On Satunday, December 6, 1975 la Trnity United Chunch, Bowmanviile, the manriage was soiemnized of Joyce Elaine, daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Marvîn Allen, Bowman- ville and Randaîl Keith, son of Mn. and Mns. Harold Jenkins, Toronto. Rev. N. Wesley Oake officiated. The organist was Mn. John Crookshaak and the soloist was Mn. Fred Den- sham, Oshawa. The bride was escorted down the aisle by hen f ather in N ET Mn. and Mn. lh Da m oand, a n d .ch-ildrýe n, of Brid ge- water. Nova Scotia, speat Christmas with Mn. and Mns. Rai p h Mclnnes and family. Th Chater ways Christmas Party was held in Newcastle Community Hall and local eople attending included; Mn. and Mns. Bert Tompkins, Mn. and Mns. nay Tompkins, Mn. and Mns . Melvihi e Samis, Mn. and Mrs. E. Webster, Mn. and Mns. Hugh Stapleton, Mn. and Mns. Pat Osborne, Mn. and Mrs. Ewant Robinson. Mns. Bougeie spent Christ- masý and New YIea's with Mrs. Alian Medows, Oshawa. Mn . and Mns. Lanny Cooper, Shannon and Tara, and Mns. Daisy Paeden, aIl of Bowýman- ville, were recent visitons with i Mn- and Mns. Wiifned Paedeîî.i Miss Penny Webster enter- taiaed a numben of young people at a supper party at hen home, last Satunday. ,Mn. and Mns. Roy Beck of Toronto, wene overnight Suests with Mn. and Mrs. Pat ardaen and family, at Christ- mas. Last Moaday, the Newton- ville Bnownies, together with thein leaders, Jean Kimbaîl, Marilyn Baker and Mauneen Powell, and a couple other mnothers who wished to attend, went to the afternoon showing of the "Nutcracken Ballet"~, at the O'Keefe Centen. They drove to Pickering and took the Go-Train. The other moth- ens were Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Harness, Mns. Barnoski; and Mns. Weatherup. Tennis and Badminton has nesumed, on Suaday eveniags at Newtonville School. Christmas dinner guests with Mr, aad Mrs. Don Stapto wereMn and Mns., N i tapleto a, of, Toronto, Gary, Stapleton, of Hamilton, Mn ad rs Buce Donnelly, Lori-Anne and Darneli of Pont Hope, Mr. and Mns. Gordon Morton aad Kevin of Kendal. Mr. and Mns. S. J. Lancas- ter, with Mrs. Roy Nichols, Bowmanville wene tea guests with Mns. Cedric Pansons, Courdice. Sunday evening. a floor leagth gown of white silk jersey, with an empire bodice, aad matchiag hood. She carried a bouquet of Jackie Kennedy roses and babys bneath. Miss Mary Beatson, Toronto was Maid of Honon and Mn. Frank Penny, Toronto was best man. The reception was held at the Holiday Ian, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Jenkins are now residing at 759 Second St., Apt. 105, London, Ont. N VILLE As usual, the New Year's Eve Annual Party, here was a g eat success, with 125 sitting own to the suppen in the Sunday School Hall. After- ward, ail went to Community Hall and danced to the music of "The Additions". Mrs. Denemo of Port Hope, was the chosen "Lady of the Year", and pictunes were takea by no less a pensonage thani the Editor of "The Statesman", Mr. Johnny James! 11ev. and Mrs. Tommy Smith of Newcastle, attended the suppen and dance, New Yean s -Bye, with .1ev. and Mns. Montgomery,sta yed ovenni gtand spent New Yea'sDay at the Manse. Mns. Bea Jones entertained the following as dinnen guests, at the Coronation Restaurant in Bowmanville, New Year's Day: Mn. and Mrs. Canman Cornish, Cheryll and John, and Mrs. Annie Cornish, of Onono, Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Jones and Mrs. Leone Lane. Mn. and Mrs. Laurnace Gilmer Tonawanda, N.Y. wene cinner guests, New Yea's Day with Mn. and Mns. Phil Gilmen and family. With Mn. and Mns. Jack Ehiott New Year's Day were Mn. and Mns. Jim Imlach and Dale, Mn. and Mrs.' Robent Imlach, Cobourg, Mn. and Mns. David Imlach, and Paul. With Mn. and Mrs. F. Gilmen wene Mn. and Mns. P. J. Rowe, Viewlake as dînnen guests, while Laurnce and Phil Gilmen and son, Blaine, wene afteraoon caihens. Mn. and Mrs. Pat Gardner, Leslie and Tim, spent the latter part of ast week fnom Wedaesday on, with fiends at Big Bay Point Marina, nean Barrie. 