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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 10

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ýn Saesan. Bowmanville, January 7, 1976 Editoi ie, Newcastle Inde nd t rs: JaCk and Hazol Crago Telephone 987-4201 Nursery Sehool Concert Newcastle Nursery and Day Care Centre, 323 Sunset Blvd., Newcastle Villa ge, ended the school year with the annual Christmas concert, Dec. l9th. Michael Peel led the children marching in costume to the tune of Drummer Boy, played by littie Casey-John De Plaa. Mrs. Margery Freethy direct- ed the chldren la the portra- yal of the Nativity with Wayne Henning as the Innkeeper, Andrea Massie as Mary,. Dwayne Foster as Joseph, Delana Chard the Angel, Three ýKings - Christopher Muscat, Jeffrey Rickard, and Michael Peel. The other cblîdren completed the scene as Shepherds and ail sang Away la a Manger. This scene p layed by the very young cilîdren in the authentic costumes of the age-old story with the Babe in t he Manger, the straw and the Shepherd's bonfire backed by a mural (a snow scene made by the puis) illuminated with a blue pt-light was beautiful and much appreciated by the audience of parents and friends. Nursery rhymes came next on the program, dramatized by Jody Jones the Snowman Laureen Miles the Grand Oîd Duke of York, Michael Peel Diddle Diddle Dumpling, Ray- mond Adams Wee Willîe Winkle, Bobby Faîzon the Clown, Jeffrey Rickard the Teddy Bear, played la Toy- land. The story of Snow White was narrated by Mrs. Valerie Rudman, Jenny Lyna Brun- ton, just 3 years old, was the cutest little Snow White la ber wig, red bow and long dress. Christopher Muscat as Prince Charmîng neyer missed bis, eue. Michelle Greg was much to retty f or the wicked Queen.Chrstopher Maskell was the tiny Woodsman. The Seven Dwarfs were happily played by cblîdren who picked their own favorite. Doc was Delana Chard, Sean Kirkpat- rick was Dopey, Andrea Massie Sneezy, Sharon Water- faîl Happy, Dwayne Foster Sleepyasey De Plaa Grum- py, Raymond dams Bashful. The concert closed as Sean Kîrkpatrick, the Reindeer, pulled in the sleigh driven by his bappy little driver Sharon Waterfal. The chilciren al sang "We Wisb You a Merry Christmas"', then enjoyed their Christmas party, with candy and cake. Wb'ile waiting to take the childrea home, the parents retired to the play- room for coffee and Christmas cake, prepared by Joan Shear- er, the school's new cook. We are sorry that some Christmas items dîd not reacb us la time last week, but do appreciate the calîs received and so we are including them this week.. On Christmas Day, Mrs. Marie Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gibson and Jason, and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Benson, Port Hope, enj.oyed dinner with Mr. and rs. Russel Gibson,' Hampton. Mrs. Bruce Whitney enjoyed a few days at Christmas witb her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wiggans and family, Oshawa. Cristmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and Jaclyn, Toronto,, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Scott and Lorraine, Maple Grove and Miss Uatby Scott, Toronto. Miss Cindy Scott bolidayed with hier sister, Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mr. Clarence Turner who passed away suddenly at bis home, R.R. 4, Bowmanville on Sun- day, January 4th. Master Steven Burley, Osh- awa visited bis grandpareats, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley. Mrs. Rosaline Osborne en- joyed the Christmas bolidays with hler daug hter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hockin, Kathy and Betty, London. Betty's husband, Gary Hamblin, sta- tioned with the Armed Forces la Egypt, was also home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cryderman. Mary and Jeffrey spent Christmas week- endi wîth tme locKInS. Miss Colleen Murray, Frankford enjoyed a week's holiday with bier grand arents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uedwin and Fred, Lake Shore. New Year's dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Mr. and Mrs. William Wade and boys, and Mr. Douglas Wade. Callers were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holman and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Col- leen, Frankford. To celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce's 35tb weddîng anniversary, the family took them to dinnier at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. Those la attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pearce, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, Mrs. 0111e Ric- hards, Oshawa, and Mrs. May Scott, Bowmanville. Mrs. D. Coulter, Mr., and Mrs. Harley Sherman, Lisa and Donald, Dowasview were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Johin Scott were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slayer, Oakville and were overnight visitors with Jobn's ,sister Mr. and Mrs Ken Newton, Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Wade visited recently wth Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Bruce- field, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williamson, London. