Sie 16 The Canadian Stàtesman -8ow~hianville, December 3,1975 Fr estîer s Team Standin1gs Phil Ward 58, Ross Hall 58, Ge. eatl' 55, Bob Smiith 51, VnGoor 49, Dawýson 44, AlldJread 431--,Pr-out 42, Luff- rmn40ý, Carswefll 3, Gould Ladies Highi Single: Helen Rogers :316. iMeni's High Sýiin gle: Arniold Van. Goor 308, .Ladjies' igh Triple: 1Helen Rogýers 'i29. Meni's High Til:Johni Zolemran 764. yke No.29th, Cable T.V-2 D91-ug Logan, Jeff Knox, Con- sumers Gas-2-Bobby Hellam, Trcy ý"Stephens. No. 7th, Graham 'I.G,,A.- 12-imi Childs 4, Dane Rupa 2, cotMaster 2, Ken Fry 2, f MarRupa, Steve Sarginson. ime rush-1-liian cKay. Pee Wee N'ov. 29, Rotary Kings-7-Ted Withlersp)ooni 4, Mike Jonkoski 2, Derek Lamnont 1, ires, Root Ber--ef artin. Nov 26h MtroNa,-tionals-e -Dre Kerne 2,Scott lirvine, Rya KarnyMark Bannis- teSee Wood. Rice Bowl-2- Paufl Rioual, Voughin Wells. Nov. 29h-Nich l otors-6- Marc Richards 2, John- Klomp- -aker '2, Stevýe Thompson, DreiEnglay. Cable T.V.-2- Alle enning, Ke vin, Hen- Nov. 2th, K-ýiwanis Huskies- -Joe Lu, -ceri 2, Rick Wilbur, JohnVanergast.Brocks WP--efSallows. Midget Nov. 26, Pitts Nursing Home Eages9-BllRivers 3, Fred Wd2,Paul Dunham, John GroteaasRalph McQuaid. Voyag9eurs Restaura'nt-1-Glen Hampton lGardens Mnor Peewees 1Lose ni Two No v21, themowmanville Minor iPee Wees travelled to oorgwehe ey î1'ýbttled to a2alticCbor ope-ned the tl3owmanvýýille tied it up in the seond with a' goa)l frona Chris 0i, ass_ t o Rnd Plain. "bonurg went ahead li( n the lieýd it Lup 1 forlte Toros. O)n-Nov. 2,teGar-de.ns C 1ew bew lheegoal lead to have j;c defeat by; a score of i ou 3. assiss to i Erwin and joe Nîii pen the scoring for ow anille 01e1vi lyite first p;iod. Ric k ariaso scýored1 in thle first to put Bowaavilealîead by 2 gol.Aira scoreless second period M ie Locer scored nassisted i te thîrd. The Toosthn asdo,.ffin play and al'iloweCd to Ajax team to score, 5 goails in thie last 4 No.2,the iHampton Gaý'rde-ns mninor Pee Wees and, _akhm baýttled to a one ahl tiBill Sainsbury, in the seon,wa the oinly one to sre on thl-e red hot Markham coltendler. Brian Ruddy and RbSiggins assisted. Mark- h L ied it up in the third pid'11Awith a power play goal. Bowumanville out shot Mark- iaa21 Io 9. in O e e One Hockin Realtor Pee Wee B's plydin Brooklin on Sat. ngtagainst the top team in ;he league, the Whitby Regi- mnand were defeated 9-2. WVhi tby landed three goals in the net in the first period with plIay in the first perîod on a go-ýal by-Grant Brock assis ted hyAlnand Dreos;si. In thie second period Port erytied the score . then Bowmv nan ville went ahead. E again with a well earned goal by DLania Peebles which was set u .jp by Welsh and Siggins. A s-horti handed goal by Port nerry nhe third period tied the am-e making the final Tenext home game for Hock,1i's Realtorswill be Dec. 1at8 p.m. in Darlington Sprts Centre against the undfeaedPee Wees from -Ar Wh y e I c ie z Regular or Dip 8.8 OZ, Bag Calgoni te Automatic 65 Oz. Pkg. Pieces &Stems, Leaver 10 FI. Tn Cnd ac, rgts8F.Oz. Tin i Mary Miles Chicken or HOSTESS Potato Chips 87 Dishwasher Detergent $1.9 M U S Hp,0RMS 53' TOMATO .tUICESPECI-AL!,59*c MAC &CHEESE LOAF Assor'ted Varieties 5 Oz. P kg. or 16 FI. 0z. Btl. Instint Cocktill ixesPC PARTY SPECIAL! as' General Mfilis Cereal 8.5 0Oz. Pkg. COCO-PUFFS 713 Asst'd. Varieties Jello Powders 6 Oz. Pkg. JELL-O .5 3 Pillsbury Artificial Food Sweetener 6 Fl. Oz. Btl. SWEETTEN 97" Kraft, With Pectin 9 Fl. Oz. Jar RASPBERRY JAM 81* Orange Flavour 2 x 7 Oz. Pkg. TANG CRYSTALS, $1,09 Swift'sý 24 Oz. Tin COOKED HAM $3.59 Luxury 6 Oz, Tin SNOW CRAB MEAT $M.7 Quikki, Plastic SPECIAL! Pkg.'of 100 SANDWICH BAGS58 Beef, Chjcken or Liver 26 Oz. Tin HEALTHO, DOG FOOD, 33ç Plain or Polskîe Ogorki 32 Fl. Oz. Jar HEINZ DILL PICKLES 89 Sweetheart, Lime SPECIAL! 