Estate Housingreatr u ntilG-uideli*nes Estate type development may, although considered pre- -nature aI present, be a coming thing for Bowmanville as evident by a presentation Mon. Nov. 241h to the New- castle Planniig Advisory U:,ýi-iitee meeting in Hamp- tf, ., 0f'Mlam Estates, a division o Vflani and Milani Holdings Limited, were represented by Planning Consultant Conroy Dowson wbo outlined a pro- posed estale deveiopment for north of Bowmanvitle along Regional Road 14 (Liberty nortbt. The -developmenl as pro- posed would creale an estate developmenl of some 45 unils wbicb Mr. Dowson advised wouid seil for tbe $100,000 plus range. The site is a 94 acre parcel on the West side of Road 14 north of the Iird concession. Tbe 45 lots proposed in the dtrveiopment would bave a frontage of 150 feet wîtb Ibe lot size rangîng from 1.5 10 just under one acre.' Planning Direclor George Howden again led tbe objec- lions 10 the proposai being approved at tbe present lime. pending receipt of clear guide- lines on future developmenl in tbe Town of Bowmanvilie and a poiicy on Estates Residen- liai deveiopment in tbe Region. Mr. Howden noled lbal lwo of tbe alternatives drawn up by the Region in Stage tbree of tbe officiai plan development sbow tbe area in question designaled for residenlial developmenl but be felI Ibal tbe decision in tbat regard would bave 10 come firsl before councit wouid proceed wîfb appnoving an application sucb as tbal presented by Durham Estates. He, atong witb otber mcm- bers of the commillee was also concerned about tbe demand for sucb bousing and wbetber it would be subslan- tial t0 require tbe proposed 4-a units or wbether less sbouid be considered. It was in Ibis ligbl ibiat lie siressed the need for S PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of Used Trucks, Cars, Loaders und Miscellaneous Equipment TO BE HELD 10:00 a.m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 111h, 1975 AT THE MINISTRY 0F TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUN ICATIONS YARD, 138 HOPE STREET NORTH PORT HOPE, ONTARIO 10-1968 to 1972 1/2Tron Ex- 3-1965 &1966 International press Trucks - 6 5 TonTlrucks(Il cab and 8 cyl. some & chassis; 1-dump with auto.' trans. box &hoîst; s-fixed (Ford, G.MC., In- box) ternational) 1-l958Michigan Front 5-1972 Dodge &2-1972 Far- End Loader gr 3/ Ton Express w-bucket & fork lift Truck s w-5 man attachments - 2 cabs - 8 cyl. wheel drive - 6 cyl. 4-1971 to 1973 Automobiles 1-1966 Massey Ferguson - 4 door sedans - 8 Tractor w-front end cyl., auto., P-B & Loader -Mod. 2135 - P-S (Ambassador, 3 cyl. diesel. Chevrolet, Ford) 1-1969 Ford Econoline 2-1972 Ambassador Sta- Window Van w-110 tion Wagons -8 cyl., volt AC generator - auto., P-B &P-S 8 cyl. (former arn- 1-1970 Plymouth Station bulance,i non- Wagon - 8 cyl., operative, engine auto., P-B &P-S requires overbaul) 1-1969 & 1-1972 Ford 12 1-1957 McGinness Office Passenger Club Trailer- 16', single Wagons - 8 cyl. axle. (1972 has auto. 1-1957 Lilliston 90" Rot- trans. and P-B & ary Mower - tractor P-S) drawn (requires 1-1974 Ford 3/ Ton Panel- - repairs) 6 cyl., 4- Fuel Dispensing -1965 Dodge & 1- 1968 Pumps. Ford 3 Ton w-stake 1- De\/ilbiss & -Brun- body & hoist - 8 cyl. ner Shop Type Air 1-1968 Chevrolet 3 Ton Compressor (both w-dump box & require repairs) hoist - 8 cyL. 1- lngersol-Rand. 2-1967 Ford 5 Ton w-dum.p ImÎpact Wre nch boxes, hoists & 34 bydraulic plow - Misc. Detroit Mow- attacbments - 8 cyl. er Parts. (non-operative, and Snap-On Front End require enginean Alignment Tram- or transmission met Bar. repairs) Items may be inspected at the above location from 9:00 "a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on December 8th, 9th, 101h and Thursday, December 111h, 1975 until lime of sale. Further information may be obtained frorn: Downsview, Ontario. (416) 248-3725 Port Hope, Ontario. (416) 885-6381 TERMAS AND CONDITIONS: Each item will be sold On an Asis-Wherels basisVhiles will be solct without a SAFETY STANDARDS CERTIFICATE and without licence plates. A deposit of $100.00, or full paymenti n the amount oi the bid. mhichever is less, must be paid on each item at the ime of sale. Patimeni musi Se completed and items removed wthin ise (5) working days, Failure f0 comply ii resuit in forfeiture of deposît. Ail payments must be cash, certified cheque. money order, or bank draft made payable f0 the . Treassrer of Ontaio. Vehicles can only be removed wth tata Dealers Lience Plate (b) another Province s Licence Plate (c) proper towîng or car transporter Al other items and conditions as posted ait place of sale. Ministry of Transportation and Communications .Ontarlo yrelparLed direction f'rom the Region on their outtook toward Estale Development 'which he believes is forthcominè in the fourth discussion