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Frankford and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore visited on Saturday evening witb Mr. Maurice Butt, Courtice. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hayne and famîly.!ý spent New Year's Day la Buffalo. New Year's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kimbaîl included' the Coo- e er's, Oshawa, Kimball's, ort Granby, Alfred Gra- hami's, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Norton, Mrs. Bessie Dean and Mrs. Gordon Laking. On Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were dinner t esso Mr. and Mrs. S. J. anceaster, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. William Allib entertained many members of the Allia family on ,New Year's Day. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Wilda Johnson, and Mrs. Kaye MuiLnouise Hancock enjoy- ed the New Year's holiday with bier brother Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Bowmanville. Brian and Richard Sargent returned home Sunday after' spending the Christmas vaca- tion with their aunt Miss Ferne Crago and uncles Mr. Ronald Crago and Mr. Leland Crago, Providence. Mrs. Betty Brown is a patient la Sunnybrook Hospi- taI, Toronto. Mrs. G. Pacey, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hooe and famil spent New Year s Day with Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Pacey, Pontypool. Misses Frances and Hea- ther Hoar, oonto, spent the weekend withtheir parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hoar. Miss Gladys Allia, Univer- sity of Guelph, was home with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allia., Glad to report that Mrs. C. Quianey is home from Memo- rial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. James Mur- ray, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Martin enjoyed the- weekend snow- mobîling in the Haliburton district. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Balkind and family, Georgetown, en- joyed the Christmas vacation wîtbh ler parents, Mr., and Mrs. Robert Simpson and families, Golf Course Road. Miss Candy Storks, Rexdale was home f or the weekend with bier arents Mr. and Mrs. William ýtorks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose spent New Year' s Day in Guelph witb their son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose and family. Anglican Churcb News At S t. George's Anglican Church on Suaday, Jan. 4 *memorial flowers werepîacecl on the altar by John ancfJoyce Ritchie in memory of their infant son. The choir sang an anthem, the Welsb Carol, Poverty. Mr. Jack Meachin rend the lesson, Rev. Robt. Hayne's sermon, fitting for the New Year, was titled Behold, I Make Al ThrgsNew. Mrgakley Peters is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. During bis ab- sence, Mr. Timotby Yates showed bis slides on the Yukon, to the Youtb Group. Last Saturday, Rev. Hayne conducted thé Yfuneral service of Mr. James Lees Johnson, Orono. Communion Service to cele- brate Epipbany will be held this Thursday at 7 p.m. The annual Vestry Meeting will be beld Monday, Jaauary 26 at 8 p.m. sharp la the Paris Hall. United Churcb News On Sunday, Jan. 4th at Newcastle United Churcb, for bis New Year's sermon, Rev. Thomas Smith spoke on 'Ac- cepting Our Lot la Life'. The annual Congregational p ot-luck supper will be hield on Sunday, January 25th. Hockey News Eastman's Gulf Major Bantams This teami played in two exhibition games over the holidays. They played Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, in the Newcastle Arena, beîng host to Sunderland. The Same ended la a tie witb underland 2, and Newcastle 2. Scoriag for Newcastle were Donald Rowley and Dean Walker, assists going to Tom Glover, Phîlîp Dost. Robert Towns and Mark Berney. Playiag la goal were Donald Nicholson and Scott'Moir. The following Tuesday night, Dec. 29th, Newcastle was host to Orono, final score being Newcastle 3' Orono 0. The team piayed a good defence gamne wîth oniy a few players that night b ut still they came up withî shutting Orono out. Newcastle scorers were Mike Wade, Tom Dwyer and Dou Nicholson,' assîsts going to Hobert Tons two. With goalies picking up ano- ther sh utout, In the net were Donald Nicholson and Scott Moir. Newcastle Lumbermen vs Oshawa On Dec. 29th, the Lumber- men were outscored 6-2 by Oshawa. No matter what the boys tried, they just could not connect. Only two goals were scored by Martin Goschl and Mike Smith wîth assists going to Kevin Jenkins and Brian Langstaff . On Jan. 3, 1976, the Lumber- men went to Grafton to participate in a tournament. Ia the first game, the Lumber- men defeated Pittsburghby' a score of 5-3, with gol oing ito Martin Goschl, Robie Wallis two, Paul Peters and Brian Langstaff wîth assists going to Brian Carr, Randy