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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, Section 3, p. 11

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7> Best Wishes from 7 7>Rahm's Garage 7 7>Main St. Orono 7 7> Phone 983-5403 7 AgricL by A. ODatry mple -At ths season of the year, I wouid, on behaif of the staff at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Bowrnanville, like to express our thanks to the news media throughout the SGREETINGS 7 7>î OF THE 7>î to all of you! ~ PLUMBING SHEATING and '0 ELECTRICAL Ï9 7>ý R. R. 1,Orono 7 786-2471 7 iltural News county for their cooperation in passing along information of interest to both farm and urban folk from the Ministry of Agriculture and F~ood through-out the past year., Also, a word of thanks to Rod Stork who has, for the Most part, prepared the articles over the past year. Rod is on a well deserved holiday at bis home in Saskatchewan and I know that aIl of you would wish hlm a pleasant visit with bis family at Eastend, Sas- katchewarn. To ail those who do browse over our Agri-News and to al the news media who bas cooperated durîng the year, we extend the Seasons Greet- ings of a Merry Chrstmas and a ver y Happy and Prosperous New Year frow ail of us at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Bowmanville. LONG TERM CREDIT FOR FARMERS, -We bave recently bad a number of calîs and enquiries from farmers re- g arding sources of long terni oans and 1 would like to very briefly mention a few facts regarding this type of credit. Other than frora the private sector, the main source of long termi credit is from the Farra Credit Corporation, whicb is a federal agency, and for this area the offices are located at the Federal Building, Box 117, Lindsay, Ontario, K9V 4RB. 1 mention this now for it seems that this is the time of year when in many cases sons are considering purchasing farras from the father or for that matter looking for a farm to start farming in the s p ring, and we often bave, as 1have intimated, requests for in- formation. The Farra Credit Corporation may take boans to lacquire farra land, assîst certain relatives to acquire or improve farm land, purchase livestock, machinery and other items necessary for the efficient operation of the farm. t also will assîst in financing the erection or improvement of farm build- ings or im proving land, disdargng iabilities, pay operating costs and famnily living costs for the borrower during the establishment of a farming enterprise, redeemed Farm Corporation shares or purcbased shares in a farra corporation, assist in develop- ment of a secondary non- farming enterprise and other purposes that may facilitate the operation of the farrn. Applicanits must be of legal age and there are various types of boans availabie, based on the age lîmit, based on the appraised agricultural value of thefarm and the manage- ment ability and the potential of the farm. As 1 have rnentioned, anyone interested in thîs type of credit, sbould contact the Lindsay office or for that matter, if we can be of genieral lielp to yoti, althlough- thîs does corne under t he Government of Canada, we certainly would be pleased to sit down and discuss it with you. One other fact that mas' beof interest to you, is that loans are paid over a terni of 5, 10, 15, 25, or 29 years in equai annual or semi-annual instalments, combining in- terest -and principal-, Maximum termis varies with the size and purpose of the loan and the nature and size of farming enterprise, as well as the abiiity of the borrower to repay the boan. The Corp- oration will accept repayment of ail, or part of the boan, at any. time without notice or bonus. I would add that at the present time, the money that was allotted in Canada for the fiscal year bas been used up, but 1 understand that ap- plications are being con- sidered and anyone who is approved would have to wait until April the lst to receive the necessary funds under the loan. In this case, 1 would suggest that anyone contema- plating a purchase of a farm should have written in the Offer To Purchase, the fact that it is made subjeet to approval of the boan and SWishing yoù Chýristma s cheer! SThank you for Vour patronage! ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvall 983-5108Orn 'iMain st. rn j, Here's our prescription for the merriesi Christmfas ever: health, Shappiness & prosperity!r 9MAIN ST.. ORONO. ONT. * 983-5009 7 -e> 7> ai. ou red.Tak adMryCrsms @7 EmkET>À'EL Y L DUHMRGOALCUCLO receive from such an ex- change, as well as listing some of their 4-H, Junior Farmer and community activities. This letter must be at the agriculturai office in Bow- manville by January 9, 1976. Visual Arts Centre Plans Extensive CircU's Pro ject To Tie in with OIym pics, i friends -à Christmas of spec ial deiights. Thanks ail. f rom Me1 a nd Doris SA mel1is of STelevision Service Co. 185 Church St. BowmanvilleM activities, it wili serve as a ý ide to spots of local interest. rey Bruce County produced one with the heip of a UIP grant, and if Newcastle's is simiiar it wii provide a wealth of information not found on standard road maps, The Visual Arts Centre hopes to begin a series of dîsplays early la the new year. These displays wili present background information on the cultural o1ymles, ro- gram,. Also includedwill e a listing (of known local resources and maps of the area from different histor periods.) The objeet of the displays wilb be to invol, resîdents of the town ln listi other local resources. The Visual Arts Centre a] hopes that people in t. commuait ywil suggest p( sibie traiL and toursf combined athietie and artisý experiences. The historie Crearn of Bar] ivîîîî on Simpson Avenue w~ be the focus for the "Gamn and furtber details can obtained frora Bill Humber 623-2872. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 24, 19, ever servect at one sitù vý Rye attended the retirees' heId ini Oshawa. Christmas dinner held at Cîvic Mr. and Mrs. RobertCan Auditorium, Oshawa, 1,625 sat ron were Friday supper guests. down for a dinner of turkey Df Mr. and Mrs.M Keilett, and ail the trimmings. There Janetville, later o in the were some very fine speakers evening they called on Mr. and there and it was very interest- Mrs. Perry Grandeli, Janet- ing to hear them. The Mayor vle nStrateti and his wife, of Oshawa, were Camerons were luncheon among the guests at the head guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. :Oke, table. It was the largest dinner Bo'wmanvile, se !ve M Ing iso the >OS- for ;tic bey vili ie" be at bv Liz Armstrong OBITUARY With the Olympic Games in MILDRED EVA-' GILBANK Montreal only eight months MilredEvaGilank P - awa y, Canadians living out- tvool, ntaiopased way side the province of Quebec tvnool OntaRopss ed aay May be wondering how they suddniyat oss emoialcao become învoived in com- HsptLindIsay, lnaro on memorating the Olympiad. "sunday, eember 7,1975. h Reeently, tbe province of S iher 6lst year. Ontario announced plans to Born at Newcastle, Ontario,' undertake its own celebra- the daugbter of Mahel and tbe tions tu add local interest to late Charles Bedwin of New- the Games. Called CIRCUS castle received bier education 1976, it's a concerted effort to at Brown's. Public School and encourage regional participa- Newcastle 111gb Scbool. Sbe tion in f estivais of sport and married Earl Gilbank of the arts. Pontypool, February 18, i933 Under the'sponsorshi p of the who survives. They lived in Newcastle Visual Arts Centre, Clarke Township before this area will become involved moving to Manvers in 1946 and in its own version of the then to the village of Ponty- CIRCUS program. Entitled pool in 1956. "The Newcastle Game" it's a She was the mother of five: project of learning and part- Alvina, Mrs. Keith Mitchell: icipation in the local environ- Keith: Vivian, Mrs. Ed. ment. With the active support Stoldt: Anne, Mrs. Laverne of the community, it promises Thomas: Lois, Mrs. D. Willîs to bea facinating and worth- ail of Pontypool and 20 white venture. grandchildren: sister of Ar- Information fromn CIRCUS thur Bedwin of Newcastle,, points out th at "cultural Ont. celebrations have been an Funerl serice as bed imortant part both of ancient from Mackey Funeral Home, anmodern Olympics. Durinig Lindsay, Ontario on Tuesday, the thousands of years of the December 9, 1975 with inter- ancient games, the crowds at ment in Balivduff Cemetery. the 0l1 mpics were enter- 11ev. G. Ficko of Pontypooi tainedbýy singers,~ dramatic United Churcb officiated. companies and cireus per- Palîbearers were four formers, and the exploits of grandsons:, Murray and Ron- athietes celebrated by potters, aid Finnev: Grant and Gary noets, scuiptors and mura- Mitchell and two nephews: itý David and Neil Gilbanlç. Tei odrn g5 hv Numerous floral tributes Te mnolde ngamesuhae were received and donations been inv oved in cuitura, to the Heart Fund were made pursuits toomp"tSins912 in memory of Mis. Giibank. Omp c omtea pîintin sculpture and architecture bave been held in conjunction GET CASH TODAY with athietie events. Most of FOR OLD APPLIANCE-S the entries are based on Olympie or athietie themes. THROUGH Wbat is "The Newcastle STATESMAN Game' 2 According to Visual Arts Publicity Chairman Bill CLASSIFIEDS Humber, it's a three stage project. in the first haîf of' 1976 information and ideas for ~ . ~ participation in the local *1enviroamient will be gathered. SAmong other things this. will include historic sites, scenic - vistas, local curiosities and pterns of future develop-. ment in the Town of New- Pt'~ cas tle. '~From June tbrough August a series of mini-events will take place which will allow the individual to use bis atbletic ,~and' artistic skibis in this ~' ~ ,~ 1 Torgi. a better idea of wbat's in store for summer Smontbs, Bibi outlined sevemal possibilities for the prograra. He emphasized that they are Sjust suggestions--hopefully the- ;~communitywill ave more. 1 eg MYS T ERIOUS PLACES TOUR--An exploration of the huilt environment by means of a cycling tour to various local curiosities. This imaginative tour would take in not only h aunted bouses and swamps ~5but also hydro ines and other ,.