Consitution Insurance Minorý Midgets Defeait Stoneybrook ta Win Titie Over the last week of holidays, the Constitution In- surance Minor Midgets were entereci in the iljton tourna- ment and came home -with the champion's trophy, crests and meda ilions. For the, Toros to win the tournament, they had to play two games after receiving a pass when the opposing team they were to play, withdrew from the tournament. So the next game the Toros played was against Hespeler andtey wpd thenm ont as Bowman- viescored 15 goals to their one. Therefore, after defeating the Hespeler squad, Bowman- ville faced their arch rivals, Stoneybrook. In this game the Toros scored only one goal when Tim Buttonshaw put the puck behind the Stoneybrook goaltender. The assist on the play went to Pete Nemisz after working bard and dig- ging the puck out of the corner, linemate Tim Button- sha-;~ up for the lone goal. The game was close, as there were 17 penalties handed out to both teams. The teams, after having a spolgtintroduction, played scrml for the first few minutes, as both teams tried hard to get the first shot on net, in case there was a tie at the end of the three periods and five minutes sudden death, the first shot on net would decide the winning team. H.- L. Wood Minor Bantams Lose 4-3 to -Boy Ridges H. L. Wood Mjnor Bantams Shore andi Mike Costello came played their first game of -the back with thejr second goals new year at home coming out each for Bay Ridges ending on the short end of the score to the second with our- Torc!s Bay Ridges. Bay Rjdges down 4-1. opened the scoring and added A regrouped Toro team a secondtgoal very quickly to came out in the third and lead at te end of the first 'outskated the opposition and Period 2-0. could have corne away with a Eary i th seondKenHoy tje very easily. Bowmanville Earl in he econ KenHqy goals lai the thîr6 were by Carl deflecfed a good pass froin Chambers assisted by Rick Nejl' Jones and Robb DeBoo Smpson and Robb DeBoo assisting, into the top corner from Stan Greenham ending of the Bay Ridges net. Kyle the game at 4-3. BobBeers Tuoos WhiL o se Plyn n the Brantford F=rfgtrs Tournament, re-i centlv, the Bob Beers Toros came home with a win, a loss and a tie. Scott Masters and Scott Heard playing on de- fence 'turned in excellent games. In the first game, which Bowmanville wo.i, Glenn The Canadian Statesman, -aovma ie . 7, îÎ6 W. Frank's M Lose to Morkham and Mitlton Beat Milton in Silver Stick 3-2 Packed Arena Welcomes Juveniles from Sweden and Tie Owens, Wayne Mutton and George Kennet played out- standing games. In the second game, Cbuck Nasb was handed a game suspension. Bowmanville lost 4-1 to Welland. On Monday Bowmanville tied Mississauga la a 6-6 gamo. Recreation Tyke Dec. l8th, Ron Rae D eelopment-4-Andrew Da- vey 2, Paul Robichaud, Steven Smith; Hires Root Beer-2- Bruce Cooke 2. Atom Dec. l8th, Larrys Sports-3-Tim Cowie, Arron DaSilva, Boby Canfield, Franks Variety-2-Dana Rupa, Todd Ormiston. Atom Dec. l9th, Dirkup Real Estate_ i Drew Filia- trault; Orange Crush-l-Rick Baker. Kinsmen-8-Edward Bird 2, Scott Richards, David Han- cock, Mark Richards, Chris Mann, Shut out for Tom Colhiss. Grahams I.G.A.-4-Iim Childs 3, Steve Sarginson; Lime Crush.