Members of tbe Clarke Higb Scbool Choir and Band have returnied from a trip to Norrde Chicago, last week. They report a great time and most enjoyable visit witb students there, including vani- istours. SEdna Thomson Day Care Centre on Cburcb Street, Bowmanville was scbeduled to open on November 25tb. It is extpected to employ a staff of seven. The maximum enroîl- ment will be 45 youngsters. Tbe staff will include one supervisor, one day care grade one teacher, tbree day care grade two teachers, one day care nursery aid and one day care cook-bousekeeper. The Newcastle Recreation Department wil bold their Annual Christmas Sbow for the Baton, Tap and Ballet Classes, at the Bowmanville Town Hall on Wednesday, December l7tb, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tbere are still openings in the Squirt Hockey School. This is for boys five and six years of age. The first session will bie held on Wednesday, Decem- ber 3rd at 5:00 p.m. in tbe Darlingtoni Sports Centre. Anyone who is înterested in the Visual Ats Centre in Bowmanville is welcome to attend meetings. Future meet- ings will be beld at the Centre, located in tbe old Cream of Barley Mill on Simpson Aven- ue in Bowmanville. The next meeting date is set for to-night, Wednesday, Novem- ber 26, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. Any inquiries sbould be drected to Susan James 623-5056. Mr. apid Mrs. Manseil Stac- ey, Orchard View Blvd., attended the Commencement Exercises at tbe David and Mary Thomson Collegiate In- stitute, Scarborough, on Nov. 6tb, 1975. Their, granddaught- er, Andrea Michelle Stacey (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. M. Stacey, 44 Birnbrok Rd., Scarborougb) received bier Secondary Scbool Graduation Dipioma. Micielic was also awarded the School Crest Plaque, called "The Honour T Award" for students having received 85 per cent or higher. Michelle is now taking year five, prepar- ing for university entrance next September. Michelle's fatber, John Stacey, is a graduate of B.H.S. and Ryer- son Institute of Technology. Through further studies John bas received the degree of B. Tech. John is employed at the Engineering Department of the Ontario Hydro in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 4Sleo. Staple- ton, Waverley Gardens and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drew, Oshawa attended a reception and tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Henderson, Willow- dale, Sunday afternoon. John and Linda Blumbergs, the proprietors of Liberty General Store, and their two cbildren, Jimmy and Carol, have just returned from a most enjoyable two week vacation in the Barbados and the West Indies. Port Perry will hoid their annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, December 6tb. Lake Scugog i s the "least dlean" of tbree area lakes that are described by a Victoria County planner as being "in bad shape." William Power, Victoria County planning dir- ector said be was referring to Ministry of Enviroament re- ports. Tbey indicate, be said, that the Kawartha Lakes are not nearly as dlean as. the northern lakes by comparison. He said the Kawartas are very shallow lakes and are in the middle of good agricultur- ai land. There are a lot of pollutants entering the lakes, including fertilizers and in- secticides whicb are applied to the land and run off into the lakes. The planner said Scu- gog, Sturgeon and Pigeon Lakes are "in bad shape" and Scugog Lake appears to the "least dlean" of ail the lakes. WESLEY VILLE Berniece Best was a dele- gate to the area convention of the Women's Institute beld at the Royal York in Toronto iast week. She was the only representative of the Morris b group, although others wisbed to attend, none other was free to do so. Arnold Austin and brother Harold are in the Dorset area this week hunting, but Rame is reported to be scarce. On Wednesday evening, No- vember l2th, the regular meeting of the Welcome UCW was held at Welcome Cburcb. This is one of tbree general meetings held during the year and began with a pot luck supper. There were about 40 present to enjoy the good supper and good fellowship. Th devotional service was held upstairs following the welcome by president, Mrs. T. Wilson. Mrs. Phyllis Symons I 1tems of Jnterest Phone 623-3303 Celebrate 4Oth Wedding