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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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Agricu Itural AaricuItural Education For wishing to find further infor- The Novice Farmer: mation on that course, should A qulestion those of us in the contact Durham College in yMinistry of Agriculture and Oshawa. There are other Food are quite often asked is, courses throughout the pro- "Where can 1 take a course vince and perhaps a few that will at least give me some comments iiiight be in order basic information on farm- on them at thîs time. Their ing? " These people are usual- pur pose is to provide a ly from an urban area and teaching program in applied may either be contemplating agriculture to meet the needs purchasing a farm or have of many Ontario residents who already purchased one, and desire an understanding of find that the going is a bit agriculture or who may wîsh rougher than they had anti- to do some farming. The cipated. Many of them come program is designed not only tg the Ministry of Agriculture to give the 'student a better and Food for bulletins and understan ding of agriculture, general information, but it is a but to helD him sort out the time-consuming thing on their facts and fantasies of opera- part as well as on the part of ting a farm. Correspondenc the Ministry, and we find that Courses are available in most those that have taken an subjects from the University introduc.tory course in the of Guelph. They may vary in various phases of agriculture, depth and the type of course certainly have a background and information is available of information that stands on these courses from the them well in getting started agricultural offices either at into agricultural endeavour. Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peter- There are varîous programs borough, Brighton or Bow- available in the province. manville for this overail area. Durham College has hadl a A question we are often course in the past and anyone asked is,' "What are the requirements'? and the answer deserve to pay IKess for car and fire insuranoe They do at Abstainers'. Because our experience has shown that abstainers have fewer accidents, fewer home fires. That's why we can -n sure for Iess. If you're a non-drinker, can you afford flot to look loto Abstainers' insurance for your home and your car? Osborne & Shank Ins. Agency Ltd. 108 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville - 623-2527 ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY The onlyCanadian Company providing automobile and ire insuranne eiiclusively to abstaîners. to that is a genuine interest and desire to learn more about applied agriculture. Another question that is of ten asked, is 'Who will be doine, the teaching of the course?9' This will vary, dependîng on where the course is being held. In some cases, it will be Univer- sity staff, at others it may be practical farmers who have a training from a university of agriculture, or if it is held in conjunction with one of the universities, it will be profes- sors from the university wîth, in some cases, farmers com- ing in to, lecture on certain phases. Some of the courses that are being offered this year throug h the University of Guelph, but in the Toronto area, are Introductory Agri-. culture Part 1, which starts on rFe=rr 3; Introductory Agriulue Part IL, whic starts on February 5. There will be a Crop Production Course in Toronto starting on February 5 and a Horticul- tural Course starting on Feb- ruary 4 in, Toronto. Also in Toronto will be courses on Reproduction starting on Feb- ruary 3; Farm Machînery on February 2 and Farm Income Tax on February llth. In the case of tlhe University of Guelph sponsored courses, each ten-week course will cost $50 for the individual and $75 for a couple. Each course will, News be equivalent oI 10, two-hour sessions on consecutive weeks commencing at 7:30 p.m. in ahl locations. For further information, 1 would suggest that you write f0 the Applied Agriculture Program, Office for Continu- ing Education, University of Guelph, Guelphi, Ontario or telephone 519-824-4120 Exten- sion 3401. As I have' intimaI ed, we highly recommend these courses f0 someone who May be interested in gettn ome of the basic backgrouin agriculture, but not interested in farming, or to those who do