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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1975, p. 11

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I The Newc Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago As we begin this new year of and family, M 1976, our wish for you all, is Johnny Coulter this old English blessing. and irs. Floy "God bless thy year! Kevin, Toronto, Thy coming in, th goin out Jack Crago, M ' -est, thy trave lin about Russell Powell T sh the smot, 'u Mr. and Mrs. E D right, the drear, and family. bless thy 'ear' Mr. an Mrs 1%r. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and family enjo were Monday evening dinner Day with her p guests of Mr. nd Mrs. Rick Mrs. Fergus Pearce and Ke in, Oshawa Blackwater. Christmas Da visitors with Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. lbert Pearce spent Christmas were M. and Mrs. Larry Mr. and Mrs. G Pearce and 1V ichael, New- Christopher a castle, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ottawa. Pearce, Vicki a d Kirk, Beth_ Mrs. Irene E any, Mr. anc Mrs. Rick Christmas with1 Pearce and K vin, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Jo and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, and family, Bo' Brampton. Mr. Charles C Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Christmas Dinn Smith spent Christmas with and Mrs. Gord their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. tice. Vince McInnes and family Birthday gre Wingham. On their return, the Fred Glanvill Smiths visited her sister,'Mrs. Carolyn Garro William Burns and family, Audrey Sunday Guelph. Christmas Da Mr. Peter Smith spent Mr. and Mrs.V Christmas with his sister, Mr. were Mr. and M and Mrs. E. Phillips and and family, Ne' family, Montreal. and Mrs. Jack P Christmas Day dinner family, Toronto, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood David Rickard, Jeffery and Orono, Mr. and1 Janice, includec Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Bowman Ben Dickinson and Leslie Mrs. Harold Woi Fraserville, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oshawa, Mr. a Dickinson, Oshawa, Mr. and Felgate and fe Mrs. Dave Mc"ullough, Jill ville, Mr. Fleg and Brian, Cshawa, Mr wick, Mrs. P Archie Keith, Oshawa, Miss Miss Cheryl R? Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Mr friends, Toront Keith Moore, Enniskillen, Mrs. Ken Smith, Mrs. Marjorie Pascoe, Mr' Mr. and Mrs.1 and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Toronto, called family and Mr. William Cowan's on Sa Couch, Jr. and Mrs. Frank noon. Rickard. We extend ou With Mr. a d Mrs. Ted tions to Mr. an< Martin and Kay Brownsdale, Britton on their, for Christmas Day dinner anniversary wh were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne brated on Sunda Martin and farnily, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ne Mrs. Murray Martin and family, Bellevi family, Mr. anc Mrs. Wayne Bob Ludowf, B Bowen, Cavan, and Mr. R. Mr. Charles Cc Boundy anniversary din Miss Linda SI elding, Chip- Britton's, Mr. an pawa, is spendi g the holiday Jose were calIeî with ber grand other, Mrs. Mrs. FIoren Betty Brown, ard relatives in accompanied M the village. Sydney Fergusc Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hope, mas Day, enj Michelle and 'ommy spent with Mr. and Mr Christmas Day withis par and family, Eloi ents, Mr. and MIs. Ray Hope, Mr. and Mrs.C Prince Albert. On the weekend ley spent Christi they enjoyed sncwmobiling at Mr. and Mrs.,C their cottage, SheIdrake Lake. ley, Willowdale. Mr. Douglas Perrin, Tor- Saturday visit to, spentChristmas with his and Mrsý Geo -ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred were Mr. and3 44grrin, Cowanville. Ratz, Huntsville "Mr Gordon-Laking, South- Mrs. Bessie aven Rest Homj, was home Christmas with. for Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. G Boxing Day imer -guests Aidlrea and-Dea- with Mr. and Nrs. Samuel Mr. and Mi Powell, Floyd .nd Dorrene Wood, Peterbo included, Mrs. D Coulter, Mr Sunday visitorsm and Mrs. Harley Shernan. Mrs. Wilfred Wo Lisa and Donald Downsview, Mr. and Mrs.( My and Mrs. 'rank Rudge and children, C and Mr. and Mrs and children, O Chima n,, X/ It is a pleasi greet our fri and wish yoi Happy Days Plumbi Heating Electri R.R.1, Orono 161 BA! Fui AUTH CONSUM DE re to nds i all in 1976 ng, and cal 786-2471 hriistmas LDay their parents, M~ Albert Naylon. Mrs. W. H. Ma Mrs. M. Cunnin castle enjoyed C] ner with their si Mrs. Harve Brit Misses Heathe ces Hoar, Toron Rowena Brag Christmas dinn and Mrs. Fran] John. Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. W were Miss Car Rexdale, Mrs. St Fred Green, Osha Nettie Butler, Miss Lynda Wil dale, was a weel Mr. and Mrs. son, Glenda and Eric Wicks an Trimble, Bowma Christmas Day À Mrs. Jim Trim view. Christmas visit and Mrs. Gordor were Mr. Dean1 Kitchener, Mrs. lander, Toronto, Garrod, Humb Mrs. Jill Christie Mr. Ian Barron, Miss Louise Hà Christmas with1 Mr. and Mrs. Llo Bowmanville. Christmas Eve lyn Garrod was surprised with party. Dr. and Mrs. Jo and daughters er to Kingston, had Saturday with he Mariorie Cleme alton, Master , Beeton, Mr. d Coulter and, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Il and family, Ronald Powell . Earl Foster yed Christmas, arents Mr. and on Munroe, . Alex Hendry s with their sori eorge Hendry, nd Matthew, Roberts spent her daughter, ohn James Jr. wmanville. Cowan enjoyed ner with Mr. on Curl, Cour- etings to Mr. e, and Mrs. od and Miss 7. y visitors with Wilfred Wocd rs. Reid Wood wtonville, Mr. Pye-Finch and Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mrs. Douglas ville, Mr. and od and family, nd Mrs. Geo. amily, Union- ate Sr., Kes- ye-Finch Sr., ye-Finch and ,and Mr. and , Toronto. Cecil Cowan, at Mr. Charles turday after- r congratula- id Mrs. Harve 55th wedding ich they cele- ay, Dec. 28th. il Britton and lle, and Mr. Belleville and owan enjoyed ner wit the id Mrs. Harry rs. .e Ferguson [r. and Mrs. on on Christ- oying dinner rs. Don Sykes ra. George Buck- mas Day with harles Buck- ors with Mr. rge Buckley Mrs. Vernon Dean spent her daughter aamey Lycett, n, Port Hope. rs. Laverne rough were with Mr. and od. Gary Naylor amp Borden . Eric Naylor Oshawa were visitors with Ur. and Mrs. acdonald and gham, New- hristmas din- ster Mr. and ton. r and Fran- to, and Miss g enjoyed er with Mr. k Hoar and guests with illiam Storks indy Storks, orks and Mr. awa and Mrs. Newcastle. lliams, Rex- kend guest. Lorne John- d Gary, Mr. nd Mrs. J. anville spent with Mr. and ble, Downs- ors with Mr. n Garrod Jr. Friedlander, Raye Fried- Miss Cindy er College, -Brown, and Toronto. ancock spent ber brother, - yd Hancock,. Mns. Caro- spleasantly a birthday ihn Westlake nroute home d supper on r aunt, Miss ence, after spending a few days with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and daughters, Cam- bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Glen- ney, Mr. Edward Glenney and Miss Marjorie Clemence ac-' companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, enjoyed a family gathering on Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross, Cambridge, Ont. Mrs. Nellie Spencer enjoyed Christmas week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and Jonathon, Ome- mee. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickard included Mr. and Mrs. David Milis, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. James Rickard, Shaw's, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton, Misses Rutb and Mary Mar- garet Bonathon. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- bail and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Norton spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley and Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball enjoyed dinner with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodsoll, Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Jessica, Rothe- say, New Brunswick, spent the Christmas holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Graham. On Saturday, Dec. 20th, a family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake DeJong. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Henri DeJong and Mr. and Mrs. John DeJong and children, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeJong, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeJong and Mr. and Mrs. Sierd DeJong and fami- lies, Newéastle, Dr. Teresa and Mr. Bev. Brereton, Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tymchuk and Rachel, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris have returned from a two- week's holiday with their son Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harris and family, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pacey, Chrissie and Royanne, Ponty- K ool, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph orton, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Cobourg were Sunday visitors with Mrs. G. Pacey and family. For granddaughter Audrey Sun- ay's birthday, a skating party was enjoyed. Other Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hooey and Mrs. G. Pacey incitided Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown, Janice and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. John Pacey and Mr. and Mrs. Steve French, all of Peterborough. Mr. Stuart Hooey spent Sunday visiting his sister Mr. and Mns. Fan Prescott, Ty- rone. With Mr. and Mrs. Allin Rowe for Christmas supper were Mr. and Mrs. Veifn Rowe, Lori and Rob, and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rowe and Dayrell. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rowe were Sunday evening dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Garnier, Mississauga and Mr. and Mrs' Vern Rowe, Lorri and Robert were Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Howard Pearce. Mr. William Hall and Mrs. Kate Sleep, Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and family. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell included Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Garwood and Terry-Lynne, Beaconsfield, Quebec, Miss Marion Fisher, Belleville, Mr. Harold Powell, Calgary, Al- berta, Misses Judy Powell and Pat Lauzon, Cobourg, Mr. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool, Mr. Art Van Dolder, Burford, Miss Gail White, Harwood, Miss Kim Robertson, Peterbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Floyd, Kelly and Leanne, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetler, Wendy and Lynda, Oshawa, Mrs. Roger Duval, Oshawa, Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ferguson, Mrs. John Wight, Jeremy and Julie and Mn. Wayne Flintoff, Newcastle. With Mn. and Mrs. Cliff Flintoff for Christmas evening dinnen were Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Flintoff and David, Mn. and Mrs Bob Wilson and boys, Newtonville, Mn. and Mrs. John Wight, Jeremy and Julie. Corid Services E LINE ROAD E. BOWMANVILLE 24-HOUR SERVICE-623-6281 Specialists In: nace Cleaning, Installations MaiÎntenance Contracts and, 3RIZED ERS' GAS ALER Appliance Sales I Telephone 987-4201 Mrs. Gordon Laking spent Boxing Day and Saturday with ber daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sheehan and family, Bowmanville. Sympathy is extended to the friends and relatives of Mr. Alfred Jakeman, Orono, who assed away suddenly on unday, Dec. 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alldred, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe and fam- ily, Newcastle, had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore. Miss Frances Rickard and ber grandmother, Mrs. Hay, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard, Wood- ville. Anglican Church News At 11 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church, a New Year's Eve Service with Holy Communion will be held. On Monday the Little Help- ers Christmas Party was held. Mothers and 1-3 yr. olds enjoyed the short program. nSaturday, Dec. 27th, Rev. Robert Hayne, assisted Rev. Basil Long at Orono United Church when Barbara Robinson, Windsor, wed Wayne Brough, Orono. On Sunday, Dec. 28, a Christmas Candlelight Ser- vice was held at St. George's. The guest organist was Mr. Corey Kuipers, Bowmanville, and Mr. Jim Fair sang two solos in Latin. Rev. Robt. Hayne's sermon was Obedi- ence, in preparation for the New Year. Holy Communion will be held next Sunday, Jan. 4, 1976 at 8 a.m., 10 and 11:15. Mr. Oakley Peters has returned home following knee surgery in Ajax Hospital. C ristmas visitors with the Rectorand his family were his parents, Mr and Mrs. Les Hayne, Simcoe and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hayne, Susan and Cindy, Delhi. On Sunda y, the Hayne Family visited her mother Dr. Geneva Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bailey, Michael, Mark and Gwen, Mississauga. United Church News On Wednesday evening, De-i cember 24th, a Christmas Eve1 Service was enjoyed at New- castle United Church. Lovely1 Christmas Carols were sung. Rev. Thomas Smith read the story of "Johann's Gift to Christmas", Johann being a mouse who helped to give us one of our best loved carols, Silent Night by Franz Gruber. The uhristmas Candle, the Candle of Christ was lit. ~HAY Mr. Bill Bilcox, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Buttery and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yeo and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Yeo and family, Mrs. Tom Buttery, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with the Ted Buttery family. Mn. and Mrs. Deibent Potts, Cornwall; Miss Mary Potts, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts, Charlene and Christo- pher, were Christmas evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts, and Miss Mary Potts are spending the Christmas holi- day with the J. Potts family. Mrs. Charlie Garrand, spent Christmas Da with Me. and Mrs. Alfred arrard, Barry and Lori Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pater- son, Maple Grove, were Sun- day callers at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patterson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family were Christ- mas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, Carol, Dale and Neil. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Kyle were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts, Charlene and Christopher, Mr. and Mrs- Raymond Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dud- ley and Neil Burlington, are spending a week with Mrs. Dudley's mother, Mrs. A. Read. Mr. Kenneth Graham spent Christmas Day with Mrs. H. Crossman. A Christmas family gather- ing was held at the Bertrim home. >Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim, Georgie and Cheryl and Cheryl Lennop and friend, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison, Doug Morrison and friend, Rhona and Susan Morrison, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Urwin and Robbie, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hood and baby Rusty, Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and baby, Port Coborne, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason, Brockville, Mrs. M. Kellar, Oshawa, Mr. C. Degeer, Ajax, Mr. Ray Degeer, Miss Cora Degeer, were Christmas Day guests of Mn. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Tom and Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Beth, Barbara and Grant were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet, Enniskillen,. Shirley Tabb and friend, Oshawa, Miss May Tabb, Orono, Mr. Russell Tabb, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, were Christ- mas Day guests of Mrs. Irene Tabb, Lily and James. MissMay Tabb, Orono, is holdaying at her home. Mrs. A. Read spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. astle Independent DON Clayton Read and boys, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- win, William and Paul and Mrs. Mildred Anderson, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Joy and Charles, Tynone. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Miss Mary Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts, visited Mrs. W. Martin, Hillsday Manor, Osh- awa on Christmas Day. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Martin is not so well. Sunday evening dinner guests with Mrs. A. Read were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and family, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs.Way ne Piggot and girls, Enniskilen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Shaw's The highlight of the Pre- Christmas season, in our community was a well attend- ed Christmas supper held in the old schoolhouse last Mon- day night. The auditorium was nicely decorated for the occa- sion wîth handpainted murals, traditional red and green candles, streamers, etc. and of course, a very prettily trimmed tree. More than 125 sat down to a well planned pot luck meal after Chairman Lewis Wood welcomed those present and asked that grace be sung. Assistin with tea, coffee, lemona e and desserts were: Karen and Marilynn Dow,' Gail Guthrie, Gertrude Hen- drikx, Rosemary Killeen, Phyllis Price and Barbara Wood. A short business meeting followed the meal when the headtable guests were intro- duced by Margaret Killeen and a vote of thanks, to the capable committee in charge, was moved by Gordon Barrie. Phyllis Price read the minutes of the last executive meetin which were approved as read. Then Anna elle Rickard spoke briefly about the "Anni- vçrsary" Committee and an- nounced its disbandment. She suggested'a board of directons be selected for the continu- ance of community work. She commented that the commun- ity of Shaw's has reached Phase Three in its recent development. Having success- fully accomplished Phase One -The 50 yeans of cornmunity serv ice ending with a fine Re-union; Phase Two - The preservation of our school as a meeting place and now, she suggests, the people have reached the place where all must work together to attain and preserve a good social and recreational community here as we watch the growth of both Bowmanville and Newcastle with their own well-organized activities. After a very short open discussion, Annabelle called on her "Best Man", Garnet to conducuan election to select five directors for the vear Homo Milk Thé Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Decemhbr 'i 19, Financing of Tyrone Hall Depends on Acceptance of Wintario Grant Application liffli i milli 1 Mu Are- On Sunday, Dec. 28th, the choir rendered two anthems Sing Praises to our King and the First Christmas Morn. Ail the candies of Hope, Giving In, Giving, Love and Christmas were glowing as Rev. Thomas Smith sharecl experien",es of Christmas Past in his sermon on Christmas Recollections. Church books close on December 31st, so all 1975 contributions must be in by then. • HOCKEY NEWS Newcastle Atom Al-Star Sponsor Papa 's Pizza Since ourdlast write-up, we have played a total of eight games, having won only three of these. Our next Aeague game at home will be against Port Hope, January 13, 1976. Tournament On Saturday, Dec. 20, 1975 with eight teams coming in for the Newcastle Atom Tourn- ament, it had to be the coldest. blowiest and snowiest day al autumn. The first game was played at 8 a.m., with the host team being beaten by Orono, by shots on net in overtime by a score of 5-4. (Shots on net 3-2). The second game saw Pic- kering corne in and beat Port Hope by a 5-3 score. The third game was be- tween Keene and Wellington with Keene winning 3-1. The last first round game was played between Peterbor- ough and Milibrook. Peterbo- rough were winners in this with a 3-1 score. Starting the second round, losing teams started the playdowns to see who would te payingfor the consolation trophy. Newcastle and Port Ho e met in the first game and again ended regular play with a 4-4 tie, necessitating overtime. Newcastle came through with a goal to win by 5-4. Pickering came on strong in their game to give Orono the largest loss of the day 6-0. Wellington defeated Mili- brook in the third game by 4-1. Keene and Peterborough met in the fourth with Keene winning 4-1. Wellington and Newcastle met for the consolation game, Newcastle winning by a 5-2 score. SPickering and Keene met for the A trophy which saw Pickering win after a very hard-fought game, the best of the day with a 5-3 score. Laverne Martin, who sub- mitted this tournamedt re- port, wanted his gratitude expressed to all people involv- ed in the tournament, people who looked after the meals, Mary Brown's chicken in Bowmanville, the Arena work- ers and allthose who came out to take part and see the games. board questioning the costs and whether council felt them to be reasonably in line for payment or not the answer was again referred to the opinion of the consultants who feel they are quite realistic. Representing the Hall