LyaII Blasts Coun cilI for1 Oversp!endî"ng its Budget By an ïEstimated $60à,OOO Wit ou e cu in h ms lf $27,076 instead f t e r p sed sive spending becaus pl n Wstou ecuin bmLf thelr, 1ningfunds have to beeautho- from biame, Coun. KenLyl $7,000-;in î lave Newcastle Town Council --the Ontario Housisng Afétn rized by council before the ýnbers a blast recentiy for Plan cost $104,100, exceeding moýnev van be soent. r~~spending its 1975 planning the budgeted figure of $72000 This year'S expenditures ý_vodget. by $32,100. more1 than tri ple the amount .It is estimated that this , In no way as Coun. Lyal-paid ouf for planning in 1974. year's planning bill wîll be critical of Planning Director Last year the final total was about $60,000 over the budget George Howden for tbe exces- oniy $63,643. mark of $139,970. Up to the end of November, $199,590 bas been spent. Haif -Milion Dacmalge for "too liberal use of consul- o b t f r tants" and for not paying enough attention to budget Ta(àd to D t o control.UeE When asked' where the M ..i Coun. Lynli rook Explosio monyth ey oidc oe from to sathat bie didn't know, The full extent of damage Mass inciuding 1,2-incb and though lie inted out tbat may not be known until next 1I-inch late, double diamond, total expen itures for New- spring bowever, foiiowing sigle glass, stained giass and castlinh 1975 are under the some 240 bours of investi- sp4g iai safety lass for.storm forecasted budget. gation by a team of Millbrook wst1Iows anddoors. Severai areas wbere the volunteer firemen beaded bý AV breakdown of the total budget was overspent were Chief Ted 'Buck, findings boirsý spent by tbe investi- listed b y Coun. Lyali, inciud- reveai a total to date of sonie gafve team comhing the area, ing the foiiowing items: $439,480. shiov,s150 hours were spent at --consultants for a projected Tbe Dec. 4 explosion at the the si te of tbe explosion, and 84 zoning bylaw cost $22,117 home of Muriel Steenburg is houiL assessing damage to the instead of the planned $8,00; reported f0 have sbattered 130 Ihiofies affected withîn a --the town's district plan cost avvroximatelv 1,984 Danes of '-l radius. Bowmanvlle Pet Shop 34 KIng St. W. Bowmnanville LOW 1 LOWI PRIPCES 1 NEW YEARS DANCE Four Man Band THE 'AD-ELS' FIRST RATE COLD BUFFET in the NEW TYRO,,NEI HALL Hats, Balloons, Noisemakers Door and Spot Prizes $25OOper couple Advance Ticketsý For Sale at BYAM'S GENERAL STORE To al our patrons andi, I triends ... May your New Vear be as wonderful as you are! F ROM ElILEE N,GERRY, MIKE ANO STAFF 0F Noone's Hotel and Restaurant Hwy. 115 & 35 Orono A Wnmner nI me lnvestigat- ing Geor ge Sheppard,,, (d thaf the full extent of dan age might not be evident unfil spring. %WitI , some of' the older buildingsý if is bard f0 fell whaf o oreseen damag e might b e\revealed when the frosf conm ouf of the bouses," he advis Wbile tle Miilbrook Fire DepirtmýrW s report wîii be submnitted p the Fire Marsh- als Officýl at Queen's Park, the resultf tbfebbi ' ' and soil samplés ,sent to Ïoronto's forensic iýboratory are not expected fe be released until the firsf week of January, (Jan. 3 or' 4) according f0 investigating officer O PP (onstable Cîaýg Ailison. NesItieon Eresbyteian Sundayv Schopl Concert On Friday êvening the Sunday School 'of Nestieton Preshyteria-n qhurcb beld their annual Chfistmas con- cert in the cburefb basement. Mrs. Howard Lée, superin- tendent extended the welcome and witb Miss Dorothy Bul- mer accompanyine ail joined in singing "O Canada". Yvonne Figueirejo gave a recifation, "Welcomre"; David Lee recited "My Chrisfmas Candie." During the prograrh several Cbrisfma-,s Carols wr sung. With Mrs. Lee as thb' leader, the cbiidren fook plart in thed play "Wifh Hearts Agiow".