Anniversary led a candlelighting worship service assisted by Mrs. H. Osborne, Mrs. J. Connelly; Carnie Lynn and Mary Sy- mons, sang "Pass it on" accompanied witb their own guitar. The theme was the source of love and everyone present lit a candie from the large one, symbolizing that source. The speaker for the evening was the Rev. E. Colwell of the Hastings United Church charge who came there from his position as missionary in Brazil. He and his wife were introduced by Mrs. L. Kellog. Mr. Colwell is a native of the Bowmanville area and Mrs. Colwell of Spencervilie. His talk was introduced by the singing of a round of song, first ini Portuguese then in Englîsh, assisted by bis wife,. His illustrated talk was heard with pleasure and enlighten- ment concerning life in this very large country. H1e was thanked by Mrs. Wilson on behaif of ail present. Business for tbe month had been discussed at an executive meeting p reviously, so more time was lef t for the speakers. Mrs. Colwell operated the projector and assisted bier husband in answering the many questions which follow- ed. (Intended for November L9th Edition) On Friday evening, Novem- ber 7tb, 1975, students recei- ved their degrees at the fal convocation at York Univer- sity, Toronto. Among them was Garfield Payne, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne, Newcastle R.R. 3, who received bis Bacbelor of Arts degree in pfflitical science from tbe Chancellor, Walter L. Gordon. Garfield received also the E. Carl Smitb Award for outstanding work in the past year. There was a packed bouse to witness tbis important cere- mony in life, for students and their families. The Academic procession was piped to tbe platform and the invocation given by Professor J. Page. Foilowing tbe conferring of degrees, tbe convocation ad- dress was given by Dr. M. H. Appleby, wbo was witb York for its first five years. H1e made the interesting state- ment that tbe great influx of students bad reached its peak, and at least one unîversity in United States was seeking applicants. Following tbe ceremony, Garfield and bis guests attend- ed a reception at McLaugblin College. His guests included his parents, sisters Jennifer who is attending Glendon College, Sbelley, brotbers Rodney wbo is studying at Brockville, and Lance; bis grandmotber Mrs. B. Duff, Oshawa, his aunt Mrs. K. Caswell, Port Hope; Ivan Hale of Toronto, and Mrs. E. Barrcwclough, Wesleyville. Congratulations to Garfield who is continuing bis studies at Osgoode Hall law school. The very wonderful weatber continues giving opportunity for farmers to barvest ail tbe late crops in ideal conditions. The buge flocks of the different blackbirds wbicb remain to feed on tbe bounty are taking a toit of tbe seeds and making tbose with bird feeders wonder if tbey will be taking over there if snow covers the fields. If they do it could be an expensive hobby. "God is Love", was the theme of the morning service at Welcome United Church and Rev. R. Bartlett used illustrations of its Power which he bas seen in bis years of ministrv to reconcile that theme with the worid as we see it. The choir's anthem was "Great is the Lord and Migbty in Power". Several of the men's section was absent including Ken Symons wbo is recovening from an injured knee. A lovely white chrysanthe- mum was the floral offering as well as the colorful bouquets of dried grasses and grain. There was junior choir prac- tice following the service led by Carnie Lynn Symons orga- nist, and Mrs. Dennis Croft. Peter Hoskin of Bowman- ville spent Sunday with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A . Tborndyke. The tame crow continues to make lfe interesting in the neighborhood. The other morning One lady saw a bright red cbiid's sock on ber doorstep and had no idea how it got tbere. She phoned a neigbbor who did bave a littie one, and found out there was one sock missing. Not only that but three silver spoons as well. The littie lad ha d thrown them at the crow to make hlma fly away but by the time bis miother heard about this, the spoons ha d disappe ared. There must be more t han one hiding place. