Section Two The Canadtian Statesman. Bowmanville. January 7, 1976 3 Pratt- Siater Wedding Miss Sheila Aileen Siater of Kemptville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Siater, Orono, was united in marriage by Reverend Geoffrey Joycey, assisted by Marion Gilmer, Kemptville, to Mr. Harry Jackson Pratt, sonI of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Pratt, ail of Kemptville, on Saturday, December 2th, 1975 in Kemptville. Photo by Kemptville Photo Service Eivery ,Knox SUdent Involv-Pin Concert Penhaps rone oi the mosý, appropniate of ahl the recent Chistmas Concerts aad pre- sentations at local schools and by commuaity groups was held on Friday at Knox Christian School on Scugog Street., It was more than just ('11ritmas that came across in the performance which begna with the creation of man (Adam aad Eve) andproced- cd through the biblical tmes dealing with the various prophets and Kings up to the time of Chist's irth to the Vin g la Mary, and concluded with Revelations predictions of the future. The school's principal Fred Bosma explained that the students perfonmed about 90 per cent of the presentation fromi memory including the music and singing with veny littie assistance fnom pinted material. "Prophet, Priest and King" was the designated theme of the program which in some way involved every student. Provinci al Court Decemben 30, 1975 Judge G. W. Inrig inesided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney N. McCrank and duty counsel M.B. Kelly. Gary Carter, 22, Bowman- ville, charged Decemben 7 at Bowmanville 'did drive while disqualified', leaded 'guilty'. H1e was a lso changed the same day of having consumed over .08 and pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Mackie was on patrol and observed a- car disobey a traffie light on King and Tempenance Sts. Tests were .13 and .12. H1e was unden suspension for an accumula- tion of demerit p oints. The finst charge brought a fine of $150 and costs, in default 15 days consecutive to 13 days ievied in default of fine of $130 aad costs on the second charge. H1e was given a further licease suspension and the judge warned 'if hie drives, it will b e a jail terni.' Ralph J. Wilson, 44, 70 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to diving December 3 after consuming oven .08. Const. Smith ne- ceived a complaint of ennatic driving an d followed hlm on Liberty St. to Ontario St. with car weaving. Tests wene .17 and .16. The fine was $200 and costs, in default 20 days. The judge told him hie would receive notice of lîcense suspension. Brian Cowan, 20, 8 Pine St., towanvill, ruladedguilty' te bracho his probation orden by net abstainfing from alcohol. H1e was shoutiag and sweaning in a parking lot and was a borderline drunk. The fine was $200 and costs or 20 days. 11e was given one month bnhwarrant is to be issued for Brian MeMann. Val Bogdanow, 1.1.2, Bow- manville, was charged Octo- ber 31 with erecting an addition to a garage on his property without fînst obtain- îag a b ildin prmit. 1He pleaded 'guilty. e fine was ,V50 and costs, in default 5 days. H1e was given 2 weeks to pay. William Medwid, 55, 1.1.1, Bowmanville, pleaded 'not guilty' to a September 15 charge 'without lawful excuse did p oint a fine arm.' H1e was further changed on saine date 'without lawffl ecs did use a finearmr on Robert Lambert. H1e pleaded 'not guilty'. H1e was repnesented by Mn. Livingstone. Const. Kozak investigated the above inci- dent. Mn. Lambert had been fîshing on pnoperty of Mr. Miller. As hie was leaving the area, hie heard gun shots. Mn. Medwid told the court another ~roperty owner asked him to epwatch for trespassers. H1e was found 'guilty' as charged. A p e-sentence ne- potwste e prepared for Howard Emard, 40, 1.1.6, Bowmanville, pleaded 'not guilty' to a charge laid Otober 5 'did drive while irnpained by alcohol or drug' H1e was repnesented by A.A. Strike. A witness said hie followed hlm south on negional road 57 at 15 miles an hour in a 60 mile zone and the car was weaving and at one time was on wrong side of noad. Const. Molyneaux was notified and found the car on Liberty St. S. over the centre line and at one