1ev. and Mrs. Gordon Moatgomey were dinner Suests with 1ev. and Mns. T. mith and party, Tuesday evening in Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. George Kim-, bail, Newcastle wene Friday afternoon visitons with Mn. and Mns. F. Gilmen while Miss Inez Symons, 'and Mr. Joe Radznîkynas were Satunday aftennoon visitors, hene. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones with Mrs. Bea Jones and Mr. anid Mrs. Earl Waikey, spent Friday evening with Miss Joan yWalkey, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Whit- field, of Grafton, accompanied by their gnandchildren, Dian- na and Bradley Stuckless of Roseneath were dinner uyests Frîday, with Mr. and M1rs. W. Paeden. Saturday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancast- er, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade of Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones. Mr. Roy Smith's bithday was celebrated here Satunday evening, with an intense Bridge session won by the men (unfortunately!). 11ev. Montgomery's Sunday morning topitè was "The Eterfial meaniniz of Jesus'". while the choir sang "In the Garden". The Sacrament of Holy Communion was administer- ed, with Eiders Bea Jones, Amelia Lancaster, Cinton Farrow, and Sidney Lancaster assisting. Greeting the con- gregation at the door and banding out bulletins, were Margaret Elliott and Bea Jones. The annual meeting of the Officiai Board of this Pastoral charge, will be held in our Sunday School hall on Thursday, Jan. 8, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson to Kingston, Sunday afternoon, taking the latter's daughter, Carol back to college. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer included, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, son Jeff, daughter Lynn, and fiend Ken Swales, of Port Hope. This was a sort of celebration for Jim's birth- day (Monday) so0lhe was given the job of making a wish and blowing out the candles on the birthday cake, (we won't tell just how many!). Oursympath is extended to Mrs. Janet aeden on the sad new of the death oÏlher eldest brother, Mr. Chnis Thomson of Dumfries, Scotland. Our weekly meetings in the Library Room in Newtonville School, of our Senior Citizen's Group, will resume, Thurs- day, Jan. 8, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. We understand a showing of films has been arranged. Everyone welcome, in this age group. PONRTYPOOL Vern Kish, leader of our local Cub group, and his son Rodney, gathered donations oThrsay for the Ch. 9 Telethon for Cystic Fibrosis. Mr. and Mns. Kîsh, Teresa and Rodney took the $67.00 that was collected to C.F.T.O. and wene seen on television Thurs- day afternoon. Local families holidaying in Florida at the present time are Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Richardson, Paul and Harry, and Mr. and Mrs. Bant Medd, and their childnen, Kim, Dwayne and Karen. They report very cool weather in the south. Pontypool United Church was the scene of a baptism on Sunday morning when çShan- non, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trotter, was christened. Several family relatives and friends were present at the service. Local citizens convey their s rnpathy to the families of týlate Mrs. Letîtia (Letty) Carter and the late Mrs. John Allan who passed away re- centiy. Our former postmis- tress - a cancer patient for almost two years, succumbed la Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 27th. A cmplete funeral service was heldfrero Monday, Dec. 29th, in the Mackey Funeral Home. Mrs. Allan passed away on Wednes- day, Dec. 31st, at her home. Burial service was held in Toronto. Mr. George Peneder has been visitiag relatives in Austria for the past three weeks. Grant Mitchell and Harold Hogel spnt fthe Christmasg Louanne M. Ayre was mar- ried to Ross D. Moreton, both of Sarnia, on Saturday, December 27th, 1975, in a candelight double ring cere- mony, in Zion UnitedCthurch, R.R.1, Hampton. 