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin them gave a joyful lift to the of Kingston visited with Mrs, service, which was preceded H. Barrowclough during the by practice of some different weekend. Christmas hymns. Rev. R. For November 26tb Edition Bartlett's sermon "The ques- A few, snowflakes drifted tion none can escape" was one down on Sunday morning af, of concern to everyone, witb the regular worshipers arriv the 'calibre of o;ur living ed for service at Welcomne depending on what we do with United Churcb on Sund4y Jesus. In the children's por- morning. t was chilly but tion of the service they were certainly seasonai weather. reminded of their part always, Golden and white chrysanthe. and especially in the coming mras brightened the chturcb weeks, in the worship service. and the choir's stîrring an- On Saturday evening Mrs. A. Ford and Mrs. H. Austin beld a familv gathering at the latter's borne in bonor of tbe approaching marriage of tbeir nephew Rae Tufford and bis bride to be Linda Morton. There were over 30-present to enjoy this happy occasion. Rae had been entertained previously by bis cbums at a stag party. We are happy to report that baby Mark Edey is back borne with bis parents, Brian and Sharon, in Bowmanville after a speli in hospital witb pneumorna. The Canadian Statesman. Bowmnanville, November 26. 1975 7 FOR SENIlOR CITIEN at KA'ÀY E'S Large Size Shoppe Bowm ianville Ctiukdc cyqOu, Choice cJhtg 9uRdag i u 's United Baha'u'llah, Faunder of Church gated the foundation of chamerhorn, B.A., M.Dv. BAHA'î Writings Derald K. Burgess Further information: a .m. Nov. 30 - Advent Sunday Sacrament of HoIy Communion There is nobterwyt prepare for Christmas than by elbrtg HoIy Communion. Dec. 14................... Evening Ca roi Service Dec. 24..............ýa-mîiy *Christmas Eve Service' Dec. 31 ......... New Year's Eve Family Dance Party NURSERY Parents are invited to leave their Pre-school chi ldren in our play and Iearn nursery while they attend church. Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sundoy Services 9:55 a. m. 11: 00 a. m. 7: 00 p.m .Sunday Sc .Worship Ser ..Evangelistic Ser Mid Weeok fi( Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church 1 ce Sunday, November 30, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES l:00a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 10.00 a. m. - Classes foraIli ages,9 and up 11:00a.m.- Nursery Baby Care,Toddlers and Kindergarten 11:15 a.m. -, Primary Dept. ages 4 ta 8 lla.m.-WÔRSHIP SERVICE "Sweet Charity" Singers BIBLE STUDY GROUP in Church Hall, Wednesday, 1Oa.m. A Warm Welcome for Everyone High School Youth and Post High School CHURCH VOCATIONS CONFERENCE Northminster United Church, Oshawa (Rossland Rd. and Simcoe St, N.) Sunda y, Nov. 30, 5 p. m. Purpose - To share with the youth, opportunities for careers and short term service with the Church in Canada and overseas. Supper provided by Northminster Hi-C. JACK &JILL CLUB Regular meeting, Tuesday, December 2, 8:30 p.m. in Church Hall. Slides on South Africa will be shown by Debbie Jenkins. Christmas'Party, Sunday, December 7th, 2to 4p. m. CHRISTMAS f-HORAL FESTIVAL Sunday, Dec. 21, 7:30 p.m., in Trinity Church Combined chairs from Kingsview and Trinity under direction of Ross Metca If. Guest soloists, Ross Cotton, bass; Michael Wood, percussion, Patricia MacGregor, contralto. On November 8, 1975, Mr. and Mrs. Rance J. Dilling celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary. They were guests -of honor at a surprise dinner party, hosted by the family, whichwas held at Port Darlington- Marina. A toast was given in their honor by their son Jim Dilling. Later a, reception was held at the home of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Byers, when they received many gif ts and were presented with an anniversary plaque designed by their- daughter Rena Fisk. PHONE 623-5455 ANNOUNCý"ES the addition of Anne Marie Beatie to their staff. Anue Marie will be pleased to take appointments starting at 7:30 a.m. Thu-rsday and Friday. Get Ready for the Party Season Nowu wiîth a New CURLY LOOK PERM .. zO ASK FOR BEy, DONNA, OR ANNE MARIE We carry Blow Dryers, Curling Irons and Hair Brushes. Ideal for a Christmas gift. AT THE HAIRPORT MARG GILPIN MAN ICU RIST AND EYEBROW ARCHING EgauU/uL iaruni±fot a mote.IXauu/ufatyou. TEL. 623-4901 St. pu Mnster - Rev. N. E. Sc Organist - C 11:00 77 mâ.dmè- BOWMANVILLÈ 37 KING ST. W. :h( rvi rvi -ým lqqzwlqqw"qu tl-ý-pf IJ ýkppe a ý,4tteftd the