N~r ç Supplemient Of theCnain'tcmn November 12. 1975 I ar" Care OQuiz w EARN YO' (MOTORINGDIAGIN Are you a frustrated doctor? Do you delight in iagnosing that twinge in the toe as "a touch of the gout," or that raspy cough as "an attack of bron- chitis"?e Practicing~ medicine without a license is il- legal in most areas. So if you want to try your diag- nostic skill, try it with your car. Guess these sy«iptoms your automobile may give you when it s ailing. When you spot them, take them to y-ur favorite auto repair facility for confirmation and correction 0f the problem. 1. You step on the gas and your car lurches forward instead of accelerating. One possible cause 19: A. Loose generator or alternator beit. B. Misfiring spark plugs. C. Overheating radiator. 2. You own a station wagon but suddenly you notice it lis starting to sound like a sports car. That may be because: A. The exhaust system needs attention. B. Youre uising too high octane gasolîne. C. The automatic choke is stuck. 3. You've taken a curve at a high speed and you teel you're not really in control of the car. The reason may be: A. Carburetor icing. B. Battery needs fluid. C. Worn shock absorbers. 4. Your car suddenly pulls to one side when you stop. Likely reason is: A. WNorn brake inings. B. Tires are overinflated. C. U-joint is out of balance. MOTORING r, ..DIAGNOSTICIA: IOSTICIAN) 5. You try ta start your car and there's no saund but a click. One passible cause is: A. 011 fouled spark plugs. B. Out of gas. C. Dirty battery terminais. 6. Your car has been consumning excessive engine ail. It could be because of: A. A leak in the radiator has diluted the oil. B. Transmission slippage. C. Worn piston rings. 7. If you notice your tires are unevenly worn yau can ,suspect: A. Driving too much on unpaved roads. B. Faulty wheel alignment. C. Brakes are grabbing. 8. Black smoke emnanating tramn the tait pipe may indicate: A. Igni .tion system problems are wastifig fuel. B. Vour anti-freeze is overaged. C. The tail pipe is obstructed. 9. You notice your gas consumption is up. That's probably because: A. Engine is out of tune. B. Tires need rotating. C. As the car gets older it automatically uses more gas. 1 10. You needn't worry that your car is emitting ex- cessive pollutions, if. A. There is no smoke visible from the tait pipe. B. You burn only premium gas. C. If passes an exhaust analysis test. "V *8 '*9 L '~O *9'*3 'S "V 17 "O t '*V ~ "g L ber i Complete Auto Gôlass Repairs- und Store Fronts, Plate Glass Mirrors and Picture Frames contact Vern1 Gl(;asCo. Ltd., 1260 Simcoe St. N. Corner of Russett Oshawa, Ontario Your KQzwneer/ Amax Deailer Serving the Area For 30 Years oâvPlnhone 728-6214 "NEW Get Our OWERU&I HELP CLEAN TUNE-UP OR A Z SUDDARD"s GULF I *f FLYING DUTCHMIAN INN Wlf 401 and LIBER17Y ST. BOWMANVILLE - 623-4181 COMPLETE LINE 0F GULF PRODUCTS CAR WASH FREE -PICK-UP and DELIVERY IN TOWN (BY APPOINTMENT) Buying -a1New car? UNDERCOATINYG PAYS $75O UNDERCOATS ALL CARS Trucks $75.00 and up LAYCOE'S R.R. 1 Hampton Taunton. Road Phone- 728-4011 SNV Fuel Consumnpion Tiel1s Your Custo mer th Whole S7tory- Class 'A' Jt is imply) Mechanic Matter of Showînq How Much Energy It Takes. Expressed in Mi les Per GaliIon, to Move this Vehicle Down the Road at HighwayOU Speed. <R T.J.'S SUNOCOi 96 King Street East Bo'wmnville Phone 623-3121 FFREE DIAGNOSTIC CUINIC a.vmbe 1tii 41975 9i..tl4PM y