128 Fl. Oz. Cont. FABRIC SOFTENER $1.39 Powdered SPECIAL! 10807z. Box Canada, Fancy, Giant eaSummrerS"PE"CIAL! Sweet Peas or Cut Green Beans 10 Fl. Oz, Tin Green Gi ant Vegetables 28' Kraft, Canadian Singles SPECIAL! 16 Oz. Pkg. Process Cheese S ices $ 1 .49 SPECIAL! Assf'd Colours, Lady Scott 2 Ply 4 Roll Pkg. BATHROOM TISSUE 951 Asst'd Varieties, Ragu 14 Fl. Oz. Jar spaghetti sauce SPIECIAL! 9 Gainsborough, Frozen 10 Oz. Pkg. PIE 1SHELLS S58*AL Chocolate Fudge or Traditional 14.50Oz. Pkg. White, Betty Crocker FROSTING MIX89 Mother Parkers Economy 12 Pkg. of 100 TEA BAGS$10 ,Gold Crown, Reconstituted 48 Fl. Oz. Ti n APPLE JUICE SPECIAL!48 Beef, Irish or Meat Bail 24 Fl. Oz. Tin PURITAN STEWS 951, English Style 24 Fl. Oz. Jar Laing's Brown Onions 89C Sloppy Joe, Turkey Gravy, or .875 Oz. Pkg. Plain Spaghetti Sauce FRENCH'S MIXES, 31V Canada Choice, Culverhouse 19 Fl.. Oz, Tin ASSORTED PEAS 41l" Pillsbury Frozen, White SPECIAL! 640Oz. P kg. BREAD DOUG.H99 Frozen, in Baller Highliner 140Oz. Pkg. COD FILLETS$10 Salisbury, Turkey or Beef, Frozen 6 Oz. Pkg. Freezer Queen Entrees 671, Honey Dew, Frozen 121/2 Fl. Oz. Cont. Concentrated SPECIAL! ORANGE DRINK d49* Strawbèrry, Fruit Cup, Tortone, Raspberry or Blueberry, Swiss Style 2 x 4 Oz. Cont. GAYLEA SPECIAL! ,GAYLEAYOGURTr 4 Liberty Whole Red 6 Fl. Oz. Jar Maraschino Cherries 69 SPECIAL! Ass't Varieties Bright's 4 X5 Oz. Tins MINI PUDDI'NGS68 Oakleaf 10 FI. Oz. Tin MANDARIN ORANGES 39' Canada Choice, Aylmer 14 Fl. Oz. Tin Bartîett'Pear Halves 49ç York, Smooth 3 Lb. Jar PEANUT BUTTER $1.99 InTomnatoSauce SPECIAL! 14F.Oz.Tin LIBBY'S ALPHA-GETITI 33ç Borden Eagle Brand 14 Oz. Tin sve e ten1ed CONDENSEQ MILK 69' Zingg Swiss Processed 8 Oz. Pkg. GRUYERE CHEESE 83 Richmello Pk g. of 12 MINCE TARTS $1.29 Reguar ofSuper Absorbant Reg. Pkg .of 30 or Bab yScott SPECIUAL! Super P kg. of 24 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS$1.99 Lancier SPECIAL! 170Oz. Con t. BABY SHAMPOO59 100 MI. Tube PEPSODENTI SPECIAL! TOOTH PASTE 79' Jack &Jill 100Omi.Btl. COUGH MIXTURE $1.13 Normal or Oily 12Oz. Cont. Troubled &Damaged SPECIAL! MiIk,,Plus 6Shampoo $ 1,89 Asst'd Fragrances 7 Oz. Aerosol Cont. Air Freshener AIR'CARE53 Previously Frozen, Sliced Lb. 'BEEF LIVER, 56c Bone in Plate Lb. BEEF BRISKET 48* Fearmans, Mary Miles 1 Lb. Pkg. WIENERS 79' VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1975. EXCEPT PRODUCE AND BAKERY PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 3 TO DECEMBER 6, 1975. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED Mà M DOMINION STORES LIMITED v 160Oz. Pm Ma r y AMiles MA, in-e d H amno r -l6Oz. Pkg. VARIETY PACK( $12 MJIary Mfiles Boneless, Fully Cooked Lb. 21/,2 to 3Lb. Average, DINNER HAMS $2.09 Canada Packers SIliced, Chicken, PgP 60Oz. FPk". Meat &Olive, Mac &Cheese Loaf COOKED MEATS55 Maple Leaf, SIliced 16'0z. Pkg. BOLOGNA9' Maple Leaf Polish, Salami, 8 Oz. RoIls Pepperoni, Bierwurst, Jagdwurst, Bavarian Sausage PARTY SNACKS 981c Swift Lazy Maple Lb. 1/2 Bone in Vacuum Pack HAMS$19 Canada Packers 8 Oz. Pkg. COCKTAIL SAUSAGE 1991, Shopsy 1180Oz. pkg. COCKTAIL WIENERS 89 Shopsy 4 x2Oz. Pkg. CORNED BEEF $1.38 Shopsy 24 Oz.,Cont. POTATO SALAD 791, Shopsy 240z. Cont. COLE SLAW 79ç McQuaides Beef, Chicken Or 2 x 4Oz Pies TOURTIERE PIES 55 Meaty, Previously F, men PORK HOCKL. Lb. 79c