Board, Bernie Heming report- ed that the shingles which had to be replaced have apparent- ly now been found to have been a bad batch and he expects the Domtar will likely be footing the bill. Mr. Heming also advised the committee that although no precise word has been received on the approval of the Wintario grant, there has been notice that it is in the processing stream. This brought Ma yor Rick- ard to question whether it might not have been wiser for the Wintario application to have been made in the name of the municipality than the hall board as he bas, been given the understanding in that way, it could have been processed faster. It was also the thinking of Committee Chairman, Coun. Don Allin that a higher sur could have been applied for A becond requcst of th@ hPMI board also arose on question- ing the committee what they plan to do with the old hall, Mr. R"eega'dvrs d i1,1, t the boar had hoped o maintain the old hall with some renovations and upgrad- ing to be used as a gymna- sium. all supported the requist on the basis that if the Wintario rant comes through, the oard will have managed payment of the new hall yithout having to sell the old one. Coun. Lyall was therefore "willing to let them keep it" and Coun. Allin also believes it necessiry to "look at it in this light. Coun. Lyall's opinion was apparently based on the fact that if the Wintario grant does not come "we're all in trouble." Mr. Heming noted that it had been thought preferable to have the old aI serve as a ym rather then having the ids demolish the new one. Coun. Lyall also noted that if all the grants are received there wiil be surplus over the total cost which could be used for the oid hall conversions. For now the situation re- mains as is for another month or so until it is determined what grants are to be receiv- ed, at which time the topic will once again come to the floor of council. by Doug Taylor Meeting the cost of the newly constructed Tyrone Community Hall, without placing an additional burden on Town of Newcastle tax- payers, now seems to have a large dependence on the receipt of grants, in particular from Wintario, which have been applied for. The matter came before the Community Services Commit- tee Dec. 15th with represent- atives of the hall boarci present. Although a main issue discussed with the represent- atives was the question in their minds of the reasonabil- ity of some of the costs being charged by the contractor, Bowman Construction, the overall situation was also brought into conversation. The questionable costs, aris- ing from some deficiencies which had to be corrected, one of them being the roofin material that is now reported to have been a bad bateh from Domtar, caused a question in the mind of Couc. Ken Lyall as 1976. The directors are as follows: Gordon Barrie, Mar- garet Killeen, Gerald Brown, Arline Ayre and Walter Hen- drikx. Mr. Wood thanked those who had accepted positions as directors and promised them the co-operation of those present for the coming year. He then called on Gerry Brown to lead in a hearty round of carol singing. At the conclusion of the carols the little folk welcomed a visit with dear old Santa (Howard Anyon) who came with treats for all the young. Christmas wishes were ex- -changed and now a Happy New Year to all who contri- bute to and read Shaw's news. FLOWERS . DRIED * FRESH . TROPICAL . GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES: Highway No. 2 King St. e., Oshawa Simcoe St. N., Oshawa All Winter Footwear Marked Down at ELLESSHE 49 King St. West 623-5941 Bowmanville's Family Footwear Headquarters- YOU paying too Glen Rae Ontario Average Average Store Price Independent Store 1 Quart' 2 Quarts 3 Qt. Jug 3 Qt. Pouch Pak .55 $1,06 s1.44 $1.50 59*9. 1.50.0 $1.68.2 Savings 4.9 6o7 6.0 17.6 November 1975 Monthly Dairy Report Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Glen Rae also guarantees its Homo MiIk to be at least 10% RICHER than Ontario Standard. (An added cost to the Dairy of more than 1 per quart) New Year's Resolution We, at Glen Rae, proiise to hold your milk prices as low as possible. consistent with our high standards of quality. at pwkdook Oh at ûUk okc 98 King St. W. Bowmanville Winter Sale Now On! much for your iki in Bowmanville and Area? Dave's -I 623-5444 to why the towm seems to "get stuck with dogs." Coun. Lyall was referring to the apparent quality of work by the contractors who have coastructed buildings in the town of Newcastle recently, being somewhat below par. Coun, Lyallinsisted that the workmanship should be of a first rate nature despite any cheap apearance of the structure s architectural design. Coun. Ann Cowman backed up Coun. Lyall's concern, p acing some of the blame on the consulting firm of Totten, Sims and Hubicki who were engaged by the town for the ha l plans. Coun. Cowman said she has for some time not been pleased with the towns pract- ice of favoring the one consulting firm who she feels have not supplied the most favorable recommendations. It is Coun. Cowman's firm belief that the town should engage various consultants to "get a bit of free enterprise going.t As to the matter of the hall .1,- ý-1 ---l,

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