Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville. Janliirv 7. 1976 5 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, WHITE TABLE STOCK POTATOES 20-LB BAG $ 1,49 TEXAS PACKED,' FRESH DAILY SPINACH 310o-OZ CELLO PKGS $1 .00 CANADA FANÇY, ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE COU RTLAND APPLES 5-LB CELLO BAG 79< EVERYDAY LOW RETAIL POPPING CORN 2-LB PKG 69< r Frozen Foods! SULTANA, BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY FROZEN MEAT PIES PIEIS VALLEY FARM, FROZEN, CHOICE, SHOESTRING, CRINKLE OR STRAIGHT CUT Frenc h Fries 22-bpkg 89< DNFLAKE - FROZEN BONUS PACK - "FRE" Frozen Waff les 11oz pkg 49Lý PLAIN OR SALTINES A&P Crackers îIpg9 WITH PORK OR IN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRICEOI Hïeinz Beans 219-f-oztns $ 1.00 RAGU - MARINARA ACTION PRICEDI Spaghetti Sauce 144, otin 49< TUCK Garbage Bogs pkg of 10 494 A&P BRAND, PROM COMCENTRATE <PREPRICED) Apple Juice 48-f-0z tin49< PENNYWORTH - WHITE, PINK, YELLOW BATHROOM TISSUE, PKG 0F 1 4 ROLIS KRAFTi SALAD DRESSING ACTION PRICEDI Miracle W hip 32-fIoz ar$1.29 BONNIE - PARCHMENT WRAPPED Margarine 1Ib pkg39< INSTANT CREAMER 22-OZ JAR ACTION PRICEDI Bordens Cremelle $179 GLAD ACTION PRICEDI Garbage Bags pk of 0$1.09 SWEET MIXED, BABY DILLS, BREAD & BUTTER 24-PL-OZ JAR- Coronation Pickles 69< "PORK -LOIN RO4-'ýASTS Rib Portion Tenderloin Portion 3 to 3½/-Ib cut l MARY MILES (2-LB VAC PAC $1.24) VAC WIENERS 1-LB PORK LOIN Cenitre CutChops 's19 COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs lb $1.49 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED Calves Liver lb 99< SUPER.RIGHT, SUICED Side Bacon 1îb Vc Pc$68 SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Bologna 16-oz Vac Pac 99< Rb Haif Loin Tenderloin Haif Loin lb BUJRNS- STORE PACK S)ausages BEEF & PR MARY MILES, SLICED Cooked Ham 6-oz OMSTEAD, FROZEN Lake-Srnelts BLUE WATER, FROZEN, HADDOCK Fish & Chips 2C GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE Chicken Cutiets c 1b89< Vac Pac 99<1 6-oz pkg 63e 20-oz pkg89 PERSONAL SIZE Ivory Soap 4 bars 69< CANADA NO. 1 GRADE - CREAMED HONEY BiIly Bee4-b container 34 V8COCKTAIL- J ie2f.z 9 6VARIETIES Y&S Candy 11 pk 89W TE A 13AGS ACTION PRICEDI Flowerdale pkg of 72$19 TOMATO ACTION PRICEDI HîEINZ KETCHUP 20-FL-OZ I BOULtE GRAPE, ORANGE, ROOT BEER, STRAWBERRY F ago Beverages 4161/2-l-zbls 89< LIBBY'S, FANCY SLEEVE PACK OF 3 Tomato Juice î9-fîozin99< DEL MONTE - SEASONED GREEN OR ACTION PRICEDI WAax Beans '314-f-oz insslOO0 9FLAVOURS PKG 0F 4, S-FL-OZ TINS ACTION PRICEDI Del Monte Puddings 89< BVRIL ACTION PRICEDI Luncheon Meat 12oz ti n87< JANE PARKER, SLICED BUY 2 LOAVES- SAVE 19c J RAISIN 16OZ ,O BREAD LOAVES 779 Jane Parker, Slced- OId-Fashîoned or Buay 2 toavse-Sâvs 91 Italian Style Bread 224-oz1oaves89< JANE PARKER SAVE lOc Spanish Bar Cake 19-oz cake79< JANE PARKER - PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON SAVE 1 Oc Cake Donuts pkg of12 59W JANE PARKER - RAISIN TWIST ACTION PRICEOI Coffee Ca ke 14-oz cake75< JANE PARKER ACTION PRICEDI Sweet ROiI s JELLY TOPPED pkg of 87/5< 1ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JAN. lOth, 1976. A&P Freezes Prices! Effective November 21 st, 1975, A&P put a Price Freeze on aIl foods, non-food and general merchandise items - with the exception of meat and produce. This Price Freeze wiII remain in effect until January i 7th, 1976. A&P wiII continue to have weekly specials in Al departments during this period. Check these Low Prices! REGULAR ACTION PRICEOI MAPLE LEAF--CHOICE ASPARAGUS T IPS 1-L-OTI TOMATO ORt VEGETABLE CLARK Al-IO 0 SOUPS A? TINS 17 PEANUT BUTTER CHIP, CHOCOLAT! VANILLA, FUDë CREAMS OR 1-LB TIN TIE BAG (PREPRICED) CHOC. CHIP 7 A&P COOKInES711 LONG GRAIN A&P Rice 2-16pkg79< ANN PAGE Peanut Butter 3-Ibar$225 ISave 40,ê MARVEL BRAND SLICED, WHITE - ----- 6-OZ LOAVES BUY 4LOAVES -SAVE 40c JANE PARKER (PKG 0F 12 $.B HOT CROSS PKG ILBUNS OF 6iJ JANE PARKER ACTON PRICEDI B Iueberry Pie fulli 84nch, 22-oz pie 99< JANE PARKER - ORANGE OR CHOCOLAT! SAV10 Chiffon Cake 13oz cake79ý JANE PARKER ACTION PMRICEDI Date Crunch 12ofoi tray69< JAN£ PARKER SAVE 1oc PieFol -Inch Q8W, Rhubarb-Apple Pe2- 1 JANE PARKER ACTION PRICEDI Raisin Pie FULL 8-INCH, 22-07ZPIE 8.5< WINTARIO & OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A&U FOOD STORES. The fox, was apparently not movingttoo quickly, although it reportedly had charged at a car. Inspecting the animal after ît had been kiîled, i t was found to have several porcupine quilîs stuck in its mouth and apparently had been bleeding from the mouth. There are no reports of the fox having attacked or bitten any animal or person. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN C LA SSIFlE DS PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED BEEF LIVER 665 Check these Price & P ride Values! r Yor Bet Coffee Buy Is... A Sup.rb Blond, Rich in Brazillan Coffe.s EIGHJT O'CLO'f>CfK BAGo 3-LB BAG $31,39 More Fine Quality Jane Parker Baked. Goods! LONG SAULT ivr. and Mrs. Harry Biaker and family County Road 57; Pamela Baker, Burketon were Fridaysupper'guests and Mr. andMrs. Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker and family, County Road 57, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall, Dunsford, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys, were Sunday dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were New Year's dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fishley, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls were New Year's day g uest of the David Shank- land's. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sutch, Pontypool were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, were, Sunday evening guests of the G. Kovacs' and girls. Miss Grace Smith was a Saturday afternoon visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mrs. Harold DeMille and girls, Bowmanville, and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were New Year's afternoon visitors of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Milison and New Year's Eve guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. Penwarden and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold De- Mille and girls, Bowmanville were New Year's supper guests and Mr. and Mrs. P5aul Vaneyk and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden were Sun- day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.- Vaneyk. Sympathy of th e community is extended to Mrs. C. Garrard and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, Haydon, in the passing of a loving husband and father. Sorry toreport Mrs. Bert Johnson is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and Misses Mary and Wendy were: Mrs. George Armour and Miss Bertha Armour, Hampton; Miss Kim Phillips, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornish, Shannon and Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephen- son and boys, Newcastle were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and Trevor. .Club 50 ladies will meet Tuesday evening, January13 at the home of Mrs. John Bateman when they will have their delayed Christmas party and memb ership dues will be paid. OBITIUARY MISS EDNA HELENA BOTTUELL A member of a prominent local family, Miss Ed1ia Hele- na Bottrell, passed away, Christmas Day, 1975 at Mary- crest, Peterborough. The daughter of the late Thomas and Jane (McCaf- frey) Bottreil, she was born and educated in Bowmanville. Residing in Toronto, and for 10 yer nBowmanville, she had rsddat Marycrest the past eight years. Miss Bottrell's first employ- ment was with the Canadian Statesman. For 35 years she conducted hier own business as a public stenographer, in Toronto. She had been retired 18 years. A member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, she is survived by Norman Bot- trell, of Toronto, and Greta (Mrs. Eugene Dopp) of Brook- lin. Seven brothers and sisters predeceased lher. Miss Bottrell rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel with service at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, on Monday. Officiating were Rev. Jîm Wilson, Bowmanville, Rev. N. 1Gignac, Oshawa, and Rev. J. Hannah. Also in the Sanctuary were Rev. F. Mihelic, Bow- manville, and a former Pas- tor, Rev. F. K. Malane.