~publiic an d private works, It's ti ~ object is to show that white V 'Il' swamps and bouses may have been the 19th century myst- c ries, more often in our century it is huge public and Sprivate works wbîcb amaze -.~ and mystify. j~BICENTENNIAL REVELERY--A salute to the ~ SBASONS an icentennial by the areas travellec by the first RE£ nitd EmireLoyalists. NOS DOWN BY THE OLD MILL Chrîsmas ~ POND--A turn of the century May hrismas pîcnic complete with banjos, ay ~ guitars andl canoe races. Trhe S1ring harmony and' idéal location would be at the odCream of Barley- Mili, peace to ail our whicb is the present home of tbe Visual Arts Centre,. lylpatrons. As well, hiking and sketch- 4inig tours to scenie vistas, Thanks. sailing adventures for writers rnm the in search of an idea, -orientter- Maaeetnitf ng experiences linking sites Mof and sounds of the area could albe part of "The New- .'-' ~cast le Game." l~ ~fl* WU7y After the CIRCUS prograra C is finished in August, the Vîsual Arts Centre intends to ~ DatSU,, record both the information c ol lected and it interpretation 9 130 Dudas . E. ~ in various traits and tours on a 130 hida t.E, lparticipation map".* Whitb The map will not only act as Considering a confidentiai reotof the personnel com- mîteregarding the hiring of a third building inspector, Council Monday faced some question as to the previous intention of hiring a third mani. Coun. Ken Lyail advîsed that he believed t he purpose of hiring a third person bad been to aceommocfate training on the job prior to the retirement at t he end of this year of the present Chief Building Inspec- tor, Charles Warren. Coun. Ivan Hobbs, atbougb agreeing with wbat Coun. Lyall was questioning, was somewhat dîsmayed at the matter being brought upý again when he feit it had been adequately ironed out prior to being submitted to t he per- sonnel committee who were acting on council's instruc- tions. Coun. Kirk Entwisie, in support of hiring the third, party, noted the opinion, that two people in that departmnent would flot be sufficient. Coun. Entwisle explained that as it is neeessary to bave someone in the office at al times, having only two mnspec- tors would mean oniy one would be ieft -available to cover the whole f ield work of the entire town. Coun. Lyali feit that it would not be necessary to have'one of thera ln the office at al times but rather at certain aibocated and advertised tîmes to meet witb the publie. Coun. Entwisle however reminded Coun. Lyall that it does not oniy involve being there to deal with those who corne in with probleras but also with cheeking drawings and pemmits, wbieb ' 'is not a pamt-time job. Theme bas to be someone there ail day." Foiiowing the brieÏfdiscus- sion couneil. approved the committee report oa hiring a third party. LONG SAULT (lntended for Last Week> On, Saturday evehing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron about 25 members of the family had a real lovely "Get-together" to honor Mrs. W. Penwarden onL hem 8th birtbday* Everyone present had a deligfhtful time and it was a real surprise to Mrs. Penwamden. Best wishes for many more real happy birth- days go out to Mrs. Penwar- den from the community. Bruce Kellett, Janetvîlie, was a recent caller at the R. Camerons. Mms. Gordon Heayn, Prince Abert, and Mr. and Mrs. Heayn, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests at Mm. and Mrs. D. Soutbwelis. They ail attend- eci the lovely Chiristmas con- cert at Tyrone United Chumch. On Thursday, Mm. and Mrs. Moy vou r Chrisitrns b. merry ui;d brightl' îý Bowmanville Sand m& Gravel M R.R. 4- BOWMANVILLE 263-214.3 GREETIN5i y What better way, ta show aur appreciation than ta say "thank you" for your contin uing ioyalty and trust. SMay your Christmas be merry and bright. from the Staff of SA.H. Sturrock & Sons Ltd. Fuel Oil and Petroleumn Products Bowmanville 623-5516 Approve Hiring 3rd Building Inspeetor Larmer. I-ncident-al-y, th at is for boys only and the date is Februar 27 and 28. Finally, on tbe Junior Farmers, Dec- ember the 29th is the monthly business meeting where the Constitution will b e gone over, 50 that if you have any suggestions regarding the change in the Constitution, they should be sent to Mary Anne found the president of Durham Junior Farmers on- or before December l9th. Also, a reminder to. the Junior Farmers that anyone interested in the Junior Farm- er ovefseas Exchange, must have a written etter in to the agriculture office, saying why tbey are interested and the benefits they feel they would

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