A bir thday party dance was held on Saturday evening at Tyrone Hall to honor Mr. Cecil Hubbard formerly of this area many from this community attended.: Mný. and Mrs. A.C. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. P.' Gatchell, Mn. and Mns. John Stephenson, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchaîl, Bnooklin and many other friends and relatives. Congratulations Mr., James Madie. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Bickell and Katie-Ann, Barrie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. Mrs. P. Bail is to he out of Hosital and home in good health. Mr. Frank Holroyd, Caes- aera with Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd Sr. and family on the weekend. Mr. A. Suicain spent some time in hospital recently. Sympathy is extended to the Slemon family, neighbors and friends, in the sudden passing of a loving mother, grand- mnother, and dear friend, who ý assed away in her 9th year. ervice was held on Wednes- day from the Morris Funeral Home in Bowmanville. Bible school was held at the home of Mrs. I. Vandam on Friday. Attendance numbered 14. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Harry Strutt, Oshawa (formerly of Bunketon) is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. We are sorry to learn of the passing of Mr. Harold Larmer who passed away suddenly on Thursday. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family neighbors and friends. Service was beld from McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home in Port Perr y on Monday. Inter- ment at Union Cemetary Blackstock. Heart felt symnpathy to the family, friends and neighbors in the passing of a loving mother, grandmother, Mrs. May Johnson who passed away last week. Flowers with Feeling", For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 133 Church Street Bowmanville Fresh Flower and Drieci Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS-WEDrnNGS HOSPITAL and HOME Please Order Your Custom-Dried Floral Arranciements for Christmas Soon. Film * Processing * * FAST SERVICE FREE PARKER ALBUM PAGE WITH SEACH FILM PROCESSED FOR PRINTS. 78 King St. West - Bowmanville PHONE 623-2404 CAMERAS and PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES- "With a Single Stroke of the Brush," said the school teacher taking his class through the art gallery, "Joshua Reynolds could change a smnilir.g face into a frowning one." c'~~an my moather," said a small boy. CLOTHES CARE HINTS: A weII dressed persan is one whose garments are cleaned regularly. BUY A BOOSTER BUTTON BLITZ STARTS NOVEMBER 15TH Bowmanville Cleaners Ltd. W E84King St. W. 623-5520 CLOTHIS "We Specialize in Shirt CLEANER Laundering'" Burketon News Walton Emmanuel Unted Church, Foxboro, was the scene of a lovely faîl wedding, on Satur- day, September 26, 1975, when Reverend Abel Parsons, unit- ed in marriage, Lorraine Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dixon, R.R. 4 Stirling, and Douglas Ter- rence, son of Mn. and Mrs. Douglas G. Walton, R.R. 3, Newcastle. The organist was Mrs. Grace Sine. Given in marniage by ber p arents, the bride wore a formal, princess styled poly- ester and lace flower appli- oued gown. desig-ned with a sheer yoke, high, round, fnil- led, stand-up collar and long, stîeer steeves. A linger-tip - Dixon Wetding two-tiered veil was trimmed with lace to match the headpiece, and she carried a bouquet of yellow and white roses wîth baby's breath. The maid of honor, Miss Carole Dixon, bride's sister, wore a gold and rust formal gown and the bridesmaids, Miss Janice Salottolo and Barbara Dixon, bride's sister, similar gowns of soft green. They carried bouquets of yellow and rust mumas with chocolate brown velvet nib- bons. The groom, best man Mr. Tim Walton, groom's brother, and the ushers. Messrs. Ted Walton and Tom Hockin, groom' s cousin were attired in, chocolate brown tuxedos, pale yellow, ruffled shirts, brown bow ties and white carnation boutonnieres. A buffet and dance was held at the Elk's Hall, Belleville, the brides mother receiving the guests in a powder blue, formal gown wîth matching jacket, the groom's mother assisting ber in receiving in a printed jade-green gown. The happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to Lake Pla- cid and Niagara Falls and are now nesiding in Oshawa, at 511 Canonberry Court. BLA CKSTOCK, On Thursday afternoon two of this area's esteemed citi- zens passed away - Mrs. J. A. Johaston passed a-ïway in Hîillsdale Manor, Oshawa andj Mr. Harold Larmner very suddenly died while doing bis routine farm duties at bis farm soutb of Blackstock. Mrs. Johnston's funeral was held on Satunday while Mr. Lanmer's was on Monday afternoon. Sincerest 'sym- pathy to Mrs. Larmer and ber family and to Mns. Johnston's many relatives.1 Mr. Neil Johnston, Manitba, Mrs. Ferga Avery of Tilbury and Mn'. and Mns. Keith Johnston of Belleville spent several days in the area with relatives. Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and family of Charlton were in the area on the weekend to attend Mrs. Johnston's fun- eral. They wene Saturdav overnight guests of Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. BMrs. Hazel _,Bruyea, of- Bronte spent. the weekend with relatives after aftending ,ber aunt's funeral. Better health is extended to Mns. D. McLean who under- went hip surgeny in Oshawa Hospital last week. Pleased to report that Blair Martyn is home from Oshawa Hospital following two opera- tions thene. Also Gordon Strong is home from Oshawa General. Keep on recovering folks. A warm welcome to our village is extended to Mn. and Mrs., Howard Abbott our postmaster who have moved from Burketon to the apant- ment formerly habitated by Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Quite a num ber from here attended the Official opening of the Port Penny Nursing Home on Thursday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Betty Jane were Sunday guests of ber sisten, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Kester and family of Zephyr. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Susan of Haydon were Satur- day supper guests of Mn. and Mrs . Gerald Kelly and fam- ily. Mn. Charlie McLaughlin of Toronto attended Chunch ser- vice at the Anglican Cburcb, Sunday morning and spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Harry McLaugblin. Mn. and Mrls. Graham Fish entertained a number of Senior Citizens for a Bingo Party on Saturday evening. Mn. Roy Turner spent last week at the Hunt Camp near Burk's Falls with bis good neighbor Bian Hamilton. Winners at the Tuesday evening weekly Senior Citi- zens Card Party were lst. Richard Manns- 97, 2nd. Russell Larmer 97, 3rd. - Susie Harris- 84, 4th. Anne Manns - 84, 5th. John Weaver - 83,,6th. MyrtleAlsop - 82, Low - Mrs. Elva VanCam'p. On Friday the Holstein Banquet was beld at Ebenezer United Cburch witb many from this area attending this annual event. Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls were Mn. Chester Gra- ham, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Feltis, Cheryl, Peter and Randy, Mns. Barry Jones and Patrick all of Daîrymple, Mrs. Reg Boundey, Port Penny, Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Graham, Cheryl, Blair and Robbie and Mrs. Courtney Graham. Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding and Mrs. Velma Bailey attended parts of the Area W. I. Convention at the Royal York, Toronto on Thursday and Friday. Several families from here. attended the presentation of Gulliver's Travels at the Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa on Sunday. Mn. Denis McLaugblin of Calgary spent a few days with bis parents Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaugblin and Debhie. The lst Cartwright Ladies' Auxiliary held their Novem- ber meeting on Monday even- ing'at the Recreation Centre. Mrs. Marguerite Vince, Presi- dent presided for theevn ing's business. t ,was decided to iïoId -aChrýtisLins lazaar and Bake Sale ffiis coming Saturday. Lt is to be hoped that the public. will ta ke this oppÔrtunity to support our local Scouts, Guidtes,, Cubs and Brownies. t was announced that Mrs. Sheena Williams will be the incoming president for the new year. The group is hoping that since the expan- sion of the Guides and Brownies that more mothers will make the effort to support the Auxiliary with their atten- tion at these mronthly meet- ings. The meeting closed with a benediction. The Blackstock Women's Institute was held at the Hall on Wednesday, evening Nov- ember 5. President Mae Shortridge was in the chair. The meeting opened in the usual manner with the Ode, Collect, minutes and Treasur- er's report followed by the correspondence. During the business meeting the Com- mencement Prizes Were arranged for as well as the Achievement Day pnizes. Motto was "Hydro does so many things - Let us all its praises sing." Roll Cali - How I am Conserving Energy was well answered..Six 4-H girls, the Dough Girls from Group 3 with their leaders, Jean Adams and Margaret Duives- teyn demonstrated bread making. This demonstration proved to be interesting and well received. The pýogram was under the direction of the Canadian Industries Convenor, Eileen McLaughlin who introduced Noreen Malcolm, who showed "A Great Step Towa rds Making Sewing Simpler"', IT'S 'NIEW Save $100.00 THE NEW HUSQVARNA 2000 t introduces the new extra long straight stitch. . Brings up the bobbin thread automatically ... 