- This f old the Christmas story. Those assisfing were Debbie Lee, Sydney Vi sser, ý David Lee, Rickey Figueiredo, Don- na Lee, Peggy Scoff, Alison Scot t, Dariene Woodcoïck. At this Christmas season there is a renewal of faitb. ickey Figueiredo read "Happy Wor- shipper"; Alison Scotf "IMak- ing Our Christmas Lasf" and Donna Lee "Christ mas D4y of Jesus' Birfb". An unusuai thumping soUind announced that Santa was arriving. Singing Jingle Beils, the children looked w th expectant faces for tbe joly oid man's appearance. u1çe enougb, in be came but if ws Mrs. Sant a, Sanfta had been just f00 busy f0 make the rounds this year. Completç wifb red suif and bat, busy white eyebrows, she was a charming substifute for thbc oid genfleman. If was amaz-, ing the number of giff s that were disfributed from thaf old red sack. Eacb child, and adults f00, received a bag of candies and an orange. Foliowing -this traditionai old-time Christmas entertain- ment, sandwiches, assorfed cookies and pastries, fresh fea or coffee were enjoyed and the usual social fime foiiowed. Appreciafion is extended ft Mrs. Lee, fo the cbildren and to ah ,who assisfed. The ioveiy Christ mas tree, with lights aglow, and the gold and silver decorafions added a greaf deai to this festive occasion. Througbout the e'.ening as the Carols were sung, the story of the Wisemen, the Shepherds, Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus was read, the true meaning of Cbristmas remains unchanged. May that spirit of love and unselfishness prevail througisout the world, not just for today, flot just for tomorrow, but until efernity. Nestleton Snow mobile Club On Sunday evening, Decem- ber 14, Cartwright Snow- mobile enfhusiasts b eid an open meeting in Nestleton Recreaf son Centre. Mr. Keith Hurd, president of COR.SA. was on hand to answer questions and to explain proper procedure in the formation of a club. It is essential that the organization carry insurance. No tres- passing is permissible. Trailer must be mapped out and written permission must be signed by those involved.' Zoe Robrer chaired the meeting and the minutes were taken by Marg Lee. Officers elecfed during the business session are President - Warren Robrer, Vice-Presi- dent- Harvey Graham, Secre- tary Marg Lee, Treasurer Heather Jones, Trail Men Ivan Robrer, Lloyd Gilbank, Publîcity Zoe Robrer, Enfer- tainment Bert Jones, Oliver Robrer, Membership Chair- man Doug Hudson, Property Chairman Neil Lee. This was a most successful evening as more than forfy were in attendance. Following the meeting fwenfy-six fami- lies joined the club and during the week many others have signed as mem bers., Every year snowmobiling 2 5 Ye a rs o f'G oody eaSprt Masters Marks Doublèen This year, Don Masters reached two important mile- stones in his career with Goodyear: hie marked bis twenty-fifth year with the company and hie won the Gooyear Spirit Award for Canada. Masters now stands as the Canadian representative in competition for the E. J. Thomas Award, presented Lo the winner of the Goodyear Spirit Award worldwide. As plant manager at Quebec Masters had assumed a pos-, ition of responsibility withf the company that was a result of issill and dedication, and it was these two qualities on and off the job, that were to win him the Spîrit Award. "I knew I'd been nominated as a representat ive of the general produets division," Masters said, "but I thought that would be the enci of it." The fact that it wasn't surprised and elated him. As for -the $500. prize, it has been split into several good causes, one being to subsîdize bis oldest son John's university becomes more popular. Ma ny hours of entertainent lare enjoyed in the great open spaces and on woodland trails. Gpoo luck to you folk who are ý ioneers in Cartwright's nowmobile Club. Don ivasters education this terma. Masters joined the. company in 1950 in production cont roi at the Bowmanville plant and served in a varief y of posts before being transferred to the Collingwood plant as Sroduction foreman la 1966. ix years later, he was named plant manager at Quebec. The fellow employee who nominated Masters empba- sized the winner's enthusiasm and optomnisfic outlook as well as bis unselfisb devofion of time to the piant's operation and its employees. "His, em- pioyees have coined the pbrase:"Ill ne lache jamais" (be neyer quits) to describe bis attitude," the nominator wrote of Masters. 