Collision Near Enniskillen Kills Boy AI. Set for N ht Thursday Everyth-ing is set for a big 'Bowmani lle Night' on Thursday, according to the Jaycees' Project Chairman Jimn Robinson. Ail that's needed now is favorable weathçr and a large crowd tormake it a real success. A special bus has beeh arranged Cor residentsý in the Waverley sub-divisions. it will pick up p ssengers at regular school bus stops.,at 4 prm., dieliver themto the stop lights at' the four corners and make the return trip around, 8 p.m., al for 25c per head. The parade will start from Bowmanville High School about 4:30, led by the school maàrching band. There wilI be diqnita ries from the area, the Jaycees 'Frosty the Snowman Volume 121, Float'", possibly some costumned clowns, etc. and dear old' Santa himself. He and some helpers wil be on duty at the Bank of Montreal corner for the rest ofthe day, giving9 out free candy canes, Coffee and donuts will also be avai lable f ree along the Temperance St. Mall. Entertainment Mil be provided by the B.H.S. band, the Salvation Army band and ladies choir, the Golden Legionaires and possible others who.turn Up. To raise funds for their March break tnip toDisneyworîd, the B.H.S. band will be selling Christmas trees on the Bank of Montreal parking lot. There may be outdoor skating east -of the olId badminton club if the ice can be made in time. (Turn To Page Two) 15c Per Copy BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,- DEECUàR 3,- 1975 28 Pages Dies un Crashý T-"wo-Yeqar-OId Boy Tlhis area's first ajor snow storm res ulted in death for a two-year-od maie passenger in a two- WVIns Newca vehicle collision- Tuesday, morning on Regional Road 20, 1.5 miles east of Regional Road 57. Dead is Jason Shay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sbay of R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Mr. Shay, driver of a Chrysier and his wife Yvonne were ijured as was the driver of, a plow equipped Jeep, John Powell of Blackstock. Ail three we-re admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Newcastle detachment Provincial Constable David Craig investigated the unfortunate il a.m.i mishap in which the vehicles met in the centre o-f the snowpacked roadway at the crest of a grade. Hospital officiais this morning reported that Mrs. Shay was transfereed to Scarbt-rough General Tuesday evening while Mr. Shay remains in fair condition, under close observa- tion, with multiple injuries, incýlud(ing a fracrtured leg and injured nose. Mr. Powell is reportedl as satisfactory wvith arsosto the left eyebrowwAd left hand, injurie-s to the rigbt leg and leftcava. MaorBeuee If Developers Can Afford To Put in Water, Seweers The car ini the top photo and the Jeep srnow,,plow coldd edo aoti a m.r. Tuesday during the first major snowfall of the season. Toya-l -73i9,fliShay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shay, R.R. 5, Bwanil,7was kILled the collision and his parents weretae to hospital, Big Turnout at SwIi Pool e t SA swimn-g pool available How about it you liv i ealthtuý lrins, etcl t.9 ~ oall-yongmiddle-agýed, Kendal, Tyrone or Newton hn ois o uidn ,3d--who needs onie9 Ar' ville?, Can ail *thoSe age groupjnsAR avlbeNW wh iere two in Oshawa? These participate în th)e glorlous waîtunti fie yarj h are, of course, easîîy accessi- gaine ofhoky fly 'roundâ on elpsd nd,liehungte ble to Courtice area residentýS the available tennliscors cothcesroiive fact Wihdutesa&, skate on the umerous oýutdoor unTPaew) counts for Couincllor Cow- mnsbrave negative motion. Boq7sand G N EW BoysB iArs0 u Som-etime witbin tie next three weeks, Recreationo Di- rector Bud Fanning andRe. Wesley Oake will bave to find another meeting place for the Bowmanville Boys and Girls Club, or the group could be out in the cold. At a meeting of the com- munity Services Committee last ight, a motion by Coun, Ken Lyall carried, charging MnFanning and Rev. Oake wil;;th te task of exploring the p)ossibî-Ilityof fmliding "suitable (Turn To Page Two) Janies Gartsbore de- feated