1Sews prof essional stitches at the twist of a dial ... Neyer needs oil ing.. Makes sewing a real pleasure! 33 King St, East Ôshawa Phone 576-7550 her beautiful slides of hier trip this spring to Holland, Nor- way, Sweden and Denmark. Noreen also displayed a num- ber of lovely souvenirs of hier trip. The group 's appreciation was, extended to Noreen by Eileen. A successful,, Penny Sale was hield. Lunch consist- ed of a variety of buns and rolîs which the 4-H- girls brought and baked along with cheese. The interestîng meet- ing concluded with the singing of O Canada. Kendal The Kendal United Church' Women met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hay for the November meeting. The pre- sident Mrs. J. Stapleton, opened the meeting with a hymn followed by prayer. Mrs. T. Stevens assisted with the devotional peniod. The most of the evening was spent in making final plans for the bazaar on November 8th. A delicious lunch was provided by Mrs. T. Stevens. The December meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. K. Wood which will be the Christmas meeting. Several ladies from Kendal attended the Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club House Tour and Tea on November the first, also Kirby Bazaar in the afternoon ma king it a full day of events, also the ,same evening the'dance in Kendal Hall. Visitors with Miss Catherine Steward last week were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gedge of Peterborough on the Thursday and on Tuesday, Mrs. Brian Dawson and Alen, Mrs. Dan, Keane, Jeffery and .lenna, al of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young- man attended the funeral of TI their cousin Mr. Anthony Stevens of Oshawa who was a victim of an automobile acci- dent. Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives, Mrs. L. D. 'Hackey of Hamilton has been spending a few days with, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gasson and family. Kendal U.C.W. Bazaar and- Tea, proved to be a great success on Sàturday after- noon. The weather was favor- able and the attendance was larger than usual. The door prize, a dried flower' arrange- ment was won by Kenny Prescott. The ladies wish to express their thanks to each and everyone who helped at their annual bazaar. Mrs. M. E. Foster Sr. has been spending a few days with Mrs. W. H. Foster. The Three-in-One Couples Club sponsored a bus trip on Sunday afternoon to the Ice Capades in Toronto. The bus left Kendal School at 4 p.m., aJso picking Up passengers at Starkville and Newtonville.' Mr. Dave Skerrett is a patient in Bowmanville Hospi- tai, we wish him a speedy recovery, also glad to report Mr. Thos. Gosson is now home from hospital and feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haw- kins and Lisa of Port Hope were Sunday dinner guests with their cousin Miss Cather- ine Stewart. Mrs. Lena Burwash and her sister-in-law Miss Burwash, both of Cobourg spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart and Mr. Arthur Thompson.-' Mrs. Hellebust and sons of Toronto snent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens, also helpig at the church bazaar on aturday. The Rpv G. Monntomery, USED CAR "B LAST-OUT MAVERCK Fnishd inverysharp Maroon and Black with soft vinyl reclinirng bucket '75 AV R IC K seats in a rich black. An economical 6 cyl., 3-speed on-the floor stick shift G RA BB E R for the sporty. AIl t his and a radio too! Lowrmîleage, and aone-onrc. 2-DOOR __ '74 PONTIAC LeMANS 2-DR HARDTOP '74 MONTE CARLO by Chevrolet '74 PINTO SQU IRE STATION WAGON '73 MUISTANG 2-DOOR HARDTOP '73 MERCURY MONTEGO MX WAGON '73 FIAT 124 SPORTS CAR' '73 PLYMOUTH SEBRING V-8 engine, 4-speed transmission. This automobile is finished in striking blue with a white viny] roof, sporty style steel wheels. Super comfy bucket seats and console. This gorgeous car has only a few miles on it and s a one owner machine. Power steering, power brakes, and radio, are also on this car to make your driving even more pleasurable. Lic" EZX851 2- Door Hardtop. This is a very smart car and is one of GM's