contemplate that they may in due course be involved in agricultural production. Durham Farmers To Discuss Legumes & Fertilîty:, Durham County farmers w.ill have an opportunity on January 9th, starting at 10 a.m. and in the basement of the United Church in Orono to- hear Professor Bob Fulkerson discuss, Winterkill in Alfalfa and related topics and then during the afternoon, two county farmers - Newt Selby with a beef operation at Newcastle and R on Brooks with a poultry operation at Blackstock, along with Profes- sor Tom Lane f rom the University of Gueloh - will discuss How f0 get the most of your home produced fertilizer B3arnyard Manure. This is the Annual Meetingo the Dur- hamn County Sou an Cro? lmrveetAssociation. Wifsatpromptly at 10 a.m. and there is a door prize at 10:15 for those w h o are present. Lunch is provided. The meeting will conclude at 3.30 p.m. Ail farmers are welcome f0 attend this annual event.. HELMET STOLEN An attemptedl burglary proved fruitless Iast week at the Gulf Service Station at, Highway 401 and Liberty Street, Police believe the would- be burglars were Irightened off afler smashing a window and made off with only a snowmiobile helmet which was later recovered near the scene. Get your rear in gear. Take a walk . PaOnCAWG Watt, ., titis t, 't, Ejy The Finest Colour T.V. Reception Own Your Own CABLE TVSYST!M, PRODUCTS Why pay montnly payments Mien you can own your own system for as low as 19900e 'InstaIId - TaX InleIaIe Recoiue clear. recentirnnf channels 2.3.4*5.6.7e *9* 'e11*12e17e19*22e25,29 Delhi UHF/VH Fcomblnation antenna, rotor, 40' tower structure, cable direct ta yOur TV Phone for Free Estimates Todaýy on Repaîis and Aterations to Your Present Antenna Syst.m. uta,. Receives General Motors Life Saving Award At a special dinner held in his honor at the Holiday Inn recently, 22-year-old David Kennedy recei'ved, the General Motors life saving award. Credited with saving a fellow GM worker from serlous injury in a September, 1974, accident, Mr. Kennedy (second from left) is congratulated on the award by: (froM, left) B. J. Cîeslik, Director of Safety, General Motors Corporation; Roland Hagerman, safety representlative for UAW Local 222, and D. H. MePherson, President and General Manager, General Motors of Canfada. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ray- mond, Orîhhia spent the Christ- mas holidays with1 their daughter and son-in-law~ Joan and Reg Brock and enj yed ia reinlnice visit with thegirls, .Linda ,in the witlî Iheir parents fo the tommen- holidays.1 ean that Marilyno, Russ, KIaren, ,a would John and Alex Dow spent a rsewage pleasant Christmas h , liday 1700 per with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i vent ofl Wm. Dow, Metcalfe, Ont. ýand >s instead late '. ith h 'r mother, M~rs. ax levy. Wmn -PaGe, Montréal. to the They ail enjoyed the Çhrist- iCoun, mas dinner with Mariynn's ,a) advis- sister's famiiy, Mr. an~ Mrs. 1 limit to Derek Kaye also of Mor treal, Oshawa Guests on Christmas Day P with '; with Arline and Lloyd ýAyre, n councîl Cindy and John were iC ndy regional and Terry Russel, Mr iand for aride Mrs. Charles Brockman ýurged Oshawxa and Mrs, F. lNorth' le sewer cutt. Christmnas Day visitorýwith Eleanor antd Ray Van!lVeer Garnet and famnily were hier fatheër Mr. oloig Ly~le Èrock, and Mr. and Mrs. vton KeItt McGill and famýly ofi 'A Iuio Fi îkln Un-fortuna t ely tave the Mîs Brock was unable! té, be e-o pened p.itlIbis family gatherinu. The ýeting on VanlVeer's spent New Year's eMayor Day in Enniskillen wîth the ýscmdîng mcGills. We are pleased to welcome The possibility of establish- ing a uniform rate for sewer services- throughout the Re-, i onal Municipality of Dur- am appears doubtful, if procedural "Ace in the Hole", întroduced by Oshawa Mayor Jim. Potticary, stands as a 'firm Legality. The entire il-member Osh- aîwa caucus of Regional Coun- ,il allowed the debate over the Regionat rate to drae on for more than three hours on Dec. l7th, urging against, a un- iform sewer rate anci pusiiing instead for retura to the chargeback system of financ- îng, before Mayor Potticary dropped his bombshell. On defeat of the Oshawa request for the chargeback system, Mayor Potticary stat- ed that under a 1974 decision of Regional Council the entire debate on the sewer rate was C cedecision he referred to was made on April 3, 1974 