T"hree-nati*on tests bo probe auto fuel was-te Three year pro ject planned to e' stnd y engine contdition effect on emissionis also A test program to cetermnine how engine conditionk relates to f uel economny and ernissions has been launched by Chamýpîin park Plug Company. Tests will be run in 30 UT.S., Canadian andMeia cîties during the next three years. The niew series of tests is thie most comiprehensiv.e look at motorist intii'enance habits and their effeet on gaqsoline consumpition and excessive emissions ever uindertaken by- a non-governmental source. Data gathered in thesé cities wifl be compared to AHMOTOR HOME(Ieft), conlning specially designedcopuer e euime t ihe results f rom earlier studies that have proven helpful nerve rcenter of the Chlampion spark Pilug Company ful economy and emrissions tests, in fornulating m iaintenance recomimendations. Resuits From thc unitý, egier ontýro lieoert of thie chassis dynamnomneler and record also will be made available to the US. Environmental rsis in addition to giving Chamilipioinfomaonon h1ow engine condition affecls -Protection Agency anid Federal Energy Administration fuel usagec and emuisions, resuits wViîi be providcd to goverimieta i'agenscies for their use for their use in formiulating d1ean air and fuel economny in foirmtulating pz>licies. Heurt of ibie Iahoratory eqîui[men11t used in thie Jalf-million dollar standards. Champilýon fuel cnm and emissions test prograrti is a pocrtable chiassis dynamaomleter According to David L. Walker, Champion's Automno- (righit). Thie dyno e-nables Chanipion to liring asohtite automnotive test ]ah to place, tive Techinical Services Dîrector, "United States test where the average car operates so engineers can detcrmnine performance of a cross-section locations were selected primarily because they were of vebiicles. Cars are tested on the dyno to gathier resitis before and after tunle-lup, listed by the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agen- AIM cy as areas with serious year, are being wasted z oair pollution problemns. through engine negleot. In fact. the EPA recently Emissions tests conduct- w Vrecommended that these ed by Champion~ revealed areas introduce manda- nearly a 50 per cent reduc- > 1 ztory inspection programs tien in harmnful pollutants for vehicle emissions." at hot idie after tune-up. a i > ~ ~~~~He continued, "Mainte- Soeoftecss nance neglect, that pro- oeofde--ss duces gasoline waste also Conditions causing fuel causes excessive emissions, waste antd excess carbon and viceves, monoxide ernissions in- versa."clude faulty cariburetor, Previous tests sticking choke, wrong idie Mr. Walker noted that setting, dirty air cleaner Champion previously con- and related problemns. IFir Expert ducted nationwide tests on Commiron causes of high ~ Head the effects of tune-up on hydrocarbon emissions Reconditionîng fuel economy and emlis- and poor gas mileage in- sions. Those-tests showed clude a weak ignition sys- - that an engine in need of tem, worn out or fouled ; AilMa estune-up wastes 8.2 per spark plugs, inproper tim- -Aï ae cent of its fuel, equai jo ing, malfunctîoning dis- -Ait Mode Is between one and two gai- tributor coznponents, worn -lons of gasoline per tank- or damaged wiring or poor P nefui based on a 20-gallon compression. Phonetank capacity. An estimat- All these conditions oth- ed 300,000 barrels of fuel er than poor compression 723-2626 daily, costing m0torists, due to engine wear are m~ore than $2 billiona correctable by tune-up. ttt w,ïe JL (_Î,t "' ' 17; A o fi.I intowdefe cn m A lourth t of eIL In5narontde feload nomy a aund epr at o tune-upR s l eshowed t, ~~saplus a iedlionsthefagerages afgallon of OHu each week. ~,, ~Tune-ups benefit us in otherways, too. Dependable starts. Plus a substantial 4. - reduction in emissions. -St--;' ".."' t.~See your mechanic regularly for a P,.- Champion tune-uJp. Once a year or t, ",. t-t'"'tevery 10,000 miles. Abou-t;kv& à<i * d Frot En>ê