November 12, 1975 your lane for safety f rom tIle car in front. 2. HeaNvy lhoe, or boo t0 offer Pr oper foot an ankie protection for lin (-eentiaaty you mlay el counter. Thiese ould 1: of thie lace-up or buck type used in motocross( trials riding. They hao been ;perfected for Mote cycling safety. (1 I shuddI te) recaîl it buit do yE know, I onte saw ailgi ridfing olur freeway sandals? ) 3. Stronig«, upple glOý that afford protection the hlands, vytelleable y' te opierite WiîthIlelne>cu sary fedo fyour(ce trois. 4. ev pauts and durable jacket of son sort 1that wilI protect Il legs and arnis from them ihin, ai at, b le kick ,sic rules for r e sami-e as tL riving an au ith some ni its to give, ýetter cushior r of safety. nple of the1 a - well-travc ýare, alwayss motorcyclists a littie bit to the left of center in your lane. That keeps you out of tilat slids created in the middle of the lane that has been caused by oi dripping from countless cars. nel It also off ers the best visibility from a "Idefen- sive" standpoint. That mo- Ytorist in 'front of you has -his rear vlew mirror cock- ed more to the lef t than NS to dead center or the right. h He also is requ~ired to have a side mirror on the left side of the car. Seldom n- does he have one on the re right. Thus, your visibility f actor is better to the left AS of center of your lane. id And by that I don't îy mean straddling the làne. M- That is one of the most be violated rules to be seen le in rush-hour congestion or on the freeways and ex- ve pressways in andi aroufld )r- any large city. ler That kind of riding is 01 foolhardy. Motorists iiy switching lanes are not al- inE ways aware of a motor- cyclist buzzing through be- esI tween lanes. He has those tu blind spots built into his OUn car. He also probably can't es- hear you because his radio is playîng and, in most cases, his windows are aclosed. neThere also is another [e '.spect here. Ulsually, trie ise texture of tliat divider ýed strip on the highway is slick .. . Just as slick as oil. id- It is only commnon cour- ,hey tesy to stay in your lane, ato- stoppiflg when the cars in inor front of you stop. you , Na1turally, the mnechani- r in cal performXance of your n-otorcycle also is a vital lat- part of the picture. It eled needs periodic service and tay tuning, jList as a car does. U pt'O Better GUS or Your Money Bock MoIysIip JE' 'is not an ohl tr( it's an engine improver. It friction. It reduces engine h best of ail il- reduces consuniption. You can get "E"at Canadian Tire S other Ieading One treatmei wîiI1last 6,000 changes. TI increased ga proof of purcl Moflysli 705 Progr( Sca rboroL and we wMI lenIt you r iada) mec., enue, Unit 57, jt., Mi H 2X1, d vour rmoney 0 (A ARGEX'I MINERU CLUB3 Your Midas Muffler is GUARANTEED For as long as you own your car. IN OSHAWA IN PETERBOROUGH 116 Bond Street West 841 Lansdowne Street W. <½mi-le West of Simncoe) (Just west of Erskine) Telephone Telephone 416-576-8111 705-742-3408 OUR SHOPS INSTALL MUFFLERS FOR A LIVING, THET HAVE TO DO A BETTER JOB. ,May1 a Pecl: mng fi twor 1 v 'best: more t, the 1a lot light stone