11ev. Paul Erb officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Boyd Ayre, 1.1.1, Hampton, Ont., and the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Moreton. 107 Victoria Dr., Baie d'Urfe, Quebec. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formai gown of siik peau de soie fashioned with a Vic- torian neckline and long sheath sleeves. The empire bodice outlined with Alencon lace and sheer yoke enhanced an A-ne skirt with appliques and the Country Hîts with Lloyd Brown calling the squares' During the evening special music was layed fon Sandra Fallis and Muray Thompson on terengage- ment - also for DannyKnp and his fiancee and for Percy Beggs ceiebrating his binth- day on New Yea's Day. Music at Baliyduff was sup- pied by Mns. Everett Brown of Orono and Dave Masters. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Cilbank of .11. 2, Lndsay, heid a Newv Yea's Eve party at thein home. Attending fnom this anea wene Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Thomas, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Gilbank, Mn. and Mns. Jim McMullen. Mn. and Mrs, Keith Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stinson and Mn. and Mrs. George Timms. Home for the hoidays with their families were Mn. and Mns. Gary VanDam and Tammv o! Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Jim Beggs and Crystal of Pont Elgin and Mn. and Mrs. John VanWieringen of Kincar- dine. Local house parties on New Yea's Eve wene held by Mn. and Mns. Ron Sutch and by Mn. and Mns. Roy Gaynon. Mn. and Mrs. Or ville Chai- lice and Denise will be leaving Pontypool shortly to take up nesidence in Bowmanviiie. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Fisk and Mn. and Mns. Eari Armitage and fàmîly attended a double-celebration at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Norm Lyon in Oshawa on Jan. 3rd. It was Karen's 4th bîrthday as well as a behated New Yea's dînner. An 18-year-old, R.R.1 Hampton man was siated for Court appearance Monday (Jan. 5) on two charges of theft under $200. Larry James Aiman was arnested on Wednesday, even- ing, Dec. 17,' at Oshawa's Five Points Mail when he attempt- ed to obtain a nefund for four steaks hie claimed he had purchased on Tuesday. Unfortunateiy for Mn. Ail- man the steaks were dated Wednesdav. 1Mn. Alîman had also been arnested and released on an appearance notice earlien la, the day for thef t of three pairs of jeans from Zeilens vaiued at $5795. Barry Cowan, 24, oî î-ine Street, Bowmar-,rille, wds also to appean in court Tuesday (Jan. 6th) on a change Of possession of Phencychidine. Mn. Cowan was stopped by Durhamn Regional Police ne- cently while walking on Bonù Street in Oshawa. The matenial was sent to Toronto for anal?7sis. A Bowmanvie Juvenile accused of possession of marijuana and of smoking the substance through a ping pong bail found in a car has not had a court date set. of matchîng lace falling into a chapel train. Hen camelot cap of embnoidened lace held a bouffant veil of silk illusion. She carried a cascade of bridai white roses accented with holly. Linda Smith of 11.11.4, Landsdowne, Ont., was maid of honon. Mrs. Eric Bowman, 11.11.1, Enniskillen, Ont. was brides- maid. Mn. Nickolas Goshorn, of Prince George, B.C. acted as best man. lJshers were Messrs. John Moreton, of Baie d'Urfe, Quebec, brother of the groom and Stuart A y e, of 11.111, Hampton, brother