-3-Waynie Bragg 2, Paul Canfield. Pee Wee Dec. 2th, Rotary Kings-6-Robert Worden 3, Mike Jozkoski, Ken Waring, Ed Lott, lires Root Beer-3- Gary Vyschaft, Don Hart, Mjcael Real. Rice Bowl-5- John Klompmaker 3, Marty Erwin, Robj Johnson; Me- tro Nationals-4-Brad Bell, Mark iVacLean, Ryan Kear- ney 2. Goodyear Rangers-6-- Kevjn Anderson 2, Hlenry Rosema, Dan McMullen, Ralph Rozema, Carl Metcalf; Lime Crush-5-Jim Martin 3, Don King 2. Pee Wee Dec, 22nd, Nichols Motors 5, Robert Thompson, Randy Hanthorn, Scott Pater- son, Mark Long, Dave Be- dore; Goodyear Rangers-3- Kevjn Anderson 2, Henry Rozema. Bantam Dec. 22nd, Ilires Root Beer-6-Billy Lambert 2, Otto Geratschek 3, St an]ley Magujre; Hockîn Real Estate- 2-Glen Ferrill. The Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee lost 3-2 to Markham on Sunday, Dec. 2lst at Markham arena. Kent Wilcox opened the scoring with assists to Randy Lake then Tim Amond scored wjth assists to Mark Abbott and Paul Dadson. Grant Bradley played a strong gamne in goal for th e Realtors with a number of key stops. On Sat,, Dec. 27th at the Greenbriar Complex, Bramalea, the W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee lost 4-0 to Milton in the opening game oi South Central Ontarjo Regional Silver Stick Hockey Tournament. Pee Wee A Division. The Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee Realtors defeated Orange-ville 3-2 on Mon, Dec. 29th at Bramalea in the Consolation Section of the Silver Stick Hockey Tournament. Kent Wilcox led the way with two goals and one assist: Doug Dilling 1 goal and 2 assists; with centre Jon Janack 3 assists. Paul Adamns in goal for the Toros continued bis sharp play. Preston's Movers LoseOut In Silver Stick Competition But E very Game was Close Preston the Movers gave an Paul Stocker and Danny excellent account of them- Coombes. selves in the Silver Stick Prestons carried thjs type of Tournament Dec. 26-28-30 at hockey into their next game Bramalea. They lost the first apinst Dunnsville but lost 2 to game to Streetsville 4 to 2, i in one of those games where with goals by Robbie Green every guy gave 110 per cent. from Paul Stocker and Danny Tim Preston got our only goal Coombes and Todd Tremblay assisted by Ron Hopcroft. We from Shawn Houston and pulled our goalie with 60 Robbie Green. seconds to go and did every- Bowmanville came back in thing but tie it Up. the second game to dump, Special mention to our two Cooksvjlle 4 to 0 in a well goaljes who played their usual played, hard hitting game. outstandîng game, to every Toros' goals were by Tim defence man and forward who, Preston, Todd Tremblay, Rob- will just not quit at any time. bje Green and Steve Taylor t was a pleasure to watch with assists to Robbie Green, thjs town in this tournament. ~Qowît~ g ~~ae(inp Beautiful Flowers. *efor Beautiful P eo ple. 162 KIing St7E.,Bowmanville62.36 Graham's IGA AtomBLis Thump Ubide5 fo O Lose fo Markham 5-1 Ice Chips hamn's I.G.A. Atom B's tra on Friday, Dec. 19, Bow- led to Markham wheret manville travelled to were out hustled and Uxbridge where they ham- scored to the tune of 5-1. mered the hosts 5-0. t was a onlv aflaver to blink the very chippy game with nine light for Graham's was [ penalties being handed Out, Brown assisted by De Graham's I.G.A. Atom B's Clark, getting 3. Andy Smith picked up A-1l the scorîng was done la onily penalty of the ma1 th Irs ttwo perioîds wjth Jeff Players for'Graham 's U Loa9 etigi satdasit tom BJs -reQ .