices. Removal of vehicles that are completely unsafe also is creclted to the Pennsyl- vania, program. In one year, 1966, some 200,000 junkers were- taken off the road, largely due to the inspection program. Pennsylvania will soon add emissions inspection to its safety programl. In August, voluntary inspec- tions were begun. By Aug- ust 1976, emissions inspec- tionis are scheduled to 1e- corne mandatory. mi BROCK'S Li Service Centre Ltde. Authorized Dealer for LAWN- BODY' Products We >Have a Com plete LUne of Quality BP Products, Full Range of TNslottt-Tiires fo Fit Ail Makes ,of Cars To p Quality Autopar Accessories Tune-Ups a Specialty 24-Hour Towing Service - O.M.L. - N.A.L., Phone 623-5487 Day or Night 20 King St .E. Bowmanville/or * NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT -IT (WE CAN HELP)- *FREE ESTIMIATING *0OVER 20 LATE MODEL'SERVICE CARS AVAILABLE *MODERN FACILITIES BUT, GUARANTEED OLD FASHIONED WORKMANSHIP *DOMESTIC AND IMPORTS Our Spray Painter, Arthur Hudson, Is a Craftsman. . -He Will Take Gre 'at Pride in Restoring Your Car to One Yôu'I1 bel Proud of! lý - ' 9 \2ýý ý Vr= L-