.Nana genarians Celebr'ate Birthdays C'aring f:îr Christmnas Fluctuating temperatures, P oinsettia: temperatures below 16 de- Ath-ough Christmas is over, grees C., drafts and drying out miany homes wiil have the of the roots can cause ellOW- Christmas Poinsettia in the ing and dropping of the i ottomn home and will want to keep leaves. that colourful plant for some Poinsettias should be water- Y'time in t he best condition. ed thoraughly, when the sols, Although the plant often lasts feel dry, but the plant shoold a long time in the home, not be allowed ta sit in excess' there are a few suggestions to water that callects in the ensure long lasting features -, receptacle under the pot. atles J. K.i-Iughes, Horticuit- After the pinsettias havexý 'with the Ontario Ministry flowered, they may he carried 1 Ariculture and Foodi. over ta next year in two ways. Pýéînsettias do best with good one method is to plant the lîglit expasure and a temper- poinsettia in the garden in the spring when the danger of frost is aver, the second methad is to rest the plant in a cool location and let the soit dry aut. The stems should nat be allowed ta dry enough to let the hark shrivel. During this perio, the plants can be _utbacýk part way. Follawing the rest period, the plants can e be growm an ta blaom again at Christmas. A healthy plant * 5D will keep its coloured bracts for months. Durham Soil& Crop Improvement Association deserve to pay less - nulMeig fo-r car anda'aThie annulevent which f ire insurance for farmers in lurham county will be held in ti.e They do at Abstainers'. basement of Orono United Because aur experience ha,, Church from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. an Friday, January 9th. The shown that abstainers have program promises to be a fewer accidents, fewer ho 'me very interesting one, for when fires. -That's why we can in- we cansider hay is selling, this sure for Iess. year in Eastern Ontaria, at up If yu'Sa no-drnkercanta $60 a ton and when we knaw If yu'r a on-rinercanof many farmers in thisarea, yau afford flot ta look inia who are a little worried as to Abstainers' insurance for your whether or not they will have home, and your car? sufficent hay, then it behooves ahl of us ta take a look at what Osborne & Sha nk may have happened ta our hay crap this year, and what does Ins. Agency Ltd. the future hald as fair as that 108 Liberty St. N. crop is concerned for 1976 and Bowmanville - 623-2527 future years. 1twould seem that some of ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY us have been inclined ta push The only Ca,,ad,-n Compeny p,0vidmg 9a.t..ob,Ie aur corn crop production and an.fie nsua=cue ,,Iv to abstaýners at the same tifme, ta neglect Do You Need Money?9 $29OOO - $509OOO - st, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages - Cut Your Payments in'Haif -Consolidate Ail Your Loans -Pay Off an Exisfing Mortgage -Combine 2 Mortga-ges into One -Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhilie Purpose Farmns-Com mercili-Residential MVikîe Coughli Tel. î705-743-2501 G.reat NortherniFinanicial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS - OPEN SATU RDAYS Alil forms of Expert Automobile Maintenance" Cil Changes- Lubrication Tune-,Ups -Transmission Work Engine Re-building Bowmianville Aùto Clinie 24-HOUJR TOWING Telephone 623-615,1 163 Base Line Road East We Accept Chargex - Master Charge Rickard Wants Regi Lyal'q,s Voting Confi Mayor Garnet Rickard is firm in his quest for a regional rate ta be established for water and sewer services. H1e notes that if the charge- back systeun, which Oshawa charge at having marijuana un lis naossessian. I)etective Was- riak white execnting a searcb warrant at 17 Centre St. fouuud a sunaîl amauttan him. The fine xxas $100. and costs, in defanît 10 days. He was given one moith ta pay. William Sutan, 26, Burke- tont. pleaded '"guiltv ta driv- îîîg whilst ability was impair- ced an Ociobeî 18. Const. Kealy ,irrived at the scene of an accident xxhere there were seriaus persaital injuries. Two vechicles wece in west ditch tacing Ïest A blaod sample uecading was .19 . The fine was $200. and