when council dictated that the "1annual debt expense, maint- enance and operating costs associated with sewer and sewage treatment facilities be charged back to the area municipalities benefifting from such services." It was Mayor Potticary's contention, therefore, that the ý revious resolution would ave t o be recinded, an action that would require 20 of the 30 votes of council, before a regional rate could even be considered. In view of the il Oshawa votes and a subsequent ally in Newcastle Counc. Ken LyalI such a recinding vote coula not be accomplished. Lt was pointed out by Coun. John Aker, during a recess to check on Coun. Potticary's dlaim, that the move could prolong the sewer issue for another year, until another councîl 15 eîected. Coun. Aker and Cc Dewar both admil BIFOCALSALE qbâeoele- January Sale endsSaturday 17, 1976 This price includes: 0 clînice of 65 trame styles, shapes and colours 0 youî prescription in white, rose or green lenses 0 one year replacement warranty against breakage 0 your choice of case from wide selection 0 4-o)z. bottle of eyeglass cleaning solution 0 Bifýcals in KRYPTOK, FLAT-TOP or ULTEX styles Chargex accep ted. KRYPTOK ULTEX FLAT-TOP HOURS: 23 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9-5 Friday 9-9 Monday Closed Phone: 728-1261 Next wveek YOU mil buy the finest National Bi dli cîUality Bifocal glaises, complete wvith the tramec your choice, at the one low discounit price of oil $38.50. Oculists' prescriptions f illed at the same price. Latest rnod and metal styles are only $13.( more. Special lenses and tints are also available ai low discnount prices. COMPLUTE SINGLE VISION G LASSES STILL ON LY $31.0 Broken frames repaired or replaced vhîle you wa King, iý PCOM PAN Y entire Oshawa caucus were aware of the 1974 decision and were using it, only as a last resort. There appears to be, how- ever, some question as to whether Mayor Potticary's dlaim will hold water as Coun. George Ashe(Pickering) who is chairman of the finance commnittee suggested. Coun. Ashe said he felt that because of changes in Bill 162 through the Regional Munic- ipalities Amenment Act, of 1975, Coun. Potticary's claim might be unfounded. The changes to which Coun. Ashe referred apparently state that a- region can no longer charge back capital costs to a local municipality and he insisted that such a fact would make the 1974 decision illegai. "In any event that's a legal decision our solicitor will have to make," Coun. Ashe said, "and 'm sure the City of Oshawa will have its legal eager beavers at work on the matter as well." It was also pointed out by the Pickering councillor that under the chargeback system and using the general levy, residentiai ratepayers in the region are providing subsidy on sewer costs for industry. He added that a regional rate would at least see the industries charged for what they use in respect to sewers. The main concern which Oshawa councillors seemed to hold was that a regional rate would see sewers paid for on the water bill by the user rather than the tax bill as is the present case in, the city. Also,-according to the Gore_ ited the Dmg A collision involving three vehicles on 401 the afternoon of Dec. 20, partly the resuit of a previous single vehicle spill, resulted in total damage of $2,000. Newcastle OYPP were on the scene of the first mishap a single vehicle roll over which lef t a,1974 Capri operafed by Richard Hoekstra of R.R. 2, Baltimore with damage of $225. A Brock's Towing truck, which, had arn 'ed to remove the roll over from the median, was parked on the north shoulder facing west when struck by a 1963 Chevy IL. The Chevy, driven by John W. Angold, age 68, Tamworth, is reported by police to have skidded while trying to stop and struck the left rear of the tow truck to the tune of $100 damage. The Angold vehicle was then struck on the right sîde by a second westbound vehicle, a 1975 Mustang, operated by Harvey Grant Weber of Kitch- ener. The second impact left the Angold vehicle wîth total damage of $500 while the Weber vehicle sustained dam- age estîmated at $1,400. d, firit Weber and Allan Brock, of driver of the tow-truck, re- Y mained uninjured while I ow Angold was taken to Memorial O0O Hospital, Bowmanville hy t ambulance for treatment of minor injuries.' Both the 12:15 p.m. Hoekstra mishap and the 12:45 ai. p.m. three vehicie crash