Donnelly and Jim Winid. The second eame the Lum- bermen played'against Co- bou rg. Unfortunately, Co- bourg defeated the Lumber- men, but Cobourg had to work very hard to get that win, as the boys gave it everything they had. The Lumbermen were behind 2-0 as Brian Carr managed to score their first goal, with the assist going to Brian Langstaff and Blain Gilmer. Then Jim. Wind with great effort scored the tying goal1 unassisted. Cobou1rg came back to make the final score 4-2 for Cobourg. Next games to be played on Thursda y, January 8 and Friday, January 10 at 7:30. Word to the Lumbermen: If you boys keep playing the way you did in Grafton, you can defeat any team. If you lose, there is no shame knowing that you gave it eyerything you had. Newcastle Atom Ail-Stars Sponsor - Papa's Pizza During our holiday break, our team played in two tournaments, the first being played in the Lindsay-Ops Tournament, with al i our games being played la Lind- say. Our first game was played on Dec. 29tb against I naismore with Newcastle winning 8-2. Coming into the second round Dec. 30, we played against Bowmanville, coming up with a 3-2 win. Witb two wins under our beit we met up with oneof the host teams from Ops. This was a ver tight game all the way, withOps leading in the thiri period b y 2-1. We pulled our goaltender and then tied up the game 2-2, leaving only 8 seconds left in regular time. We went into overtime and scored the winning goal to take home the Championship Trophy. Winniag in the consolation end, Keene won over Little Britain with a 3-1 score.. On to Port Hope January 3rd, 1976, we were not quite so lucky as in Lindsay. We ended our first game against Port Ferry la a 5-5 tie. Port Ferry won this on. one to one shots on our goalkeepers with five shots going la over our four. Pl aying Our next game we again tied this time with Keene 2-2. Keene won this gamre with shots on our team again. This put us out of the consolation end and also the tournament. Keene won the consolation trophy, beating Bowmanville by a score of 6-1. The Championship stayed in Port, Hope as they played a fine game against Port Perry wînning with a 2-1 score. I would like to thaak alI three centres for making these tournaments work out as well as they did. We (parents, players, coach and manager) thank everyone involved. Manager Laverne Martin. Mr. and- aMrs. !crl Tod Mr _ . - a nd Mr s. Raà1»ph Ba m s ey and family were visitors for dinner New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch were with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weekes on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin-, son, Mr. Ross Robinson and Mr. John Robinson had New Year's supper with Mr. and Mrs. LesPeck, Newtonville. Mr, and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and Mr. Gerald Hallowell, Toronto, also had New Year's dianer with Misses Beulah and onreii7O r Gordon Watson wears his new' fire helmet and watch following their presentation on Saturday, Dec. 7th at the annual C hristmas party of the Orono firefighters. Orono Fire Chief Ross Mercer and area chief Jim Hayman were part of the evening festivities. Mrs. Stirling Mather (right) pins a corsage on Mrs. Velma Watson on the occasion of honoring her husband Gord for his 41 years of service to the Orono Fire Department and upon his retirement from the force at the end of the year. Christmas Day jzuests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Metcalf and Krista, Port Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMaster and Stephen, Zion, Miss Annie Holt, Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Metcalf, Bowmanville., Mr, Gordon Harrison, Omnemee. Mr. Har- rison remained for-a few days' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Met- caif joined the thirty-two members of the Bruce Metcalf family on Saturday for their Christmas family party at Ebenezer United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Aylwin Haines, Annetta and Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm, Shelley and Kevin, Mr., and Mrs. Vernon Malcolm Brad- ley and Tracey, of R.R. Nestieton, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm, Jodie and Michelle, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. James Kent and Katrina, Orono, Mrs. Irene Sonley,, Port Perry were Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Vctor Malcolm. For New Year's Day Mr. Fred Gordon, Roseneath visited with his sîster and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs.- Calvin Holland, Bowmanville. Sunday cinner and supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob, Deanna and Rhonda, R.R. Blackstock. For the occasion of their wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish were Norma Hallowell, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fair- bank and family, Toronto, were at their summer home for a few days last week. With Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair on New Year's Eve were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aldridge and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Harness. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark entertained their family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylvester, Julie and David of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell, Michele and Scott, Bewýdley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark of R.R. 4, Port Hope over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Syl- vester and family stayed from the Friday,, December 19 to Sunday, December 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark entertained their friends on New Year's Eve. Those pre- sent were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Savery, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls, Mrs. Kaye Farrow, Mrs. H. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brennan and Mrs. Dor- othy Stark. Communion Sunday was Sunday, Jan. 4th. at Shiloh. Rev. Montgomery's scripture lesson was on Isaiah Chaptçr 53. On Jan. 8th at 8 pmthe Annual Meetingf of t h e Past- oral Charg e fficial Board will be held ln Newtonville Church. The Annual Congre- gational Meeting for Shiloh will be held on January 18 following the service. guests of their family on New Year's Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malcoim and family moved into their receîîtly built bouse during the week and were plensed to celebrate New Year's Eve there. Miss-DorotbyBulmer spent a few days at Christmas with ber sister and busband, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. MacMillan and family at St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine, Laurel, Debbie, Darlene, Her- bert and girl friend, Mr. Herb Vine, senior, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams Scott, Dale and Neil, Mr. aad Mrs. Clarke Willams, Nestieton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers, Inn Todd, Craig and Tracie, Tyrone, Mr. anc ivrs,iser t iowers, John and Brian, Oshawa, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, Geofrey, Ryan and Lisa, North Bay, Constable Gerald Bowers, Millbrook were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Earl for a family gatbering on Saturday at the Community Hall, Nestieton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cbapman, Dustin and Kale, North Bay were Sunday over-aigbt guests of the Bowers. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow,, Jane and Patricia, Dundas, were Saturday over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbompson. On Sunday the Toposand the Mariows were ine guests of Mrs. Neil Bailey aad family, Blackstock. Miss Betty Hicks, Mr. George Hicks spent Christmas with their- mother. Mrs. Marguerite Hicks and gr and- father. Mir. Wm. Armstrong, Port Perry. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Dan Prosser, Terry and Tom also joined witb the family la Port Ferry. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and failtr.r y were Mr. and Mrs. iJames Bilton, Danay and Sammy, Kingston, Miss Arlene Allia, Oshawa. Sympatby is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Brown (formerly Mrs. Ted Marlow) of Oshawa, The funeral ser- vice was Monday with inter- ment la Nestleton United Church Cemetery. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robin- son, Stroud, spent a few days at Christmas witb Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Moore spent Christmas witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkîns, Whitby. Mr. aad Mrs. Gilbert Avery and family, Mrs. Freda 1Englisli were Christmas gîîests of Mr. and Mrs. Orom Moore. On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Moore were hosts to their faiTîily the Moores and the Robinsons, On Sunday, of last week Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tbompson were hosts for a family gathering. Guests were Mrs. Gladys Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Susan, Blnckstock, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Letbîidge, Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thompson, Udora, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Colacicco and family, Oshawa. .-to 8OKi SaeEnds Sat., January 24 ýn St. WV. 623-2826 BowmanviIIe TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Incorne Tax' Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowrnanville, Ontario. LiC MN IF PEOPLE, SEEM TO AMUMBLE ARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND JACK STEWART HEARING AID SPECIALIST Don't always blame them, even a mild" hearing loss can make conversation sound blurred. Let us put your mind at rest. Have an Electronie Hearing Test with a Beltone Audiometer. This takes but a few minutes, and there is no obligation. Corne in and see us at our regular service centre at F-lyi*ng DutehinIN Liberty St. and 401 Bowmanville,. Thursday, January 8, 1976 1-4 p. m. or Phone 623-3373 and 1111 corne to see you 849 Alexander Crt. Peterborough, Ontario 745-3244, MothR