costs, in defanît 10 days. H1e was prahibited from dciving for 3 montits. He was gîveut 30 days ta pay. Francis Decarcoîl, 48, Carnpbellford, wýas charged by Const. Kealy October 9 with dfriving ai ter consurning aver 08lý. H1e was abserved weaving aoit of the driving lane. Tests o~re .20 and .19. The fine xxas 1200. and casts, in defanît 10 dYs. lie was prahubuted fraun dî'ivirug for 3 manths. Sidney Vanlloegmoed, UR 1.1, Wilna, was charged Navember i with dcix ing after coasnming over .08. He plead- c guil tv. Hewas'north- baund on Highway 35 and almost forced a sontbbound OPcruiser off the road. Teýsts wece .16. The fine was $1 )0. and costs, un defanît 10 da;ys. H1e was probibited from duiîving foc 3 montbs. Happy Newx Year. Two seasonal birthdays were celebrated recently at Nel Gor Castie Nursing Home in Neýwcastle. Mr- William Challis, left, celebrated bis 92nd birthday on December'"ý6th and Mrs. Mabel Whitmec turned 97 on December 21st. Prior to moving to ù,, 'e nursing home, Mr. Challis lived most of his life in Bowmanville where he tVned a butcher shop and later an automobile garage business empIoying fur men. In addition to these businesses, Mr. Chals was an auctîoneer fýý thirty years and he also served on the town council for four years. Mrs. Whitmee was born in Ireland and emigrated to Canada in 1920. Af ter marrying, Mrs. Whitmee and ber late husband farmed for several years, until they moýed back to Bowmianville in 1928. Happy Birthday to both! laoking after anC b'Iays and pastures. Experiniental and demanstratian work in On- taria indicates tha t a properly loaked after hay crop us warth as much or mare ta mast livestack farmers as is any carn crap that they cout grow on their farm. This year, hawever, we note in talking ta number af farmers that they admit themselves that (bey spent mare time on their corn, saybeans, or other craps and have neglected the praper management and fertilization of their legumes and grass crops. in other words, the farage craps have become the neglected crop an a number of farms and it has been a castly negleèt an the part af the f armer. Ta answer same of these questions and paint ontth(e problems. and offer some solutions. Prof, Bob Fulkerson from the University of Guelpb, wi]l be speakiuug at the morning session of the Cr0? huprovement on Winter KHIl, Fertilization and saune of the aI ber problemns relative ta increasing the production of the torageson our farms uin Durham caunty. Vie bear much about the cost of fertilizer and other inputs on the farm, and we cannot but belp agree that the costs are increasing and as a resuit, many farmers are finding it a prablem ta balance their budget. At the same, time, we do have a prodnct an the farm that perhaps isn't being used ta its greatest extent and valu that us farmi- yard manure. Whether it be the solud type or liquid mainre, certainly, it us a valua ble produet 'and recent research bas shown that there are ways that it may be used, perhaps, better than we have un the past ta get the greaiest henefit from it, and certainly ta cut the cost of the fertiizer bullý Wth this thougbt in mind, the afternoan's pragram will be focused in this direction with twa of aur county farmers. Ron Brooks from Blacksiack and Newt. Selby fromiNewcastle cammenting on their aperatians, while Prof. Toin Lane, from the Enjcy The Finest Colour T.V. Reception Own Your Own -N( CABLE TV SYSTEM with DELHI ANTENNA PRODUCTS Why pay monthly payments when you can uwn yuur uwn system for as iuw as 1 9 9 8c Instale d -Tax Icue Recoiuo clear. receotinui <f rhannels 2,3a,4,5,6,7, .9. 