five other canididates in an election for Mavor (if WhtyOn Mton1ayr. Hie re- places Des Newmvnan who re- signed to runi unucesvu in the provincial election. Mr. Giartsbore, 47, bas been a miember of Whitby counci for tbree years. His major- ity over bis nearest rival I Was 579. Týowin Can DO Mayor Ganetrkard be- IlieeýEs that '"if aideveloper ca afford to put Iin ater and, Althogh noing esp)ect for kard mdetheprdtint t'he Men's Cana n îý lub ast KK W R ONG CARE Durha3m regiOnlal Police haýve charged thrýee men 'v, ms hief aftIer an Onta- rnoPoica Police cruiîser was dmaedSaturdayý. More tat$200 damaige was do_-ne to the cruiser, parkled 'at CapanSheli whlen thie incident toccurred. The' cruiser was apparently kîcked several times and lights' smashed and an antenna bent, The, tlree men were ap- prehended near Hampton after a chase by another cruiser. Charged with mischief are Andrew Bajema,, of FR. 1, Nestieton; Joseph G;ai- lant, 18, of Lot 11, Conc. 4, Cartwright-, and Rory Ray- mond, 18, of Glenuin Street, Scarborough. The three are to appear in court Dec. 23. Waverly Community Assn. Seekîng9 New Members The recently formed Waverly Community Association executive members are pictured here, discussing some of th~e many plans they have for their area. At the momentî, they are contemplating an extensive campaign to a ttract new memibers who wouldp enabýl-,e them ýnto widen the scope of 'theiracites Members are, f rom leftto right, PublicitLyChairmnan Rachel Gareau,'Vice Pîýresident Dennis Sadier, Area Development and Parks Chairman Patricia Hawkins, Secretary Sharoni Hasted, President Ken Martin, Special Co-ordinator Frank McPherso-n, Membershiip Chairmani Wayne H-asted (standing), and Treasurer Bert Watson. This week, in sup port of Bowmnanv-ille N'ight ron Turdytey have undertakens to distribute free copies of The Canadian Statesman 'to every homne in the Waverly subdivisions. it Cheaper wveek on, the bOasis that the? lie suggested wivýth respect toC thede-pnesta "n-ýobodv give anyhingfor nnthling. (Turn To Page Two) rie Lions Trip for Two to Barbados Newcastle Lions Club hield a Mtlillionaires Night on Saturday and also made the draw for a trip for two to Barbad3o,,pl$0, or $900 cash. It was won With ticket 511 held -by Hazel Donoghue, 35 Waverly Road, Bowmnvîle, ictredat lef t receiving hier award from Draw Ch airmnan Sierd de Jong. The tic ket was soild by Mýlrs. H. Ht-eninlîg, Albert St., Bowmanville, who received $50 fromBra Borrowdlaie of BCowmýaniviïle 'raveî centre, the agency that arranged the trip. At the Millionaires Night, Normi Woolçol< f 1owmnvî1ewon $0.The club pject r4e oe n 0 o tesimngpo ud rum e~ BACK TO WNORK - Uniess things change, thie inside workers at the postoffice in Bwavleare now bckto work and ra~to take care of the mailing needs of the comimunity. N,ýo dub here wili be a mad rush to have alý thoseçhita cards and parceisý on their way to, their destinat-Jiio. FIRST BIG SiNOWFALL - On Tuesday m-orn- ning there was plenty of sliýpping and sliding on the sidewalks and roads during the first heavy snowýlfall of the season. Those who had already arrangedl to have snow tires, installed were laughing at others who apparently were hoping there wouldn't be any snow this year. We learned that radial tires stîili have a long way to go before they come up to regular snow tires. Wonder if they'll ever alloew studded tires again? They ruined the roads but certainly were great for winterdriving,. BOWMANVILLE NIGHÎT- The snow, if it doesni't disappear before Thursday night, may put a bitof a damper on the festivities planned for Bowmanville night. More detals on the event will appear elsewhere. Bu, it'spç_ certainly Christmasike outside, anyway. TURKEY ROLL - The Lions Club's annual Turkey Roll and Car Draw will get underway at the-Lions Centre, Beech Ave., at 7 o'clock Friday night, when there wiIl be loads of fun and excite- ment. There's no admission charge and a free buffet. Don't forget to buy a ticket on the car dôra-w. It woufld make a great Christmas