Bargains Galore for Under eIo 0 FREE ADVERTISEMENT COUPON Print your advertisement in CAPITAL LETTERS -- one word per space. I nciude the price expected for the article which must be $10.0O or Iess. Address and-or telephone number must al' so be included immediately after the article being offered for sale and will be published within the advertisement. Unsigned coupons will be destroyed., Illegible or wrongly-completed coupons will be destroyed. Please note thattelephone orders wiîî flot be accepted and only ONE item will be publi!shed for each coupon subm itted. This section is not open to Traders, or for the sale of pets. This FRE E offer may expire at any ti me and without prior notice. Mail this coupon to: ""UNDER $10.o0 ADS", c-o Classified Dept., Bowmanville Canadian Statesman, Box 190 or bring itin tothe Canadian Statesman Office. bignature Address- k MIVSS THE STATESMAN FOR A WEEK AND YOU MISS A BARGAIN Mod aotonacls f f Ail Fabrics except Draperies and.Linings and -Wear Mr. Lloyd Henry, Bowman- ville, spent a couple of weeks recently with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee. On Saturday of last week Mr. and Mrs. McKee were hosts for their family ý arty. Those attending were r.adMrs. Bert Shea, Wayne and Randy, R.R. Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. John McMillen, Tammy and Brent, Caesarea, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frew, Dwayne and Andrew, R.R. Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McKee and family, Iti. B urketon, Mr. and Mrs. Jîm McKee and family Oshawa, Miss Jane Russeli, Bethany, Miss Debbie McKee, Mr. Ken Richards, Hamilton, On New Year's Day Mr, and Mrs. Clarke Williams were afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis and iboys, Bowmanvlle and even- ing dinner gusts of Mr. and Mrs. RonaÎd" Williams and family, Oshawa. Miss Ilene, DeJong, Brian and Ivan DeJong, of Guelph University, spent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben De Jong. New Year's Day guests of Mrs. Ivan Proutt were her sister and brother-in-Iaw Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Torrance of Lindsay. For New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robinson, Stroud, Mr. Vernon Moore, Toronto, Mr. Jack and Mr. Clifford Sedman Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Oram, Moore, David and Lynne, R.R. Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Earl and Jerry, visited on New Year.s Day with Mr. John Fratalochi in Lindsay Hospital and had evening dinner at the Red Carpet Inn. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heasli, Lindsay. Mrs. R. W. Jackson, Mr. Alan Jackson and Miss Marilyn Jackson and the Harley Jackson family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson and family, Port Perry. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson, Yvonne and Robert had evening dinner with his mother Mrs. R.W. Jaî-ksnn. Alan and Marilyn. Holiday visitors with Mrs. R.W. Jackson were Mrs. Rita Gordon, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Janet, Judith and Gordon,_Agincourt. .Mr. and Mrs. Marwo McKee, Blackstock, Mrs. Ed Lawson and Mr. Bruce L- son were New Year's I1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bru'ýz Heaslip. Saturday evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kelly, and Esther, R.R. Little Britain and Caro- lyn Wright, Fenelon Fals. Nlw--Year's-Day geïT- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Proutt were Reverend and Mrs. Robertson, of Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webb and family Whitby. Saturday eveniag dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowers and boys, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Dou&las, Lind- say, were Sunday visîtors with her mother,-Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs spent the week-end with ber Sa rents Mr. and Mrs. Walter ent and other relatives at Sundridge. On New Year's Day Mr. and Mrs. Mairs attended the wedding and reception of their niece, ýBarbara Kent. On Saturday they were guests at the wedding reception of their niece, Kathy Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison arrived, safely in Florida. On Sunday a tele- phone cail was received by M .Grant Thompson. Preshyterian In the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess, read the scripture passage Romans 3:19-26. T h e phîlosophy of many of mankind is like that of the Romans - man neyer, sinned, therefore is not re- sponsible for his offences and cannot be charged. Paul is really saying that we rnust have a right relationship with God ourselves in order that we, can ont out our lives for Hlm. United Church In the United Church Reverend Victor Parsons chose "Forever" as the theme for his New Year's message reading Hebrews 12:1-13. Time is eternal. We should use that time allotted to us to glorify God and in doing His will. The choir sang "Kuny Bah Yah " (Corne By Here)._

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