of the bride. The reception was held at the Flying Dutchmaa Moton Inn, Bowmanville. .The newlyweds will reside at 951 Hollands Ave., Sarnia. The bride and groom are both graduates of Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. The bride is cunrently teach- onj a Hannna Memtionial Shoand the gom sa chemîical engineer with the Imperia] 011 Company. Photo by Ireland Studio Showers Prion to hen marriage to Ross D. Moneton, Louanne Manie Ayne was hononed at several showers. A community showen and coffee brunch was held in Zion United Church. A luncheon and miscellan- eous showen was co-hosted by Mns. Arnold Gardner of Oshawa and Mns. Lloyd Ayne, aunts of the bride, at the home of Mrs. Ayne. A family presentation was hostedby a great-aunt, Mrs. Charles Nayon, of Oshawa, assisted by daughtens, Mns. Douglas Dodge, of PickerIng and Mns. Walter Haass, of Taunton., A buffet luncheon and miscellaneous shower was co-hosted by Mns. Carl Brad- ley, of 1.1.1, Hampton and Mrs. Allan Thompson, at the home of Mns. Alan Thomp- son, of Taunton. A preseatation by the staff of Hlanna Memonial School, Sarnia. Mn. and Mrs-.. Boyd Ayne entertained the wedding party at thein home followinig the nehearsal. KENDAL çhîtended for Last Week) The December meeting of the Women's Institute, was held at the home of Mns. W. H. Poster. It started with a pot luck dinnen followed by a Christmas Party. Eaclh mem- ber contributed a number which provided varied pro- gram. Laten, Santa and his helpers arrived and gifts were handed out to each member. Miss Catherine Stewart spent a few days Christmas week with hen niece and famîly Mn. and Mrs. Dan Keane and family of Scarbor- ough.ý Karen, David and Christine Elliott of Ma ple each spent a couple of days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellîott. Dr. and Mrs. Norman MacKenzie of Toronto spent the Christmas week at their cottage and attended church on Sunday in Kendal. With Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Thertell on Christmas were Mn. and Mrs. Larry Evans, Mark and Michelle and on Satunday, Mn. and Mrs. Evans held the family gathering including Mn. and Mns. Ernest Knapp and two daughtens of Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Gary Thentell and two sons, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Ther- tell and Onville. Christmas visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Lynn were Mn. and Mns. Wayne Bailey and two sons of Onono, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Dinnen and family of Port Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Little and family of Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. R. Neal and family, Newcastle, Mn. and Mns. R. Little of Oshawa. Mrs. W. H. Foster spent Christmas Day with Mn. and Mns. Robent Cannuthens and family of Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Garland Cathcant and Mn. Arthur Thompson spent Christmas with their aunt Mns. Lena Bunwash of Cobourg and during the week they enter- tained Mn. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mrs. M. Bittrof f and daughten Joan ail of Vancouver, B.C., Mn. and Mrs. Michael Stinson, on- Kingston. Mn. and Mrs. Allen Foster and her mothen, Mns. Marlatt visited Mns. A. Cowie of Norwich oven the weekend. Christmas day visitons with Mn. and Mns. Eddie Couroux, Marie and Lynn were Mn. and Mns. Ray Moore, Mn. and Mns. Ronnie Moore and Brenda, Mn. and Mrs. Gary Moore and daughters al of Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Leo Demontigny and son Ernie of Kitchener, Mn. and Mrs. P. Thompson of North Bay, Mns. U. Couroux of Cache Bay, Mn. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff and two daughtens, Mn. and Mns. Ray Couroux and Scott of Hampton. Mn. and Mns. R, Elliott and Harhand Elliott spent a couple of days at Christmas with Mn. and Mns. Neil Elliott and family at Maple Leaf. Dinner guests on Monday evening with Mn. and Mrs. R. Elliott wene Mn. and Mrs. Harland, Seens, of Bailiebono, Mns. T e Canadia Statesman, Bowmanville, Januiary 7, 1976 Aýuýýew Dew nd Miss Clara -Mr. -and Mrs . --iiry Therti Se ns both of Peterborough, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarenice Miss Marga et Seens of Therteil and Orville, Mr. and Ottawa, Hanl nd Elliott and Mrs. Ernest Knapp and two Christine Ehl ott. Margaret daughters of Bowmanville, Seens remain d for several Master Kevin Tiherteil retur.,n- day s visit. ed with his auný Mrs. Kna-Lp. Çhristmas d y visitors with for a few days., Mi s Helen B yd, Fred Boyd With Mr. ani Mrs. Jack an Fred Wils n were Mr. and Carscadden were Mr. and Mr . George Palmer, and Mrs. Edward Carscadden and Mn. Stan Pal er of Elizabeth- family, Mr. and Mrs. Argus vile, Mr. an Mrs. Dennis Curtis and family. Clou gh and aughters from With Joyce Siwilth were Miss Bewdley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clara Seens of P'eterborough, Patton from Orono, Ronnie Miss Margaret Seens of and Jimmy Cl ncy of Toronto Ottawa and Mr.ý and Mrs. R. and CharlieB shop. Elliott. With Mn.and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton Canscadden nd family on were with M. and Mrs. Christmas w ne his parents, Harold Allin of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carscad Miss Helen Boyd, Fred Boyd den and Bruc , and Mr. and and Fred Wilson were at Mr. Mrs. Argus C rtis and family. and Mrs. George Palmer oý We are gla to report our Elizabeth. minister Rev. G. Montgomery With Miss Catherine Stew- has heen wel enough to he art wene Mr,. and Mrs. back this pa t two Sundays. Garland Cathcant, Mr. Arthur Thetoi of is message last Thompsn and M.Jh Sunday was' lhe Road to New McKevey. Life'. H1e told us of four ways Saturday dinner guests with we may choo e on the road of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cath- life. On Ja uary the 4th. cart were Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Sacrament ervice will be Thompson, Mrs. Mary Bittroff held. and aughter Joan before Sorry to r port Mr. Thos. leaving for home in Van- Gasson has b en a patient in couver, B.C. Toronto Hos ital over the Sunday morning Rev. G. Christmas seý son.» We hope hie Montgomery's sermon was will soon be ell again. Mns. entitled 'The Eternal Meaning Gasson and Barbara spent of Jesus' taken from Isaiah 53. Christmas wi h their daughter The New Creed was read in Charlene in oronto. usison and Sacrament was New iÉear s visitors with observed. "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 JIoptal A 133 rhmmrch Stree~t Bowmanvîlle Fr esn Fluwer and ODried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS-WEDOINGS HOSPITAL and HOME r organization is interested'in a Free Floral Demonstration, please contact us. cDîq~j OQean~~ Ctiue~Qe "My wife ex ! lored my pockets last night.- "Did she find anything?" "About the samé, as every explorer. Enough material for a- lecture." CL0THEý CARE HINT: Garments ar e ruined by pressing ay nome. Proper equipment is necessa ry toý do good pressing. OFF ICIAL OPENING 0F THE EDNA TH OMSON DAY CARE CENTRE FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th, 197Î6 Bowmanvlle Cleaners' Ltd. 84 King St. W. 623-5520 L~~IS, "We SpecîaaUze in Shirt ~CLENER'laundering" Jenkins- Allen Wedding Moreton- Ayre Wedding Attention Senior Citizens!! New ears Sec aisNOo Oli Coneto The Hairport I <'<~ 201% Discount on I Permainents - Coloring - Sets - etc. Specials on Permanents for Everyone!! NOW-iONLYI INOW ONLYI NOW ONLYI Prices kn effect Jan. 8 to Jan. 31 Please Ca 11623-4901 for Appointment Hairort tyling 133 Cflurch tre Bowmanville