-Billy -Mc ed bhy Doug B;r(rownand Chris thuLr. 2-Vic_' Romlard, 3-Andi Wisnthn Deryk Clark Smnith, I-Jeff Logan, 5-Tre gfeiÀng lbils first helped by Martyn, 6-Donnie Daiý Brad FPraserý and Doug Brown. 7-Doug Brown, 8-Scott JA The seconid period saw son, 9-Todd Sevens, 10-B Graham's I.G.A. boys* slam Fraser, 11-Todd Be( home three, more talles. 12-David Hogarth, 14-C]. David Hogarth assisted by Wilson, 15-Todd Will Todd Stephens and Jeff Logan 16-Deryk Clark, Coach-Je flllowed by Trevor Martyn joIhason, Manager - F helped by Vc Romard and Hogarth, Trainer - Pe Todd Beers and the final goal Brown, and Sponsor -C by Scott Johnson assisted by iam's 1.G.A. Doug Brown and Deryk Clark. Evorybody playod a terrifice .m u game and Billy McArthur N g t nawu layed outstanding picking up Scn coueBw bis third shutout. SeodchulBwi Markham Beats Jan. 7, 1976. Graham's I.G.A. Teamn 1: A. Larusso. -On Sunday, Dec. 21 Gra- Ralston. renc1a Rirges Second Sehedule 1975-76 Toam No. 1-Joan Sutcliffe, Capt., Wilma Bates, Denise Annfaort, Nina Cowling, Jean Burton, Edith Bentley. Tonrn No. 2-Nybi Sheehan, Capt., Mary Bates,, Marie Bissonotto, Dorotby Oke, Lin- da Downoy, Rena Bathgate. Toam No. 3-Diano Howartb, Capt., Anne Plazok, Irene Witney, Hilda Simnick, Mol McNulty, Audrey Bato. Team No. 4-Mary Gray, Capt., Virginia Fairey, Ber- nice Partner, Grace Murdochb, Cathy Sim, Trixie Brown. Alley Nos. 9 and 10; il and 12. January 8th: 1-2; 3-4. dan, lth: 3-1; 4-2. dan. 22nd: 2-3; 1-4. Jan. 29th: 3-4; 2-1. avel- they out The red thue atch. GA IcAr- drew evor gle, labn- Brad oers, 'hris bur, Ferry Fred ercy lira- (S ling- - ),K. SM. Ovenden, R. Erwin, E. Howor- ko. Team 2: M. Bates, M. Summors, I. Hughes, W. McNoil, Bonnie Burgess, Jane Desson. Team 3: 1. Wright,, P. Wbalen, J. Burton, D. Devos, P. Bromell, L. Renaud. Team 4: A. Burgess, B. Smith, L. Burgess, M. Erwin, J. Woodstra, S. Yeo. Team 5: B. Wilbur, W. Ogýdon, B. Nimigon, M. Evers, N. Heighton, P. Pingle. Team 6: M. Trimble, G. Vansoxi, J. Rowo, M. Potter, L. Pottor, T. Woustra. Alleys 1 &2; 3 &4; 5 &6. Teams Jan. 7 - 2-1; 4-3; 6-5. Jan. 14 - 3-5; 2-6; 4"1. Jan. 21 - 4-2; 1-5; 3-6. Jan. 28 - 1-3; 6-4; 5-2. The Mernorial Arena here was filled to capacity on Sunday night for an international hockey game with team Of juviý"eleýs from Sween plying he St. MarysCent Juveniles. The above two photo show the Legion Pipe Band in action prior to the game and a bit of action around the Bowmanville net as one of the Swedish players closes in for a shot. Four Bowmanville players, frorn lef t to right, Rick Scott, Neil Ryan, George Bowen and Jim Sarginson, do their utmost to prevent a goal. Goalie Ted Trudeau is down and apparently has the puck smothered. Sweden won the game 4-2, after a fine exhibition of fast. dlean hockey.