p aper . ?dr. Dowson's request on bebialf of the firm was that the commit tee consider the uniqueness of the proposal and grainit approval in principle to allow bhis clients to proceed \vitb preparations in order to meet alI the corners of the tsxvn before final approval would be granted. Altbough the Provincial Cri- leria for such develooment 15 one family 10 two acres, Mn. Dowxson noted tbat the overan density of the proposaI would meet witb the gross density for the total area, tbrougb the variation of the lot sizes and the maintaining of an internat area \vbich wouid be ieft in ils natural forest like state. Mr. Dowson, with agree- ment from Mayon Rîckard, explained that he could appreciate the concern of the commit tee and council over the mainlaining of sufficient agricultural land. However, the proposed devetopment is located on a site Ihal is cul up by several streams thal nun into the Soper Creek system and consists of hilîs and vailcys, quite unsuitable for successful tarming opera- tlions. Mayor Rickard noted thal -hbaving taken a stand on maintaining good agnicullural land,- be would "find il dillicuit to support the pro- posed location as good agricultural land." On the basis thal the bouses would sell for the $100,600 plus range Mayor Rickard felI Ibat the polenlial buyers of sucb would likely desire to own a portion of the internal area tbat is to be lefI in ils nalural state. Commillee memben Roger Yates, noting bimself as an advocate of Estale Develop- ment because be does believe there is a demand for it, aIt bougb not sure how strong, did find bimself in agreement witb Mr. Howden's report. He agreed Ibal the proposai would bave t0 be considered premalure for the present, nol forever, suggesling Ihat the proposai be brougbl back for commilîce and council in six montbs or so, af ter which lime tbe matters poinled ouI bv Mn. Howden bave been deter- mined. home now, on Sunday. Mrs. Ken Trew, Mrs. B. Burton, Mrs. A. Trew, Mill- brook, and Mrs. R. Beatty visited Mr., and. Mrs. W. Boyks and son near Balti- more recenlly. Misses Doris and Diane Beatty. Toronto spent the week end at home and along with bovfriends had tea with Mr. and Mrs. C., Beatty on Sunday. The house of the late Henry White is up for sale again. LonSSul Mr. and Mrs. Irwin South- well, Oshawa were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Southwell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Came- ron were Saturday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. D. Okes, Bowmanville. Mr. Robt. Wrighl, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson, was united in marriage 10 Miss Bonnie Roode on Satur- day in Ottawa. Several relatives and friends fromn Oshawa, Cour- tice and Toronto cailed in on the Rye Gibson's over the weekend. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH* STATESMAN C LASS IFlE DS Hec Ith Care Nurses Graduate From Ne I-Gor Functioning under the Can- ant ton tbe Barrie District Jim ada Manpower Industniai Dickie were on band 10 Training Pnogram, the Nel- presetl the two grads with Gon Nursing Home in New- their name pins. caste Village bas gnaduated Mn. Nelson noted Ibat the îwo cmployees from a HealIb successflicompletion of tbe Cane Nursing Course. course by the two women The two graduates of the means Ibat "thcy are quali- program, Miss Mary Lou fied in our opinion 10 be Bremnen and Mns. Thenesa St. awarded a certain level of Pierre, neceîved Ibeir instruc- competence and responsibi- lion from openators of the ity ' home Mn. R. H. (Riley> It is also bopeful in Mn. Nelson and bis wife. Netsons mind Ibat the pro- Mn. Nelson explained Ibat of gram will be an ongoing some five wbo stanted the process pnovided Ihat Mani- course, thnee wrote the final power continue te support and examinalion and the Iwo who the Ministny of HeaiIb endorse passed wene presented thein il. certificates and pins Tbursday He explined Ihat aflen aflernoon. Nov. 201h. graduation from the course Explaining Ihat the course and awarding of the recogni- and the nesulîing qualification tion tbey neceivcd, thene is no is of a similar nature te that of limit on wbal the graduates a nurse's aid, Mn. Nelson may eann. advised il .had been conducted Questioned on the malter of as "tbey are the ones wbo graduates possibly moving on have personal contact witb, the from the nursing home te nesidenîs more than others." employment of a similan For that reason they were nature clsewhere, Mn. Nelson given training in topics that advised bie was net concenned included the aging process, witb the likeiihood of sucb certain diseases, plus "a toucb happening. of sociology and psychology" He expiained Ibat such to enabie them te betten action wouid be for their own undensland and cope witb the benefit a fadeor for