were Constable Dave Cook while numerous cruisers were set up rf some distance east of the mishap to slow down approaching traffic. Blowing s now is listed as a contrîbuting factor fo the second accident, considerably reducing visibility. and Storrie report, a document that resuit( rgnal rate rec( dtoit would me industries in Oshaw, have to pay more for (some as hîgh as1 cent) when the region a user rate for sewern of using the general t Seeking a return charge-back system Allan Pilkey (Osha- « ed council '1heîe is a the ainount of money taxpayers can come u Headded hat wher earier approved a water rate 'we went I, on that one", but restraint in passîrîg tl rate. Reconsider Newcastle Mayor Rickard indicafed t defeat by an 18-12 rescinding the 1974 n' that he intends to h controversial issue ni at counci's next me( Jan. 7. At that timne Riekard wants the reý motion reconîsdered. Sure' I'tv' taken son in, i n my life. But one in n gaînble on lis rnyftu ref The stales arc just hîuh. Ai 1t. wbfl 1 starteci rnol{in.j into retirement savings plans. and i founci ont they'renoct ai! alikec Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bow Ted Gerrits back home, last Sunday after , ý 1,.ý to-week holiday in Barba- dos. Ted was pleased to meet r'9~~~ t sveral of theïr apple pickers y ~* ~aga ýin and was delighted that Sone 'of -the workers met hima and hiatfrend at the aîrport andlatrshowed them 50o many of the interesting sights jof the Island. '~Between twent y-five and Sthirty of the neighbours gath- erevd at the home of Eleanor and Patti VanMeer, last Mon., for a miscellaneous shower for j .Joanne Fayer whose wedding took place on Sat. Jan. 3rd. Although taken hy surprise, Joanne v5as delighted to take *~the chair of honour and to see yagain so many of the neigh- bours. She was assisted, in the <junwrapping of her many lovely gifts, by her sister Evelyn. A special guest at this ï. party was trie groom's mother Mrs. Anne Koopmans from and I-Jeathr ~ J JanetBrgtIi îltad Eleanor yVantr tr thanking eaçh oi 1i gucýs tor, this 'lovely îiemembrance, Jo, anne invited everyone to corne to the church to see her wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin and Carol,i Peterborough, along with Carol's finance' spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Martin s sister, Joan and Reg. Brock and family. New Year's Day guests with the Brocks included Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brock from Bowman- ville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Wendy and John, Cindy and 'Ferry Russell, Oshawa were guests at the Moreton-Ayre wedding Sat., Dec. 27th, in Zion United Church with the reception I llowing at the FlyiogiDutc main.ý ATTENTION FARMEýRS! WHîYPAT MoR E? 'SAVE N PREMIUM QUALITrY GAS -,.DIEýEL FUEL MbTOI OIL Prompt Delive ry Please call Co liect DXel 8-3381 Teon" thaf made the rlifferu-'ces for mne is the Toronto Domnionî Retircue-nt Savings [) posiîr it has all11-1b2 n f a ibanis dý,o sît bu ut rîght in andi is nr ubjec t to stocks market fluîctuîations. 1 can put mone mIn t twheneverc 1 want. my intercst is compc)incld twîcc yearIi. and as lon~g as if stays in the plan, it's ta> firce. -t'le TD RSD caros-a higher interest rate than a savîngs accounit. andi f I movée. my RSD move,('s with nie, lo any of the I [)branchies across C anîada. - But whaf's best of ail is that 1 isnow my money is as secu'te as the FD Banki lîseif. Andl that means rny ïfutlure is secure. So if you're interestccl in a safe bet. start your TIRetiremnent Savings Deposit today. TORNTODOM INION.I the bank where pýiople make the dîfferenre With Potticary's "Ace in Hale" Oshawa Caucus Puts Block on Hope for Regional Sewer Rate MINISTRY 0F RVNE ASSESSMENT REGIONÏ NO. 13 Q 605 Rossland Road E. Whitby, Onlarîo ToAil Take notice that pursuant to Section 40 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 32, (as amended) RSO, 1970, 1 have on the 6th day of January, 1976 delivered or caused to be delivered ASSESSMENT NOTICES to al owners or tenants in this Region. The last day for appealing the A-,ssess- ment Notice is February llth, 197ý6anth Assessmnent Roll may be examnined î0t the MAunicipal Office during regulaer bsns hours comrmencîog Jan.uaryist 96 W.H ARLL Regýinal sesetComsinr ...b tfonlting l1il bot on Us yTD Riment Savings Plan.

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