- Photos by Rick Jan. ,s St Mr y'yS Los e to- Te( In WeiPi The Bowmanvillo St. Marys Cernent Juvenilo Toros wont down to defont by a 4-2 score at the bands of a well disciplined Swedisb club before a soîl out crowd la excess of 1,000 at the local arena on Sunday, Jaauary 4, 1976. Botb teams played inspirod hockey througbout the course of the three poriods. Bowrnanville opened the scoring midway la the first poriod on a low shot by Brian Martin, assisted by Steve Hogarth. This load was short lived as -Sweden came bnck and scored twice within the next fivo minutes of play to take peri five thef dif fi scor don 2-1. scor assh local seve Swe penï to bi Mary Bros, Win Uxbrîc On Tuesday, Decomber 30, the Bowmanville Mary Brown's Toros travelled to Uxbridge to take p art la the Annual Kinsmen Novice Tour- nament and came home witb the Charnpionship, claiming victorios over Uxbridgo, Stouffville and Markbam. In the first game of the tournamont, Bowrnville de- feated the host club 5-1. don Clioff fired the first goal, with the assist going to bis centre- man, Grog Watson. The Toros' Captaîn Chris Dreossi emerg- ed from bis recoat scoring slump by scoring an unassist- od tally to givo tbe Toros a 2-0 lead. Uxbridge struck for a M al by their fine Captain Sean onvory. Dreossi scored bis second goal, agàin unassisted. Ia the third period, Tom McLaugblifi scored a goal, the assist going to bis contreman Dreossi. Wtb 4:44 remainîng la the game, Mark Little scored on a pretty play, the assist going to Watson. Richard Smith was la net for the Toros and was very steady to pick up tbe wîn. La their second game of the day, Bowmanville was to play Stouffville wbo turned out to be their tougbost opponents of the day. The Toros won by the close score of 2-1. J Sco] to c rigi toni to t sboi the per C nsi per con dol Sto lat( beli pla Up the tw( Ma Boý put pas ope Dr( da' top Bo C the goil S.Jseph's Cernment Juvenîles Royt"e'mad o Bon5, 2845; Rose Marie ____ I n Conway 4, 2711; Gary Conway fro ~ w a e4, 2671; Clayton Morgan 3, am fom S eden 2811; Art Deboo 3, 2723; Marg King 2, 2656; Paul Peils 0, S ~2477. %1 High triple Roy Sandison iyed ame, nda y721, Marion Vanstone 673. :e a 2-1 lead into the second both ends of the rink. 297, Marlon Vanstone 275. iod. The local Toros took Sweden goals were scored Over 24o Games by G. Lidegran with two. Roy Sandison 297-265, Mar- Bof the seven penalties la Singles were scored by R. tin Molloy 296, Marlon Van- first period which made it Akerberg and R. Sagor. stone 275-212, Richard Kilmer icult to create any good Much credit is due to 259, Doug White 256-217, Beth ring opportunities. manager Herb "Red" Scott vanden Wildenberg 248-236, n the second period, Swe- and coach Dave "Lefty" DoP ealan 27-260Nnc again outscored the Toros Wrigbt for their efforts ini Pis20 The Toros' goal, was handling our Juvenile club ted by Steve Hogarth, this year. Presently, they M n " Ik sted by Brian Martin. The have won 8; lost 6 and tied 5 M IUglE al squad took four of the games ila bague play and ,en penalties la tins period. certainly support the need for Ladi*es' nthe scoreless third period, Juvenile hockey in Bowman- Hg rpeSDhr 6 eden took five of the eight ville. Hg rpeS eat77 ialties. Both toams had The Le gion Pipe Band and Higb Average S. Dehart 219. )d scoring chances la the His Worshi ayor Riekard Team Standings il period, but wore unablo were on hiand during the S. Dehart 32, O. Etcher 28, )eat steady goaltending at oponing ceremonies. D. Harness 271/2, V. Terry 271/2, J. Baker 261/2, F. Bradley 24, J. Allen 2312, N. Evans 22, ToM. Flintoff 22, S. Davis 20, J. in s o %, v c e T r s Patfield 19, J. Bragg 16. Top 10 Games e e