wbich lhe cane of tbe eiderly. couid not condemo Ihem. Manager of the Oshawa In Ibis lighî anose the area office of Canada Mani question of the benefit an power, Rennie Mobamed and employer could oblain from Industnial Training Consuit- providing the training and Sectinn Tv then having the employee move on. Il was explained that an employer should not feel cheated in such a situation as the purpose of the Manpower Training Program as a whole is to enable an employer 10 overcome a lack of supply of certain types of sk 'ills. If an employee moves on after training. the employer may be taking a slight loss but the employment market and society gain through the program by put tîng one more productive person int the field. Mr. Mohamed explained Ihat Manpower are pleased with the resuits that the Industrial Training Program is achieving through such programs as the nursing course conducted at Net Gor. He said it enables the employer to gain in two ways, a trained employee and m-oney in the pocket". OBITTUARY ROSS CARLETON An employee of General Motors as foreman in the South Plant paint shop, who had 18 years service, Ross Carleton died suddenly aI work, Friday, Nov. 21, 1975. For the past seven years he lived at R.R. 1, Foxboro. Born March 3,1928 in Orono, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Carieton.He was married March 1, 1968, in Whitby and had lived in Oshawa for several years Io The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanviile, December 3, 1975 3 prior to moving t0 Foxboro. Memoniai donations 10 the He is survived by bis wife, Hearl Foundalion would be 1the former Shirley Mahaffy; appreciated. 1one daugbter, Mrs. Gerald Davies (Diane) of Blackstock; ~\ 4 , ,ll tvo sisters, Mrs. AI Pigoît (Fossetta) of Orono; Mrs. ~ Broder Summers (Phyllis )of Bastings; and four grand- cbhiidren, Lori, Deug, Shelley B +L O OO and Steve. A LO O Two brothers, Walter of Toronto and Kenneth Ray, of Orono, died before bim. Mr. Carleton rested aI the Armstrong Funeral Home. Service was hetd in the chapel Monday witb interment in Orono Cemetery. Rev. H. A. Mellow officiated. at Carnation See ad on Page 7I of this issue. ELIZABETH VILLE (Intended for Last Week) Chuncb was held as usual. Rev. Banticît spoke on, "The question none can escalpe." The choir sang. Next Suniday our group of Expiorens plan te sing and lielit the candie for Advent L_ Baptismal services will also bc beld. The Sunday school concert wili be held on Dec. 22nd. Our White Gif t service is Dec. 141h. On Tucsday evening 'an executive meeting of the U.C.W. was hcld aI Mn. and Mn.N. Gandiner's home. Mrs. B. Wbeeler pnesided, and Mns. K. Tnew read the minutes. About, a dozen attended. A program for bbc iast genenal meeting Dec. 101h was planned. Othen business and bis wcre settied. Sympathies arc extended t0 Omar Maifait and son Jacques and bis wife in the loss of a wifc and mother, Jeane Mal- fait. Several n the arca paid tibute te bier on Tuesday nigbt at bbc Ross Funcrai Home, Pont Hope. Mn. Russel Savery is eut of the hospitl again and was able, aiong witb Mrs. Savery Io bave tea with Mn. and Mns. Clarence Mercen Ibis wcck. Mn. and Mrs. M. McAlisIer ententained bis moîber. Mns. McAllister w'ho is in a rest THE ASSESSMENT ACT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS Due to the interruption of regular postai services, the Ministry af Revenue has extended thedate for return of the assessment rails from December 16,1975 ta January 21,1976 in ail municipalities and local ities across the province. Theref are, in accordance with the provisions of The Assess- ment Act, assessment notices wiiI be deiivered toalal assessed persans on January 6, 1976, 14 fuit days priar ta the return of the rails. This extension affects the time period during which owners and tenants may appeai their assessments. Therefore, the final date for commencing an appeal to the Assessment Review Court has aisa been extended from January 6, 1976 ta February 11, 1976. Shouid the postal disruption continue inta the manth of January, the dateforthe return of assessment raIls may be further extended. A notice of any further extension wili be pubiished at a later date. NOTE: TOWNSHIP 0F WICKSTED- These alternate arrangements will flot be in effect for the Township of ,"'icksteed in the District of Algoma. Assessment notices wilI be delivered to owners and tenants on the regular date, December 1, 1975 and the assess- ment roll will be returned on December 16, 1975. The final date on which owners and tenants may commence an appeal to the Assessment Review Court in the Township of Wicksteed is January 6, 1976. Ministry 0f Revenue Arthur Meen Minister of Revenue T.M. Russel Deputy Minister Ontario FHH7522B1 219 King St. East Telehone623-4481 S"Good Cars at Good Prices!"'