0.110e12017êa19@22e25,29 Delhi UH F/VH Fcomnbination antenna, rotor, e 40' tower structure, cablt direct to your TV Phone for Free Estimates Today on Repairs and Alteratiolns to Vour Present Antenna System. Regianal Councillors pushed on December 17, is used rather than a regional rate, the anly area of the Town of Newcastle (bat would be able to afford future developmenl would be Courtice. "If we want Newcastle ta grow wîtb a certain degree of balance, we sbould go witb a regional rate phased-in over a five-year-period," Mayor Rickard says. The' regians' finance com- mitîee recently decided to recommend (o last Wednes, day's special meeting of Regional Councif that a chacge-back 'method beused instead of the previoluslv sought regional rate. Hope for a Regional Rate grew dim Nov. 12 when Provincial Treasurer Darcy McKeough told regional council that the province would aniy grant $1.l million for the establishment of a reguonal water and sewer rate rather (ban the near $8 million (bat the Region had requested. Mayor Ruckard bas previ- ously commented that Courtice's costs would be less than other communities in the Town on a charge - back sys- tema as (bey are tied with the Oshawa-Whitby systemn. The amount of water used by the Oshawa - WhitIby Courtice triad would tend ta keep the casis lower for that area than for the remainder of Newcastle. At the'Dec. ul7tb Regional meeting. Coun. Ken Lyall appeared somewhat undecid- ed as be is reported by Mayor Rickacd ta have voted along wuth the li-membeèr Oshawa Caucus on flot rescinding a previaus iesolution from 1974 which called for any annual The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Deunu:r:m l ection thýal esou t 1on Rate a Reguonal" u sed The Bible School meeting on Friday evenîng took the form debt, maintenance or opera- of a Christmas Party hosted tîng costs associa ted wîth a by Mrs, 1. Vandam held in hec sewage treatment facîlity ta home. Mrs. J.E. Philp took the be charged-back ta the muni- Christmas'Story and Mrs. J. cipality using it. Abrams took charge of the Rescinding the prevîous music by leading with ac- resolution which was brought, cordian music a lovely lunch ta lught by Oshawa Mayor Jum was served by the hostess 21 Potticary, wouid require a were present. two-thirds vote of council or 20 Mr. and Mms Leslie Taylor of the 30 members voting ini and Stanlev Tavlor; Mr. and favor of rescinding. Mrs. Donald Taylor, Wuth Coun. Lyali siding with Belîville; Mr. and Mus. Fred Oshawa on the vote, such a Tay lor and family. Port Perry move was not possible. enjoyed a Christmas dinner on Confusion lies in the fact Satuday eveningat the home that Coun. Lyall bas 1ongbeen of Mr. an Mrs. D. Taylor, tressing the need for a Bowmanville. Regional Rate, but in voting__ n the matter seems ta be GTCS OA ýaking the opposite side of the GTCS OA arin. FOR OLD APPLIANCES He, along with other mem- THROUGH ers of Newcastle Council, vas in agreement at their STATESMAN )ec. 15 meeting when Mayor CLASSIFIEDS s t t t c 1 ta C( RENT î Don't Let it Happen ta You Altbougb il might be quite appropriate for Cbristmas, Bowmanville Fîreman Ran Carter, wasn't really present- ing a "burot offering" Instead be was -canght by the Statesman cauxura in (be proces s cf rer'tax'ng the bucnung emberà froun the fireplace in title office- Univecrsity af Guelii, will spend sorne time in dis, ussing the aveu all use af this, vîýluable praducu aon thte farnu. The meeting xil stact promptly at 10 arn. Lune1i xill bepras ided as long ast0 sts, autd b ltai ea iat u s e have ardered a specifié n4m- ber and te ladies are pure r ed in serv e ihat uureir. Sitouid titere be, mare th4n ltai ltey ma# lav e taslip ait aund purc hase a luntch at one cf te restauraruts un the Orana area. Titere will be an Earl', Bird's doar puize far (hase an ltand by I1.5 and t us a rather s aluable prize, sa «c suggesi vou be ihere an time. In additian, alter dccc prizes will be as ailable durîng the dày to titose wlto are uut attendance. WXe recamrmend Ibis day, highly la alI ivestack farmers in te eaunty as welcl as cash. curap gras' crs, tor yau, may have a saur-ce qi paultcy mauture or ailier types of manure besîÀde yau that can be oi ofl eei n yanr awn arr',n ta aýgain, cut the cast cf puaduction for yau. AIl facun ers in Durham canoty are encanraged ta atteutd and certaiitly sOil be welcamc by the dicectars and members cf titeDuritau County Sai and Crop Improvement Assoc- iation, residence of the Pine Ridge Motel December 16.,' Flames worked their way througb the mortar of the defectuve fireplace loto the xxahl above causing damage of $2,000 on Bowmanville firefighters are hopeful that other sncb instances will not bappen over te holiday period and urge people (o use caution wiîb f ireplaces and Cbristmas trees (bat may begîn ta dry ont. After ail folks, tbey'd like ta s(ay home witb their familles and friends on Ibis festive occassion tao. - Photo by Doug Taylor [)eceni ber 23. 