KICK THE IT'SA ATEROF1IFE AND BREATH! Your Chris'jtmas SealAssociation CanoIIeIp FOR YOUR FREE KIT ON HOW TO QUIT SMOKING Mail f orm below to- Durham Region TB-RD Association 757 Grierson St., Oshawa. L1G 5J8 1 amn slncerely interestcd in stopping smoking please send free kit to: > WAML.Please print ADDRESS. ,PostalI code Presenf Pins for long Service cf Hos pifai At a presentation la the foyer of Memoial Hosoital Deceînbcr 22, the employees shown above wene awanded pis for five y cars of service y yRichard Elston, Hospital Admiistrator a -d Tom Cowaa, Chairman and Presi- dent of the hospital board of directors, at left. They are (in front now) Mns. M. Crago, Mns. L. Hughes and Mns. F. front of the photo below. Also Mrs. B. Thenteli, Mns. K. Gordon, saowa in aintroat, are Mns. McMaaus and Mns. S. Wight. Receiving pins for longer Bella Falls and Mrs. F. In the middle row are Mrs. M, peniods of service from Mn. Vanstone who received Burgess, mvrs. N. Hockè-tt and Cowan and Mn. Elston were plaques aad gifts followiag Mns. P. Schumacher and la Mns. D. Anderson (10 yeans), retiremeat fnom service at the the back now are Mike Wilken Mns. G. Masterson (15 y cars), hospitai. Mrs. E. Bellamy was and Ed Ingnam. Not present Mns. 1. Gould (20 ycars) la the not preseiit to.receive hen 20 for the photo wene Mns.m back now and Mns. D.J. yean service pin, MéEwen, Robent Stapleton, Cochrane (15 yeans) la thc Photo by Liz Armstrong Trustee ugessDay Cre Te ch eterPlrntoo Qaifications arc requircd tobe evenything cisc except a parent, Mns. Haniett Reisien told the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education when she pnoposed that high school students be tnained in panenthood by iastituting day cane centres la the high schools. Mns. Réisle's appnoach to training for parenthood is not as radical as it may scem at finst ganace. Although a _pro- gram of day cane in the high school studeats already take a credit course by wonig at day cane centres outside the schools. The idea pnoposed by Mns. Reislcr is fo frain boý,s and girls (the majority of whom will be parents) to be good parents. She spoke, of the maay pnoblcms society now faces wîth delinquent children and battened chi1dea. Mrs. Reisit', suggestcd that these problems stem fnom the family and lack of training on behaif of parents. The administration was ask- cd to lavestigate the possibil- ities of stanting day cane centres la the schools- in Septemben 1976 and offering credit courses to students la childhood education and par- MinorI Ijriei A 1975 Volvo was one of the two vehicles involved in a collision early Fni., Dec. 26, at thec intersection of King West (Highway 2) and Martin Road . It sustained damage estimated by Durham R1e- gional Police at $600 to the front end. Driver of the vehicle, Hughi bang of 78 Church Street Bowmanville was not reported injured while passengers Susan Lang and Jennifer Lang, age 3, sustained mînor injuries and went to hospital themselves for treatment. Driver of the second vehicle, Christian E. Staman of 1.1.6, Bowmanville, aiso went to hospîtal for treatment of injuries. Police report the Staman vehicle, which sus- tained damage of $400, had been southbound on Martin V int as in north-bound lane. hetnstopped, he had trouble finding hîs papers. His face was flushepd ald speech slurred. At Division 17 there was a back log and no breath tests could be taken. Const. Mackie corroborated evidence of Const. Molyneaux as hie took hlm to Division 17. Previous convictions wene read to the court. The crown said it was erratic driving and in his opinion was divîng while ability was impained. H1e was found guilty". he cnown asked for a jail term. The judge said when thene was no breath reading, hie would levy a substantial fine. The fine was $350 and costs, in default 30 days. 11e was jiven one month to pay. Two mcn chared with rape appeared for a bail hearing. Roger Lee Cobbledick, 17 and Paul Randail Johnston, 19. Newcastle. Bail was set at one surety of $5,000 each. They are to report each Tuesday and Friday to the OPP at New- castle and notify them of any change in address. They are to stay away from the family involved. Road, stoppcd, then