most popular models. Finished in elegant grey with black vinyl roof. Powered by a V-8 engine, with automatic transmission, comes equipped with power steering and power brakes as well as radio. Oh, by the way... strato-buckets that swing out are also on this car. Interior is finished in black. You'd better hurry on this one. Lic. HEP5O6. This littie beauty is equipped with an economîcal 4 cyl. engine, sporty 4-speed transmission. This wagon is also equipped with a roof rack and is finished in beautiful green with matching trim. This car is simply adorable. Lic. EBA845. One of-'therrmost ipopular cars that Ford has ever made, fhjs sïports lov' car is finished in brown wvith àâ atching vinyl roof. V-8 enbine; aUtGrhliic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio. This car bas been pampered by one careful owner and has a reasonable number of miles on if. See it to appreciate it. Lic. DZA633. This luxurlous wagon of the intermediate size is finished in a very sharp brown with matching trim. Comes equipped with roof rack, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes and radio. This car would be perfect for your family and it's one of the "Wagon- Masters". Low, .mîleagetool Lic . DTK281. If you're interested in a real sporty car, this is the one. Cornes irn dark brown with light brown trim, radio and of course, bucket seats. lncidentally, this car is a real gas saver. Lic. DZK881. This is one nice looking automobile, mry frien.d. It is grey in color with a black Halo roof. This 2-Door Hardtop comesequipped with'V-8 engine, automatic transnmission, power steering, power brakes, and radio. Black trim. Come in and see the MACDONALD BOYS on this one. Lic. AF F599. sel sp et al f, etc -un cap U '72 DODGE This is a "Mean Machine". Comes equipped with the mighty 340 V-81 automatic transmission. You won't miss seeing this one. lt's bright. DEMON 2-DOOR yellow with black trim. A real hunk o' car this one. It really moves out. Lic. DZZ6O7. '72 ORD RAN This 's the perfect car for the family man looking for some dependable 72-FORDGRANtransportation, mile after mile. This intermediate-sized car is equipped TORINO enine automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes SE DAN '72 VOLKSWAGEN "f'BUG" One of the world's most popular cars. This littie "puddle jumper" is painted in distinctive yellow and has a radio to let you relax while you drive mile after mile on hardly any gas comfsumption at ail. Lic. ABH01,1. Thîs s a pretty fice set of wheels. Comes in green with white bucket '71 DODGE 2-DR seats, V-8 engine, automatic transmissionl, power steerîng and power HARDTOPbrakes, radio. Lic. DS0556. MONACO 71 PINTO 2-DOOR This popular little car from'Ford is yellow with black trim. 4 cyl. engine and 4-speed transmission to produce exceptionally good mileage. Radio, of course. Lic. EBF921. '70 LYM UTH This is a very sharp car painted in bright red. V-8, automatic, power B ELV EDE R E steering, power brakes, radio. This car runs like a charm. Lic. DYW398. 2-DOOR WE ALWAYS HAVE SOME AS-IS SPECIALSTO CHOOSE FROM IF YOU ARE MECHANICALLY INCLINED OR ... IF YOU CAN DO SOME BODY WORK, SOME 0F THESE CARS ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOO BUYS! Corne On In and Talk to One of the Sales Staff. Bud,- Gren - Bob ý,219 King St. E. 623-4481- The (Canadian Statesma n, Bowmanville, Novemrber 12, 1975 3 conducted a Remembrance 'For,-Johnathon's Sake'. The Day Service in church on service was closed with the- Sunday morning. The service Royal Athem 'The iQueen'.- >was opened by singing the Next Sunday, is Baptism National Athem O Canada.Sndyiouchrh Mrs. G. Cathcart placed a wreath on the plaque contain- - ing the names of our fallen( soldiers. The Last Post was 0 played followed by two min-~ utes silence. Rev. Montgo- Courtesy fa The art ofÎ ,mery's message was entitled concealing natUralim ,,pulses. IF PEOPLE SEEM TO MUMBLE JARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND JACK STEWART HEARING AID SPECIALIST Don't always blame thern, even a mild hearing loss can make conversation sound blurred. Let us, put your mind at rest. Have an Electronic 'Hearing, Test with a Beltone Audiometer. This takes but a few minutes, and the.re is no0 obligation. Corne in and sce us at our regular service'centre at Flyi*ng Dutehman MOTOR INN Liberty St. and 401 Bowmanville THURSDAY, -NOVEMBER l3th, 1975 1-4 p. m., or Phone 623-3373 and l'Il corne to see you DRBellone Hearing Aid Service 849 Alexander Crt. Peterborough, Ontario 745-3244