gift. BiG(GER DEMAN~D- Corps Commander Scott Hewlett of the Salvation Army tells us the demand forChristmas baskets and other assistance from needy folks i. s much higher this year than it has been. Hie asks church groups, schools, service clubs, prof es-sionals and residents to make a speCijal effor[t thIis year to support the Salvation Ar my's Christmas Welfare Appeal. Cash donations may be taken to any branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the municipaity or made d'i*rectly to the Salvation Army. Please help. Applicati'ons and referrals will be accepted up to and including Dec. l2th. WHAT RESULTS - That item last week about ta~gused spectacles to Carson Elliott for the foLks in the Dominican Republic certainfly hrought resuitýs. About !00 pairs have already been hianîded in, One chap brought in 30. iETTERS TO SANTA - Bowmanvilfle Kiwanians are lending Santa a hand to make certain 1he receives lette-rs fi-on, children in this area that may have been held up by the m-îail'strike. They sol be addressed to Post Ofifice Box 105,1 Bowmnanville- and Kiwanians wiîHl make certain th.ey are delivered to Santa. Parents, are asked to help b hraving youngsters incelude return addresses so Santa will know where they live, and be able te repiy. 1Tyrone Resîdent Wîns $1700 In L ego The draw for the Legion moýnthly rieswas mtade in th einHall, aï the Ladies -Auxiliary Bmigo on Wednes- day, November 26th, 1975. Tot-alsales for the month were $2698, down $358 fromn the October total. Mrs. Karin Vesna who was' the winner of $42,10 during tbe Bingo was called on by Chairmian Stan. Dunn to make the fîrst prize draw. Mrs. Vesna drew ticket No., A 2850, beld by Mrs. Gloria Tidd (Tyrone) R.R.5, Bowmian- ville, as the winnier o)f the $1700 prize. The second prize draw for the,$100 was made by Mrs. Finney of Barrie, who drew ticket No.' A 1720, hl by Cliff Cooper. POSTAL STRIKE OVER The inside postal workers strike ended officially at 5 p.m. Tuesday, following a close vote of CUPW mem- berse. Service in ail parts of Canada will be restored as rapily as possible tu take care of Christmas mail as well as any backlog that bas accumualated. 's Novemrber Draw Sellers' prizes went to lan Bowers, Tyrone - $170 and to Cliff Cooper, Orono - $10(who' sold the winning $100 ticket to him self). Lt is of, special interest to, note that Ian Bowers who is only 10-years- old, sold two books of tickets for bis grandfathier, Walter Park. Our congratuiatýons go to the winners andselr with a special "Tak"tlan Bowers for bis h)elp. WMen a 10-year-old cajn go out and sel)- 2 books opftickets for the Legion, it makes one wonder what tLhe Legion Miembers are (Contined T. o Lawrence May Run for FederalLeadership Allan Lawrence, MI' forý Northumberland - 'Durham, bas announced that hie may seek the leadership of the Federal Progressive Con- servative Party at a leader- ship convention to be held in February. Mr. Lawrence made the announcement a t a meeting of, the Northumnberland-Durham Conservative Associaîtion, re- porting he had been granting support to the canida&cy of, Alberta Premnier Peter Lougbeed. He explained, however, that Present Cheque for Santa Clauls Parade apparent reluctance to run and attempts to "turn bis supporters off" hiad forced the Northumberland-Durham MP- to -econsider bis own oQsition, -Mr. Lawrence, advising be is not certain w""en he will make a defiite announ2e- ment, noted "that's part of the consîderation). I can't put a time limit on it. B3ut obvîo:usly 1 cani't delayv it too long."--- The MIP vas narrowly defeated by Premier William Davis in 'the 1971 Conservative Provincial leadership conven- On Tuesday, November 25th, the Bowmanville Kinettes presented a cheque for $100 to help defray costsof the Santa Claus Parade. Mrs., Tina Tink, Community Service Chairwoman of the club, is shown here turning oer the funds 'to Dick Bedard, mani-ager of* the'Bank of Montreal. At r'.,ht is Bowmanviîle Kinettes Presideidî' Mrs. Lynda McRobbie. L-ooks for Nw on M4 Rk- 1 Numbef 49 1