1975 Judge R. B. Baxter presided xx uit Assistant Craxxn Attar- ney, \lc. Humpitries and dulv counsel M. B. Kellî. ,J(>t'Webb, 221,Oshawxa, npreseutîed its T. Kelly, ploaded -utlgnilty' ta as- sanht but 'guilty" ta canîmon is~uni liTis xxas ta Mr. W. H. Vs ieit on \avernber 9, 11e al-) pleaded 'guilty- ta ,iiiscitiet by laking a hammer i1tewiudsie d. H1e punched \irý WXordeit (in the face. He s~put oui probatian foc 2 es ai t keeli the peace un so as wMr. Worden is cancero- ed aiid 10 ureiuies e bis passes- sîitns (coin te Wordeut praper- r Yt ni ipeaceful manner. On 1it(1 li'tcitict charge the, fine xx asS> and cusis, in defanît 2 GlIen baugias Broxxn, Ni- agara Falls, Ont. pieaded gtulatav't a Nosember 28 If you bave entered int<) a new lease or tenancy agreement whicb becarne effective between July 30 and I)ecember 31, 19 75, inclusive, yon should know about two key provisions contained in Onltario's ne-w Resîdential l'remises Renti Review Act. Tbe maximum rent increase for sncb ag,-reeinents cainnot r-xcee(,1deigbî per cent of the iast fulilinonth's rent cbarged prior to Augnst 1, 1975, wu lsibe' i(dloud otains the approval of al rent review officer or thla ;ndio)rd anid tenant agree'on;atbiger rat Shiould a landiord and tenant wîsb to agree on an increase in rent above tbe eigbt per cent guideli, duriuug the period July 30 to December 31, 1975, tbey musi romplete a rent increase agreemient, substantially i the fomt- below, no later than January 17,1976. Copies of sucb agreements should be retained by botb parties. The forrn below, or a copy of it, may be used. If, after baving signeèd sncb a rent increase agreement, tbe tenant wisbes to revoke the agreement, the tenant mnav do so withîn 30 days of the date of the agreemnent by comlpleting a statemnent of revocatuon sinilar ta the one at the bottomn of the formn below. By signing al cent increase agreement, tbe tenant waives the cigbt to dispute the increase ini rent agreed upon duriiug tbe above period and waives tbe righit to collect a rebate of cent as providled foi- in the act oduer titan tbe amnount of rebate, if any, stated in tbe agreement. Sncb al cent increase agreement does not apply to tbe rentai rate- for any period after l)ecemiber 31, 1975, anud does not constitute a waiver of the tenant's rigbt to appeal the amounit of cent cbargeci after tîtat date. Nor does it relieve tbe landiord of bis obligation to obtain tbe approval of a rein review, officer ta charge cent after tbat date tbat is more titan eigbt per cent in excess of tbe rent cbarged ithe last full nontb ihe preinises were rented prior ta August 1, 1975. Future advertdsemients wiii outline where literature is availabie on Rent Review, the location of offices as they are openied and wbere formis wili be available. Until tbe Rent Review miecbanisin is in place, please do not telephone. For additional copies of titis form, write to Rent Review, Box 580, Postal Station F, Touronto, MV4Y 21,8. AGIREMENT Agreement respectîng cent payable between July 30, 1975, and December 31t,1975 inclusive. This is ta confirut tbat as landiord, and (Lardiord's rame) as tenant, bereby agree that tbe rental rate (lerant's name) for the residen itial/priiises iacated at (Address of rentai unit) shall be $per- (luring flie period t Frn___(week ' ron) (Commencement date cf rent agreerment) Deceniber 31, 1975, and that the amiount, if any, tbat is to be rebateci ta tbe tenant for excess cent paid clurîuîg tbat period is$ (Rent çaiduin excessof agreedicambïj5u)_ ,Thie tenant nav revoke this agreciuut ai any timle wititin 30 days of tbe date of signing. 1)ated this day of ____.9 (Date cf signlng this agreement) LANDLORD TENANT 4 REVOCATION The attaebed cent increase agr-eement dateci tbe a (-D-ateocfsigning the agreem7ent) da of 197-, is biereby revoked. Dated tliis day of'-19 vITNESS TENANT WProvince of Ontario