S. Dehart 319, V. Terry 316, K.Buirs 273, S. Noyes 271, J. Ige C ampio ship Land 259, D. Harness 257, B. leff Dawson oponed the by his winger Jeff Dawson. Osborne 257, J. Patfield 257, ring wben ho made an end In the final period, the Toros MONDAY NIGHT LADIES nd rush through theentire appeared to be getting strong- 2nd SchÏedule rt side of the Stouffville er witb Brent Neill scoring, Team 1 - S. Dehart, U.T m and fired a perfect shot the assists going to Dreossi lor, Mr. Trimble, N. Flintolf, beat the goaltender on the and defenceman Pierre St. J. Taylor. )rt side. This goal came at Amand. Only 55 seconds were Team 2-D., Harness, J. 5:34 mark of the middle left on the dlock when Dreossi Allen, D. Adams, L. Coombes, iod. fired bis second goal of the M. Tennant, D. Palmer. Cris Dreossi fired the game, assisted by Tom Me- Team, 3-N. Evans, D. Tay- ;urance marker la the third Laughlia. Chris Clifton was lor, B. Wilkins, A. Stephens, B. riod, the assists on the goal again between the pipes foi' Janssens, K. Rosnak. ning from Breat Neill and Bowmanville and was very Team 4-J. Patfield, F, Land, fenceman Glen Duncan. steady to preserve the shutout K. Burns, J. Prout, R. Wright, uffville struck for a goal for bis team. J. Rowsell. ;e la the period but were Bowmanville was presented Team 5-O. Etcher, B. Terry Id off the scoresheet for any with a beautiful championship M. Clemenger, S. Noyes, D. resoing Chris Clifton plaque that will romain la Osborne, S. Hockett. yoca a or thTro Uxbridge, as well as receiving Tear 6-S. Davis J. Almond, 1 wasg siplysuperb to pick a smaller plaque for the team J. Lylo, K. Hayes, I. Hellam, the p yaderedvcy to keep. The Toros played C. Kilpatrick. what was probably theïr best Team 7-M. Flintoff,- B. Phe stage was now set for game of the season la this Westlake, D. Bridger, M. cCbampionship gamo be- contost, and ono of the Headerson, C. Forrester, K. eon Bowmanville and Markbam supporters was mo- Stoneburg. rkham. The Toros from yod to come to the Bowman- Team 8-L. Cole, V. Terry, J. wmanville were really fired ville dressing room after the Harness, L Sutherland, P. for this garne and com- game, commenting on the Tonnant, H. Stewart. tely dominatod the contost excellent play of the Bowman- Team 9-J. Bragg, N. Welsh, ting on quite a display of ville squad. The play of the M. King, H. Lockhart, J. ssing and positional play. defence was almost perfect Mayberry, D. Bragg. :)nly 1: 17 bad elapsed in the and the asig and cbecking Team 10-T. Forrester, J. ening period whon Chris of the fowr linos was vory Baker, E. Bragg, H. Simaick, cossi, wbo bad a splendid impressive. Teams participa- P. Hofstede,,K. Bromoîl. y, fired n bard shot into the tiag la the Uxbridge Tourna- Team il-F. Bradley, D. )corner of the net to send ment woro from Uxbridge, Bromoîl, B. Piper, G. Maraw, îwmanvillo into the lead. Stouffville, Port Perry, Bow- D. Mutton, J. lEdmondsoa. )nl1y one goal was scored la manville, Lindsay, Osbawa, Team 12-B. Osborne, C. second perioid, this one Markbam and Wbitby-Brook- Bowers, D. Park, J. Ard. V. ing to Kevin Clark, asgisted lin. Terry, D. Dennis. JohnA. Hayes (Smokey) Custom Cutting and Free.zer Orders 174 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa Bus. 579-8011 Res. 623-7056 After 6 p.m. 9 ILJ - ILJ 19 IL