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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1975, Supplement, p. 6

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6Supplement of thé Canadian St atesman, November 12. 1975 for dependable car service A national orgýanizatÎion- formned only three years ago haLs tested 95,000 auto- mo:itive mnechanics andc certified approximately 70,000, of them as compe- tenit in one or more tech- nical areas. The National Inistitute for- Automiotive Service Excellence, head- quartered in Wa,-shînigton, D.C., is the namne of the organizationi, and their tests are developed andU administered nationwide by Edlucational Testing Service of Princeton, N.J. %,echic)is or their emi- ployers pay thie tees for the tests and the programn is strictly voluntary. Hqerb- ert S. Fuhirmai), NIASE President, says: "The nia- tion's me chanics çdeserve hunge credit for turning ontnin such large numiibers for these voluntary tests. It certainly epessa strong deSire to prove their competency. We hopeý thatd consumeruis wîUl asýk for crtfld echanies 'to wokon thei1r carsad w 'Ilo1ok !or mchicýs credeial,ýs disp1aYed in service areas."' Shops eni- pl(Yi ng e rt infýie echan- les jare auithorized to dis- play rangeand lue signis mecanis crtiiedby NIAStE leusso yu specflclly iwaY rea-k BRAIN TWIS'TER - Auto niechanics taking the NIASE certiiication tests find the, questions truly probe their knowledge of their trade. NIASE' offBcials expect that hy next year more than 100,000 niechanies wilI have earned certification in one or more of eight speciallies. paint. in, the automnobile series, for examiple, a mnechanie can take ail eight tests or a lesser nuimber. If he suc- ceedls in passing ail eîght nid hermeets the experi- ence reqi.,reent, he is certifled as a Ceneral Au- tomobile Mechanic. Two yeýars' working expe rience asý a miechanic are required for certification. Besiefits ever yonc The Institute dlaims the voluntary testing and cer- tîfle(atiornprgrarniben.e- fitseveyone. The coý-n- sumer is given the choice betwe 'en a mechanie who hges proved bts competen- cyý antI one who has fo Th tsts aregeeal desinedbsthemeh e and ex'prience senst mi asig The tes c- pbasiz p asesolthe youngsi ns l. mre~v formaI educrion -ýtisai thcir odrassocîiateýs Each certifled mechanic receives a. certificate, an !.D. card, a display card, and shoulder patches andI stripes îdentifying bis areas of demonstrated conipetence. Fuhrman -anticipates that within a year the Institute will have over 100,000 mechanics certi- fled in one or more spe- cialty areas. "This program resulted from an industry response to the need for improving the quality of automotive repair. Mecbanics' lack of knoý'ýýw-b h as been one 0f theý major deterrents; to excellence ini auto repair," be says Wt b'certification of moreý, andI more good mechanies, the public can now f-,.tid o'echanics of proven and tested abilîty. We are. proud of the In- stitute"S I0i in th's effort. A n5ýionai d,îr tory or em1ployers of ceit'iim me e~îanus W 'reniFnt You' ar,'is avaî!aeble t-o th) biefr $ 19.ilTu1'ob tâir a opy end a check Si on orer to NIAS12, SuIte 55 -"25 K Street, NWII,' WasIbi n gtonl, ,D.h * * ** -* -,-* -I,* * ** - * ** * * * * ** * Bookiet offers s fromn prof essionals on how b care for key ,systemls of autos Professional mechanics know a lot of tricks to keep your car in shape. With a little effort, the .average car owner can learn enough of themn to avoid minor repair bills and help prevent major mechanical faîlures. A new,ý Car Service Mani- ual off ered by The Gates Rubber Company is one example of getting this knowledge into the hands of the motorist. The book is described as "the book professionals use," This 132-page, illus- trated guide covers every- thing from servicing air conditioning systems to replacing windshield wiper blades. The book cati be ordered by mail fro>m Gates, using the coupon fron the Gates Ad in this issue. Economy and safety are stressed under such head- ings as Brakes, Emission Conitrol Systems, and Drive Blt.Maniy of the mainrtenan.ýce procedures require no- tools- at ail, though th book does cov- er such îbjiects as Auto- matic -T- :nsmissions, Dif- ferenL .-.';-,and Power Stee-rirg w hich assume uciredafd domnestic cars, both front and rear wheel drive models, are covered. Obvîously, a gen- eral guide can't hit ail the details that a factory shop manual would, but f actory prepared manuals often cost $15 to $20 or more. The (Car Service Manual offered by Gates was orig- inally written te train service station and garage owners and attendants. It covers automotîve main- tenance services most f re- quently performed .by these flrms and includes a complete Safety Inspec- tion Section. Abundant use of- illus- trations permits the man- ual te serve as a "picture, story"l of the service being performed. This visual as-_ sistance aids the car own- er, student or mechanic in quickly developing an un- derstanding 0of the prin- ciples involved, as well as the easiest method of per-, forming the service. "Every car owner has th ;ot versatile inspec- tion equipmnent devised: eyesight and bDrainpower," says the mnanual. "To ef-, fectively use this 'equip- ment,' however, the mnotor- ist xrust be trained to con- duct a miethodîcal inspec- tion, and to evaluate vis- ual evidence." Here's how the manual covers a typical check- point: Flxand examine al brake hQses for cracks, blisters-, deterioration. Most cars have three hoses (on1e at each front wheel; one at rear axle). Cars with independent rear sus- pension have two rear hoses. Check threaded connections for leakage or looseness. See that metal pipelines are unda.maged andi are flrmly attached to frame or axie." The Gates people obvi- ously are flot tryihg to turn every car oWvner into a mechanie with this book. They want to make each motorist more aware of the types of services their car requires and how most of those services are per- formed. This knowledge wîll let. motorists better appreciate the service theY are receiving at service stations and garages. Even if the motorist neyer makes a single re- pair described in the book, he or she wi ll know what they're getting when they have a maechanic do the job. The manual's safety Chi.eck-list ,alone could help pre-vent hundreds of ,automobile accidents each year. A UAP ASSOCIÂTE The Bautery That Stays Fresh on Ice UAP batteries are made to lasi.- Buit for Canadian weather conditions, our wide, selection assures top performance every time. GUARANTEED ACROSS CANADA! at I I 3Queen St. E Bo0wm anriviî Ile Phono 6'23-44161 We~th Proideomte utomotUv Machinho ervic Inciýuces: New Points, Plugs, Condenser Timing, DweII and -Carburetor Adjusted. Also Includes Inspection of: -Spark Plug Wires ýand Distributor Cap - Anti-Freeze Checked - Rad Pressure Checked -Ail Fluid Levels Checked - Air Breathier Element Checked - Ail Beits and Hoses Checked - Ail Lights and Horn. Checked MAost V-8's 4 Cyl., 6 Cyl. andV6s $29,095 OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 30t 1975 Ava ila ble at BOWMA NVI LLE AUTO CLINIC 163 Base Line Road East Te lephone 623-6151 24, Hours Towing.. After Hours CaIli 623-4340 or 623-7615 ýPINERIDGE ýAUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY Umm

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