Attractive Displays, Featured at Van BeIIe's Open House Gradua te LONG Mr, and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Blalitok;Mr. and Mrs. Eugeoie Bent, Newcastle; Mr. and iXrs. Albert Davey. Orillia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson., ,Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Adams, Bowmanville were Thursday supper guests of Mr. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Deceinml. >1975 9 SAULT and Mrs. G. Baxer. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clemens, Mrs. Barry Clemens and Tanya, Hamp- ton; Mrs. A. Mathews and boys, Salem; Master Jeff Metcalf; Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and Ruth were Friday evening guestsý of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker celebrating Rick's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble, Tyrone. Miss Kim Gail and Mr. Mike Baker, Burlington were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and their Sunday dinner guests were Mr. Harry Baker and family, County Rd. 57, Mr. and Mrs. set (u' lii n . f1- Baker an-, o t'at Mr. and îMiýs i:t aiE, Dunsford and Mr. au'I Mrs. John Baker and boys and Mr. Ken Baker 'and Narncy F'ord, Burlington. Glad to report Mr. Tracy Davis is home much ir-nproved in health af ter a nine day stay in Memorial Hospital. Ronda Hetheringlon Reg. N,, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Ronald 1-etberington, recently graduated from Sir Sandford Fleming School of Nursing, She joins the staff of Memorial Hospital Bowmanville Dec. 1, Gradua te Van Belle Gardens held their annual Open House Sat., Nov. 22nd, when visitors from a wide area came to see the many displays that had been arranged'. This photo shows only one small section of t.he indoor gardens and includes in the background, the traditional Christmlas tree beautifully decorated for tise occasion. Jaycees Be gin Their LIP Cleanup Pro ject SRather than the, traditional sod turning ceremony, Mayor Garnet Rickar armed with a chain saw, eut a portion of a log to officially mark the beginnir of the dlean-up operations being conducted for the development of the So'p Creek Park. Thë 17-acre projeet is under the guidance of Bowmanvill Jaycees who obtained a LIP grant to hire workmen for the task. With Mav<C Riekard on the location recently are Jaycee Projeet Manager Jim Robinse and President Larry Pooleï,, at right, and some of the il men who wifl b eventually hired for the 28-week stint. Bargais Galoe Vinyl Runner ................................9 Foot Level Loop Rubber Back $A,9 Carpeting (many colors) ................ from sq. yd. Sculptured Broadloom $ r7 (100 per centnylon) ............... from P sq. yd. Kitchen Carpet ....... ................. from $5 s4q. yd. Famnous Namne Brand _;;$ L.95 Hardtwist Broadloori......... .......... from sq. yd. Ovr500 'Remn rants to Choose from at Savings up to 70% Off Caï rpe t Warehouse "Trend- Setters of the Carpet Industry"l The F'rîday nigbi E îubre party vwas xîel] atte wl d v'th ~;prizes going to Jîr Latimer 85; Grace Smith 81, Lihel Goble 81; Madeleine Buckley 80; witb lowis to Daxwn Dennis and Hazel Murphy. E(hi. Cooik was the iuck .,îrý,ner ni the 50-50 Draw. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodd, Ajax were recent visîtors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Boweris and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr mad Mrs. George Bowers Nestîcton. Mr. and Mis. Loine Phare were recent Saturde~y night supper guests oi..]\a nd Mrs. Howard Brent, Oshawa. Mis. Lloyd Hancock, Mrs. Marion Marjerrison, Miss Mary Jewell, Bowmanville were recent Wednesday everi ing guests ni Mr. and Mis. Lorne Phare. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk attended the Un' cd ("bot (b Young People's iuoo ai Solîna Hall Fridaq mi 1s.John DnnPir ley Goble andý Mr. and Mrs S Gobie were Saturday oigbt sup er guesîs niofMi. and Mis, Les je Gobie, Pontypool. Miss Jean Philp spent a few days with ber sister, Miss Dora Goodfelloxx, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Ear1 Prescott wcre Saturday eveming dnner guests ofnirl. and -Mis. (oîa--,ld Hary hty Mr. and 'Mrs. John Rundle were Sundaysupper g'îests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fernlund, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mis. Don Real and Michael were Satnîda-y sup- per guests ni Mr. and Mrs, Elwood, McKee, Taunton. Mi. and Mrs. Bob Young- rd man and Janet, Kendal were. 1g Sunday guests of Mir. a id M'-s. er E.A. Youngman. le The U.C.W. are holding their annual Chr'istmas party Or Wednesday evening, Dec 10 in )n the CE. wing of the churcb )e and on Tuesday evening Dec. 9 we re cterig tothe Bowmanville Senior Citizuns in the Lions Centre. Sympatby is extended to Mrs. Rob Rov ini the oassing nf bier sister Mrs. Lily Marin, Cobourg. The funeral was beld Monday. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs. Carl Down and other relatives in the passîng of ber busband, Carl Down ofi Couri ice. On Sunday, Miss Su. an Adair was guest speak"erai our service. She told us about bier trip 10 Hong Kong as a youtb exebiange nel-égate. After the servc, iecongre- gation enjoyed îalking wth bier and asking questions about bier tî'îp and hei souvenirs. Next Sunday tDec. 7) Mr. E. Tetrault from Montreal will be our spe'aker, The Evening of Fellowship on Sunday nighi was enjov"d by ail present. Shdres of oui Anniveîsary Service, as wel as the Peterborough service, and a few of Enniskillen churcb and Five Oaks. taped music ni tbe massed choir and carol singing by ev crynne made up an înierosting, en- joyable program. Equally en- jo yabie was the fellowsbip houi over lunch providod by our U.C.W. groups. Next Sunday evening ai 7:30 the Sunday Scbool wîhl preseni (heur annual Chrstmas ser vice witb special music by Doug Dewell. White Gifts wîilhoi part of our offering. Envelopes wîll be distributed in the mrnrng for those wbo wîsh to use ibem. Every cbild will be taking part i ' ,le service, If you bave any problems or questions, please phone your cbild's class icacher or Jacqueline Vaneyk. Sunday School will staî'f at 9:30 a.m. this Sunday oniy Pfease try to be on tîme GET CAXSHITOI) Y FOR OLD APPLIANCFS TIIROUGH1 ST XTESN.XN ('LASSIFIED Nancy Sevenhuysen, daughter of Mr. amndiirs . inme r Fowler, R.R.' ,Qampbelicroft recently graduated in Nursing fcri Rerson Polytechniical Institute. Nancy ixas a gradu- aie of North Hope Public School and Port Hope Higb School. She also bas success- fuily completed lier Register- ed Nurse's registration exam. e01MaI We Welcome ail the new residents of Bowmanvi,l le- to Durham County's Great Family Journal @ Local News Reported by Local People *Latest News in Sports and Social Events *What's Happening in Downtown Shopping * Serving the Bowmanville Area Since 1 854 Pleacse Support the I Wajverly Community Association Val' s Place 728-0710 1415 King St. E. sa w a Ail Our Stock is Top Quality The OnIy Thing Missing ... the High Prices!, 728-0292 ODen 10:*00 a. m. to 8:00 p. M I'REE PARKING - FREE ESTIIMATES YES! WE INSTALL -Fina--ncing Available- 110 King St. W. Oshawa CFIARlý-ï'EX