pro- cecded into the intersection and was la collision with the westbouad bang Vehicle. ENFIELD Mrs. Carol Wonnacott and Ang cia, Bowmanvillc, Mn. and Mns. Chester bec, Whitby, Mrs. Howard Cowling, Mn. aad Mrs. Bihl White and Lorraine, Whtby, Mn. and Mrs. Norman bec aad family, Manilla, and Mn. and Mns. Don bee and family, Master Adam Worboy, Mr. aad Mns. Don Griffia and Greg wcrc Christmas and New Year's guests of Mn. and Mrs. Elmen bec. Mn. and Mns. Charles Nem- eth,, Mn. and Mns. Clancey bavender of Oshawa, Mn. Jîm Alexander, Toronto wenc with Mn. and Mns. George baven- der on Christmas Day and Mn. and Mrs. A. Phillippes, Mn. and Mrs. J. Schnider, Mn. and Mrs. C. bavenden and Miss Gina Schlciss ahl of Oshawa were New Ycar's Day gucsts of Mn. and Mns. 'George_ Lavender, Kelly and Lîllian. Mn. and Mns. John Hall and family, Oakvillc, Mn. and Mrs. Jerry Hughes and family, Oshawa, wcne New Ycar's gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. Gannet Wetherup. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Ton- onto, Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowman and girls, bondon, Mn. aad Mrs. Erîc Bowman, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Avery and Kevin, Orono, Mns. Milton Tamblyn, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns, Milton Stainton, Ennis- killen, Mn. and Mrs. Evertoli White, Bcthesda, wcne Christ- mas gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman. Mn. and Mrs. J. WV. Bowman were dinnen gucsts of Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Toronto and visited Dr. R. B. Green of Hastings and wenc pleased to find hîm making good pro- gness following surgery in St. Michacîs Hospital, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman enting. Mns, Reislcn suggested the program mîight stant as a potproject la one on more high0p schools la the boards jurisdiction. The motion to have the administration investigate the possibility of hi gh school courses la parcnthood was secoadcd by Dr. Ian Wilson, agreeing wîth Mrs. Reisien la hen cpnenrns about training for panenthood. The costs of such a pnognam werc questonedtby a umben of trustee b ut those trustees dld not bject o nvestigatrion of the idea by the acinis- tration. Cobourg Stan and Mn. and Mns. Eric Bowman werc New Yean's dinner guests of Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Avery, Onono, and supper gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. R. Best, Hampton. On Monday Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Bowmaa attended a family dianen party at the home of Mn. and M ns. Godfncy Bowman, Bow- manville., .Mn. and Mrs. W. Pascoc, Miss E. Cunningham, Brant- fond, werc gucsts of Mn. and Mns. Carl Sargent and family, Cavan. Mn. and Mns. Walter Brid- gctt, Mn. and Mns. Lanny Bridgctt, Mn. John Hoîkema, Danny and Eddie, Bowman- ville wene Christmas and New Ycar'sgucsts of Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor vîsitcd with Mn. and Mrs. Raye Taylor, Oshawa and Mn. andMns. Keith Taylor, Rea- bono. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Lindsay and Mn. and Mrs. Allan Wright, Omcmcc were guests at Mn. and Mrs. Russel Wrights on Sunday and Mn. and Mrs. Walter Manstnom and basheli on Christmas Day. Mn. and Mns. ChesternLbec, Whitby, Mn. and Mns'. Norman bec and family, Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Mn. and Mrs. Don bec and family, Mn. and Mns. Fred Giffia wcre with Mn. and Mns. Don Giffin and Greg on New Yca's Eve. Mn. and Mrs. Don bec and family were Christmas and New Yea's gucsts of Mn. and Mns. Wilfned Fowlcr, Hamp- ton. Mn. and Mns. Jcss Milîs, Niagara Falls, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Allison and family, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Oshawa, Mrs. Herman Walkcr,' Brookla, Mn. Jîm Smith, Guelph, and Miss Beverley Smith wene Christ- mas and New Ycar's guests of Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Smith. Miss Beverley Smith has nturncd home aften spcnding sometime nursing la the hospital at Ottawapisk wherc tac tempenature was from 45 degnees to 75 degrees bclow zero. Mn. and Mns. Ken Cochrane and family,'alentia