11 A former player la the Ontario junior A hockey league, Masters enjoys watch- ing the Quebec Nordiques play, but dlaims the game today isnt the same as when he piayed or coacbed a juvenile feam to the Ontario cbampionsbip in 1955. Masters' nominator points ouf that macbinery for some operations at Quebec plant isn't the most modemn, but Masters keeps trying f0 im- prove ifs performance. "Don sees a silver lining in the darkest ciouds and it is tbis 3uality wbicb neyer ceases to raw admiration from even the bardiesf skeptic," the nominafor said.1 Also nofed was Masters' devotion f0 bumanitarian causes and communify af- fairs. He served as director of publicity for the United Way SE A + BLOO DONOR The Canadian qtqtesman, Bowmanville, December 31, 1975 campaign in Collingwood, member of the Chamber of and fourgyars, was chairman, Commerce in Colling wood, of the Canadian Arthritic and is now a- member in Society for ail the Georgian Quebec. Bay area. Also, he was a -Wingoot Clan REST A URAN MONDAY -THURSDAY 6 a.m. -,12 p.M. FRIDAY& SATURDAY 6a.m.- la.m,A SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Serving Deicious Chinese Food Ta ke-Out Orders A Specialfy Free Delivery in Bowmanville on AIlI Orders of s $6.00 or More Full Course Meals in a Homne-Like Atmosphere. I Dining Room Closed at 8:00 p.m. New Year's Eve Take-Out Orders Wil Be Accepted During the Evening as Usual 9 King St. W. 623-5412 OUR NEW YEAR'Sý RESOLUTIONO STOýRE HOURS TUES. DEC. 30- 9 ajn. - 9 p.m. WED. DEC, 31- 9 ... - 6 p.m. THURS., JAN. 1ST, - CLOSED- FR1l., JAN. 2- 9 a... - 9 p.m. SAT, iAN, 3- 9 q.m. - b p.m 185 187 King St. East Bowmanville e - ~e t e e,, ASPERB BLENO, RICH IN BRAZILIN COFFEES 8O'CLOCK COFFEE 1-LB $ ~B BAG BAGC *3,39 , MI CHELS, VITAMNZRO.,. Apple Jice 48-fl-oz tin59 ~VeetoIeJuice 28 FL. OZ. 49< i, P Ub"EFrENED FROM C04CEN-FRATE raeri!uie4LLO A- L RIE NTiImAm u ARNEDEFCIETRmm AUDYJNAY3017 Thank you for your patronage during the past year .. HAYP'PY NEW lEAR FROM ALL 0F USAI A&P. WxiNTftRIO & OLYMtPIC LTTELRY, TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A&P FOIOD STORES! GEISHA. SOLID WHITE MEAT ' Tunîa Fisk 7oz ti 79< TRI VALLEY-FANCY Fruit Cocktail 28-11OZ t075< DESSERT TOPPING Redd& W hip 7oz aero tin GLEN RAE DAIRY Egg Nog quartcarto 95 DETERGENT 32-FL-OZ PlASTrIC RTL Ivory Liquid sl.33 FRO ZEN-PKG. 0F A-5-INCH PIES <PEPPERON $1.52 Alora Pizza Cheese18ozpkg $1l39 A&P PLAIN OR A&P Saltines l6-ozb6ox 5 9 m PRODUCE FEATURES!, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FLORIDA 2-LB TRAY aFIRM RIPE - TOMATOE 8 CABB GECANADA NO. 1 GRADE39 ýB B&GE EXASNEW CROP eaCS C AR ROTSIcTRI AFRD E316 pkg39 A P ES CANADA FANCY ONTARIO 5lb ceiIo bag 89< Rincheck1 Pol"cy If an advertiaed special la ever sold out, aak the Manager for a Raincheck. It entitlea you ta the same item et the same apecial price for thirty days., Or if you wish, we'1I giVe you a comearabIe item at t he same special price. TU CK Pkg, 0 of 10l Shop A&P for these Delicious Bakedý Goods! JANE PARKER-SLICED BUY 2 LOAVES - GAVE 15c 60"/ or 100%" 20 ~Db5 Ufl WHOLE WHEAT OR 24VOS UI~l E CRACKED WHEAT 79, JANE PARKER SAVE 16c SNOWF'LAKE ROLLS 39 JANE PARKER-"BROWN 'N SERVE" ROLLS JANE PARKER PLAIN, POPPY SEE., SESAME SEED SIAI FrechRois KG F 0 pg 9< Mince Pie fui[ 8-inc,. 22-oz pie $1.19 JANE PARKER JANE PARKER SOUTHERN Kaiser Roils pkg of 6 59< PeCan Pie Fu11 8 înch, 20 oz pie $1 .19 JANE PARKER SAVE 14c Jane Parker, Slice,Pine or Seeded Joe,,h, HearI, or Black App le Pie fulli8 încb 22oz pie 75< Rye Bread 16 oz loa47< A&P Freezes Prices Effective NOV,. 21t, A&P put a Price Freze on ail foods, non-fod and general merchandise item-with the qscepion of meat and produce. Tis Pi-ice Free±A wili remnain in effect t>ntil Jan. 1956t, 1976, A&P wilI conti.ue to have weekly specials le ail departments during tiss