and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cochrane and boys were with Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane visîted with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Blackstockon Sun-, day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gra- ham', Mr. and Mrs. Alan Coolidge and boys, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larmer and family, Port Hope and the Samis family were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin and Julie over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Samis and girls, Hluron Park, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Smith and boys, Leamington, Mr. Mur- ray Start, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Samis, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin and Julie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family, Solina, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis through the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis and Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin Alterations Extra and Julie, Mn. and Mns. Don Taylor and family, Solina, visited with Mn. and Mns. Fred Samis thnough the Christmas holidays. *Mn. and Mrs. Fred Samis and Mn. and Mns. Don Griffin and Julie wene guests of Mn. and Mns. Charles Gnaham, Oshawa for New Year's Eve. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Lec werc Sunday guests of Mn. and Mns. Chesten Lee, Whitby. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Small- wood. Beaventon, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, Beaven- ton, Mn. and Mrs. Nonnis Stewart, Woodville, Mn. and Mrs. Melville Smallwood and boy&s Oillia wene with Mn. and M Mrs, John Catton and family for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barry and family spend Christmas wîth Mn. and Mns. Kani Barry, West Gilford. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Lloyd wene Christmas gucsts of Mn'. and Mns. B. Simms, Caesanea. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Lloyd and family, Mr. and Mns. Wayne Barry and familv spend sevenal days at thein cottage at Mazinaw Lake, Mns. M. Davey, Elaine and Garth spent a week at St, Petersburg, Flonida. Mn. -and Mns. Don Gniffîn and Julie visited Mn. and Mns. Wilfned Gniffin and family, Columbus. Mrs. Don Gniff la and Julie and Mn. Albert Samis, Osh- awa called on Mn, and Mns. 'Morley Gilroy, Broolin, Mr. and1cIs.Gren Willson and family spent the Christ- mas holidays, with Mns. Will- son 's sisten in California. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Grîf- fin, Oshawa, Mrs., M.ý McLaughlin, Caesarea, Mn. and Mrs. D. Gniffin and Gneg, Mn.,and Mrs. Ken Cochrane and family, Valentia wenc with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Griffin. Mn. James Gibson, Thunder Bay, has been visiting Mn. and Mrs. Denis Gibson- JEAWAY AUTO LEASI LeasinO AlilMakes and Models to the Business Com-munityk Since 1960 1120 Dundas St. E. Whitby -T Whitby 66eOfgl Toonto 36&6MdaashawA 122-w,-4 LET US HELP YOU TO STOP SMOKING SMOKER'S WITHDRAWAL J COURSE Sponsored by the Durham Region TB and Respiratorv Disease Association at Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate 250 Harmony Rd., South, Oshawa Beginning Monday, February 9th, 1976 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. (Six evening sessions> Mon. Tues. Wed. February 9, 10, 1llth Mon. Thurs. February 16, l9th Mon. February 23rd Mail pre-registration form below ta:- Durha m Reg ion T B- RD Association 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa, Li1G 5J8 "COUNTDOWN ON SMOKING" please prrnt Address.. ................... .................. Telephone..................... Postal Code. Registration Fee enclosed $5.00 Students and Senior Citizens Free Senior Citizen I Student L Another Christ mas Seal Service Chargex Master Charge OPNTHURS. AND FR1. TO 9:00 pa. Toepehone 725-3144 draperies BROADLOOM DRAPERIES DY THE YA RD- VENETIAN & CLOTH BLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY ROOS & TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE HOWARD VICE 926 Simc. St. N. praprietor Oshawa, Ont. Il. Il u i LADIES' WEAI< UALpWINTER UPOyof 1